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staying in phetchbun


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I am visiting Thailand and for the last 15 years and at the last 5 years staying with my Thai wife. We tried Bangkok at a small apartment of one room and after a nice condo of one bedroom but decided to try our luck at phetchbun and rented a nice two bedroom house.my wife have friends in the villages around and she is quit happy. As for me life hear is cheaper than in Bangkok and I get an higher life qualify. Traffic is easy , I have near home an Olympic swimming pool.

What I miss is flange friends ( I didn't have also in Bangkok) to be able from time to time to have a drink and nice talk together.

I am 68 years old .

If you know flange in and around phetchabun please let me know .

PM me.

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The best way to meet folk is to get out and about around the town and show your face.

People are always weary of new faces around here,if you like/play golf a lot of the guys play on a Friday at the Battle Horse army golf club.

Be advised some are tough nuts to crack,they tend to have a circle of friends and stick with them,it's taken me six years to establish a small base of associates of whom maybe two or three fellow Englishmen I could call friends.

That said I don't live in Phetchabun I'm further up the 21 in Lom Sak.

In Expat circles in rural areas like this it's sometimes a case of having to meet up with folk you may not normally associate with.

A classic example of that is the fact that the guys I met up with on Saturday for a beer at the local market ranged in age from 55 to 80,I'm 35 but adaptable lol.

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Stoneyboy's post sums it up, zillions of flanges, sorry farangs up here here in Phetchabun and most wouldn't give you a nod in the desert. Try walking around any of the big 3 stores south of the city and see if you get any response, I've seen old codgers dive head first into the frozen fries freezer instead of walk by and say hello.

Good crowd of mixed nationalities at the golf club, meet Tuesday and Friday, at age 68 you will be a mere young un. Its not mandatory to play golf either.

I stopped going to the place called Toffees near the Isuzu dealer in town, too much BS to wade thru and some old Yorkshire git having a pop at me for daring to retire young over here.

Let us know how you get on.

edit for spelling before any of the Phetch Teflers see it.

Edited by phutoie2
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You could always come down to Wichianburi market on a thursday,bit of a hike from Petchabun itself,but about an hour or so in a car,mixed crowd of some English,aussies,dutch,some Germans,not a bad bunch,few oddballs,around midday. Think you have made a good choice,i reckon it is one of the better provinces,just wish it where a little cooler march to june.

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I have been here 8 years at first I attempted to get to know the other foreigners. But was treated rather poorly so gave up. The English guys I met were aggressive as hell and thought I was an ignorant colonist, one american had the nerve to tell thais maybe they couldnot understand me because of my mexican accent. Trash like that, Also so much bullshit waste of time trying to have real conversation. after a while decided who needs them got married and live with and around thais. I hope the OP has better luck than me.

Forgot to mention i met some nice germans but language made it difficult to communicate so stopped.

Edited by lovelomsak
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Doesn't sound too promising.

We'll be moving to near Nong Phai (50km S of Petchabun) in December - retirement. I know about the Battle Horse Golf group - we play, but my wife (Thai) is keener than me.

We'll also be looking for a good builder for our house and workshop - if anyone from Petchabun down to Wichianburi can recommend one.

So if any of you guys who have found the locals a bit unfriendly - I've been known to talk to strangers. PM me.

Once went to the airport in Christ Church to meet friends - they missed their flight, so I took an Aussie couple, just arrived, home instead.

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