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MH370 search will not be expanded further: Australia

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MH370 search will not be expanded further: Australia

SYDNEY (AFP) - The hunt for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 will not be expanded beyond its current search area unless there are specific new leads, Australian officials said Wednesday.

In April, more than a year after the plane vanished en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 mostly Chinese people on board, Malaysia, Australia and China announced that the search zone would double in size.

This boosted the area of the remote southern Indian Ocean being scoured by three specialist vessels to 120,000 square kilometres (46,300 square miles).

But it will not be expanded any further, the Australian-led Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) said in an update.

"In the absence of credible new information that leads to the identification of a specific location of the aircraft, governments have agreed that there will be no further expansion of the search area," it said.

The hunt for the aircraft, which disappeared on March 8 last year, has been a complex undertaking, with Australia initially concentrating on a remote 60,000 square kilometre area of the ocean far off its west coast.

The zone was determined by analysing data from satellite signals which indicate the plane went down in the Indian Ocean after mysteriously diverting.

More than 50,000 square kilometres of the seafloor have been scoured so far with no trace of the jet, JACC said, and with the onset of winter and poor weather the operation is slowing down.

The deep underwater search, using sonar equipment after the ocean floor was closely mapped last year, is currently suspended with waves reaching up to 12 metres (39 feet), although ships remain on the scene.

It will continue once conditions improve but be scaled back with one of the vessels, GO Phoenix, ceasing operations and returning to Singapore near the end of June.

A fourth vessel previously involved in the search, Fugro Supporter, was withdrawn in May amid the worsening conditions.

"Safety of the search crews, as always, remains a priority and vessels and equipment utilised will vary to reflect operational needs, particularly during winter months," JACC said.

"Search operations will continue through the winter months, but pauses are anticipated."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/MH370-search-will-not-be-expanded-further-Australi-30261503.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-03


How does one decide what a "new lead" is on this incident???

Errrrr!! I would have thought the discovery of identifiable flotsam will do it. With the location known oceanographers can calculate winds, currents and tides etc and backtrack to the (very approximate) crash site.


Think it would be easier to find a living Dodo... The hundreds of millions of dollars wasted for this stupid search invested in schools, orphanages and hospitals would do more good.


Think it would be easier to find a living Dodo... The hundreds of millions of dollars wasted for this stupid search invested in schools, orphanages and hospitals would do more good.

Its hardly wasted MockingJay---- you have to send out search party when a plane goes missing--- The main idea, (as well as giving closure to relatives) is trying to understand why it did crash----how can you create someway for it not to happen again etc......

Do you really think that the countries involved in the search would have built a lot more schools hospitals etc if MH370 had not have gone down.


The problem is that its claimed that the Dutch company thats now running the search has got equipment that is not suited for uneven terrain searching. If so its a waiste of money.


I'm not normally a conspiracy theory advocate, but given the nature of all the misleading information we were given as this story developed, my own opinion is that this aeroplane went somewhere where the people who put it there really don't want anyone to know. And they are powerful enough to make it stick.

I personally do not think the USA would take out a plane of innocent people as they would never get official approval for something like that - which points more towards the Chinese. I would suspect the USA to have a good idea what might have happened - but for some reason (certainly political) it has been made top secret. Maybe they don't want the Chinese to know they know.

I for one don't buy the story of it following a course to avoid all radar contact so that it can be dumped near the Antarctic as part of some suicide or terrorist plot. But the Australians are obliged to treat it as if it did.


We all know the plane really landed in Kazakhstan.

Diego Garcia.

I think we should start a pool and see who get the winning prize.

The DG theory is "supported" by about 20 witnesses in the Maledives and Mr Dugain, a former airline manager. He claimed he had been warned by a British intelligence officer of taking “risks” by looking into the fate of MH370. “Someone knows,” he added. Funny that no one followed this lead. The definitely off course plane must have been spotted by the American satellite supported surveillance system installed on D.G.. Otherwise the system is worthless.

A possible new lead would be the publication of the data, which was received by above mentioned system. But there was and is a complete silence from the American side. I strongly believe that they, or their and other secret services hide the truth for whatever reason, may be the still secret kept cargo or others or more. On the other hand, when the truth comes to light, those agencies might be responsible for the death of more than 200 people. They can't afford the outcry of the worlds population.


We all know the plane really landed in Kazakhstan.

Diego Garcia.

I think we should start a pool and see who get the winning prize.

The DG theory is "supported" by about 20 witnesses in the Maledives and Mr Dugain, a former airline manager. He claimed he had been warned by a British intelligence officer of taking “risks” by looking into the fate of MH370. “Someone knows,” he added. Funny that no one followed this lead. The definitely off course plane must have been spotted by the American satellite supported surveillance system installed on D.G.. Otherwise the system is worthless.

