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I have 3BB internet in Jomtien. I have been monitoring my internet connection with software. I have found that my I/O goes to zero every hour or so. The only way to fix this is to reboot my computer. The computer will do it on occasion but when it goes to zero rebooting repairs or fixes(temporarily) my connection.

Does anyone have any ideas why this happens. It's like a buffer or a cache or something loads up and crashes my connection. Any ideas at all would help.


What is your 'software' actually monitoring? (or the name of the software if you don't know)

A dropped connection would normally be rectified by rebooting the router not the PC (you are using a router are you not?) so I wonder if it's a local issue rather than a network problem.

Do you have a smartphone connected too, does it also see dropped connections?

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


My phone doesn't drop it's connection. Sometimes rebooting the router helps, sometimes not. The only thing that works all the time is rebooting my computer.

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