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Why wear a Dishdasha and walk down Sukhumvit jutting your belly out with a hands behind back?


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I wonder what is up with these guys. Is it a thing thing of particular cultural significance? I would think standing up straight instead of slouched backwards with hands clasped behind the back would make one look more appealing, younger, and definitely less corpulent. Why purposely bend backwards?

Edited by arunsakda
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I hate Arabs. Do you? If so could you say something nasty about them here. It'll be kind of cool a bunch of us TVers bashing them Ali Babas. Say something to their face? What do you mean? That's risky. If I had that kind of balls I wouldn't be hiding behind a TV alias would I? Heh, heh.

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I was so surprised to see a report once about this piece of wear.

To us they might look all the same.

Indeed there are subtle differences which are enough to identify which country one comes from e.g.

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1. Why do you care?

2. What harm is it doing anyone?

3. If you so bothered by it, why not ask them about it?

... or the OP could ask them to stop it as it annoys him.

I don't approach strangers on the street, especially to comment on their appearance or behavior nor did I say anything about Arabs. Dishadasha are worn by many peoples and anyway it is s not valid to assume a person is of a particular nationality based on appearance or costume. The German in Chiang Mai who always wore Scots national dress comes to mind. As none here are able to reply other than to spew a bit of venom I'll ask elsewhere.

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I was so surprised to see a report once about this piece of wear.

To us they might look all the same.

Indeed there are subtle differences which are enough to identify which country one comes from e.g.

It goes further than nationality...to ethnicity/ sect/tribal connection.

On a completely unrelated matter, going into a public toilet in Saudi and similar places it is odd but understandable why the ratio of stalls to urinals is about 20/1. Those garments must be a bugger if you need to pee in a hurry.

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1. Why do you care?

2. What harm is it doing anyone?

3. If you so bothered by it, why not ask them about it?

... or the OP could ask them to stop it as it annoys him.

I don't approach strangers on the street, especially to comment on their appearance or behavior nor did I say anything about Arabs. Dishadasha are worn by many peoples and anyway it is s not valid to assume a person is of a particular nationality based on appearance or costume. The German in Chiang Mai who always wore Scots national dress comes to mind. As none here are able to reply other than to spew a bit of venom I'll ask elsewhere.

nice try at back pedalling in order to distance yourself from your opening post. You made unflattering comments based on a particular groups cultural dress and physical appearance in attempt to start something and you got called out for it. Now you try and throw fault back on the posters who responded? Poor form.


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