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Man burnt alive sparks outcry among Iraq's Sunnis


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Man burnt alive sparks outcry among Iraq's Sunnis
Zaid Sabah

Washington: Iraq's Sunni Muslim officials and religious leaders accused Shiite militias of burning a Sunni man alive in an incident they say show the risk of using the gunmen to fight the forces of the so-called Islamic State.

A video circulated on social media networks purportedly shows fighters from the Imam Ali Brigades, a Shiite militia, smiling and laughing while a man is burnt alive near a town in western Anbar province. It wasn't possible to verify the authenticity of the video.

The Iraqi joint forces command, a body that includes the Shiite militias and Iraqi security personnel under the command of Iraq's armed forces leadership, denied that actions in the video had been conducted by the militias.

Full story: http://www.theage.com.au/world/man-burnt-alive-sparks-outcry-among-iraqs-sunnis-20150601-ghe4gg.html

-- The Age 2015-06-01

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Never before have we seen so many statements made in news articles about the "authenticity" of videos. Current technology allows nefarious folks to create false and believable videos, generated to fan the flames of hatred thus keeping the war machine alive and profitable. I have seen quite credible evidence to support the manufacture of some of these videos and really don't know who to believe any more.

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The Shiite militias may be the best hope in a war against ISIS in Iraq.

They are using the same terror tactics the Sunni ISIS fighters have been using.

Now we will see if ISIS fighters love death as much as they love life.

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The Shiite militias may be the best hope in a war against ISIS in Iraq.

They are using the same terror tactics the Sunni ISIS fighters have been using.

Now we will see if ISIS fighters love death as much as they love life.

I guess you didn't catch the article about squabbles among ISIS members about queue jumping the list for suicide bombers.

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It is amazing that the Western liberals are still permitted to hype their cultural relativity mantra that all cultures and religions are equal, just different. They work very hard to demonize the very cultures they spill their vile from while simultaneously elevating inferior, barbaric behaviors from antiquity. Yes, it is incumbent upon all people to measure, weigh, and judge such peoples and cultures against their own cultural norms and mores, and contrast with their own sense of moral imperatives and right and wrong. Modern politicians would have you disable this and just embrace other cultures as "different." It is absurd to think any culture that enslaves, rapes, murders, beheads, amputates, oppresses, and wars upon others for god deserves equality as a viable alternative to modernity. It is equally ridiculous to assert such barbarity is the work of a few wayward people.

If left unchecked, the entire house of the post enlightenment world will be brought to it's knees and every good promise, every special dream, every private hope, every personal communion with god, every step toward equality in opportunity, everything lovely, everything meaningful, everything self reliant, independent, and fruitful and productive... will be lost as the clock is turned back a thousand years.

This is one more story revealing how the entire fabric that binds these people is diseased, infected, virulent, and only one immunization exists.

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It is amazing that the Western liberals are still permitted to hype their cultural relativity mantra that all cultures and religions are equal, just different. They work very hard to demonize the very cultures they spill their vile from while simultaneously elevating inferior, barbaric behaviors from antiquity. Yes, it is incumbent upon all people to measure, weigh, and judge such peoples and cultures against their own cultural norms and mores, and contrast with their own sense of moral imperatives and right and wrong. Modern politicians would have you disable this and just embrace other cultures as "different." It is absurd to think any culture that enslaves, rapes, murders, beheads, amputates, oppresses, and wars upon others for god deserves equality as a viable alternative to modernity. It is equally ridiculous to assert such barbarity is the work of a few wayward people.

If left unchecked, the entire house of the post enlightenment world will be brought to it's knees and every good promise, every special dream, every private hope, every personal communion with god, every step toward equality in opportunity, everything lovely, everything meaningful, everything self reliant, independent, and fruitful and productive... will be lost as the clock is turned back a thousand years.

This is one more story revealing how the entire fabric that binds these people is diseased, infected, virulent, and only one immunization exists.

