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Where Were The Police As Australian Real Estate Agent Is Badly Beaten On Pattaya Beach Road.

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Where were the Police as Australian Real Estate Agent is badly beaten on Pattaya Beach Road.


Medical Staff at the Pattaya Memorial Hospital admitted an Australian National, Mr. Michael Bernard aged 39 from Australia who works here in Pattaya as a Real Estate Agent. He had sustained a broken arm and leg during a vicious attack which took place at the front of Soi Post Office on Pattaya Beach in the early hours of Wednesday Morning.

He was accompanied at the Hospital by his girlfriend, Khun Sawiwan aged 32 who told us that the pair had spent the night drinking in the South Pattaya area and when it was time to go home, Mr. Bernard stumbled out of the bar and as he reached the entrance to Soi Post Office, Mr. Bernard stepped into a puddle of rain water which created a splash. The water hit four Thai men who were close-by. Mr. Bernard and his girlfriend apologized for this but the four men decided not to accept their apologies and preceded to set-upon the victim with planks of wood causing the injuries.

To add insult to injury, the men stole a 1 Baht weighted gold necklace from around the neck of the Australian man who was at this point lying on the floor in agony. Police were called but did not arrive at the scene of the attack and no Police came to investigate the case at the Hospital. Mr. Bernard is now recovering from his injuries.

-Pattaya City News

Wednesday 13th September 2006

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Yes. Where, indeed, were Thailand's 'finest'?

I won't speculate on who was in the wrong concerning this particular late night dispute, but as a matter of course, the local constabularly should surely have responded to this violent assault on a foreigner in the tourist town of Pattaya.

Where were they?

Why didn't they turn up at the hospital considering the seriousness of the injuries?

Sounds like the boys in brown are showing due deference - AGAIN - to the powers that be and their vicious bully boys.


Yes. Where, indeed, were Thailand's 'finest'?

I won't speculate on who was in the wrong concerning this particular late night dispute, but as a matter of course, the local constabularly should surely have responded to this violent assault on a foreigner in the tourist town of Pattaya.

Where were they?

Why didn't they turn up at the hospital considering the seriousness of the injuries?

Sounds like the boys in brown are showing due deference - AGAIN - to the powers that be and their vicious bully boys.


I'm sick of reading stuuf like this, it seems that Thai men are basically cowards, they can't fight one on one, the guy splashed water ???????, they had planks and sticks, obviously ready to pick on someone, more than likely motorbike taxi drivers (lets bouycott them), I thought thai's where honourable, so this was four on to one, 16 of us should go down and beat the crap out of these cowardly phuckers :o


Ok, this sounds really bad. A drunk guy steps in a puddle and splashes water, then apologizes, and they still beat him nearly to death with wood planks? That is awful.

And then the other guy on Phi Phi getting shot in the head over a DJ selection squabble :o

very bad indeed.

*edit: LOS is starting to sound like the South Bronx and other American ghettos during the late 70s to 80s - not a happy time.


So this happened 1/2 a kilometer from the main police station.No police in the area AGAIN :o

What happened to the all night patrols? :D

Could the last farrang to leave Pattaya please wipe his feet on the way out :D


The only two available police were around on Second Road enforcing motor cycle helmet laws. Making a quid for themselves is more important that coming to the aid of a tourist. :o

The authorities now need to smooth out the footpaths so that puddles don't form.


This report is a little diffrent then what was on TV. The TV report said that the guy had went shopping at royal garden and was returning alone at 19:00??

The one posted here definitely makes more sense, either way it's a ###### shame!

So this happened 1/2 a kilometer from the main police station.No police in the area AGAIN :D

What happened to the all night patrols? :D

Could the last farrang to leave Pattaya please wipe his feet on the way out :D

Off topic but your avatar reminds me of this guy I saw in a beer bar complex off Soi Bukow one night in Pattaya few years ago. He was an overweight farang, prob. in his forties. Anyway, I was just sitting there in a bar having a beer :D (or two) and the music was blaring away with a very nice beat. This guy walked up to the bar and did this dance... :D . He had the movement of the spare tire in his midsection in perfect syncronization w/ the music, just like your avatar. He had the BGs cracking up :D I'll never forget the scene :o . Maybe that was you.