A possible new lead would be the publication of the data, which was received by above mentioned system. But there was and is a complete silence from the American side. I strongly believe that they, or their and other secret services hide the truth for whatever reason, may be the still secret kept cargo or others or more. On the other hand, when the truth comes to light, those agencies might be responsible for the death of more than 200 people. They can't afford the outcry of the worlds population.

For once, your theory isn't as absurd as the others.

I have always considered the Inmarsat data to be suspicious.

It came just at the right moment to divert searches from DG and other potential targets in the Indian Ocean.

DG is not the only military target in the Indian Ocean, the Chinese are there too with military ships.

The plane had two Uighurs (Chinese Muslim separatists) onboard, one of which allegedly had a PhD in electronics as well as flight simulator training...

Who would hijack a plane to have it quietly disappear?


huh? who?

(point made)

Then who would kill over 200 passengers?

Probably a military target in self-defense.


I'm not normally a conspiracy theory advocate, but given the nature of all the misleading information we were given as this story developed, my own opinion is that this aeroplane went somewhere where the people who put it there really don't want anyone to know. And they are powerful enough to make it stick.

I personally do not think the USA would take out a plane of innocent people as they would never get official approval for something like that - which points more towards the Chinese. I would suspect the USA to have a good idea what might have happened - but for some reason (certainly political) it has been made top secret. Maybe they don't want the Chinese to know they know.

I for one don't buy the story of it following a course to avoid all radar contact so that it can be dumped near the Antarctic as part of some suicide or terrorist plot. But the Australians are obliged to treat it as if it did.

quote: I personally do not think the USA would take out a plane of innocent people.

Look at 911 truth. Even half of the American people do not believe the official version and 3000 died, plus the passengers of the planes, but we do not know about them, as the passenger lists are being kept secret for "National security reasons".


We all know the plane really landed in Kazakhstan.

Diego Garcia.

I think we should start a pool and see who get the winning prize.

The DG theory is "supported" by about 20 witnesses in the Maledives and Mr Dugain, a former airline manager. He claimed he had been warned by a British intelligence officer of taking “risks” by looking into the fate of MH370. “Someone knows,” he added. Funny that no one followed this lead. The definitely off course plane must have been spotted by the American satellite supported surveillance system installed on D.G.. Otherwise the system is worthless.

A possible new lead would be the publication of the data, which was received by above mentioned system. But there was and is a complete silence from the American side. I strongly believe that they, or their and other secret services hide the truth for whatever reason, may be the still secret kept cargo or others or more. On the other hand, when the truth comes to light, those agencies might be responsible for the death of more than 200 people. They can't afford the outcry of the worlds population.

For once, your theory isn't as absurd as the others.

I have always considered the Inmarsat data to be suspicious.

It came just at the right moment to divert searches from DG and other potential targets in the Indian Ocean.

DG is not the only military target in the Indian Ocean, the Chinese are there too with military ships.

The plane had two Uighurs (Chinese Muslim separatists) onboard, one of which allegedly had a PhD in electronics as well as flight simulator training...

Who would hijack a plane to have it quietly disappear?


huh? who?

(point made)

Then who would kill over 200 passengers?

Probably a military target in self-defense.

It is all speculation, as long the truth is hidden by the yanks. The INMARSAT data was available from day one, but it took 2 months to publish them, (after being altered).


How does one decide what a "new lead" is on this incident???

Errrrr!! I would have thought the discovery of identifiable flotsam will do it. With the location known oceanographers can calculate winds, currents and tides etc and backtrack to the (very approximate) crash site.

I would have thought they would have had many reports of flotsam by now... but many if not all would prove to be false leads...

Starting to think he crashed it on land or ice... if he could get as far as the Antarctic or a deserted Island, or a desert.


It is amazing that not flotsam or seat cushions were found floating. If SE Asian authorities (those who are supposed to watch radar, etc) had been quicker to do their jobs, searchers could have been looking many hours sooner. Thai authorities didn't report radar findings until many hours after the story broke. By the time specialized equip was probing the depths of the ocean, the batteries on the black boxes were almost spent.

To me, all indicatins show it was conscious action by the pilot - to ditch the plane as far south in the Indian ocean as possible. In that he was successful, but it also makes him a mass-murderer. He also had motive: the day before, someone he greatly admired (Anwar Sadat) had been unfairly found guilty in a kangaroo Malaysian court. Another factor: Anwar's attorney, days after the crash, was going to a meeting in his car late at night, and the car was broadsided by a trucker and the attorney was killed. No penalty for the trucker.

