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Organic Pea Protein with Cacao ..no artificial additives just pea protein and cacao ... i use and it tastes like choc milk ...

whey protein = sugar ..... highly processed product in an unregulated sector of health , read the label on the rear of the packet and see if you can recognize some of the ingredients ....

imo the less processed the better esp at your age

That is the same product as Orac suggested in post #5, but at almost 4 times the price.coffee1.gif

no its not

So what's the difference, the chocolate powder that is added to the expensive one, or do you mean that one is organic and the other Non-GMO certified. I don't see why that small difference would justify such a price difference.

But wait may be it's this LIE in the info about the overpriced pea protein.

Organic pea protein has a complete spectrum of amino acids. Pea protein's amino acid content and protein levels put it on a par with whey protein powders

Pea protein is missing one of the essential amino acids, so it doesn't have a complete spectrum of amino acids, so it also can't be on par with Whey which contains all essential amino acids.

Maybe the organic in the description is also a white lie to justify a rip off price.

I don't see the point of replacing whey protein with something other. Cows are not GMO. Whey protein is a denatured product, so organic or not doesn't matter. I would like my milk organic but on the whey powder it doesn't matter.

And on protein powder it doesn't matter if it is from pea or from dead rats if the amino acids are all there in a balanced amount.

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OP keep in mind you are not a spring chicken smile.png

So it's pretty natural, again go with multivitamins for a month and see how you feel.

No miracle cure to age as yet, but at least multi vitamins will balance you out, if any are missing.

Yes sure you could loose weight, but it's easier said than done and I am sure at your age you want to enjoy life instead of starving.

All the best smile.png

and if the vitamins don't help...they won't harm so worth to try.


Maybe I could give a little more information

I went to Lifecare for a blood test a couple of weeks ago (the 999 Baht with the ECG one) and everything was normal only my cholesterol up above the normal range according to the booklet normal is 140 to 200 and mine was 205

I put that down to being on my back for two months with no cardio vascular exercises because of the leg breaks, normally my Cholesterol is well within the normal rage ( could be kidding myself)

I ride a bike 3/4 times a week around Mabrachan usually 30Ks but before the accident used to do 40 on average

Before my accident I was complaining about lack of power, last year I could do 55/60 Ks without any problem

I dont think that the oppressive heat is helping either but because I have had this feeling of low energy now for some time I feel I need to get to the bottom of it

One post suggests I need to lose some weight and maybe there is some truth in that but all my life I have been very big, no not all fat, you know the type, very stocky and strong, the results of being a powerlifter when I was a lot younger.

In the absence of any blood problem showing up on the tests and the fact that I have been very active and fit all my life I just cannot understand why I have no energy.

I read the internet about taking Multi Vits and I have been on Centrum +50 for the last couple of years but I dont think that they are helping me

Since the accident I have also been taking Vits C D & Calcium on the Doctors order

I eat plenty of wholemeal bread without any butter of marg and have a varied and good diet.

I really am scratching my head here, I thought that the whey protein supplement may have been something that would have increased my energy level

I am open to suggestions about anything that has worked for anyone else in the form of a dietary supplement to increase energy levels

Thanks to all for your time in answering, I really appreciate it

205 cholesterol is no drama.....Not long ago 240 was the maximum....

For heat: do you get enough fluid and minerals? Do you sleep well (Like too hot sleeping room).

You can try to take some whey protein, Centrum +50, maybe some electrolyte drink just all of it in a kind of shotgun approach in the hope one item will fix it. Non of it can cause any damage.

Thanks for that H

Yes I do all that or have done it and I know that the effects of the VITS take time to work but this low energy thing is and has been whilst I have been doing all those things.

Like i say I am at a loss


OP keep in mind you are not a spring chicken smile.png

So it's pretty natural, again go with multivitamins for a month and see how you feel.

No miracle cure to age as yet, but at least multi vitamins will balance you out, if any are missing.

Yes sure you could loose weight, but it's easier said than done and I am sure at your age you want to enjoy life instead of starving.

All the best smile.png

Thanks Konying

I will keep going with the Multi Vits and look for that magic potion that even if a placebo form may do me some good eh? 5555


Multivitamins are not that great, synthetic and not that absorbable, problem is they are missing the co-factors and enzymes that assimilate and digest the vitamins into a usable form for the body.. I think you are much better using whole food supplements , green powders e.g. wheatgrass, moringa or spirulina are better choices, add to that a good protein powder, pea, rice or whey and blend into a smoothie, much better then synthetic multi's which you just piss down the drain..

