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PM Prayut says he feels ashamed because he still cannot make farmers live better


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The first thing to do, should be to educate them in basic finances, don't spend

more than you earn, save some for a rainy day,and finally diversify the crops

they grow, growing rice as a mono culture crop,leaves them at the hands of

middle men,World prices,and if a disease strikes you have lost the lot.

regards worgeordie

I applaud what you have said in general as Thais do not seem to be able to manage their finances at all well but this I would suggest is down to the very poor education system especially in the rural areas where there are many who can not read or write. This is also because at a young age many children have to leave school to look after their siblings while the parents went off to find some work.

Unless a family has many Rai, I would suggest in excess of 30, of rice land then there is no way that they can live off the money they make from the crop. Don't forget that the prices for a kilo of rice that is often portrayed, is not what the majority get. It has to be completely dry and of really good quality to get the top price, usually it is 2 -4 baht below what the middle men advertise as paying. So unfortunately what they earn is spent, there is no money to save for a rainy day.

My wife's family are farmers and grow rice and to be honest I have to say that it is a h*ll of a lot of hard work for very little return.

One sister has more than 20 Rai but by the time they take out what they need for eating and for re-sowing for next year there is not enough money to feed and clothe a family of 4 for more than 6 months or so. They also have to pay out for the fertiliser, a machine to get the land ploughed, and a machine to cut the rice. The costs involved in this rise every year as does the labour, yet the rice per kilo drops. Also add in the general increase in inflation in Thailand each year.

As regards growing other crops, then this is not as easy as it seems, where land for growing rice is ok, it is not always that suitable for growing other crops.

Right on point. I think Rice farming is pretty much the same in any developing country, farmers are always the lowest income earner, the only long term solution is education for them or their children to move to other fields of work.

Short term solution has to be more efficient farming methods, the government has to do a better job at educating and teaching farmers.

I still believe crop rotation will work, but its the fact that farmers are not taught how to plant other suitable crops. For the ones that do try, they often fail due to inexperience and it takes time, money, trial and error to generate profit, most will fail in the beginning and tell other folks it won't work.

Like you said, most farmers own small pieces of land, and that is simply not enough to generate any profit to support their family, there is simply no other alternatives for these farmers other than being hired as unskilled labor.

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@billd766. Another fasinating comment from a useless yellow shirt supporter who doesnt have the brain power to look beyony the PTP. You and Uty6543 are both cut from the same yellow cloth.

Firstly I am NOT a yellow shirt supporter and I don't believe that the yellowshirts even exist any more aprt from in your mind.

Secondly ALL the people I mentioned have stuck their oar into farming and even after 15 or 20 years farmers are no better off. Unless of course YOU know differently and can provide the links and put your money where you mouth is.

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Time to step down when you're ashamed that you're incompetent.

And I suppose you offered the various Shin governments the same advice ? No, I did not think so...........................coffee1.gif

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Dear Pm, give a Thai farmer a freev1 million baht now, go to visit him one year later, and you will

find him the same conditions and situation you have found him today, but now he's in debt of

1 million baht to some loan shark,

Thai framers are a rare breed, they were born to life of miserable existence and a perpetual

hands out, that how the many past governments have wanted them and that's how they kept

them and that's how they are today...

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The unelected PM only lies when his lips are moving. The whole point of the operation he is running is to keep the great unwashed in their place at the behest of his elite puppet masters. Is there really anyone gullible and simple enough to think he gives a rats about anyone who works the land?

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The first thing to do, should be to educate them in basic finances, don't spend

more than you earn, save some for a rainy day,and finally diversify the crops

they grow, growing rice as a mono culture crop,leaves them at the hands of

middle men,World prices,and if a disease strikes you have lost the lot.

regards worgeordie

Patronising rubbish...

Did you even read the comment ? My God, the trolls are getting worse and worse every day around here !

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There are too many farmers. Take out the slave labor in many industries that make a few rich and pay a decent salary. Then consolidate and modernise these tiny farms in my village. .. and include some education for villages like mine.... its hard for these kids to escape a vicious cycle.... modernise the economy. .. don't have draconian laws limiting foreign investment. ... gotta stop protecting the elite

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Actually he can help the farmers of he really wants to...invoke sect 44 and arrests and confisticate the assets of all the thai chinese millers, wholesalers and brokers and also all thai-chinese agro-businesses. I am sure all the thai farmers and poor people will really admire him if he can do that.

