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Rick Perry goes at it again, launches 2016 bid


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The problem for the GOP is that NONE of the contenders has any charisma. Given a leader that could put fire in the campaign, a GOP candidate would leave the Dems in the mud.

Are you blind? Marco Rubio is young, handsome, has charisma and is very articulate. On top of all that, he is Latino.

Rubio is likable, dynamic,has a great story to tell, and he tells it well. He can connect with voters. His earnest, youthful contrast to Hillary Clinton, makes her seem haggard.

MarcoRubio has the potential to appeal to Hispanics and millennials in ways the others can't. If the democrats are not afraid of him, they should be.

Rubio - for me ... IMO ... possible VP material for Walker or Cruz.... Core conservatives would not accept Rubio at Pres .. .too many conflicting and changing positions over several years ... what does he stand for anyway... But compared to H Clinton ... not even a contest.

Rick Perry is no Giant.

Let's look at election day on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. It's a looong way off but let's look at where we are at present and where this beast is going.....

The decimal line on Rick Perry being elected POTUS on the date is 340/1000 Comparatively and in contrast, the line on say for example Martin O'Malley is 21/1000 (twenty-one). The line is predicated on who can win on November 8, 2016.

The line of Sen Rand Paul is 210

Gov. Scott Walker 130

Sen. Marco Rubio 90

John Ellis (Jeb) Bush 55

Hillary Rodham Clinton 21

The line on HRC and Martin O'Malley is identical at this point because the line on the the winning party regardless of candidate is:

Republican 225

Democratic 173

All of the above suggests to us very strongly where the far out flying right wing stands in American presidential election politics.

The conservatives and their marginal right political forces are indeed highly motivated and organized, and the right wing is on the march, getting ready for the final charge beginning this fall (autumn) with the R party debate circus. Conservatives will in fact storm the polling stations en masse on November 8, 2016.

Fact is, however, fewer whites will vote in 2016 than voted in 2012. Fewer white conservative voters voted in 2012 than voted in 2008.

Let's not stereotype all white voters, however, cause Barack Obama got 44% of the white vote in 2012. R's need a minimum of 72% of white voters next year to have a shot at winning (approx 11 million voters more than in 2012). Won't happen; can't happen. There aren't enough white conservative voters left, not now, not ever again. Republicans, who have now entered their Dream Time, like to think otherwise.

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The problem for the GOP is that NONE of the contenders has any charisma. Given a leader that could put fire in the campaign, a GOP candidate would leave the Dems in the mud.

Are you blind? Marco Rubio is young, handsome, has charisma and is very articulate. On top of all that, he is Latino.

Rubio is likable, dynamic,has a great story to tell, and he tells it well. He can connect with voters. His earnest, youthful contrast to Hillary Clinton, makes her seem haggard.

MarcoRubio has the potential to appeal to Hispanics and millennials in ways the others can't. If the democrats are not afraid of him, they should be.

Rubio - for me ... IMO ... possible VP material for Walker or Cruz.... Core conservatives would not accept Rubio at Pres .. .too many conflicting and changing positions over several years ... what does he stand for anyway... But compared to H Clinton ... not even a contest.

Rick Perry is no Giant.

Let's look at election day on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. It's a looong way off but let's look at where we are at present and where this beast is going.....

The decimal line on Rick Perry being elected POTUS on the date is 340/1000 Comparatively and in contrast, the line on say for example Martin O'Malley is 21/1000 (twenty-one). The line is predicated on who can win on November 8, 2016.

The line of Sen Rand Paul is 210

Gov. Scott Walker 130

Sen. Marco Rubio 90

John Ellis (Jeb) Bush 55

Hillary Rodham Clinton 21

The line on HRC and Martin O'Malley is identical at this point because the line on the the winning party regardless of candidate is:

Republican 225

Democratic 173

All of the above suggests to us very strongly where the far out flying right wing stands in American presidential election politics.

The conservatives and their marginal right political forces are indeed highly motivated and organized, and the right wing is on the march, getting ready for the final charge beginning this fall (autumn) with the R party debate circus. Conservatives will in fact storm the polling stations en masse on November 8, 2016.