To be perfectly honest I have taken Multi Vits and especially centrum + 50 and never felt any difference if I wasn't taking them from when I was taking them

But in all fairness the effects may take time to be effective and so I will never know if they did me any good or not

I do like the idea of the wheat grass etc and a good natural whey powder without additives and will look into some of the suggestions on the thread


OP keep in mind you are not a spring chicken smile.png

So it's pretty natural, again go with multivitamins for a month and see how you feel.

No miracle cure to age as yet, but at least multi vitamins will balance you out, if any are missing.

Yes sure you could loose weight, but it's easier said than done and I am sure at your age you want to enjoy life instead of starving.

All the best smile.png

Thanks Konying

I will keep going with the Multi Vits and look for that magic potion that even if a placebo form may do me some good eh? 5555

Well, a 20 year old can add some fuel , but then you have a headache to worry aboutlaugh.pngtongue.png


anthony , you decide highly processed whey ( read the labels its a book of ingredients) or pea protein ...... what is more natural ? even if pea may not be a complete protein , surely the processing must raise some concerns ? i wonder if any of the whey ingredients is HFCS ? so i would say the lie is about whey being good for you ...


anthony , you decide highly processed whey ( read the labels its a book of ingredients) or pea protein ...... what is more natural ? even if pea may not be a complete protein , surely the processing must raise some concerns ? i wonder if any of the whey ingredients is HFCS ? so i would say the lie is about whey being good for you ...

The protein Orac advised at 850 Baht/kg is Pea protein isolate from Non-GMO yellow peas


Why would any ingredients of whey protein be fructose HFCS High fructose corn syrup (HFCS)

The most important thing in a protein are the essential amino acids, so if you miss one of them it doesn't make the protein useless, but you can't call it a complete protein.


The problem with most Whey powder on the market is all the artificial flavours and colours and crap they add in, if you can find a Whey protein that is just pure Whey with no crap added in its good and preferably one that has been processed in a low heat filtration process leaving you with an undenatured protein which is pure and more digestible. The only additives should be either pure cacao with some stevia, not aspartame and sucralose and all that artificial garbage..


A5......HFCS is the cheapest sweetener available and it is has many names to hide behind , it is added to many many consumer products ..... all from gmo corn ..


Juicing------Green Juicing, please forget centrum etc..

Juicing offers many life-enhancing health benefits including a faster, more efficient way to absorb immune boosting nutrients naturally found in fruits and vegetables. It provides a way to access digestive enzymes typically locked away in the fiber matrix of whole fruits and vegetables.



Juicing------Green Juicing, please forget centrum etc..

Juicing offers many life-enhancing health benefits including a faster, more efficient way to absorb immune boosting nutrients naturally found in fruits and vegetables. It provides a way to access digestive enzymes typically locked away in the fiber matrix of whole fruits and vegetables.


Which of these juices has high protein levels?


Juicing------Green Juicing, please forget centrum etc..

Juicing offers many life-enhancing health benefits including a faster, more efficient way to absorb immune boosting nutrients naturally found in fruits and vegetables. It provides a way to access digestive enzymes typically locked away in the fiber matrix of whole fruits and vegetables.


Which of these juices has high protein levels?

non unless you add a steak to the fruits+vegetables....


Juicing------Green Juicing, please forget centrum etc..

Juicing offers many life-enhancing health benefits including a faster, more efficient way to absorb immune boosting nutrients naturally found in fruits and vegetables. It provides a way to access digestive enzymes typically locked away in the fiber matrix of whole fruits and vegetables.


Which of these juices has high protein levels?

non unless you add a steak to the fruits+vegetables....

Sprouted beans have a protein level of 13.1gr per 100 gram

Other beans and peas also contain sufficient levels of protein, as do Kale, Broccoli etc.



Juicing------Green Juicing, please forget centrum etc..

Juicing offers many life-enhancing health benefits including a faster, more efficient way to absorb immune boosting nutrients naturally found in fruits and vegetables. It provides a way to access digestive enzymes typically locked away in the fiber matrix of whole fruits and vegetables.


Which of these juices has high protein levels?

non unless you add a steak to the fruits+vegetables....