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Billd766@ you're pretty naive if you believe that the yellow shirts just mysteriously disappeared, a sure sign of a supporter. I am not saying that farmers are better off, I am saying they are no better off under the current government than previous governments. But you obviously don't get it when someone state" leave it to experts in that field" never once mentioning a political figure.

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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.


Other inflammatory or offensive posts have been removed.

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There are too many farmers. Take out the slave labor in many industries that make a few rich and pay a decent salary. Then consolidate and modernise these tiny farms in my village. .. and include some education for villages like mine.... its hard for these kids to escape a vicious cycle.... modernise the economy. .. don't have draconian laws limiting foreign investment. ... gotta stop protecting the elite

Good point..If Thailand could only open their eyes for a while and look....They will find there are many Competent, Experienced, willing, foreigners here already who can lift the game for farmers, if they were allowed...

To move forward, they have to try new things, and this would be a start....

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...and that's the only reason? Perhaps he should do what he said he was goiing to do - set up a democracy and then leave it to those who are expert in that field...not a retired general?

Do You mean experts like Yingluck and Co who balls up the rice scam so badly that some farmers committed suicide others lost their land and lots are now deeper in debt than ever before. I think now they realise they were conned they are happy with a retired general who is doing the best he can for the country.

I am sure before too long he will come up with a way that improves the lives of the poorest farmers without leaving it open to corruption.

Who's paying you to write crap like this ? The people that commited suicide did so because the people that brought your dear great leader to power, cut off funding to pay these farmers. Your dear great leader have cut farm prices by half and then gave the farmers B 15 000 to keep them quiet and now is claiming he is sorry not have improved their lives. How pathetic !!! If the farmers are so happy about your dear great leader lets have a referendum on which constitution the people prefer, let them choose between 1997, 2007 or 2015 constitution. Let your dear great leader allow free speech on which constitution the people would prefer. Then after the people have chosen a constitution lets have an election under the constitution the people have chosen.

This will however never happen as you and his supporters only give lip service to the concept of democracy. Your dear great leader has done nothing to improve the living standard of poor people in this country. If he wants improve their living standards why doenst he share his B 680 mil fortune ?

Another who subscribes to the red history books. How pathetic.

The farmers were not paid because someone forgot to allow for funds to pay them before the house was dissolved even though they knew the debt had to be paid and they had said repeatedly that money was available.

The debt to rice farmers went back to several months before the house was dissolved.

A caretaker govt was not allowed by law to establish a debt to a future govt although they tried to worm their way round the law and coerce govt owned banks into lending them money without any collateral.

Those who had their savings in those banks were not happy and let the banks know by withdrawing their money and protesting at the banks.

Yes, one of the first things the present Govt did was pay the farmers what they were owed as the previous PT govt should have done

Please explain how the present PM has cut farm prices in half.

As for the rest of your rant, go do some research and find out just how silly it is.

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Why is it, that throughout history, politicians march on a platform of poverty and 'saving' those with less?...wait don't answer that, I know...politicians want their vote. How many programs, schemes, etc... have been introduced to 'help' the poor (farmer or otherwise), (not just in Thailand, consider your home country as well)? Countless, with a ga-trillion ba-zillion dollars being spent on helping the less fortunate. It will never end, because, in part, we humans are somewhat apathetic; well that is those that are not in politics; and for those that are the programs, schemes will never end due to a vote. Crazy how it all works.

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...and that's the only reason? Perhaps he should do what he said he was goiing to do - set up a democracy and then leave it to those who are expert in that field...not a retired general?