Fact is, however, fewer whites will vote in 2016 than voted in 2012. Fewer white conservative voters voted in 2012 than voted in 2008.

Let's not stereotype all white voters, however, cause Barack Obama got 44% of the white vote in 2012. R's need a minimum of 72% of white voters next year to have a shot at winning (approx 11 million voters more than in 2012). Won't happen; can't happen. There aren't enough white conservative voters left, not now, not ever again. Republicans, who have now entered their Dream Time, like to think otherwise.

Good post, but not in your usual writing style. For example, you used "Barack Obama" instead of your quirky "Prez Obama".

How many of you are there? Maybe you're simply fatigued from all the "Protecting" you've been doing.

Local International Watchdog Protecting Us Against The Far Right

A few questions about the above, avatar description:

Can you define/describe the "Far Right" that you claim you are protecting Us against?

Does it by any chance involve any "protection money" or do we only have to read your posts to get our fair share of protection?

Thanks In Advance

Edited by MaxYakov
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Are we down now to posting political ads as proof of misdeeds in the political arena? The question is redundant. Apparently some are.

I am still keen on videos. I just prefer the Budweiser ads over those prepared by a political action committee in support of a Democratic party candidate.

Call me quirky.

Are you saying that the facts mentioned are lies?

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It's a political campaign ad run by a Democratic party political action committee.

I think most people take crap like this with a grain of salt and go get a beer out of the fridge when they first come on TV. Admittedly I didn't watch it through to its conclusion. I spotted it almost immediately for what it was intended to be. A hit piece in an election campaign.

I'm just surprised you seem to have some faith in it. If you choose to believe this sort of link, be my guest. Just don't expect others to drink the Kool Aid.

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Kool Aid is the official drink of the state of Nebraska, where it was invented in turn of the 20th century America. It could be considered a risky beverage only in the environs of extremists.

So let's just leave this Rick Perry-under criminal indictment stuff to the courts, judges, politics, of Texas and move on to Rick Perry the once and future unsuccessful Republican candidate for prez.

The cosmetic Ronald Reagan look-alike won't be around very long. He's all pan without a handle and no flash.

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It's a political campaign ad run by a Democratic party political action committee.

I think most people take crap like this with a grain of salt and go get a beer out of the fridge when they first come on TV. Admittedly I didn't watch it through to its conclusion. I spotted it almost immediately for what it was intended to be. A hit piece in an election campaign.

I'm just surprised you seem to have some faith in it. If you choose to believe this sort of link, be my guest. Just don't expect others to drink the Kool Aid.

Yes it's a bit overdramatic, but it's peoples' reactions (albiet staged) to the*fact* that millions of dollars meant for cancer research went to Abbot and Perry donors.

Which is the reason there is a PIU investigation against him.

Which is the reason he wanted to oust the person in charge of that Unit and replace them with his own nominee.

His failure to do so is the reason he pulled the plug on the funding.

Which is the reason a Grand Jury indicted him.

Either one of these ending in a conviction and his campaign will go down like a Chinese balloon.

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There was another big Republican debate tonight in Orlando, Fla. This one was sponsored by Google, which is tricky for Rick Perry because he's a yahoo.


Rick Perry said America's revolutionary war was fought in the 16th century. When told it was actually the 18th century, Perry apologized and said, 'I never said I was a geology major.'


He's not George Bush on steroids. Rick Perry is what happens if Lex Luther distilled down George Bush essence in a laboratory and crossed it with gun powder and semen from the finest thoroughbred in Lubbock, and then strapped that concoction onto a nuclear missile and shot it into the f*cking sun! And then, waited, waited, waited, until one day, on the anniversary of the Alamo, a solar flare, yada yada yada, Rick Perry!



The perfect words are best left to the better others. And sometimes one settles for an emoticon to suffice.

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As predicted in an earlier post... the only thing the Liberal - Left will do is lampoon, ridicule and generally slam candidates such as Rick Perry ... all done not to be funny - but to vilify, marginalize, make less than human... exaggerate claims of wrong doing, And not once it seems discuss any issue he stands for... So predictable ... and so useless is the commentary.

A thousand comedians out of a job and TVF Liberals and Leftist attempt to be one.

