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Video of US officer who drew gun on black teens raises tension

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Do not think I'm defending Cpl Casebolt by posting these videos.

My opinion is that all three - Cpl Casebolt, Ms. Becton and Mr. Martin acted like a violent version of the Three Stooges, a comparison that really denigrates the seriousness of the event and their actions.

The difference is that Cpl Casebolt had the decency to resign and apologize and the other two lied to protect their you-know-whats.

Or did they lie because that's what their parents and other black adults told them to do?

< snipped TJ Sotomayor YouTube video #1 supporting Cpl Casebolt pointing out the black culture of violence >

< snipped TJ Sotomayor YouTube video #2 supporting Cpl Casebolt pointing out the black culture of violence >

Video on black mob violence at swimming pools by Colin Flaherty

We're discussing McKinney Texas and former Officer Casebolt who has become the poster boy of the unstable flying beserker cop.

I'd always take as a given there are black Americans who agree with you, however, they do not necessarily prove your thesis, especially when a great number of blacks and a majority of Americans would not agree with you.

The girl wanted to call her parents about her safety and well being but instead got thrown to the ground and practically sat on by a cop who escalated the situation by his action against the girl, then the out of the blue cop proceeded to further escalate the situation by drawing his gun on some unarmed young guys who dashed to the scene where the cop was OTT manhandling the girl.

Casebolt was a burnout in blue who quickly became lawyer'ed up then just as quickly fessed up.

I think it's good Casebolt will be allowed to retain his retirement and associated benefits for his past period of overall satisfactory service as a police officer. Additionally, Casebolt is a Navy veteran of something like ten years of honorable service so he deserves some respectful credit for that. The right wing that however continues to try to build a bogus case against the kids should finally listen to the people who say to give it up and accept the statement by Casebolt in McKinney Texas. Or is that just too tuff for the extreme right to do....

"I'd always take as a given there are black Americans who agree with you, however, they do not necessarily prove your thesis, especially when a great number of blacks and a majority of Americans would not agree with you."

False argument: Just because there are a great number people who would not agree with me, that does not invalidate my position.

How to Escape the Age of Mass Delusion - The Federalist

Did you actually watch TJ Sotomayor's video or did you pull the same crap you did with the McKinney video? You claimed you watched it then proceeded to misrepresent it.

"The girl wanted to call her parents about her safety and well being ..."

False argument: You do not have absolute proof of this (Mr. Adrian Martin and his lawyer's statements are hardly absolute proof, BTW since they were obviously liars).

I say she was resisting arrest because she had been operating under the false belief that she could act with impunity or she is just plainly stupid, like Mr. Martin.

I suppose you would have us believe that (former) Cpl Casebolt singled her out for detain/arrest simply because she had the temerity to nicely ask him to call her mother?

It's called black privilege (or stupidity - take your pick). I've seen it many times. Why do you think the black-on-black crime, especially murder, is out of control? It's because certain black cultures feel they don't have to abide by whitey's laws just like certain black cultures don't want to appear to be too white by getting a decent, generally-accepted American education.

"The right wing that however continues to try to build a bogus case against the kids should finally listen to the people who say to give it up and accept the statement by Casebolt in McKinney Texas."

What does politics have to with this incident? It's the deluded blind (or those with an agenda) versus those with eyesight and the ability to think independently.

Can you quote (former) Cpl Casebolt's statement?

The only statement of his that I'm aware of was delivered by his attorney and was no doubt an inevitable, self-serving measure.

"Or is that just too tuff for the extreme right to do...."

It's not just "too tuff". It's absolutely unacceptable for any thinking individual to accept liberal propaganda, even the amateurish stuff you spew. The obsessive/compulsive leftists, such as yourself, get a pass on the "thinking" requirement.

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I didn't say it invalidated your position, certainly not directly or necessarily. I said it did not prove your point. There's a difference, which means you'd have to resubmit it.

The girl said she had been trying to call her mother and she could be heard saying so when she was yanked down to include by the hair by the beserker cop.

The right wing continues to pursue its bogus case building due to its obsessive compulsive determination to support the unstable right wing police that share the views of the civilian right wing in American society.

There are few liberal Democrats if any among the police who are charged with race discrimination and not charged with killing unarmed black males, which as I'd pointed out at other directly related threads is done by right wing police officers under protection of the law.

There are too few liberal Democrats in US law enforcement to include prison guards, while law enforcement continues to be dominated by right wing cops, just as it's always been. So the many right wing cops need to be brought under control, as I've pointed out repeatedly but the right has no reply because it is loathe to admit the facts.

Hence the many vacuous diversions.


Yeah the young girl was really out of hand.

How dare she sit on the grass where the officer told her to and not move, simply calling for her mamma then be tossed on her face and have knees buried into her.

Those young folk are so bad. ?

If a law enforcement officer (especially a "half-baked" one) wants you to sit on the grass in a situation where they have been called and they are detaining persons of interest or witnesses,

you sit on the bleepin' grass! (unless you are stupid, arrogant or have warrants out)

That is unless one is attempting to upscale an "official oppression" (Mr. Martin's lawyer) issue into a "police brutality" issue. If you have problem with that, check it out with your local law enforcement. And, BTW, (former) Cpl Casebolt was, clearly from the video, was not the only officer on scene detaining people.

I saw an interview with a white teenager and her father on an MSNBC segment. She said that she was summarily clapped into handcuffs. She said that all she did was walk up to one of the officers and admit, when asked by him, that she knew something about the pool party incident.

It was probably (former) Cpl Casebolt, since his attorney stated in her news conference, where she delivered his "apology", that he had detained a white teenager - no doubt to defend him against expected and inevitable accusations racism.

I doubt that she acted with the histrionics of which Ms. Becton felt compelled. I also doubt that Ms. Becton was singled-out by (former) Cpl Casebolt because she had the temerity to ask him if he would call her mother for her. Unfortunately, what she said or did to (further) trigger his detain/arrest of her is not discernible on that video. I would like to see one of that encounter. If it exists, I'd bet that it won't get out to the public.

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