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How Thailand has reacted to the Leicester City racist sex tape scandal

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As much as I despise what these young jerks did, it's certainly not like Thais are above racial slurs themselves.

The pot calling the kettle black.

Let the chips fall where they may. They will pay some price so let's wait and see. Move on...boring.

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Not to detract from the stupidity of what these idiots did but in response to the Thai public who are reported to widely condemn the actions of these footballers and in essence seek the higher moral ground ,I would say be very careful as you are standing on a swamp.

How do you think the rest of the world views the myriad of abuse , corruption, crime and prostitution that remains active in this country.

People in glass houses just shouldn't.


I am staggered by the comments that seem to think this kind of behaviour is acceptable, especially when the 'joke' is at the expense of the country who actually contributes to the payment of their over-inflated wages.

It was a racist remark and if the manager would take HIS head out of the sand and stop behaving like an ostrich he would recognise that.

It's no wonder that many Brits ( and I am British) have such a delightful reputation in this country.

Reading some of the comments that reputation is justified.

Oh you will wax lyrical about it goes on all the time, etc., but this is appalling behaviour straight out of the human gutter. I hardly think that being charged extra for going to a Thai park is quite in the same racially discriminatory league is it?


As much as I despise what these young jerks did, it's certainly not like Thais are above racial slurs themselves.

The pot calling the kettle black.

Let the chips fall where they may. They will pay some price so let's wait and see. Move on...boring.

Not many Thais are professional footballers. No one denies people can be racist - all people can be and many are, racist. But professional footballers playing in an international sport that is trying to "Kick Racism Out Of Football" should behave better.


Meanwhile, complete silence from the club's owner...evidently unconcerned about the sex/racism and generally tacky episode ( but no doubt very keen to protect his financial investment...even in a tier 5 level club).


The trio's remarks were said in a joking manor which should not be taken to be meant offensively any more than remarks like pom limey or yank. The girls were doing what most bar girls do and I would bet they have no complaints. It seems to me from the tape I have seen a good time was had by all.

Calling the girls 'SLIT EYE' is a derogatory term. No excuses. This is 2015not 1945! These girls are earning a living and do not deserve this abuse. Spoilt racist 'pommy' boys


Best publicity LCFC have ever had - and I'm a Leicester lad btw

True you cannot choose where you are born. You could have more common sense though than to think this GOOD publicity.

I watch Premier League football and though it matters not, I will not be watching any Leicester games next season and hope they get relegated.

Not a fan of Rooney, Giggs or Terry either.

The sport has become severely tarnished.

If you are in the spotlight, better to be discrete!


I am staggered by the comments that seem to think this kind of behaviour is acceptable, especially when the 'joke' is at the expense of the country who actually contributes to the payment of their over-inflated wages.

It was a racist remark and if the manager would take HIS head out of the sand and stop behaving like an ostrich he would recognise that.

It's no wonder that many Brits ( and I am British) have such a delightful reputation in this country.

Reading some of the comments that reputation is justified.

Oh you will wax lyrical about it goes on all the time, etc., but this is appalling behaviour straight out of the human gutter. I hardly think that being charged extra for going to a Thai park is quite in the same racially discriminatory league is it?

Only among other foreign nationals. The Thais call us 'pu dee ungrit' biggrin.png


The trio's remarks were said in a joking manor which should not be taken to be meant offensively any more than remarks like pom limey or yank. The girls were doing what most bar girls do and I would bet they have no complaints. It seems to me from the tape I have seen a good time was had by all.

you clearly have to confront your own prejudices......... it is ignorance like this that perpetuations racism. Pom Limey and Yank may be offensive but they are not based on race.


Best publicity LCFC have ever had - and I'm a Leicester lad btw

True you cannot choose where you are born. You could have more common sense though than to think this GOOD publicity.

I watch Premier League football and though it matters not, I will not be watching any Leicester games next season and hope they get relegated.

Not a fan of Rooney, Giggs or Terry either.

The sport has become severely tarnished.

If you are in the spotlight, better to be discrete!

I posted on another thread yesterday, Titian's Venus of Urbino, a celebration of feminine beauty and not an abasement of it!


The sport has become severely tarnished.

err... sorry, soccer has never been a gentleman's sport - most players are impolite cheating bullies.


Deep seated racism exists in Thailand. Some white foreigners some might complain about dual pricing but it is much worse for Burmese, Khmers, Indians, Bangladeshis and pretty much anyone of colour from Africa. Racism is not the preserve of the white man, that is for sure. And don't even get me started on the Thai hypocrisy regarding the sex industry here.

But they are not farangs so its not racism as they get charged less.

Sent from my c64

I'll assume that is a joke. If the worst form of racism you endure is dual pricing then you haven't really experienced racism.


A storm in a teacup ;

In my village nobody knows about that story and they don't care ..

Three pages here on TVF ; You have nothing useful to do than speaking about what Thai people will think about it ....

