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US wants to have a share in infrastructure projects in Thailand


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When you learn the difference between the US government and the profitable private sector, get back to me. The private sector has big investments in Thailand.

I do realize that the UK and Australia are perfect in every way so I have nothing negative to say. thumbsup.gif

You brought up Amtrak as good example moving goods. Still

"“The trains that link global centers of learning, finance and power on the East Coast lumber through tunnels dug just after the Civil War, and cross century-old bridges that sometimes jam when they swing open to let tugboats pass,” according to the AP. “Hundreds of miles of overhead wires that deliver power to locomotives were hung during the Great Depression…. By one estimate, it would take $21 billion just to replace parts still in use beyond their intended lives.”"


I didn't bring up Amtrak. It's a government entity and not a freight railroad. The freight railroads are private companies.

You brought up Amtrak. facepalm.gif

The National Railroad Passenger Corporation, doing business as Amtrak, is a publicly funded railroad service operated and managed as a for-profit corporation which began operations on May 1, 1971, to provide intercity passenger train service in the United States.


Warren Buffett, one of the US's most successful businessmen, bought a railroad: Warren Buffett's single biggest profit driver last quarter was a railroad.

In 2009, Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway bought Burlington Northern Sante Fe, the nation's second-largest railroad, in a deal worth $44 billion.

Roughly five years after the deal, a report from Bloomberg's Noah Buhayar said that by the end of this year BNSF was set to return all the cash Buffett spent on it.


All freight service in the US is privately held... and profitable. There is no reason SRT should lose money excepting for the rampant corruption.


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Every US Ambasdador in every station, regardless of the host country form of government, pushes US business interests. So this is not news.

What would be news is if the Thai government conducted infrastructure projects in a transparent way so as to minimize corruption and improve the end product.

With all posts where you stated that the USA would do this or that up to invade the country, you seem to condone hypocrisy.

You must be confusing me with some other member here.

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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I think they mean US manufacturers and companies such as Ford, GM, hard disks, CPU's, smartphones etc.

These companies are very profitable and can not only take care of themselves but help create jobs for Thailand.

Your angry but uninformed outburst is duly noted. thumbsup.gif

Not angry, nice little arrogant attempt to discredit, but take a look at some of the recent headlines around you won't you?

everything the US has manufactured has spyware in it including your refrigerator and dishwasher, alarm clock and on and on.

--- U.S. Embedded Spyware Overseas, Report Claims --- The Government Is Spying On Us Through Our Computers, Phones, Cars, Buses, Streetlights, At Airports And On The Street, Via Mobile Scanners And Drones, Through Our Smart Meters, And In Many Other Ways --- NSA reportedly installing spyware on US-made hardware --- U.S. cloud firms face backlash from NSA spy programs

the list goes on and on should you care to take a look for yourself.

Posting unproven internet myths isn't the smartest move. The issue has been CHINESE spyware that was installed on Chinese manufactured electronics.

Your reference to smart meters is insulting. Smart utility meters have been in use in developed asia and the EU for some time. The move to smart meters in North America was actually an initiative first pushed by Canadian hydro electric companies particularly Hydro One (the Ontario crown corp) no one is listening in on anyone. As for the rest of your crap, and it is crap, I suggest you save it for the devotees of conspiracy pushers like Alex Jones and the nutters who follow Lyndon Larouche.

Come on GK, the Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab says its so. Spyware in a dishwasher, why is that so hard for you to believe.

I'd wear a tin foil hat in case the radio waves get in your brain! do you really think dishwashers are the latest spy wear? I guess someone wants to know what you had for dinner!!!

I'd wear a tin foil hat in case the radio waves get in your brain! do you really think dishwashers are the latest spy wear? I guess someone wants to know what you had for dinner!!!

Now had you said there is spy wear in toilets I would have believed you.cheesy.gif

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"A share of the cake?" Same on Patrick Murphy, if he in fact said this. This merits an inquiry to the US State Department for clarification and a clarity State's intentions to invest US taxpayer money in a military dictatorship.

clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif Sour grapes, anyone ?

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The Merkins need to invest in their own infrastructure projects. Latest I heard, they have something like 10,000 bridges that are in disrepair? Just sayin'. coffee1.gif

When you learn the difference between the US government and the profitable private sector, get back to me. The private sector has big investments in Thailand.

I do realize that the UK and Australia are perfect in every way so I have nothing negative to say. thumbsup.gif

...................."I do realize that the UK and Australia are perfect in every way so I have nothing negative to say.".................................

Nice bit of sarcasm there NV, although I have no idea how you got on to the UK and Australia.

Your statement made me think - "I have never been to the UK and this guy has obviously never been to Australia."

But as bad as Australia is I doubt they have as big a problem, on average, as they have in the USA, when it comes to outdated infrastructure.

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