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Phra Buddha Issara launches campaign in support for reforms before an election


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Wow more hate against someone you know nothing about other than he emerged as a leader of the people who were protesting against the amnesty bill and helped to rid the country of your beloved Yingluck and her corrupt Govt.

He is one of the good monks who does good works like looking after poor terminal cancer patients who have nowhere to go. He and his temple were attacked many times by the reds, bombs planted, shots fired and monks quarters burnt to the ground.

He has come out strongly against corrupt monks and suggested audits of all temples.

Most don't realize it has been the traditional role of respected monks to come out as leaders both in battle and in support of the people.

If you want to complain about bad and corrupt monks there are plenty to chose from, including one who at present refuses to answer questions regarding donations of billions to him and his temple.

Good monk my rear end! Anyone thinking of taking up the religion take a good look at this abomination and think again. I know which direction this evil goit's going when he snuffs it and it ain't upwards.

Your rear end apparently hasn't the faintest idea which way its pointing. If you were to put hate aside and look at facts you would see I am correct.

Do you think he is wrong that temples should be audited or that corrupt monks should be punished ?

Do you think it is bad that his temple takes in terminal cancer patients ?

But these things don't matter for he was one of those who helped get rid of the amnesty bill and the corrupt Yingluck Govt which you apparently condemn him for.

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This country disgusts me more and more as each day passes. I think it may be time to move on.

Would you like someone to start a collection for your airfare?

Edited by Artisi
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"He said that if an election was to be held now without any reforms the country would eventually slide back to violent political conflicts"

He would do his level best to ensure that it does!

Still he is right. Thaksin group will buy the election....Yellow will demonstrate. Red one will shoot.

In the unlikely case that the Democrats win the Reds will demonstrate.

So like him or hate him. If there will be elections just now, everything will start again in 1-3 years.

You know as well as anyone that PTP will win by a landslide, no need to 'buy election', never has been.

PTP can only win if they promise the earth, as in the rice scheme.

Let them try to win on realistic promises. Just watch!

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Wow more hate against someone you know nothing about other than he emerged as a leader of the people who were protesting against the amnesty bill and helped to rid the country of your beloved Yingluck and her corrupt Govt.

He is one of the good monks who does good works like looking after poor terminal cancer patients who have nowhere to go. He and his temple were attacked many times by the reds, bombs planted, shots fired and monks quarters burnt to the ground.

He has come out strongly against corrupt monks and suggested audits of all temples.

Most don't realize it has been the traditional role of respected monks to come out as leaders both in battle and in support of the people.

If you want to complain about bad and corrupt monks there are plenty to chose from, including one who at present refuses to answer questions regarding donations of billions to him and his temple.

Good monk my rear end! Anyone thinking of taking up the religion take a good look at this abomination and think again. I know which direction this evil goit's going when he snuffs it and it ain't upwards.

Your rear end apparently hasn't the faintest idea which way its pointing. If you were to put hate aside and look at facts you would see I am correct.

Do you think he is wrong that temples should be audited or that corrupt monks should be punished ?

Do you think it is bad that his temple takes in terminal cancer patients ?

But these things don't matter for he was one of those who helped get rid of the amnesty bill and the corrupt Yingluck Govt which you apparently condemn him for.

Don't know about which way it's pointing - but is easy to see where the comments are coming from.

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"He said that if an election was to be held now without any reforms the country would eventually slide back to violent political conflicts"

He would do his level best to ensure that it does!

Still he is right. Thaksin group will buy the election....Yellow will demonstrate. Red one will shoot.

In the unlikely case that the Democrats win the Reds will demonstrate.

So like him or hate him. If there will be elections just now, everything will start again in 1-3 years.

Even after Korn Chatikavanij admitted that vote buying had next to no effect in the North-East, TVF users are still trying to peddle this hackneyed yellow gem.

Well Korn....another failed politician who should be sacked together with Abhisit.....I really don't care what he says.

Next to no effect would mean that Thaksin is a complete idiot spending billions of Baht without any effect? I doubt that. As much as I dislike Thaksin, I don't think he is stupid and even less I think he is wasting his money for nothing.

That might be just envy from the looser Korn.....As he know the Democrats could never competite with Thaksins funds.

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"He said that if an election was to be held now without any reforms the country would eventually slide back to violent political conflicts"

He would do his level best to ensure that it does!

Still he is right. Thaksin group will buy the election....Yellow will demonstrate. Red one will shoot.

In the unlikely case that the Democrats win the Reds will demonstrate.