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As predicted in an earlier post... the only thing the Liberal - Left will do is lampoon, ridicule and generally slam candidates such as Rick Perry ... all done not to be funny - but to vilify, marginalize, make less than human... exaggerate claims of wrong doing

Straight from Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinsky.

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As an outside observer to all of this, what strikes me the most is why do Americans make such a big thing of Rick Perry being unable to remember something during the last campaign (which was only one incident) and yet they seem to attach no importance to the myriad of incidents where Hillary Clinton can’t seem to remember things?blink.png

It is a long standing double standard in America. Liberals and Leftists Politicians in America can say any dumb thing or forget everything commit crimes and no one in the Liberal - Leftist news media will say anything - because they are the news media outlet for the Liberal - Left. And the Liberal-Left people of America never question their 'Dear Leaders' as they are Lemmings and Sheep who follow their anointed Leaders around spending all their time in an attempt to DESTROY the ENEMY -- (the other political party) - rather than discuss the issues. Saul Alinsky tactics.

But they are blind to the American uprising that is going on -- it will hit them in the face come November 2016. The Liberal - Left have no idea what a Conservative - Moderate Populist Uprising looks like as they read only the Daily Kos and Media Matters and other Leftist rags to get their talking points from which they never stray.

Ridiculing Rick Perry in an attempt to destroy him is the same tactic they use and will use some more on Ted Cruz, Scott Walker and a half dozen other Republican Candidates ... But the new blood in the Republican Party will not roll over and play dead as Mitt Romney did and not be a scatter brained old man as John McCain is ... Rick Perry, Ted Cruz and Scott Walker have guts and brains ... Liberals and Leftists FEAR them so they lampoon them to try to destroy them. Won't work this time out.

The problem for the GOP is that NONE of the contenders has any charisma. Given a leader that could put fire in the campaign, a GOP candidate would leave the Dems in the mud.

I think HRC could be elected simply due to the fact that no GOP candidate makes an independent/ swing voter want to vote for them.

Ted Cruz has charisma. Whatever one thinks of him, he certainly has that.

Really? Not IMO. I wouldn't follow him into a paper bag. ( not sure exactly what that means but we used to say that about officers we had no respect for ).

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He does nothing for me. IMO just another machine politician.

Rand Paul gets my vote because he has the fire. Unfortunately the rest of the GOP will destroy him because he tells the truth. He also lacks charisma.

I find Rand Paul mildly charismatic, because he comes across as sincere. However, I do not trust him because of his weak foreign policy. I think that he is a lot more like his father than he admits and - to me - that is scary.

He has a foreign policy- DON'T get involved in unwinnable conflicts overseas.

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Governor Perry made some very sensible comments in a brief listing of some of his concerns for America... Perry's promises listed here certainly hit the mark for me as being very on target as to what America needs. I hope to read the details soon.

Rick Perry launches 2016 presidential campaign ...

"Perry made a series of "first-day as president" promises, including helping millions of graduates with college debt, lowering the corporate tax rate and signing an executive order approving the Keystone XL Pipeline. He also made repeated references to reducing the role of government. "We need to return power to the states and freedom to the individuals," he said."


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As predicted in an earlier post... the only thing the Liberal - Left will do is lampoon, ridicule and generally slam candidates such as Rick Perry ... all done not to be funny - but to vilify, marginalize, make less than human... exaggerate claims of wrong doing, And not once it seems discuss any issue he stands for... So predictable ... and so useless is the commentary.

A thousand comedians out of a job and TVF Liberals and Leftist attempt to be one.

Rick Perry can't remember everything he stands for, even when he tries to state his positions in groups of three items or issues. So no competent person pays attention to a clown politician who couldn't make it in private business for the obvious reasons.

Rick Perry as with Marco Rubio and so many other R's running for prez is a professional politician who's never had a real job in real life. Perry has made a career living off paychecks from government while never owning a private business that had to meet a payroll on the basis of being profitable. Yet Perry knows so much about private enterprise, small business, economics, finance, the national budget, deficit, debt, foreign policy. NOT!

The male Sarah Palin.

So maybe Perry can be veep on the ticket (with Rubio the Boy Wonder).

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Not ever having had a real job seems to be an example put forth by the current President of the U.S. whose only claim to fame was being a community organizer.