Also: the pilot, who ordinarily had a busy calender, had nothing scheduled for any of the days after the crash.


It doesn't take too long for conspiracy theories to take flight......................................

It has to. When the known truth is not being published, we will have conspiracy theories. The word "conspiracy theory" has a negative connotation, I am aware of that, but it is wrong. Actually the factual "conspiracy" should have such a connotation, not the word "conspiracy theory". A conspiracy theory may lead to other findings and facts*, when the truth is hidden. Therefore the word should not have a negative connotation..

* in this case the neglect of the sightings of the witnesses in the Maldives, the silence of the officials on D.G., and the concealment of known data (cargo, observation data of the American satellite supported surveillance system).


It doesn't take too long for conspiracy theories to take flight......................................

It has to. When the known truth is not being published, we will have conspiracy theories. The word "conspiracy theory" has a negative connotation, I am aware of that, but it is wrong. Actually the factual "conspiracy" should have such a connotation, not the word "conspiracy theory". A conspiracy theory may lead to other findings and facts*, when the truth is hidden. Therefore the word should not have a negative connotation..

* in this case the neglect of the sightings of the witnesses in the Maldives, the silence of the officials on D.G., and the concealment of known data (cargo, observation data of the American satellite supported surveillance system).

Good points. Actually, every rumination about the flight, after it flew over northern Malaysia is a 'conspiracy theory' if two or more people subscribe to it, ....because no one knows where it went down, unless there are some insiders who are super-human at keeping secrets.


Who paid for this folly?

Why Australia?

IMHO because Australians are the stupidest people on Earth.

It was easiest to justify to Australians the start of search as it is to justify the stop of search.

How much did it cost?

Is Australia as 'transparent' as they pretend to be?


Who paid for this folly?

Why Australia?

IMHO because Australians are the stupidest people on Earth.

It was easiest to justify to Australians the start of search as it is to justify the stop of search.

How much did it cost?

Is Australia as 'transparent' as they pretend to be?

Australia, as signatory to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, 1944; the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974; and the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979, is responsible for search and rescue over a vast area made up of the East Indian, South-west Pacific and Southern oceans. The internationally agreed Australian Search and Rescue Region covers 52.8 million square kilometres - over one-tenth of the earth's surface. Unlike some countries, Australia is fortunate to have the same boundaries for aviation and maritime search and rescue.


Australia’s total budget contribution over two years, will be $79.6 million, so far it has been reported Malaysia has paid $30 million, don't believe Chinese investment for the search has been disclosed


Who paid for this folly?

Why Australia?

IMHO because Australians are the stupidest people on Earth.

It was easiest to justify to Australians the start of search as it is to justify the stop of search.

How much did it cost?

Is Australia as 'transparent' as they pretend to be?

There's also a general rule, that if a farang and a SE Asian do something together which costs money - the farang is expected to pay. Similarly, when the US mentions that 'more needs to be done to safeguard the Rohinga' - that's diplomat-speak for: "Thailand, you find the camp space, and we'll pay for everything."


We all know the plane really landed in Kazakhstan.

Diego Garcia.

I think we should start a pool and see who get the winning prize.

The DG theory is "supported" by about 20 witnesses in the Maledives and Mr Dugain, a former airline manager. He claimed he had been warned by a British intelligence officer of taking risks by looking into the fate of MH370. Someone knows, he added. Funny that no one followed this lead. The definitely off course plane must have been spotted by the American satellite supported surveillance system installed on D.G.. Otherwise the system is worthless.

A possible new lead would be the publication of the data, which was received by above mentioned system. But there was and is a complete silence from the American side. I strongly believe that they, or their and other secret services hide the truth for whatever reason, may be the still secret kept cargo or others or more. On the other hand, when the truth comes to light, those agencies might be responsible for the death of more than 200 people. They can't afford the outcry of the worlds population.

Big foot and shape shifting reptilian a is supported by far more than 20 people. 'Paranoia will destroy ya!'

  • 1 month later...

the mystery could be revealed soon

A mystery aircraft part was found on the east coast of Reunion Island. This part seems to stay long time in water........







US official: Debris in photo belongs to Boeing 777

WASHINGTON (AP) — Air safety investigators have a "high degree of confidence" that a photo of aircraft debris found in the Indian Ocean is of a wing component unique to the Boeing 777, the same model as the Malaysia Airlines plane that disappeared last year, a U.S. official said Wednesday.

Full story: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/844415-mh370-plane-wreckage-found-in-indian-ocean-tested/



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