So like him or hate him. If there will be elections just now, everything will start again in 1-3 years.

You know as well as anyone that PTP will win by a landslide, no need to 'buy election', never has been.

PTP can only win if they promise the earth, as in the rice scheme.

Let them try to win on realistic promises. Just watch!

And an iPad for every kid and 500 (300-1000) Baht cash for the vote.

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"He said that if an election was to be held now without any reforms the country would eventually slide back to violent political conflicts"

He would do his level best to ensure that it does!

Still he is right. Thaksin group will buy the election....Yellow will demonstrate. Red one will shoot.

In the unlikely case that the Democrats win the Reds will demonstrate.

So like him or hate him. If there will be elections just now, everything will start again in 1-3 years.

The problem is you think the Taksin group nee to buy votes, I doubt.... they would win anyway and the yellows loose as ever , they just cant except they are losers, yes, that's the only thing the yellows are, losers... they should except and pull back from politics !

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"He said that if an election was to be held now without any reforms the country would eventually slide back to violent political conflicts"

He would do his level best to ensure that it does!

Still he is right. Thaksin group will buy the election....Yellow will demonstrate. Red one will shoot.

In the unlikely case that the Democrats win the Reds will demonstrate.

So like him or hate him. If there will be elections just now, everything will start again in 1-3 years.

Even after Korn Chatikavanij admitted that vote buying had next to no effect in the North-East, TVF users are still trying to peddle this hackneyed yellow gem.

Well Korn....another failed politician who should be sacked together with Abhisit.....I really don't care what he says.

Next to no effect would mean that Thaksin is a complete idiot spending billions of Baht without any effect? I doubt that. As much as I dislike Thaksin, I don't think he is stupid and even less I think he is wasting his money for nothing.

That might be just envy from the looser Korn.....As he know the Democrats could never competite with Thaksins funds.

That's the crux of it isn't it "Thaksins funds"

One would think that if it were true that the Dems were backed by the so called rich elite that they would have unlimited funds provided by their backers. But that isn't the case is it ?

The Dems in fact paid a portion of their parliamentary salary into the party (we know this because Chalerm tried to have them for paying to the party by electronic means rather than check or cash) while PT MP's were paid an allowance over and above their salary by the party.

Oh and Korn isnt a failed anything, he succeeded in business by his own efforts and was lauded as the best finance minister the country ever had. He has since been working behind the scenes on policy and meeting with people in the provinces, particularly the north and northeast.

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Wow more hate against someone you know nothing about other than he emerged as a leader of the people who were protesting against the amnesty bill and helped to rid the country of your beloved Yingluck and her corrupt Govt.

He is one of the good monks who does good works like looking after poor terminal cancer patients who have nowhere to go. He and his temple were attacked many times by the reds, bombs planted, shots fired and monks quarters burnt to the ground.

He has come out strongly against corrupt monks and suggested audits of all temples.

Most don't realize it has been the traditional role of respected monks to come out as leaders both in battle and in support of the people.

If you want to complain about bad and corrupt monks there are plenty to chose from, including one who at present refuses to answer questions regarding donations of billions to him and his temple.

He's not a monk , or sure not worth to be one, he is just a puppet of the elite , and a shame to buddhism.

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Wow more hate against someone you know nothing about other than he emerged as a leader of the people who were protesting against the amnesty bill and helped to rid the country of your beloved Yingluck and her corrupt Govt.

He is one of the good monks who does good works like looking after poor terminal cancer patients who have nowhere to go. He and his temple were attacked many times by the reds, bombs planted, shots fired and monks quarters burnt to the ground.

He has come out strongly against corrupt monks and suggested audits of all temples.

Most don't realize it has been the traditional role of respected monks to come out as leaders both in battle and in support of the people.

If you want to complain about bad and corrupt monks there are plenty to chose from, including one who at present refuses to answer questions regarding donations of billions to him and his temple.

He's not a monk , or sure not worth to be one, he is just a puppet of the elite , and a shame to buddhism.

You're right ikke, Phra Tammachayo of Wat Thammakai, a friend of Pheua Thai, is an elitist, extremely rich and a disgrace to Buddhism.Their teachings- the more money you have, the greater the next life is are an absolute travesty of The Lord Buddha's words. His involvement with disgraced politicians and businessmen is well documented.

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  • 2 months later...

Wow more hate against someone you know nothing about other than he emerged as a leader of the people who were protesting against the amnesty bill and helped to rid the country of your beloved Yingluck and her corrupt Govt.