I'll lay odss the Thai men involved were local mafia.

The BIB won't go near them - they operate hand in hand.

On top of everything else going on right now, it's not exactly improving Thailand's image. :o


Yea, I'm sick of reading stuff like this too.

"Australian real estate agent badyly beaten" like he was working??

I lived on soi post office for several months and frankly I was ahamed to be a farung and seeing the behavour of farungs who think that this is there personal playground where they can act stupid and disrespectful be drunk and disorderly and the cops should want to protect them Why???

To all you crybabies out there who think that the farung is always right and everything Thai is wrong I suggest you don't wipe your feet, never mind the lights, go now and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


Hi Mobi....I'm not so sure about these attackers being local Mafia. Their use of planks of wood to beat up this guy doesn't conform. It depends on what this Aussie really did to upset them. If they were local Mafia and if they were pissed off big time then they would be more sophisticated and see to it that fingers couldn't be pointed their way. If this Aussie slightly offended them then, being Mafia, a slight offense would not be worth a reaction and would be of no consequence. They sound like your typical bunch of Thai thugs to me.

I think that this story confirms one important truth. Whatever the Mayor of Pattaya, or his cohorts, and the Chief of Pattaya Police, or his winged brown-clad minions, say about caring for and improving the life of the law-abiding residents of Pattaya (Thai and non-Thai) is absolute bullsh1t. As one poster in another thread has said, whatever statements of good intent these guys like to make, there is never any intention to follow through. The statements are never retracted as a retraction would cause loss of face.....so, better to just forget and hope nobody remembers!!

All this adds to the tarnished international image of this country and the low morale of the residents of Pattaya.

Hi Mobi....I'm not so sure about these attackers being local Mafia. Their use of planks of wood to beat up this guy doesn't conform. It depends on what this Aussie really did to upset them. If they were local Mafia and if they were pissed off big time then they would be more sophisticated and see to it that fingers couldn't be pointed their way. If this Aussie slightly offended them then, being Mafia, a slight offense would not be worth a reaction and would be of no consequence. They sound like your typical bunch of Thai thugs to me.

I think that this story confirms one important truth. Whatever the Mayor of Pattaya, or his cohorts, and the Chief of Pattaya Police, or his winged brown-clad minions, say about caring for and improving the life of the law-abiding residents of Pattaya (Thai and non-Thai) is absolute bullsh1t. As one poster in another thread has said, whatever statements of good intent these guys like to make, there is never any intention to follow through. The statements are never retracted as a retraction would cause loss of face.....so, better to just forget and hope nobody remembers!!

All this adds to the tarnished international image of this country and the low morale of the residents of Pattaya.

You could be right, Artisan.

But the reason I surmised that mafia was involved is that the police didn't even turn up at the hospital to take a statement. Now you must admit that is unusual - even in Pattaya. If I am right, they don't have to worry about fingers being pointed, because the BIB are simply not going to do anything.

Let's see how it develops. :o


They were all out in the rain and a splash made them angry??? they were already wet???

Where big wood magically appear from??

They were waiting for this guy, real estate and mafia - birds of a feather


I don't have a dog in this fight BUT I can say that I have lived in Thailand many years and have seen far more fights between two farangs or more than between Thais and farangs. Other than some vicious muggings I have never seen a farang beaten and I have seem many that ask for it. No one should take a beating like that for some small offense and I'm not saying it doesn't happen but it is rare indeed. The last altercation I witnessed was a drunk farang causing a lot of trouble. The police were called and this dumb ass tried his best to provoke the police. When he grabbed one cop and tried to get his gun I thought he would get the stick big time but it didn't happen. More police came and he was hauled away in a police truck. I didn't hear what happened to him but if he had been shot I wouldn't have been surprised nor would I have cared.


Probably a bunch of upcountry bumpkins, and he splashed some

storm water into their Mao Kao :o

But hey four on one is really cowardly. Thai face ... What face ?