Governor Rick Perry has had 10 times more significant Executive Experience than the Arkansas Governor who became the U.S. President in the middle 1990s.

And Governor Perry has a 1000 times more REAL Executive Experience than H. Clinton whose only jobs have been the wife of a president and later - a high level bureaucrat that cannot boast of any accomplishments as a Cabinet Secretary except hobnobbing around the world selling influence to gain contributions to a shady charity.

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Martin O'Malley has a far greater probability to be elected prez than Rick Perry has or ever would have.

For one thing, we don't need another buffoon from Texas back in the White House again. Still however, Rick Perry might not be a complete washout, especially if the state of Texas Land Commissioner thinks the good ol' boy Rick has gone astray.....

Rick Perry could ‘pass for West Coast metrosexual’ without his boots, land commissioner says
By Sean Sullivan July 2, 2014
Texas Gov. Rick Perry walks over to talk to reporters after driving up in a Tesla Motors Type S electric car in Sacramento, Calif., on June 10. (Rich Pedroncelli/AP)

Texas Gov. Rick Perry ® doesn't wear cowboy boots anymore for health reasons. Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson ® doesn't like it.

“Tell Rick that boots can be purchased with normal heels,” he told the Austin American-Stateman's Ken Herman for a column Herman wrote about boots. “I lament the fact that our governor could now pass for a West Coast metrosexual and has embarrassed us all with his sartorial change of direction.”


Maybe the land commissioner considers that Dennis Hastert looks more impressive in his wrestling coach suit than Rick Perry might be sans boots. Ted Cruz btw wears black ostrich-skin boots all the time.

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As predicted in an earlier post... the only thing the Liberal - Left will do is lampoon, ridicule and generally slam candidates such as Rick Perry ... all done not to be funny - but to vilify, marginalize, make less than human... exaggerate claims of wrong doing, And not once it seems discuss any issue he stands for... So predictable ... and so useless is the commentary.

A thousand comedians out of a job and TVF Liberals and Leftist attempt to be one.

Rick Perry can't remember everything he stands for, even when he tries to state his positions in groups of three items or issues. So no competent person pays attention to a clown politician who couldn't make it in private business for the obvious reasons.

Rick Perry as with Marco Rubio and so many other R's running for prez is a professional politician who's never had a real job in real life. Perry has never been either an employee of a private business nor has Perry been the owner of a private business. Yet Perry knows so much about private enterprise, small business, economics, finance, the national budget, deficit, debt, foreign policy. NOT!

The male Sarah Palin.

So maybe Perry can be veep on the ticket (with Rubio the Boy Wonder).

"Rick Perry can't remember everything he stands for, even when he tries to state his positions in groups of three items or issues. So no competent person pays attention to a clown politician who couldn't make it in private business for the obvious reasons."

"We landed under sniper fire."

"I have no idea where the Rose law firm billing records are...here in my bedroom."

"What difference, at this point, does it make?"

"Rick Perry as with Marco Rubio and so many other R's running for prez is a professional politician who's never had a real job in real life. Perry has never been either an employee of a private business nor has Perry been the owner of a private business. Yet Perry knows so much about private enterprise, small business, economics, finance, the national budget, deficit, debt, foreign policy. NOT!"

We await your explanation about why Hillary is so qualified for the position yet she has never held a job in her life...ala Barack Hussein Obama.

She is Sarah Palin on steroids.

Hypocritical in the extreme.

We await your explanation about why Hillary is so qualified for the position yet she has never held a job in her life...ala Barack Hussein Obama.

The thread is about the vacuous Rick Perry running red lights in his clown car while blaring his horn yadda, yadda, yadda, not about HRC.

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The male Sarah Palin.

Because he forgot the name of ONE government agency, ONE time? What does that make a president who insisted that he has visited "fifty-seven states" in the USA?

Rick Perry graduated from Texas Agricultural and Military College with a GPA of 2.2 and a major in Animal Science.

Actually, Perry graduated in the top ten of his group of 13. laugh.png

Exactly what the country needs....a guy who's made a living getting paychecks from the taxpayers only, nothing in private business.

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I normally don't use Wikipedia as it accepts writer contributions. Having said that, their concise wording often gets to the point much easier.


