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E-mails Of Farang Men


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How bout letters for Farang Men (or at least what they were thinking). I kinda laugh sometimes when I read Farang Men complaining about Thai women who jack them or who are only interested in their money. Meanwhile on the other hand they don't complain about the prospects of easy sex and an overwhelming amount of flattering compliments that Farang Men receive. You don't hear about these poor mates, who couldn't get laid at home all of a sudden are shaggin 10 girls in one week (quote from poster named ZoiD). The guys who get burned here and who complain love to blame Thailand and Thai girls but they should face it and accept the fact that getting ripped off happens everywhere, they just happen to let their guard down when easy pussy (or cock) was staring them in the face. Meanwhile posters like ZoiD forget that he/she is just as much of a scumbag as the lying Thai girls (the 10 Thai girls in Samui) that he/she loves to trash. He/she feels superior to them after he/she shags them, bolts and then reads their letters asking for money. Next thing you know he/she is going to say that all the pussy (and probably some cock) that they got was free - right. Braggin about 10 girls that a person banged because they paid them is like bragging about beating a cheetah in a race - while in a car.

Peace Out

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sorry.. forgot to mention - I got the usernames and passes to some of the most devious girls around, ya want me to print some of the letters they get sent from their numerous boyfriends back in blighty, confessing their love to their little hoez, or is it make believe wife in your case JJdipstick?


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Hey, I'm just saying if U r going to criticize Thai girls, then I'd like to see some postings about Farang Men. No need to be harsh MadFrankie. JJDipstick, wow, that is clever, never crossed my mind to do JJDipstick. And yes, that would be funny to see those letters.




Whoa, this is easy :o

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yeah, u r right JJ - ppl want free and also not be cheated. how is it possible? to get free - it usually mean u cheat - then naturally u'll find the one u wanna cheat in this way from the same category as urself - the cheatere. and it is a matter of cleverness only - who will finally cheat whom and to which extent. but it is chilshish illusion to expect honest hearted responce to one's cheating propensity!

as one wise man said once aog: "society of cheaters and cheated". there are ppl who wanna be cheated by their beahavior of seeking some substitutes of real things as realtions, and naturally many cheaters would flock to them to cheat them. why complain if one sort of ask for it?

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I dont think the guys who come to Thailand expect free sex. I certainly dont, but then again it isnt exactly free anywhere. Even if a guy goes on a date in London he still has to pay for meal and drinks before getting laid. So whats the difference in shagging in Thailand.....the cost.....its a lot cheaper in Thailand. :o

I also cant belive some of the posts by the guys who complain about lying bar girls etc Everyone must know it happens, I guess its just humane nature that you think it happens to everyone else but not you, and you have found true love...well till the next custumer comes along! :D

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Its the sex issue ... the fareng stlye of face.. bragging to your mates..

why is paying for it cheating??? is masturbation cheating also?

you can pay for sex on any continent.. probably even antartica...

I still believe its a throwback to religion this idea that sex is something special... it means love... take yer mills and boon and jam it up yer date.

making love is what my girlfriend does while I am <deleted> her.....

ah the joys of that release of tension that is sexual gratification...

just like yer average puppy shagging some ones leg..

people who believe their relationships must follow the path of your average(very) hollywood blockbuster... deserve everything they get...


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I dont think the guys who come to Thailand expect free sex.

Wrong! After reading posts from some thai-related websites, one will realize that there are quite a few farangs who expect free sex from BGs. thinking because they are handsome. makes me want to puke!

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I dont think the guys who come to Thailand expect free sex.

Wrong! After reading posts from some thai-related websites, one will realize that there are quite a few farangs who expect free sex from BGs. thinking because they are handsome. makes me want to puke!

yup.. yer right their, walking into a bar and expectin a hoe to go with ya for free is like going into Mc Donanlds and wanting yer big mac meal for free.. Fair enuf, u might get away with it in both cases if ya talk the talk, but in reality yer on the blag.

In my opinion.. Women are like vegetables, U can get the seed for free, then if u plant it, nurture it, and eventually cut it down when its ripe, u can eat for free, allbeit with a little effort, but nothing more than a few natural resources are needed..

Same goes for women :o

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Well I honestly believe that Ferangs are sucked in first time and think it is love. However you quickly wisen up after being burned in some fashion, and probably rightfully so. I don't necessarily think you need to pay when you visit Thailand either plenty of Thai ladies that just want to get out of living in a one room flat 8 deep. Course depends on how you look at it - buying an extra meal, drinks an outfit certainly you are paying in a way, but I suppose every lad would be guilty of this at some point in his life whether in thailand or not. :o

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MadFrankie you are a trip. I'm not even married. I was just quoting ZoiD. And you are a lucky man indeed if you are getting sex for free - it must be your intellect. And it doesn't really ruffle my feathers that ZoiD gets to bang BG's for free - I'm just jealous. Of you as well MadFrankie.

Anyway, to get back to my original point - all I want to see is the flip side. MadFrankie you do a lot of writing. Where are these letters from Farangs writing back to their girlfriends? I'm just curious that's all. And if you want to put a fake one up that you wrote to my imaginary bar girl wife after you had a romp with her - please indulge yourself.