You know of an expert in Democracy here in Thailand. do let us all in on their name.giggle.gif

We have a long list of names based on the last government that haven't got a clue.sad.png

Do you even know what it is.coffee1.gif Or you like many of the other anti honest government posters that thinks a democracy is when the minority run the country. Not really an informed bunch here.wai.gif

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The first thing to do, should be to educate them in basic finances, don't spend

more than you earn, save some for a rainy day,and finally diversify the crops

they grow, growing rice as a mono culture crop,leaves them at the hands of

middle men,World prices,and if a disease strikes you have lost the lot.

regards worgeordie

I applaud what you have said in general as Thais do not seem to be able to manage their finances at all well but this I would suggest is down to the very poor education system especially in the rural areas where there are many who can not read or write. This is also because at a young age many children have to leave school to look after their siblings while the parents went off to find some work.

Unless a family has many Rai, I would suggest in excess of 30, of rice land then there is no way that they can live off the money they make from the crop. Don't forget that the prices for a kilo of rice that is often portrayed, is not what the majority get. It has to be completely dry and of really good quality to get the top price, usually it is 2 -4 baht below what the middle men advertise as paying. So unfortunately what they earn is spent, there is no money to save for a rainy day.

My wife's family are farmers and grow rice and to be honest I have to say that it is a h*ll of a lot of hard work for very little return.

One sister has more than 20 Rai but by the time they take out what rice they need for eating and for re-sowing for next year there is not enough money to feed and clothe a family of 4 for more than 6 months or so. They also have to pay out for the fertiliser, a machine to get the land ploughed, and a machine to cut the rice. The costs involved in this rise every year as does the labour, yet the rice per kilo drops. Also add in the general increase in inflation in Thailand each year.

As regards growing other crops, then this is not as easy as it seems, where land for growing rice is ok, it is not always that suitable for growing other crops.

This sister could save a lot of money on the fertilizer. Just by not burning it. I mean the free fertilizer. They are burning billions every year.

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...and that's the only reason? Perhaps he should do what he said he was goiing to do - set up a democracy and then leave it to those who are expert in that field...not a retired general?

Do You mean experts like Yingluck and Co who balls up the rice scam so badly that some farmers committed suicide others lost their land and lots are now deeper in debt than ever before. I think now they realise they were conned they are happy with a retired general who is doing the best he can for the country.

I am sure before too long he will come up with a way that improves the lives of the poorest farmers without leaving it open to corruption.

No need to repeat fabricated claims. The issue of farmer suicides was dealt with at length when the claims were made. The rate of farmer suicides had decreased starting with the Thaksin administration and continued to do so until his government was replaced by the military. It stabilized under the Abhisit government and remained so under Yingluck. If I wanted to exaggerate and make a false claim like you, I would attribute the decrease solely to Thaksin. The reality is that the economy had improved and health care options were better too during the Thaksin era.

Many of the farmers who have committed suicide have had serious health and family issues. Some had gambled and were in debt. Others had domestic problems or were alcoholics, while others had chronic illness.

It is laughable that you state that the general will improve the lives of farmers without leaving it open to corruption. What do you call the new multi billion baht fund to support palm oil extraction factories? Is this one of your corruption free ideas. or maybe, just maybe it is a political pay off to a hard core group of business owners who were very vocal in their fight against the Yingluck government because she wanted to stop the over expansion of rubber farms.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid and you won't abandon your fantasy.

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...and that's the only reason? Perhaps he should do what he said he was goiing to do - set up a democracy and then leave it to those who are expert in that field...not a retired general?

Thailand elite don't want to give rural farmers any meaningful voting or power

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The first thing to do, should be to educate them in basic finances, don't spend

more than you earn, save some for a rainy day,and finally diversify the crops

they grow, growing rice as a mono culture crop,leaves them at the hands of

middle men,World prices,and if a disease strikes you have lost the lot.

regards worgeordie

Patronising rubbish...

Your comment most certainly is rubbish.

A typical keyboard warrior who always critisizes but never offers any better opinion or option and certainly offers nothing here.

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Billd766@ you're pretty naive if you believe that the yellow shirts just mysteriously disappeared, a sure sign of a supporter. I am not saying that farmers are better off, I am saying they are no better off under the current government than previous governments. But you obviously don't get it when someone state" leave it to experts in that field" never once mentioning a political figure.