Sprouted beans have a protein level of 13.1gr per 100 gram

Other beans and peas also contain sufficient levels of protein, as do Kale, Broccoli etc.


100g of whey protein would give me 80g of protein and around 5.5g of fat. To get the same amount of protein from the sprouted beans i would need to eat 610g which would mean 38.5g of fat.


@Orac I read your questions as Which of these juices has high protein levels?

And I answered accordingly.

No probs - my earlier comment was meant sarcastically as someone appears to have joined a topic to preach about the wonders of juicing which, though perhaps worthwhile in its own right, has very little relevance to a discussion about whey protein.

Which of these juices has high protein levels?

non unless you add a steak to the fruits+vegetables....

Sprouted beans have a protein level of 13.1gr per 100 gram

Other beans and peas also contain sufficient levels of protein, as do Kale, Broccoli etc.


100g of whey protein would give me 80g of protein and around 5.5g of fat. To get the same amount of protein from the sprouted beans i would need to eat 610g which would mean 38.5g of fat.

And that doesn't even consider the lower protein quality......



Organic Pea Protein with Cacao ..no artificial additives just pea protein and cacao ... i use and it tastes like choc milk ...

whey protein = sugar ..... highly processed product in an unregulated sector of health , read the label on the rear of the packet and see if you can recognize some of the ingredients ....

imo the less processed the better esp at your age

You have no idea what you are on about.

I took this web site and this product[1] just randomly and as you can see there is 1 g of sugar per serving. As each serving, according to the label, is ~36 g that means 1/36 of the serving is sugar which is about 2,7%. Now, i suck at math but i can very clearly see that whey != sugar.

[1] http://fitwhey.com/product/100-Whey-Protein/#parentHorizontalTab2


Have you had a Hormone Blood Test?

You should have Testosterone, E2, done as a minimum. Having low Testosterone could well be the cause of your symptoms.

Blood Test is around 1000 baht.



Organic Pea Protein with Cacao ..no artificial additives just pea protein and cacao ... i use and it tastes like choc milk ...

whey protein = sugar ..... highly processed product in an unregulated sector of health , read the label on the rear of the packet and see if you can recognize some of the ingredients ....

imo the less processed the better esp at your age

You have no idea what you are on about.

I took this web site and this product[1] just randomly and as you can see there is 1 g of sugar per serving. As each serving, according to the label, is ~36 g that means 1/36 of the serving is sugar which is about 2,7%. Now, i suck at math but i can very clearly see that whey != sugar.

[1] http://fitwhey.com/product/100-Whey-Protein/#parentHorizontalTab2

mine has 1g per serving of 30.4g which is 3.2% sugar, while an apple has about 10 %.


Juicing------Green Juicing, please forget centrum etc..

Juicing offers many life-enhancing health benefits including a faster, more efficient way to absorb immune boosting nutrients naturally found in fruits and vegetables. It provides a way to access digestive enzymes typically locked away in the fiber matrix of whole fruits and vegetables.


Which of these juices has high protein levels?

non unless you add a steak to the fruits+vegetables....

That's not quite correct h90...... (although I find most of your posts quite informative) there are many high protein nuts, beans. vegetables Cheese, not to mention fish --- in fact the protein powder you started the post of with doesn't come from a lump of meat does it.

If we want to just get tied up in numbers & forget about the nutrients----then

Tofu is low in calories for the vegetarian protein it packs in. Here's how it compares to H90s steak . For each 100 calorie serving, tofu contains 11 grams of protein. By comparison, 100 calories of ground beef provides 8.9 grams of protein.

Though the word "protein" usually conjures up images of meat, but fruits and vegetables can also be good sources of protein; they are lower in saturated fat and higher in dietary fiber than animal sources and when regularly eaten can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers, according to the American Heart Association. Plant proteins, unlike animal proteins, only contain some of the nine essential amino acids that we cannot make ourselves, so they must be combined with other protein foods in order to ensure adequate intake.

