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How Thailand has reacted to the Leicester City racist sex tape scandal

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So what is it they are investigating exactly? I presume its whether their Thai financiers show a thumbs down.

Careers over boys.

Shame really, can you imagine the chants from the terrace?


Yep, as said, it was not so much about " mingling " and slant eye, that's minor stuff if you saw the uncut version, it was degrading, filthy animalistic behavior, it could not possibly be normal.


Can you imagine the chant from the terraces.....that's bloody brilliant, we may never get to hear them unfortunately but there would be some entertainment value there for sure.....brilliant thought


Yep, as said, it was not so much about " mingling " and slant eye, that's minor stuff if you saw the uncut version, it was degrading, filthy animalistic behavior, it could not possibly be normal.

Only the sort of thing Thailand is famous for, sex is 'animalistic'


Can only assume you haven't actually watched the uncut version, or are into an extremely niche strata of pornography, if you think that's normal.


Can only assume you haven't actually watched the uncut version, if you think that's normal.

Well it was fairly normal for a tacky porn video!

What wasn't "normal" was the racial abuse.


Can only assume you haven't actually watched the uncut version, or are into an extremely niche strata of pornography, if you think that's normal.

Most men have had their bum hole licked surely?


What wasn't "normal" was the racial abuse.

Rubbish in Thailand it is very normal

Speak for yourself. I've never heard that particular epithet used against Asians in Thailand (thankfully).


What wasn't "normal" was the racial abuse.

Rubbish in Thailand it is very normal

Speak for yourself. I've never heard that particular epithet used against Asians in Thailand (thankfully).

I meant racism from Thais is very normal, therefore, perhaps they should not be so 'outraged' when 3 youngsters do the same as a lot of them.


What a load of sanctimonious cr8p from the Bkk post. Why no mention of the girls breaking the law by engaging in prostitution? and thus tarnishing the good name of Thailand where we all know such things never happen. No calls for them to be charged or apologize, poor little things had to put up with a bit of customer banter diidums. No mention either of the racism that pervades Thailand, who has ever heard a good word spoken of a Burmese? or an Indian? Africans of course come in for the worst name calling, but when a foreigner says something stupid it's all outrage and offense in the land of double standards.

hello, selling sex for money privately is not against Thai Law.


What wasn't "normal" was the racial abuse.

Rubbish in Thailand it is very normal

Speak for yourself. I've never heard that particular epithet used against Asians in Thailand (thankfully).

I meant racism from Thais is very normal, therefore, perhaps they should not be so 'outraged' when 3 youngsters do the same as a lot of them.

I doubt most Thais have a clue about the racist language in the video and didn't even recognise it as such. They are focusing on the sex. In the UK, the sex is not an issue but the racist abuse certainly is.


It's kind of ironic that the whole eye shape thing doesn't really apply to most Thai people, that's more of a Chinese thing.

Yes, but look at the Thais who have got money. They're the ones who have the slitty or slanty eyes. There eyes are the same as the Chinese eyes. And yes, anybody who has got slitty eyes does not like racial abuse.

People from Europe might feel that the slitty eyes are actually funny and comical. People from Europe might walk up to a person with slitty eyes and do the following. The fingers are placed on the side of each eye, and the skin is gently pulled back, hence, making the European eyes more slant or slitty. This is something you can do in front of a slitty eyed person in Europe, but doing it in Asia is not really regarded as funny. And anyone who has been to China on bussiness will find it tempting to do this, but they instinctively know it's not the done thing.

The Thais who have the slitty eyes might feel just as offended as the Chinese when it comes to racial abuse based on the grounds of slitty eyes. Actually, the Japanese and Koreans also have slitty eyes, they might feel the same way.

I keep wishing there was an "unlike" button on this forum.


Can only assume you haven't actually watched the uncut version, or are into an extremely niche strata of pornography, if you think that's normal.

Most men have had their bum hole licked surely?

It's a common practice!

It seems many TV members are a bit prudish, but it's to be expected among the "broad public".

I, for my part, think that the media publishing this story have overstepped their mission to inform - they should be prosecuted for violation of the private lives of the persons implicated.

No one in the video is a criminal - I consider the events to be of strictly private nature.

Even the so-called racist remarks cannot be considered to be meant seriously, more like banter between friends.

The modern media and mdeia sharing will be the death of the free society as we know it we are not careful in keeping the bigoted ninnies under control.


Can only assume you haven't actually watched the uncut version, or are into an extremely niche strata of pornography, if you think that's normal.

Most men have had their bum hole licked surely?

It's a common practice!

It seems many TV members are a bit prudish, but it's to be expected among the "broad public".

I, for my part, think that the media publishing this story have overstepped their mission to inform - they should be prosecuted for violation of the private lives of the persons implicated.

No one in the video is a criminal - I consider the events to be of strictly private nature.

Even the so-called racist remarks cannot be considered to be meant seriously, more like banter between friends.

The modern media and mdeia sharing will be the death of the free society as we know it we are not careful in keeping the bigoted ninnies under control.

How is this a violation of someone's "private life" when the men in question videotaped their escapades and then posted the video for others to see? The overpaid and undereducated buffoons made their private lives public, all by themselves.