The following from Wikipedia on Perry's early life after college.

"In the early 1970s, Perry interned during several summers with the Southwestern Company, as a door-to-door book salesman. "I count my time working for Dortch Oldham [president of the Southwestern Company] as one of the most important formative experiences of my life," Perry said in 2010. "There is nothing that tests your commitment to a goal like getting a few doors closed in your face." He said that "Mr. Oldham taught legions of young people to communicate quickly, clearly and with passion, a lesson that has served me well in my life since then."[21]
Upon graduation from college in 1972, Perry was commissioned as an officer in the United States Air Force and completed pilot training in February 1974. He was then assigned as a C-130 pilot to the 772nd Tactical Airlift Squadron at Dyess Air Force Base. Perry's duties included two-month overseas rotations at RAF Mildenhall in England and Rhein-Main Air Base in Germany. His missions included a 1974 U.S. State Department drought relief effort in Mali, Mauritania and Chad, and two years later, earthquake relief in Guatemala.[22] He left the United States Air Force in 1977 with the rank of Captain, returned to Texas, and went into business farming cotton with his father.[23]"
Perry graduated from Texas A&M in 1972 and first entered politics in 1984.
Compared to HRC, he's a regular Bill Gates.
It would seem he has a birthright to wear boots or not, as his feet and personal choices dictate. BFD.
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I normally don't use Wikipedia as it accepts writer contributions. Having said that, their concise wording often gets to the point much easier.


The following from Wikipedia on Perry's early life after college.

"In the early 1970s, Perry interned during several summers with the Southwestern Company, as a door-to-door book salesman. "I count my time working for Dortch Oldham [president of the Southwestern Company] as one of the most important formative experiences of my life," Perry said in 2010. "There is nothing that tests your commitment to a goal like getting a few doors closed in your face." He said that "Mr. Oldham taught legions of young people to communicate quickly, clearly and with passion, a lesson that has served me well in my life since then."[21]
Upon graduation from college in 1972, Perry was commissioned as an officer in the United States Air Force and completed pilot training in February 1974. He was then assigned as a C-130 pilot to the 772nd Tactical Airlift Squadron at Dyess Air Force Base. Perry's duties included two-month overseas rotations at RAF Mildenhall in England and Rhein-Main Air Base in Germany. His missions included a 1974 U.S. State Department drought relief effort in Mali, Mauritania and Chad, and two years later, earthquake relief in Guatemala.[22] He left the United States Air Force in 1977 with the rank of Captain, returned to Texas, and went into business farming cotton with his father.[23]"
Perry graduated from Texas A&M in 1972 and first entered politics in 1984.
Compared to HRC, he's a regular Bill Gates.
It would seem he has a birthright to wear boots or not, as his feet and personal choices dictate. BFD.

Wikipedia...the concise words of Rick Perry promoting himself, yadda yadda yadda....

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Now, let's look at the political indictment issued against Governor Perry.

Following are comments issued by some main stream media and liberal commentators concerning the indictment.

1. Several Democratic commentators, including David Axelrod, Jonathan Prince, Matthew Yglesias, and Jonathan Chait have stated that they believe the charges are either weak or unwarranted.

2. The New York Times ("appears to be the product of an overzealous prosecution"),

3. The Los Angeles Times ("the courts are the wrong place to settle political scores"),

4. The Washington Post ("The grand jury, however, would criminalize Mr. Perry’s conduct by twisting the pertinent statutes into a pair of pretzels")

5. USA Today ("Politics as usual should not be a violation of criminal law")

6. Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz stated that "The two statutes under which Gov. Perry was indicted are reminiscent of the old Soviet Union — you know, abuse of authority. The idea of indicting him because he threatened to veto spending unless a district attorney who was caught drinking and driving resigned, that's not anything for a criminal indictment. That's a political issue."

7. Eugene Volokh, UCLA School of Law professor, said that the Texas Constitution gives Perry the right to veto bills and he cannot be prosecuted for using his lawful and constitutional authority as Texas Governor and he also stated that Perry's threat to veto the funding is protected by the First Amendment, according to the Texas case of State v. Hansen.

lifted from Wikipedia here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Perry

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