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Israel isn't on UN list of parties that kill or injure kids


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Israel isn't on UN list of parties that kill or injure kids
EDITH M. LEDERER, Associated Press

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's latest list of parties that kill or injure children in armed conflict does not include Israel — as some U.N. officials had recommended — but the U.N. chief strongly criticized Israel for the "unprecedented and unacceptable" scale of its violence against young people.

Ban said in a report circulated Monday that the thousands of Palestinian casualties raise "grave concerns" about Israel's compliance with international law, including requirements that any military actions must distinguish between combatants and civilians, be proportional, and avoid excessive use of force.

U.N. officials said the U.N. special envoy for children in armed conflict, Leila Zerrougui, had recommended that both Israel and Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, be placed on the list of parties that recruit, use, kill, maim or commit acts of sexual violence against children. But the officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because the recommendation was not public, said there were differences of opinion among those on the ground on whether Israel should be listed — a key reason why it wasn't and neither was Hamas.

Ban said in the annual report to the U.N. Security Council and the General Assembly that 2014 saw a dramatic increase in violence against children in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — at least 561 youngsters killed and 4,271 injured, almost all Palestinians and the vast majority during last summer's war in Gaza. It cites 4 Israeli youngsters killed and 22 injured.

The annual list is significant because it names and shames governments and insurgent groups that violate children's rights in conflicts. The Security Council resolution that established the list in August 2009 states the council's intention "to take action" — including possible sanctions — against repeat violators of international laws protecting children in armed conflicts.

This year, the list includes groups in Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Colombia, Congo, Iraq, Mali, Myanmar, Nigeria, Philippines, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Five government forces are also listed.

The secretary-general said that in the Israel-Palestine conflict as well as the Central African Republic, Iraq, Nigeria, South Sudan and Syria, "children were affected to a degree which is an affront to our common humanity."

The report said the number of Palestinian children killed, 557, was the third-highest in 2014, after Afghanistan with 710 child killings and Iraq with 679 — but ahead of Syria with 368. The number of schools damaged or destroyed — at least 543 — was the highest anywhere, it said.

Israel maintains its actions in Gaza were in response to rocket attacks on southern Israel, and were never aimed at children.

Israel's U.N. Ambassador Ron Prosor said Ban "was right not to submit to the dictates of the terrorist organizations and the Arab states" and include Israel on a "shameful list" with organizations like the Islamic State group, al-Qaida and the Taliban.

Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian U.N. ambassador, said the Palestinians "deeply regret" Ban's decision to exclude Israel from the list which contradicts U.N. evidence.

"It is without doubt that Israel ... flagrantly, systematically and grossly commits human rights violations against Palestinian children constituting grave violations that qualify it for such a listing," Mansour said.

Pummeled with questions about Israel's exclusion, Ban's spokesman, Stephane Dujarric, said the list was the "result of a consultative process" and was Ban's "difficult decision to take."

Dujarric alluded to the intense lobbying ahead of the report's release by Israel's supporters, reportedly including the United States, and opponents, saying U.N. member states and non-governmental organizations "have never been shy" about expressing their opinions to Ban.

Philippe Bolopion, U.N. director for Human Rights Watch, called Ban's decision "a blow to U.N. efforts to better protect children," adding that "political pressure seems to have prevailed."

The secretary-general urged Israel "to take concrete and immediate steps" including reviewing its policies and practices to ensure that children are protected, not killed or maimed, that schools and hospitals aren't attacked, and that perpetrators of alleged violations are brought to justice.

"I would like to put all parties to conflict on notice that those that engage in military action that results in numerous grave violations against children will, regardless of intent, find themselves under continued scrutiny by the United Nations, including in future reports relating to children and armed conflict," Ban said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-09

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Whilst Israel is allies with the West it won't reach the UN list , what the world needs is a good documentary team to do a study of the violations Israel receives from its neighbours and publishes it world wide and show the world just what crap they have to put up with, at least they don't hide behind women and children like some do by putting missile batteries in school play grounds and hospital grounds.coffee1.gif

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Once again we see political lobbyists place their agendas over the lives of children.