Orac as far as non meats are concerned, Simply look for the foods that have high ANDI scores, and you’re set! This is not a protein guide just the best vegetable possible for your to eat.---Juice

ANDI stands for "Aggregate Nutrient Density Index," a scoring system that rates foods on a scale from 1 to 1000 based on nutrient content. ANDI scores are calculated by evaluating an extensive range of micronutrients, including vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidant capacities. Look at the score for fruit--say the very best fruit that you can eat Cranberries, 207---then look at Kale ..(something that is thrown out in the country I came from) ,its off the scale as they can only measure up to 1,000--- So the mantra really is == Green is Good

Green Vegetables


ANDI Score

1. Mustard/Turnip/Collard Greens


2. Kale


3. Swiss Chard


4. Upland/Watercress


5. Bok Choy/Baby Bok Choy


6. Chinese/Napa Cabbage


7. Spinach


8. Arugula


9. Lettuce, Green Leaf


10. Chicory


Non-Green Vegetables


ANDI Score

1. Radish


2. Turnip


3. Carrots


4. Acorn Squash


5. Broccoflower


6. Cabbage


7. Bell Pepper, Yellow or Orange


8. Kholrabi


9. Cauliflower


10. Rutabaga




ANDI Score

1. Edamame


2. Pinto Beans


3. Tofu


4. Great Northern Beans


5. Adzuki Beans


6. Lentils


7. Lima Beans


8. Kidney Beans


9. Black Beans


10. Chickpeas (Garbanzos)


Nuts & Seeds

Nuts & Seeds

ANDI Score

1. Flax Seeds


2. Sesame Seeds


3. Sunflower Seeds


4. Peanuts


5. Chia Seeds


6. Pumpkin Seeds


7. Pistachios


8. Chestnuts


9. Hazelnuts


10. Pecans




ANDI Score

1. Cranberries, Fresh


2. Strawberries


3. Blackberries


4. Raspberries


5. Blueberries


6. Guava


7. Grapefruit


8. Grapes


9. Pomegranate


10. Cantalope


11. Plum


12. Orange


13. Tangerine


14. Apricots, Fresh


15. Watermelon




ANDI Score

1. Basil


2. Cilantro


3. Spearmint


4. Tarragon


5. Oregano


6. Thyme


7. Parsley


8. Dill


9. Chives


10. Peppermint


11. Bay Leaves


12. Rosemary


13. Lemongrass



Sanuk: Steak has 26 gram Protein/100 gram.

But yes sure there are plants which are protein rich. Just for larger amounts milk protein, meat and fish is the easiest to use.

Of course the green things have plenty of advantages (fiber, fat, etc.).

Just if you need some bigger amounts, it is easier to a 750 gram steak than 3-4 kg of combination of some plants.


Juicing------Green Juicing, please forget centrum etc..

Juicing offers many life-enhancing health benefits including a faster, more efficient way to absorb immune boosting nutrients naturally found in fruits and vegetables. It provides a way to access digestive enzymes typically locked away in the fiber matrix of whole fruits and vegetables.


Which of these juices has high protein levels?

non unless you add a steak to the fruits+vegetables....

That's not quite correct h90...... (although I find most of your posts quite informative) there are many high protein nuts, beans. vegetables Cheese, not to mention fish --- in fact the protein powder you started the post of with doesn't come from a lump of meat does it.

If we want to just get tied up in numbers & forget about the nutrients----then

Tofu is low in calories for the vegetarian protein it packs in. Here's how it compares to H90s steak . For each 100 calorie serving, tofu contains 11 grams of protein. By comparison, 100 calories of ground beef provides 8.9 grams of protein.

Though the word "protein" usually conjures up images of meat, but fruits and vegetables can also be good sources of protein; they are lower in saturated fat and higher in dietary fiber than animal sources and when regularly eaten can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers, according to the American Heart Association. Plant proteins, unlike animal proteins, only contain some of the nine essential amino acids that we cannot make ourselves, so they must be combined with other protein foods in order to ensure adequate intake.

Orac as far as non meats are concerned, Simply look for the foods that have high ANDI scores, and you’re set! This is not a protein guide just the best vegetable possible for your to eat.---Juice

ANDI stands for "Aggregate Nutrient Density Index," a scoring system that rates foods on a scale from 1 to 1000 based on nutrient content. ANDI scores are calculated by evaluating an extensive range of micronutrients, including vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidant capacities. Look at the score for fruit--say the very best fruit that you can eat Cranberries, 207---then look at Kale ..(something that is thrown out in the country I came from) ,its off the scale as they can only measure up to 1,000--- So the mantra really is == Green is Good

Green Vegetables

*took away long list of food*

That is the first time i see anyone talk about how many grams of protein there is per 100 kcal. It's pretty standard that you say 100 grams of this and that has so and so many grams of protein and so and so many kcal. And how many kgs of "green" do you have to eat to get 150 grams of protein each day and how much more expensive is it compared to say chicken breast, egg, pork and beef?


