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Obama: Congress can fix health law if court rules against it


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Obama: Congress can fix health law if court rules against it

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says he has no alternate plan if the Supreme Court invalidates a key benefit of his health care law and he places the burden on the Republican-controlled Congress to fix the law if the high court wipes out insurance for millions of Americans.

Voicing confidence he will prevail before the court, Obama insisted Monday that the health care law is working and that the justices "will play it straight" and leave the law intact.

Should he lose, he added: "Congress could fix this whole thing with a one-sentence provision."

Obama's assessment of the case against the five-year-old Affordable Care Act came as the high court prepares to announce a decision sometime later this month that could wipe out health insurance for millions of people.

His remarks, made during a news conference at the end of a two-day international summit in Germany, also came ahead of his appearance Tuesday at the Catholic Hospital Association Conference in Washington where he was scheduled to discuss the consequences of the health care overhaul.

In declaring that Congress could address an adverse decision by the Supreme Court, Obama is betting that an angry public would demand a remedy.

At issue in the case is whether Congress authorized federal subsidy payments for health care coverage regardless of where people live, or only for residents of states that created their own insurance marketplaces. Nearly 6.4 million low- and moderate-income Americans could lose coverage if the court rules people who enrolled through the federal site weren't eligible for the subsidies.

Twenty-six of the 34 states that would be most affected by the ruling have Republican governors, and 22 of the 24 GOP Senate seats up in 2016 are in those states.

Obama also took a jab at the Supreme Court for even considering the case, arguing that the intent of Congress was to provide subsidies under state or federal exchanges.

"Frankly, it probably shouldn't even have been taken up," he said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-09

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Yeah, the U.S. Congress has SUCH a good track record working with you, Mr. President.

Word of advice if the Supreme Court rules against you - don't hold your breath for Congress to help, they don't like you.

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Yes he was elected with much fanfare and hooplaw but when the end comes next year he will exit with a whimper into the arms of big business, lobbying the over priced speech circuit. He will more than likely write a book called "I was the first black president" on the best seller list for a year and well the list goes on and on. The big boys always look after one of their own. I had high hopes for him but in the end he was just another president among many being controlled by big money Federal Reserve, Central Bankers, Wall Street and Big business. Yes presidents come and go but the power structure endures and stays the same. Next year the primaries will come and there will be millions spent much horn blowing and BS in the wind but irregardless the power structure is the same. The word puppet comes to mind.

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Obama places the burden on the Republican-controlled Congress to fix the law if not sustained by the USSC.

Remember a court ruling against ACA will disenfranchise almost 7 million Americans in an upcoming PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION (November 2016). The Republicans have no real viable alternatives now for those people. The US congressional Republicans have great success in blocking, amending, and defeating Democratic legislation but little success in creating sustainable laws.

Obama is smart to put political pressure on the Republicans not to cooperate in fixing the ACA law should they win in court. Moderate Republicans still lead the party and do not believe in a political "scorched earth" policy when it comes to elections. Better to share as architects in an effective ACA than make Democrats the champions for American health.

Republicans probably wish this lame-duck President would migrate away from politics. He's been more of a perrigine to the Republican quack leadership.

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Yeah, the U.S. Congress has SUCH a good track record working with you, Mr. President.

Word of advice if the Supreme Court rules against you - don't hold your breath for Congress to help, they don't like you.


In the U.S. we have many pros and cons.

There is progress and then there is congress.

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Obama places the burden on the Republican-controlled Congress to fix the law if not sustained by the USSC.

Remember a court ruling against ACA will disenfranchise almost 7 million Americans in an upcoming PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION (November 2016). The Republicans have no real viable alternatives now for those people. The US congressional Republicans have great success in blocking, amending, and defeating Democratic legislation but little success in creating sustainable laws.

Obama is smart to put political pressure on the Republicans not to cooperate in fixing the ACA law should they win in court. Moderate Republicans still lead the party and do not believe in a political "scorched earth" policy when it comes to elections. Better to share as architects in an effective ACA than make Democrats the champions for American health.

Republicans probably wish this lame-duck President would migrate away from politics. He's been more of a perrigine to the Republican quack leadership.

<<snip video>>

Refresh my memory for me.

How many Republicans voted for the legislation and how much input did any Republican have on drafting the legislation?

Obama and his hand picked henchmen wrote it, passed it without any Republican input and, now that it has turned into a mish-mash of a poorly written law, Obama is blaming the republicans.

And apparently you are as well.

Even Hollywood wouldn't be so stupid as to make a movie with this by-line.

Edited by chuckd
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Obama also took a jab at the Supreme Court for even considering the case, arguing that the intent of Congress was to provide subsidies under state or federal exchanges.

When you consider yourself above the law of the land...disregarding Congress...disdain for the Supreme Court and the Constitution...then you take japs at anyone and everyone who stands in the way of your personal agenda...

I believe this is similar to what the US calls tyrants in 3rd world countries...

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