Can only assume you haven't actually watched the uncut version, or are into an extremely niche strata of pornography, if you think that's normal.

Most men have had their bum hole licked surely?

It's a common practice!

It seems many TV members are a bit prudish, but it's to be expected among the "broad public".

I, for my part, think that the media publishing this story have overstepped their mission to inform - they should be prosecuted for violation of the private lives of the persons implicated.

No one in the video is a criminal - I consider the events to be of strictly private nature.

Even the so-called racist remarks cannot be considered to be meant seriously, more like banter between friends.

The modern media and mdeia sharing will be the death of the free society as we know it we are not careful in keeping the bigoted ninnies under control.

I agree. The only reason for the fuss about the video is that it features professional footballers who play for a Thai owned club. As a video on its own it's just standard homemade-porn available all over the net and on many Thai forums (but not this one!). The UK media have run with the story as football (see FIFA), racism and sex sells!


I have nothing against rimming as an act whatsoever, and the answer to your question is yes, dragonfly94. Though it's not personally my cup of tea and seems essentially pointless, to each their own.

As a human, I have something against some demanding rimming whilst they throw insults in order to derive pleasure from the derogation and humiliation of another person, filming it, then seeking bragging points by distributing it.

As a Leicester fan, I have something against 3 idiotic little self entitled pricks affecting the reputation of the club and the owners.


Can only assume you haven't actually watched the uncut version, or are into an extremely niche strata of pornography, if you think that's normal.

Most men have had their bum hole licked surely?

It's a common practice!

It seems many TV members are a bit prudish, but it's to be expected among the "broad public".

I, for my part, think that the media publishing this story have overstepped their mission to inform - they should be prosecuted for violation of the private lives of the persons implicated.

No one in the video is a criminal - I consider the events to be of strictly private nature.

Even the so-called racist remarks cannot be considered to be meant seriously, more like banter between friends.

The modern media and mdeia sharing will be the death of the free society as we know it we are not careful in keeping the bigoted ninnies under control.

How is this a violation of someone's "private life" when the men in question videotaped their escapades and then posted the video for others to see? The overpaid and undereducated buffoons made their private lives public, all by themselves.

Where did you get that they posted it themselves?

I read in the press that it is still unclear how the video was leaked.

They say "the video was obtained by the Mirror"... it was probably sold to the Mirror for good money.

I even wouldn't exclude the possibility that the phone has been hacked by paparazzi or similar.

Rubbish in Thailand it is very normal

Speak for yourself. I've never heard that particular epithet used against Asians in Thailand (thankfully).

I meant racism from Thais is very normal, therefore, perhaps they should not be so 'outraged' when 3 youngsters do the same as a lot of them.

I doubt most Thais have a clue about the racist language in the video and didn't even recognise it as such. They are focusing on the sex. In the UK, the sex is not an issue but the racist abuse certainly is.

The 'slitty eyes' insult was translated in the Thai language press although the reports I saw were based on the Daily Mirror's censored video version.


In advertising, this is called product placement.

It would not be unreasonable for these football players o seek compensation for having prominently featured Thai products/services in their personal video.


They sent it to their 'mates', one of whom liked money more than friendship.

Now this I consider a real criminal act that should be investigated and the culprit severely punished.

And publishing such a story should be punished even more severely.


Very twisted logic. Under what law exactly?

Edit - actually you have a fair point, it could be covered under revenge porn laws. Not that I think this alters anything about the punishment the 3 should receive or the morality of their actions.


Very twisted logic. Under what law exactly?

That's the question!

I don't think a law exists.

But consider this: there has been great pressure on German press under privacy Laws to not release the name of the suicidal Germanwings pilot while the press shows no restraint for the Leicester sex video.

The mind boggles... a dead mass-murderer is protected, but a private sex party where no one is a criminal should be published? what twisted logic is that?


The soi dogs from the dull town of Leicester, bereft of any outstanding attractions or landscape, indulged in group sex as dogs do, and were consequently shopped by one of their 'friends'......

Their owners, the King Power group, may transport them to Vietnam, either in a pick-up or something larger, to face the fate of street dogs in Vietnamese restaurants.


The trio's remarks were said in a joking manor which should not be taken to be meant offensively any more than remarks like pom limey or yank. The girls were doing what most bar girls do and I would bet they have no complaints. It seems to me from the tape I have seen a good time was had by all.

And "slit eye" may very well have been referring to the vertical slit. Why jump to the worst conclusion?


What a joke.

Thai media have latched onto this story and blown it out of all proportion.

Maybe the 3 players comments were not "politically-correct", but what's all the fuss about ?

Thailand gets on its high horse for what purpose ?

What do these "Thai-Complainers" think happens in the sex-bars all over Bangkok ?

The 3 players were having fun in a non-violent non-drunk non-drug-fueled manner.

If these "Thai-Complainers" are so righteous, let them campaign for closure of these sex-bars / brothels / massage parlors splattered all over Bangkok.

not in this life time! the Thais have far more hooker houses than bangkok! a thai friend of mine used to take me to the thai hooker houses when we traveled from bangkok to chaing mai! the prices were much cheaper, you could stay there as long as you waned but once you left you had to pay another five hundred baht to get back in!

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