The US ought to be ashamed of themselves for so flagrantly ignoring the truth. All the lobbyists, actually, but the US in particular.

"Philippe Bolopion, U.N. director for Human Rights Watch, called Ban's decision "a blow to U.N. efforts to better protect children," adding that "political pressure seems to have prevailed.""

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But why? we demand that Israel will be on that list, and the top of it no less, on top of ISIS, Boku Haram,

Al Qaida and the Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah and a dozen other ' humanitarian" groups such as the formers,

Dear UN, do not brake your run of blaming Israel for every ills of this world, If Israel in by a remote chance

not on any wrong doing list, search harder and you will find a reason to add Israel to it.. don't waste

time looking for who's wrong, Israel is wrong, no matter what the issues are, in fact, why don't you

give BDS a permanent seat on your security consul,

why don't you?

Edited by ezzra
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Whilst Israel is allies with the West it won't reach the UN list , what the world needs is a good documentary team to do a study of the violations Israel receives from its neighbours and publishes it world wide and show the world just what crap they have to put up with, at least they don't hide behind women and children like some do by putting missile batteries in school play grounds and hospital grounds.coffee1.gif

The violations Israel receives?

A whole country has been and is being systematically destroyed and annexed. and the world does nothing, because the Zionists who control Israel are also controlling most of the west governments.

Israel is like a big bully beating up a small kid every single day and justifying it because the small kid throws a grain of sand at him whilst he is hitting it with a baseball bat.

If this is the correct train of thought, then we should also be feeling sorry for the violations germany and japan received in WW2, maybe some good documentary makers need to publish a good documentary on those poor german and japanese who were receiving violations from the resistance as they conquered sovereign nations? Surely you must condemn the resistance in WW2, as they were terrorists, hiding, whilst the courageous invaders showed themselves openly in their tanks, submarines, warplanes!

According to you, the correct action when someone invades you, takes your land, destroys your home, is to smile, laugh it off, and go to another country? oh wait! the palestinians CAN'T even go to another country because they are locked into this small strip. Gaza is the worlds largest open air prison, and nobody is doing anything about the pure evil being unleashed upon them every <deleted> day.

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Once again we see political lobbyists place their agendas over the lives of children.

The US ought to be ashamed of themselves for so flagrantly ignoring the truth. All the lobbyists, actually, but the US in particular.

"Philippe Bolopion, U.N. director for Human Rights Watch, called Ban's decision "a blow to U.N. efforts to better protect children," adding that "political pressure seems to have prevailed.""

Look again. It wasn't the Israeli lobby. Rather it was Hamas and the PLA. They are quite relieved that the issue with Hamas has been dropped. It also extends to Hizbollah. The PLA & Hamas have been sitting on an embarrassment for some time and with the focus on Israel, their embarrassment will fall by the wayside. Had Israel been named, Hamas and the PLA would have had to deal with the issues such as using schools for missile launching locations and munitions storage. They would also have to deal with the documented cases of children being trained as suicide bombers. This is what Hizbollah does with intellectually challenged kids. Hamas has done the same.

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Once again we see political lobbyists place their agendas over the lives of children.

The US ought to be ashamed of themselves for so flagrantly ignoring the truth. All the lobbyists, actually, but the US in particular.

"Philippe Bolopion, U.N. director for Human Rights Watch, called Ban's decision "a blow to U.N. efforts to better protect children," adding that "political pressure seems to have prevailed.""

Look again. It wasn't the Israeli lobby. Rather it was Hamas and the PLA. They are quite relieved that the issue with Hamas has been dropped. It also extends to Hizbollah. The PLA & Hamas have been sitting on an embarrassment for some time and with the focus on Israel, their embarrassment will fall by the wayside. Had Israel been named, Hamas and the PLA would have had to deal with the issues such as using schools for missile launching locations and munitions storage. They would also have to deal with the documented cases of children being trained as suicide bombers. This is what Hizbollah does with intellectually challenged kids. Hamas has done the same.