I do wish you would read a comment, comprehend what it says and come up with something constructive and then post it. What you appear to have said is that the farmers are worse off under this government and they probably are by a small amount. So far farming policy has been decided by government before this one who have their own self professed "experts" who have managed to damage the farming industry to a disastrous level.

AFAIR I mentioned quite a few political figures over the last 15 years who have "directed" farming policy and farmers are STILL no better off than they were 15 years ago.

You, like many of your ilk, have to believe that the yellow shirts exist as it conveniently gives you someone to blame. If you believe the "yellow shirts" exist and are powerful enough to force the government to do things, then good for you if it keeps you happy.

I don't and it really doesn't bother me when people like you describe me as a yellow shirt supporter. It isn't true and is like water of a ducks back.

Edited by billd766
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The reality of life for my little rice farmer (the wife) is she will make about 15.000 to 18.000 baht profit on her 20 rai of paddie.

If lucky she will get 800kg per rai using the seed from Phitsanulok rice research centre. He brother used it last year and got 800kg/rai.

Contractors spread seed, plow and rotovate but she will take care of the chemie and water management, then when ready The Smoking Man (always go a cigarette in his mouth) will come and harvest the rice and have his lads take it to the receiving station.

I say to her we have to convert the land to some other use which is more profitable.....and she says "What?" That's a good question! laugh.png

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Do the term supply and demand ring a bell? maybe if these Knucklehead Farmers try planting other crops instead of rice they wouldn't flood the market with there crops. corn is good option uses less water to grow than rice And has greater demand. Plant beans another high protein crop which could be used to feed people in countries with few meat products. Maybe you need to retrain the farmers.

Edited by Strangebrew
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Here's a short list for you to start working on Mr. Prayut.

1. Universal garbage service to every home in Thailand.

2. Universal electric service to every home in Thailand.

3. Better maintenance on roads and more roads to make it easier for people to get to and from their homes and schools.

4. Free government transportation to and from school for at least grade school children.

5. Higher educational standards.

6. Government sponsored educational scholarships for the brightest students.

7. Government sponsored program to educate bright students to become future doctors providing they commit 10 years to a government hospital.

Already teachers use sponsored programs with a 9 years commitment to Government schools.

Doctors? Many countries will "buy" that commitment and move those doctors out. Medical professionals are in demand all around the world, and in the US and Europe specially, when medical education is very expensive, and doctor's earnings are very high.

Thailand needs FREE language schools in every town, and FREE technical schools to compete with private universities.

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Here's a short list for you to start working on Mr. Prayut.

1. Universal garbage service to every home in Thailand.

2. Universal electric service to every home in Thailand.

3. Better maintenance on roads and more roads to make it easier for people to get to and from their homes and schools.

4. Free government transportation to and from school for at least grade school children.

5. Higher educational standards.

6. Government sponsored educational scholarships for the brightest students.

7. Government sponsored program to educate bright students to become future doctors providing they commit 10 years to a government hospital.

They already do 6 and 7, but it's 5 years not 10 for the doctors!

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BS General/PM Prat Prayut. Maybe you should have driven your air con limo around the rural sectors advertising your number plate so the locals could win a bit. Instead what do you do, hide the car for the day and only let the secret out amongst a select group.

Perhaps you should do a little research and you may find out that the air con limo does NOT belong to the general but is actually a government vehicle and probably the same one that Yingluck used.

If you went out into rural Thailand among the farmers instead of being a keyboard warrior you may learna few things for yourself too.

The limo is probably owned by the military, paid with government funds that were collected from the Thai taxpayers that would include the rice farmers. The military does not share its property with the government as it views itself as having separate sovereignty from the people's government.

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...and that's the only reason? Perhaps he should do what he said he was goiing to do - set up a democracy and then leave it to those who are expert in that field...not a retired general?

Do You mean experts like Yingluck and Co who balls up the rice scam so badly that some farmers committed suicide others lost their land and lots are now deeper in debt than ever before. I think now they realise they were conned they are happy with a retired general who is doing the best he can for the country.

I am sure before too long he will come up with a way that improves the lives of the poorest farmers without leaving it open to corruption.

3rd world farmers commit suicide irrespective of the politics. He should start dismantling the Thai Chinese monopolies on agribusiness.

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