He is one of the good monks who does good works like looking after poor terminal cancer patients who have nowhere to go. He and his temple were attacked many times by the reds, bombs planted, shots fired and monks quarters burnt to the ground.

He has come out strongly against corrupt monks and suggested audits of all temples.

Most don't realize it has been the traditional role of respected monks to come out as leaders both in battle and in support of the people.

If you want to complain about bad and corrupt monks there are plenty to chose from, including one who at present refuses to answer questions regarding donations of billions to him and his temple.

He is not a good monk if he is involved in politics and urging, like Suthep, for the military to continue on until they can find a way to ignore, or bypass, the results of an election.

All Thai politicians speak out against corruption including corrupt monks, but all of them (politicians) are corrupt. Can you name one Thai politician who is not corrupt.

This particular monk is part of the team used by the military and the elites to speak up for them, and defend their own sorry record. He is just another puppet like Sondhi and Suthep there to serve his masters.

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"He said that if an election was to be held now without any reforms the country would eventually slide back to violent political conflicts"

He would do his level best to ensure that it does!

Still he is right. Thaksin group will buy the election....Yellow will demonstrate. Red one will shoot.

In the unlikely case that the Democrats win the Reds will demonstrate.

So like him or hate him. If there will be elections just now, everything will start again in 1-3 years.

Thaksin won't even have to buy the election.

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"He said that if an election was to be held now without any reforms the country would eventually slide back to violent political conflicts"

He would do his level best to ensure that it does!

Still he is right. Thaksin group will buy the election....Yellow will demonstrate. Red one will shoot.

In the unlikely case that the Democrats win the Reds will demonstrate.

So like him or hate him. If there will be elections just now, everything will start again in 1-3 years.

Thaksin won't even have to buy the election.

Thaksin has never had to buy an election!

Whenever the next election may be - Thaksin will win it - cleanly, openly, honestly and by a huge margin.

Further, there will be no more coups - time has overtaken the old guard, themselves and their coups shall shortly be consigned to the sad and sordid pages of Thai political history.

Freedom beckons!

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Wow more hate against someone you know nothing about other than he emerged as a leader of the people who were protesting against the amnesty bill and helped to rid the country of your beloved Yingluck and her corrupt Govt.

He is one of the good monks who does good works like looking after poor terminal cancer patients who have nowhere to go. He and his temple were attacked many times by the reds, bombs planted, shots fired and monks quarters burnt to the ground.

He has come out strongly against corrupt monks and suggested audits of all temples.

Most don't realize it has been the traditional role of respected monks to come out as leaders both in battle and in support of the people.

If you want to complain about bad and corrupt monks there are plenty to chose from, including one who at present refuses to answer questions regarding donations of billions to him and his temple.

Instructions to monks; Speak only words that do no harm

"One should speak only that word by which one would not torment oneself nor harm others. That word is indeed well spoken.

"One should speak only pleasant words, words which are acceptable (to others). What one speaks without bringing evils to others is pleasant."

Thag 21

Self-purification through well-chosen speech

"And how is one made pure in four ways by verbal action?

"There is the case where a certain person, abandoning false speech, abstains from false speech. When he has been called to a town meeting, a group meeting, a gathering of his relatives, his guild, or of the royalty, if he is asked as a witness, 'Come & tell, good man, what you know': If he doesn't know, he says, 'I don't know.' If he does know, he says, 'I know.' If he hasn't seen, he says, 'I haven't seen.' If he has seen, he says, 'I have seen.' Thus he doesn't consciously tell a lie for his own sake, for the sake of another, or for the sake of any reward. Abandoning false speech, he abstains from false speech. He speaks the truth, holds to the truth, is firm, reliable, no deceiver of the world.

"Abandoning divisive speech he abstains from divisive speech. What he has heard here he does not tell there to break those people apart from these people here. What he has heard there he does not tell here to break these people apart from those people there. Thus reconciling those who have broken apart or cementing those who are united, he loves concord, delights in concord, enjoys concord, speaks things that create concord.

"Abandoning abusive speech, he abstains from abusive speech. He speaks words that are soothing to the ear, that are affectionate, that go to the heart, that are polite, appealing & pleasing to people at large.

"Abandoning idle chatter, he abstains from idle chatter. He speaks in season, speaks what is factual, what is in accordance with the goal, the Dhamma, & the Vinaya. He speaks words worth treasuring, seasonable, reasonable, circumscribed, connected with the goal.

"This is how one is made pure in four ways by verbal action."

AN 10.176

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