They care less about what we think and " reciproquement " in french in the text .cheesy.gif


orgies/swinging are illegal in thailand, why arent the girls involved being dragged thru the wringer and their names disclosed, seems a bit one sided to me


The sport has become severely tarnished.

err... sorry, soccer has never been a gentleman's sport - most players are impolite cheating bullies.

Did you read my comment?

" If you are in the spotlight, better to be discrete."

Perhaps all football clubs should employ someone to teach these "bullies" that whatever you do, don't make it public.

It does not matter that they are not real gentlemen, but they get paid big money and with that the press, media, will be watching out for a good story.

Prince Harry and his exploits( in I think Vegas.)


I haven't seen the video and so I really don't understand all this fuss about the term "slit-eye"

Is it really racist?

Is it any different to Isaan people calling westerners "big-nose"

Would it be racist if I referred to them as "flat-nose"?

Asian children's cartoons often depict asians with a slanted slit for eyes. Same in Asian cartoons in Asian newspapers.

Asians being racist against Asians?

How many of these British newspapers pretending outrage have not had a cartoon depicting a chinese person with slanty eyes and big buck teeth. Racist? or racial stereotyping?

Personally, I believe that "almond-eyes" more accurately describes Thai eyes.

Would I be racist to call someone "almond-eyes" ?


No doubt these guys were beyond stupid for videotaping their antics in Thailand...but I guess they needed the affirmation and status from their mates for doing a sex worker in Thailand

But these girls and thousands just like them do a whole lot worse every day in Thailand, and everyone turns a blind eye because everyone from the Bar owners, Police and the Families make money of what they do. They seem to be less worried about the fact that the whores are conducting illegal acts, and the fact that some chav showing off to his mate called one of them a "slant eye"..

The girls got paid, they could care less what they get called as long as they get their money.

...maybe I can understand the uproar in the UK...but here in Thailand....really?

Well, when you are a country that is catching international heat for fostering human trafficking, slavery, and judicial scapegoating, not to mention condoning wife beating, pedophelia, military coups, and xenophobia, any chance to play the victim card cannot be passed up.


"In the video, one of the disgraced players".

The video was sent to their mates back home. I don't think their mates were saying things like "You guys have all disgraced yourselves"....me thinks they were saying something different?


In my link , Venus of Urbino; if any one has opened it; "young courtesan" for non native speakers is a polite term for prostitute.

Sorry, the term courtesan was not in the link I posted, it was elsewhere.

However the model was a prostitute and Manet copied this with another painting of a prostitute.

For those who are missing my point, prostitution has always been and always will be.

Respect and admiration of feminine beauty, with sex, is fundamental to most art, literature.

Abuse of females, or men, is not condoned and if you have sick tendencies, keep it private!


Deep seated racism exists in Thailand. Some white foreigners some might complain about dual pricing but it is much worse for Burmese, Khmers, Indians, Bangladeshis and pretty much anyone of colour from Africa. Racism is not the preserve of the white man, that is for sure. And don't even get me started on the Thai hypocrisy regarding the sex industry here.

But they are not farangs so its not racism as they get charged less.

Sent from my c64

I'll assume that is a joke. If the worst form of racism you endure is dual pricing then you haven't really experienced racism.

So, in your world, if someone calls you a name for being of a particular ethnicity it is worse than if someone charges you a monetary fine for being of a particular ethnicity?


Having read so many angles of this sensational story, personally, I have come to the conclusion that the biggest issue here is the lack of decorum.

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

The biggest problem here seems to be the idiot (or braggart) who sent the video to his buddies. Lose lips sink ships. The lip (or tongue action) certainly has sunk this ship.

I agree that this type of play goes on all the time in sports clubs, colleges, universities and Thailand.

But the activities should have stayed in the hotel room.


The sport has become severely tarnished.

err... sorry, soccer has never been a gentleman's sport - most players are impolite cheating bullies.

Cricket is a game for gentlemen played by gentlemen,

Football is a game for gentlemen played by hooligans,

Rugby Union is a game for hooligans played by gentlemen,

And Rugby League is a game for hooligans played by hooligans


I hope the three stooges will receive ample punishment including a Thailand visa ban for life, with their leader stooge being beaten senseless by his dad who advertises his team as being "anti racist"...


James Pearson (L), Tom Hopper © and Adam Smith ®

Money can't by happiness boys, hope you will have to suffer from this for a long time to come!


Having read so many angles of this sensational story, personally, I have come to the conclusion that the biggest issue here is the lack of decorum.

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

The biggest problem here seems to be the idiot (or braggart) who sent the video to his buddies. Lose lips sink ships. The lip (or tongue action) certainly has sunk this ship.

I agree that this type of play goes on all the time in sports clubs, colleges, universities and Thailand.

But the activities should have stayed in the hotel room.

Yes, indeed; do you go home to your wife, girlfriend, sister, mother and tell them you just had dirty sex?

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