I looked again. You are completely wrong, and you cite information which I can not find in the OP.

Now, read the two quotes below carefully.....it WAS the Israeli lobby. And contrary to your assertion, the PA is disappointed that Israel (and thus Hamas) is excluded from the list.

"Israel's U.N. Ambassador Ron Prosor said Ban "was right not to submit to the dictates of the terrorist organizations and the Arab states" and include Israel on a "shameful list" with organizations like the Islamic State group, al-Qaida and the Taliban.

Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian U.N. ambassador, said the Palestinians "deeply regret" Ban's decision to exclude Israel from the list which contradicts U.N. evidence."


"Dujarric alluded to the intense lobbying ahead of the report's release by Israel's supporters, reportedly including the United States"

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Whilst Israel is allies with the West it won't reach the UN list , what the world needs is a good documentary team to do a study of the violations Israel receives from its neighbours and publishes it world wide and show the world just what crap they have to put up with, at least they don't hide behind women and children like some do by putting missile batteries in school play grounds and hospital grounds.coffee1.gif

The violations Israel receives?

A whole country has been and is being systematically destroyed and annexed. and the world does nothing, because the Zionists who control Israel are also controlling most of the west governments.

Israel is like a big bully beating up a small kid every single day and justifying it because the small kid throws a grain of sand at him whilst he is hitting it with a baseball bat.

If this is the correct train of thought, then we should also be feeling sorry for the violations germany and japan received in WW2, maybe some good documentary makers need to publish a good documentary on those poor german and japanese who were receiving violations from the resistance as they conquered sovereign nations? Surely you must condemn the resistance in WW2, as they were terrorists, hiding, whilst the courageous invaders showed themselves openly in their tanks, submarines, warplanes!

According to you, the correct action when someone invades you, takes your land, destroys your home, is to smile, laugh it off, and go to another country? oh wait! the palestinians CAN'T even go to another country because they are locked into this small strip. Gaza is the worlds largest open air prison, and nobody is doing anything about the pure evil being unleashed upon them every <deleted> day.

Have you even been in the area? Have you been to Israel? Have you been to Gaza? Do you know who provides most aid to Gaza? I can't even be arsed to give you a history lesson on the area, you're far too much of a Jew hater to even bother with the historical truth. There is no such thing as a Palestinian, even the Arabs will tell you this! Yet you buy into their b/s, not surprised though.

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Some posters would benefit from abstaining.

This way we would have some doubts or presumption of their intelligence

instead of the quite obvious, complete give away conclusions following their posts.

Every poster is entitled to his/her ideas. But farting is considered not a freedom.

Edited by ABCer
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Simply Google Images: Gaza children dead...then ask yourself who pulled the trigger, who gave the orders, which politicians in which countries turned a blind eye for these atrocities to happen?

Whoever it was...never again.

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Simply Google Images: Gaza children dead...then ask yourself who pulled the trigger, who gave the orders, which politicians in which countries turned a blind eye for these atrocities to happen?

Whoever it was...never again.

Sweet, boring but sweetrolleyes.gif

Hamas accused of atrocities during Gaza warhttp://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/05/hamas-accused-war-crimes-gaza-war-150527045950777.html Gaza: Palestinians tortured, summarily killed by Hamas forces during 2014 conflicthttps://www.amnesty.org/en/articles/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/
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Simply Google Images: Gaza children dead...then ask yourself who pulled the trigger, who gave the orders, which politicians in which countries turned a blind eye for these atrocities to happen?

Whoever it was...never again.