Yeah yeah - good bit of blurb, but what is the immunisation you refer to (as if we didn't know) and how (in all honesty) do you propose it be carried out.

Anyone with an ounce of intelligence or morality for that matter knows it's a disease and also from where it stems. But no one yet has a viable cure (immunisation haha - yeah - lets develop a vaccine)

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It is amazing that the Western liberals are still permitted to hype their cultural relativity mantra that all cultures and religions are equal, just different. They work very hard to demonize the very cultures they spill their vile from while simultaneously elevating inferior, barbaric behaviors from antiquity. Yes, it is incumbent upon all people to measure, weigh, and judge such peoples and cultures against their own cultural norms and mores, and contrast with their own sense of moral imperatives and right and wrong. Modern politicians would have you disable this and just embrace other cultures as "different." It is absurd to think any culture that enslaves, rapes, murders, beheads, amputates, oppresses, and wars upon others for god deserves equality as a viable alternative to modernity. It is equally ridiculous to assert such barbarity is the work of a few wayward people.

If left unchecked, the entire house of the post enlightenment world will be brought to it's knees and every good promise, every special dream, every private hope, every personal communion with god, every step toward equality in opportunity, everything lovely, everything meaningful, everything self reliant, independent, and fruitful and productive... will be lost as the clock is turned back a thousand years.

This is one more story revealing how the entire fabric that binds these people is diseased, infected, virulent, and only one immunization exists.

Yeah yeah - good bit of blurb, but what is the immunisation you refer to (as if we didn't know) and how (in all honesty) do you propose it be carried out.

Anyone with an ounce of intelligence or morality for that matter knows it's a disease and also from where it stems. But no one yet has a viable cure (immunisation haha - yeah - lets develop a vaccine)

You are correct. Even considering what seems like a last remaining option for self preservation is so shocking and disagreeable that we as a western people will no longer be who were were before this third great jihad irrespective of what actions we take, or do not. It is utterly absurd to think this solution can only be military. It is equally absurd to continue turning our back to the threats, pacifying them, and minimizing its virulence sleeping within our borders. I fear the options as equally as I fear the jihad. Yet, if there is practically no turning back, and I think there is not, then we must survive as a people and at a first minimum this should begin with zero tolerance, expulsion, disproportionate response, and even separate corners of the world if need be. Regrettably, the last option is fantasy.

I fear there are no good options.

Edit: In retrospect the final words of my sentence should have been different.

Edited by arjunadawn
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And Posters on another News Thread are saying Australia should not strip the Passports from known terrorists there.....Yeah Right!!!!

Good on the Aussie Government.....

Incorrect, they're saying shouldn't be at the discretion of a political appointee, but via the judicial process

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No good solutions? Well to borrow a metaphor used by many an Imam when talking of the Jews it's a bit like eradicating cancer. Current treatments unavoidably harm non-cancerous cells too, which makes them so disagreeable.

Whether it be ISIS or Shiite terrorists there are so many things we refuse to face. Firstly these people are not necessarily unintelligent. Some are very capable and held down good jobs in the west. Yet in spite of a so called Western education they chose to be part of an ideology that can only be described as evil to it's very core, but furthermore totally alien to the value systems Western liberals can identify with.

The second issue is that the ideology of Political Islam is not a perversion or aberration of an otherwise peaceful religion. Those that actually engage in violence live in a sea of opinion closer to theirs than to western secular liberalism. What westerners describe as 'moderate' is a mainstream phenomenon within Western culture, but among Muslims I suspect it is a fringe.

Third, the heartbreaking tragedy of it all is how the west has failed the reforming fringe of Muslim civilization in order to placate those who detest us and use violence as a preferred weapon for furthering their aims. Here is one such person, Sarah Heider, courageous, eloquent and with great clarity of thought, though she has to hide in the shadows whilst the Muslim world so badly needs people like her and her observations on Muslims and their interactions with the liberal west. How do we take her and people like her with us whilst expelling and likely killing large numbers of the ideologically insane?

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