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Video: Thai PM: I have never been against democracy

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Prayuth may actually be making a honest personally statement. Kind of admitting that the coup was not his making but directed or ordered by others. Think he is trying to say something covertly.

So you are suggesting that Prayut has a hidden deep side??

He is doing a excellent job of hiding it from the public!!thumbsup.gif

But your post raises an interesting question: Who gives orders to the Chief of Armed Forces??.............

I would imagine that there is no need for "orders" as they seem to be in complete agreement regarding how they want to run the country...

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I am not a Prayuth apologist, I don't like his retro ' lets return to our glorious past' way of thinking however, at this particular point in time he is probably the best of a pretty poor bunch. His vision for Thailand is so limited but at least he most likely understands what farang Tv posters fail to grasp and it is this.... 'What makes you think that democracy as we know it in the west is suitable for Thailand'? Hell, Western democracy is often no more than the political arm of multinational companies. My worry over this guy is a 'Catch 22'.... 'We can't have a referendum on the constitution because the masses aren't educated enough to analyse the political situation BUT... we will not educate the population'... and this has been a failure of all parties.

I fear that eventually Thailand will revert to type after elections ..corruption, snouts in the trough, protests.

I actually don't find a lot of fault with non elected members but I do find fault when those members only represent the elite and old ways of thinking.

just my two cents worth.

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It interesting to watch the general's body language during his replies.He avoids eye contact with the interviewer, twists and twitches his eyes when he speaks about democracy and moves uncomfortably about.

It would be interesting to have that analyzed by a professional interrogator.

Barely making eye contact means you are not straight and a liar or that you are shy, but i think its the first one, because clowns are mostly not that shy.

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