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i was comming here to thailand the first time in 1989. afterwards i was working for an international company in asia,since 1998 i was staying in thaialnd nearly the year around. i was having girlfirend from thailand (8 years) and now 3 years and i was never married, and i would not go married.

my age is below 50, i am owning 3 condominiums in thailand, and my mother she just bought one, she likes thailand but the main point is i am staying here.

my financials are very sound and i not work in thailand in any case and i dont want to work.

live was easy and relativly cheap here,monthly spendeing stay around 80.000 thb.

until 2003 i obtain rgular one year visa from imigration ( on 3 mio baht deposit at bangkokbank)

after 2003 they want to force 3 mio on govermentbak 12month with shit intrest, so i not get more, after i get even from some special people in bkk the visa. since 18 month every way is closed.

when i went to last embassy, i try get visa ( suporting documents 3 condos value 6 mio and 4 mio cash deposits on thaibanks with bankstatement) they refused even a single touristvisa, because i stay here to long. so i try way passing border.

after some newspaper bring news that now condos would be accepted for 3 mio baht sheme, i went to imigration, answer, sorry you bought second hand, only valid if you buy new condominium fom constructioncompany :o (yee...loose moeny directly hahah )

my last visa i just get somne day ago ( 3 entry) in penang.

now what i can do,, nothing ,,or apply to regulations,,this man pay money, buy a thaielitecard 1 mio baht get visa, or married and loose half,or put 3 mio on govermentbank and loose minmum intrestrates or even in case all.

this is unexcaptebal for me.

during my long stay here, i know its a wonderful country, but the special class of people, waht they call the elite, are unbelivibel. since years, i not trust anybody or nay law in thailand. this ne rules is just what i was discussion with friends 2 year ago, the topic there, what when thai make same us or europe 6 month per year on 2 time 90 days)

they done it now, so its not a big surprise.........................

but it is a shot in their own arsch...........,,,propertyprice what decline heavily, no rental demand, and buissenes is just everywhere disapearing........................

since the shitlaw of early closing hours, already buissenes is bad,,, i feel very sorry about the girls working and the small buissenes people,,, but i am wishing that this calles eliteclass of thailand would loose everything they got,,,they will feel the pinch, in every sector, residential,commerce, and how ever...............

i am since today trying to sell my asssets at discounted prices for just get off.

in the last two years i was already considering wwhere to go, in case.............

the case is here......................now............................

i am considering malaysia (westcoas),,,two points,, it is cleaner than thailand, more safe, easy get 5 year residential visa ( only requierd a 25k $ investment),food is excellent,,,clean nature, the only missing the nigtlife,,, but thanks to easy flight access, can go thailand or phillipine easily.

my money and my stay is welcomed, in thaialnd we are under the taxin regime the shit of the world.

and waht i not will miss in thaialnd

is the ignorance of thaipeople, the warfield of trafic,the dirty dust like plasticbags on the beaches,and even the guy who stop me on motorway and put his white handshoe in ,for get something..................................

sorry foreigners must no accept everything.

thailand stay with poor foreigners who years in overstay, beacuse they not care about new regulations, and wish to get many millionars......................................

i hope can liquidate assets, and can leave begining next year.....and just come for that, for waht thailand is good for, enyoing nightlife, finsihed!!!!!


the following act would be that in touristareas the crime would rise further, due to lack of income

1. antidrugwar taxsins increased crime

2.closing hours decreasing income , incresa crime

3. and this now give the collaps to many smaller buissenes here

when thais start to think,,,,,its better they leave it....................


[here is a lot of talk about penang!!!

starting this week PENANG NOT ISSUE 3 ENTRY VISAS ANYMORE,, can only stay up to 6 month in tahiland per year

PLEASE ONE QUESTION, please serious answer only!!!!

can you enter the kingdom for as many stays you want if they are less than 180 days per year????on visa arrival

this mean 4 week in than 4 week out and so on.......................

if this is not possible how they handel buissenes man who maybe come to bkk for 10 times each 3 day ,,or my mother,,, go ankorwat ( 1 enrty), do singapore ( 2 entry), go malaysia ( 3 entry) and than cannot come back ???????????


You'll be sadly missed :o

God, I feel sorry for people like you with no money and no common sense. If you had lived in Thailand for 17 years, you'd know what to do.


Oh come on - Give Lapamita his due ; English is not his or her first language.

Valid points.

And of course Mr Neeranam - you were the fellow who stated that 10K Baht gets you a one year visa from immigration. How exactly?. You said that.

You are corrupt in saying that and have advocated this on this web site. Is this your version of common sense?.

Naturally you are an expert on all things Thai and seem to believe on the way that the way to go is to pay outside the loop.

You also continually whine on about AA being the only way to cure an alccohol illness and given that AA is spiritual based philosophy how can you dare to rebuke a person for making their fears known whilst it is you to advertises bunging 10k baht for a 1 year visa?.

Hypocrisy to a fault.

Goodness me how do you live in that double standard life of yours?.

Or do you just pay and pay and pay your 'mates' in Immigration?.

Get a life - see the other side.