But the reason I surmised that mafia was involved is that the police didn't even turn up at the hospital to take a statement. Now you must admit that is unusual - even in Pattaya. If I am right, they don't have to worry about fingers being pointed, because the BIB are simply not going to do anything.

Let's see how it develops. :o

Yes Mobi, that is is unusual and you could be right but the scepticism that I have about the report relating to the non-appearance of the police at an undefined hospital is where did this information come from? Who said it and how do they know? There are several plain clothes bobbies in Pattaya and there are several hospitals.

Probably a bunch of upcountry bumpkins, and he splashed some

storm water into their Mao Kao :o

But hey four on one is really cowardly. Thai face ... What face ?


Right on naka, I just finished reading the story in the news forum about the Belgian Tourist who was gunned down on Phi Phi island. Real heros the guys were, 4 on 1 and then they just shot the unarmed man. Regarding the above case, my limo driver this year said to me very clearly something that describes Pattaya Police very well.... " When Police come to work in Pattaya they don't come here to help people, they only come here to make money", he said it well.


Follow-up on yesterdays beating of an Australian man on Pattaya Beach.


Following on from our disturbing story featured on yesterday’s program regarding the senseless attack on an Australian Real Estate Agent on Pattaya Beach Road in the early hours of Wednesday Morning, the story caught the attention of Khun Niran, the Mayor of Pattaya who was shocked to hear of the case and decided to visit the victim and his girlfriend who has been at his side during the ordeal.

Khun Niran began with a presentation of flowers and then heard the story told by both the victim and his girlfriend. The Police did eventually arrive at the Hospital on Wednesday morning to take details of the attack and they are investigating but questions are still being asked concerning the lack of response by Police at the scene of the attack.

Khun Niran promised to liaise with the Police to do his best to catch the four Thai men who are accused of this brutal attack.

-Pattaya City News

Thursday 14th September 2006

Methinks there is more to this attack than meets the eye. :o

yes a drunk with gold round his neck.....................nothing else to say

PS this shiiiit is getting worse, anyone think different


why we always believe the foreigner side of the story? Now you ever saw a drunk Aussie say sorry for anything he did???

I am sure there is more to the story? and a real estate agent ? it was posted before maybe they were just waiting for him I never saw wood lying around on beach road?

Byt yeah lets all believe the story of the oh so nice foreigner who just comes here to enjoy himself right Pattaya is full of those no?

why we always believe the foreigner side of the story? Now you ever saw a drunk Aussie say sorry for anything he did???

I am sure there is more to the story? and a real estate agent ? it was posted before maybe they were just waiting for him I never saw wood lying around on beach road?

Byt yeah lets all believe the story of the oh so nice foreigner who just comes here to enjoy himself right Pattaya is full of those no?

good say !!

Yea, I'm sick of reading stuff like this too.

"Australian real estate agent badyly beaten" like he was working??

I lived on soi post office for several months and frankly I was ahamed to be a farung and seeing the behavour of farungs who think that this is there personal playground where they can act stupid and disrespectful be drunk and disorderly and the cops should want to protect them Why???

To all you crybabies out there who think that the farung is always right and everything Thai is wrong I suggest you don't wipe your feet, never mind the lights, go now and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Did you READ the article?

Do you think splashing someone with water warrants theft and broken bones?


why we always believe the foreigner side of the story? Now you ever saw a drunk Aussie say sorry for anything he did???

I am sure there is more to the story? and a real estate agent ? it was posted before maybe they were just waiting for him I never saw wood lying around on beach road?

Byt yeah lets all believe the story of the oh so nice foreigner who just comes here to enjoy himself right Pattaya is full of those no?

and did YOU read the article?

4 on 1 ---- Broken bones ----- stolen gold ....

yet another winning post --- apparently fromsomeone that doesn't like Aussies

But hey four on one is really cowardly. Thai face ... What face ?

I am forever surprised that long term residents keep judging Thais by their own Western morals.

They think that fighting one on one is fair and manly. Newsflash! Western morals are not the same as here.

It doesn't just happen in Thailand, it's the same in the Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia and India. This is the way Asians fight.

As I read by a poster on another thread, "farangs fight to win, Thais (Asians) fight to kill".

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