Which of these juices has high protein levels?

non unless you add a steak to the fruits+vegetables....

That's not quite correct h90...... (although I find most of your posts quite informative) there are many high protein nuts, beans. vegetables Cheese, not to mention fish --- in fact the protein powder you started the post of with doesn't come from a lump of meat does it.

If we want to just get tied up in numbers & forget about the nutrients----then

Tofu is low in calories for the vegetarian protein it packs in. Here's how it compares to H90s steak . For each 100 calorie serving, tofu contains 11 grams of protein. By comparison, 100 calories of ground beef provides 8.9 grams of protein.

Though the word "protein" usually conjures up images of meat, but fruits and vegetables can also be good sources of protein; they are lower in saturated fat and higher in dietary fiber than animal sources and when regularly eaten can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers, according to the American Heart Association. Plant proteins, unlike animal proteins, only contain some of the nine essential amino acids that we cannot make ourselves, so they must be combined with other protein foods in order to ensure adequate intake.

Orac as far as non meats are concerned, Simply look for the foods that have high ANDI scores, and you’re set! This is not a protein guide just the best vegetable possible for your to eat.---Juice

ANDI stands for "Aggregate Nutrient Density Index," a scoring system that rates foods on a scale from 1 to 1000 based on nutrient content. ANDI scores are calculated by evaluating an extensive range of micronutrients, including vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidant capacities. Look at the score for fruit--say the very best fruit that you can eat Cranberries, 207---then look at Kale ..(something that is thrown out in the country I came from) ,its off the scale as they can only measure up to 1,000--- So the mantra really is == Green is Good

Green Vegetables

*took away long list of food*

That is the first time i see anyone talk about how many grams of protein there is per 100 kcal. It's pretty standard that you say 100 grams of this and that has so and so many grams of protein and so and so many kcal. And how many kgs of "green" do you have to eat to get 150 grams of protein each day and how much more expensive is it compared to say chicken breast, egg, pork and beef?

I didn't see that, I read it by mistake at gram per 100 gram, aka percent. Maybe it was just a typo


Recently tried BP Muscle, as they're the official Thai distributor of Universal Nutrition products. They have the standard Whey and Isolates which might be to your interest. For those into bodybuilding, they also carry a nice selection of the Animal product line.


optimum nutrition make a very good whey protein powder btw

its available from phuket health store website

around 4000 4500 now for a big sack (10lbs) which will last you for ages at one or two scoops a day and free delivery



optimum nutrition make a very good whey protein powder btw

its available from phuket health store website

around 4000 4500 now for a big sack (10lbs) which will last you for ages at one or two scoops a day and free delivery


That is exactly the one I use....I like it...


optimum nutrition make a very good whey protein powder btw

its available from phuket health store website

around 4000 4500 now for a big sack (10lbs) which will last you for ages at one or two scoops a day and free delivery


That is exactly the one I use....I like it...

I ordered just 2 sets of the below (20 lb) for 7219 Baht from fitwhey, and as extra I got 2 mixers, 2 pair of fitness gloves and another 5000 points for which I can get a 500 Baht discount coupon or get other items for free with my next order. 26 gram of protein per 34 gram scoop and 0.5gr sugars per scoop

Offer is valid till 00.00 today take a look

Promocode is : promotion5off



optimum nutrition make a very good whey protein powder btw

its available from phuket health store website

around 4000 4500 now for a big sack (10lbs) which will last you for ages at one or two scoops a day and free delivery


That is exactly the one I use....I like it...

I ordered just 2 sets of the below (20 lb) for 7219 Baht from fitwhey, and as extra I got 2 mixers, 2 pair of fitness gloves and another 5000 points for which I can get a 500 Baht discount coupon or get other items for free with my next order. 26 gram of protein per 34 gram scoop and 0.5gr sugars per scoop

Offer is valid till 00.00 today take a look

Promocode is : promotion5off


hopefully it tastes good or you have used it before

20 lbs is a shitload to go through if you dont like it lol

but that price is a bargain if their protein is as good as the optimium nutrition gold standard

9 kilos of protein powder would probably last me a year because i only drink it a couple of times a week

and the gold standard is easy to mix with water or milk and nnot sickly sweet like some of the others out there

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