And by the way, I'm not saying paying for sex is bad - &%$! I did it my 1st time here in the form of a 1,500 baht cab fare - I really thought she loved me but oh well. I just find it funny that some people who pay for their sex (Unlike lucky, handsome, genius Mad Frankie) look down on those who sell it. And another point, some people think those who sell it are vicitms, but I've been down by Patpong a couple of times and the girls don't look like victims to me. Any of you think they are vicitms? Or are they just like the rest of us - trying to survive.

Oh well gotta go back. Hey MadFrankie, one more joke about my wife please? I can never get tired of those clever jokes. Can't wait waht the genius comes up with next.

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MadFrankie you are a trip. I'm not even married. I was just quoting ZoiD. And you are a lucky man indeed if you are getting sex for free - it must be your intellect. And it doesn't really ruffle my feathers that ZoiD gets to bang BG's for free - I'm just jealous. Of you as well MadFrankie.

Anyway, to get back to my original point - all I want to see is the flip side. MadFrankie you do a lot of writing. Where are these letters from Farangs writing back to their girlfriends? I'm just curious that's all. And if you want to put a fake one up that you wrote to my imaginary bar girl wife after you had a romp with her - please indulge yourself.

And by the way, I'm not saying paying for sex is bad - &%$! I did it my 1st time here in the form of a 1,500 baht cab fare - I really thought she loved me but oh well. I just find it funny that some people who pay for their sex (Unlike lucky, handsome, genius Mad Frankie) look down on those who sell it. And another point, some people think those who sell it are vicitms, but I've been down by Patpong a couple of times and the girls don't look like victims to me. Any of you think they are vicitms? Or are they just like the rest of us - trying to survive.

Oh well gotta go back. Hey MadFrankie, one more joke about my wife please? I can never get tired of those clever jokes. Can't wait waht the genius comes up with next.


Lucky man for getting free sex - - U SAD GIT.

no one said ZoiD rammed bar girls for free - - Perhaps u should go back to school and brush up on those reading skills.

Jealousy - - You'll learn to live with it.

Original point - - SHUT UP, no one cares about your gaylord opinions

1,500 baht cab fair? - - U fell in love with a taxi?

"And another point, some people think those who sell it are vicitms, but I've been down by Patpong a couple of times and the girls don't look like victims to me. " - -

You really are one clued up guy, u should write a book on the subject, perhaps a little more research on the would be in order before you open your mouth again though.


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Very nice. You make such a clear and concise argument. And the grammar, clearly Sir you are educated. Consider me "put in my place". You have proved your point, you are obviously better than me. Can we go back now to the original point? Do you have those letters that you were talking about or not? Anymore opinions on the original subject matter at hand? I don't like to stray.


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Ahh.. glad to see, u have seen the light.. And yes I am educated, and probably to a higher level than your self :D

Why do u want to see these letters so badly anyways? Its the money requests from the bar girls that are funny. But if I must, heres one from some poor heart broken chap!

Miss "im not a hoez" email to lover boy, after the boyfriend found out she was up for rent to anyone with 1k note (lookin for a freelancer) and fled. This girl doesnt know the meaning of the truth, every piece of factual information that comes out of her mouth is total log, I just sit there and chuckle to mehself when shes @ mine giving a bit of room service. I dont know how anyone can defend these critters. :o



I don't know why you not send me sms and e-mail.if you want stop tellme, meybe you have grilfriend don't lies to me i understand if you have grilfriend and please,

tell me you will come holiday with me or not you know i worry about you but you forget me. i'm very sorry please call me if you can i not happy now very worry about you if you tell me, you want stop with me ok i will go away from you.i waiting you please call me or send me sms

ok.good take yourself.



Heart broken jimmys reply...


Dear Noi ,

I'm sorry i not call you or sms you , i have been very busy in cambodia working. I not lie to you i don't have a girlfriend here or wan't one . I very lonley and miss you . But i don't think our relationship can work out , i find it too hard because of how you make money. Thats all , i not judge you , i understand why you have to do it . I just don't think we can have a relationship because of that . I don't have the money to be able to pay for you to stop working and even if i could i don't think i would be able to trust you.

It was very different when i came back to Thailand , you had told me many lies i think while i was at home , things i not forget about , like about going to Chang Mai . I know you not what to tell me you have customers , but i can't be your boyfriend while you are doing that.

I like you too much to not care .

We had a good time together and while i was in the UK you made me feel very special , i was really happy to see you and then when i did i just felt like i was just another customer to you . And i guess i just am that .

I'm sorry , maybe i see you when i come back to Thailand sometime , i do really miss you and this all hurts me very much , i not happy at the moment . You are a good girl Noi and i'm a nice man , things could have been good between us , its just an impossible situation.

take care yourself , i worry about you.

love Jimmy

poor chap... The names have been edited... And before anyone says I've sat here and made the above up, just speak to Mr. Dipstick, im not clever enough to do that.


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wouldnt even get to me a little bit :o

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