Sweet, boring but sweetrolleyes.gif

Hamas accused of atrocities during Gaza warhttp://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/05/hamas-accused-war-crimes-gaza-war-150527045950777.htmlGaza: Palestinians tortured, summarily killed by Hamas forces during 2014 conflicthttps://www.amnesty.org/en/articles/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/

OP concerns monstrous war crime of killing kids in Gaza.

I am amazed that you find the killing of innocent children "sweet, boring but sweet."

Edited by dexterm
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Simply Google Images: Gaza children dead...then ask yourself who pulled the trigger, who gave the orders, which politicians in which countries turned a blind eye for these atrocities to happen?

Whoever it was...never again.

Sweet, boring but sweetrolleyes.gif

Hamas accused of atrocities during Gaza warhttp://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/05/hamas-accused-war-crimes-gaza-war-150527045950777.htmlGaza: Palestinians tortured, summarily killed by Hamas forces during 2014 conflicthttps://www.amnesty.org/en/articles/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/

OP concerns monstrous war crime of killing kids in Gaza.

I am amazed that you find the killing of innocent children "sweet, boring but sweet."

The only thing that i find sweet but boring is your posts.

As if Israel put the kids in front line? or Israel asked for Hamas to fire rockets

Carry on, do not let common sense and facts get in a way of your agenda

PS. I just used google and look what i found

Italian Journalist Defies Hamas: ‘Out of Gaza Far From Hamas Retaliation: Misfired Rocket Killed Children in Shati’http://www.algemeiner.com/2014/07/30/italian-journalist-defies-hamas-out-of-gaza-far-from-hamas-retaliation-misfired-rocket-killed-children-in-shati/ Edited by konying
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Simply Google Images: Gaza children dead...then ask yourself who pulled the trigger, who gave the orders, which politicians in which countries turned a blind eye for these atrocities to happen?

Whoever it was...never again.

Sweet, boring but sweetrolleyes.gif

Hamas accused of atrocities during Gaza warhttp://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/05/hamas-accused-war-crimes-gaza-war-150527045950777.htmlGaza: Palestinians tortured, summarily killed by Hamas forces during 2014 conflicthttps://www.amnesty.org/en/articles/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/

OP concerns monstrous war crime of killing kids in Gaza.

I am amazed that you find the killing of innocent children "sweet, boring but sweet."

The only thing that i find sweet but boring is your posts.

As if Israel put the kids in front line? or Israel asked for Hamas to fire rockets

Carry on, do not let common sense and facts get in a way of your agenda

PS. I just used google and look what i found

Italian Journalist Defies Hamas: ‘Out of Gaza Far From Hamas Retaliation: Misfired Rocket Killed Children in Shati’http://www.algemeiner.com/2014/07/30/italian-journalist-defies-hamas-out-of-gaza-far-from-hamas-retaliation-misfired-rocket-killed-children-in-shati/

As if Israel put the kids in front line? or Israel asked for Hamas to fire rockets

Yes, to both questions.

Can you imagine waging total war against an area the size of Detroit or Las Vegas with all exits blocked and even safe UN havens under bombardment and not expect any child fatalities. Well, that is exactly what Israel planned and did.

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Whilst Israel is allies with the West it won't reach the UN list , what the world needs is a good documentary team to do a study of the violations Israel receives from its neighbours and publishes it world wide and show the world just what crap they have to put up with, at least they don't hide behind women and children like some do by putting missile batteries in school play grounds and hospital grounds.coffee1.gif

have you been in gaza ?

or you just bla bla Iraels propaganda ??

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Yes, to both questions.

Can you imagine waging total war against an area the size of Detroit or Las Vegas with all exits blocked and even safe UN havens under bombardment and not expect any child fatalities. Well, that is exactly what Israel planned and did.

Drivel time is it ?

Now your new low logic is that Israel forces Hamas to fire rockets ? Or forces brave Hamas fighters to hide behind women and kids ? I wonder what's next?

Oh I know, Israel gave bad rockets

Edited by konying
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