You'll be sadly missed :o

God, I feel sorry for people like you with no money and no common sense. If you had lived in Thailand for 17 years, you'd know what to do.


mr neraman

i think you are one of the people here in thailand, who think........

thanks for this helpful answers here, i better wait for official statements,instead of speculations here.

a lwyer i will not contact, because here in the last years, the only education they enjoyed, and knowledge about their buissenes is paying under ........ the time for paying under.....is OVER !! so there help would be much less, than before.

the very big guys are them who make more now,..................but the second.....the under the......,for them it is over!



He joined to put forward his or her opinion.

Some problem with that?.

Or do we have to all attune to 'we are bloody experts on Thailand and so shut up newbie?"

<deleted> - I spend all my life with Thais in a professional and specific business.

We all get to have our say. It is a forum isn't it?.

And wait - heh-heh- when you have something to bleat about because it will happen.

OOOh -who cried wolf?


So you joined thaivisa.com just to say goodbye?

Wow, some serious aggression going on in this thread!

Anyway, after sifting through that long post may I point out one thing to the OP? Did you ever prove to the issuing Embassy that you received income from abroad? Did you show copies of wires or anything that would prove you weren't getting your income from Thailand? I don't see anywhere where you mention this point so I was wondering if you that was something you had missed.

[here is a lot of talk about penang!!!

can you enter the kingdom for as many stays you want if they are less than 180 days per year????on visa arrival

this mean 4 week in than 4 week out and so on.......................

if this is not possible how they handel buissenes man who maybe come to bkk for 10 times each 3 day ,,or my mother,,, go ankorwat ( 1 enrty), do singapore ( 2 entry), go malaysia ( 3 entry) and than cannot come back ???????????

If my understanding of the new rule is correct EACH entry will count as 30days even if you stay 2 days or 10days only, it will no matter.And three entries are allowed .

But wait for "official"Announcement.

You'll be sadly missed :o

God, I feel sorry for people like you with no money and no common sense. If you had lived in Thailand for 17 years, you'd know what to do.

I seem to remember Neeranam boasting on being able to live

in Thailand on a sparrow's fart and an oily rag each month. :D:D:D


i was comming here to thailand the first time in 1989. afterwards i was working for an international company in asia,since 1998 i was staying in thaialnd nearly the year around. i was having girlfirend from thailand (8 years) and now 3 years and i was never married, and i would not go married.

my age is below 50, i am owning 3 condominiums in thailand, and my mother she just bought one, she likes thailand but the main point is i am staying here.

my financials are very sound and i not work in thailand in any case and i dont want to work.

live was easy and relativly cheap here,monthly spendeing stay around 80.000 thb.

until 2003 i obtain rgular one year visa from imigration ( on 3 mio baht deposit at bangkokbank)

after 2003 they want to force 3 mio on govermentbak 12month with shit intrest, so i not get more, after i get even from some special people in bkk the visa. since 18 month every way is closed.

when i went to last embassy, i try get visa ( suporting documents 3 condos value 6 mio and 4 mio cash deposits on thaibanks with bankstatement) they refused even a single touristvisa, because i stay here to long. so i try way passing border.

after some newspaper bring news that now condos would be accepted for 3 mio baht sheme, i went to imigration, answer, sorry you bought second hand, only valid if you buy new condominium fom constructioncompany :o (yee...loose moeny directly hahah )

my last visa i just get somne day ago ( 3 entry) in penang.

now what i can do,, nothing ,,or apply to regulations,,this man pay money, buy a thaielitecard 1 mio baht get visa, or married and loose half,or put 3 mio on govermentbank and loose minmum intrestrates or even in case all.

this is unexcaptebal for me.

during my long stay here, i know its a wonderful country, but the special class of people, waht they call the elite, are unbelivibel. since years, i not trust anybody or nay law in thailand. this ne rules is just what i was discussion with friends 2 year ago, the topic there, what when thai make same us or europe 6 month per year on 2 time 90 days)

they done it now, so its not a big surprise.........................

but it is a shot in their own arsch...........,,,propertyprice what decline heavily, no rental demand, and buissenes is just everywhere disapearing........................

since the shitlaw of early closing hours, already buissenes is bad,,, i feel very sorry about the girls working and the small buissenes people,,, but i am wishing that this calles eliteclass of thailand would loose everything they got,,,they will feel the pinch, in every sector, residential,commerce, and how ever...............

i am since today trying to sell my asssets at discounted prices for just get off.

in the last two years i was already considering wwhere to go, in case.............

the case is here......................now............................

i am considering malaysia (westcoas),,,two points,, it is cleaner than thailand, more safe, easy get 5 year residential visa ( only requierd a 25k $ investment),food is excellent,,,clean nature, the only missing the nigtlife,,, but thanks to easy flight access, can go thailand or phillipine easily.

my money and my stay is welcomed, in thaialnd we are under the taxin regime the shit of the world.

and waht i not will miss in thaialnd

is the ignorance of thaipeople, the warfield of trafic,the dirty dust like plasticbags on the beaches,and even the guy who stop me on motorway and put his white handshoe in ,for get something..................................

sorry foreigners must no accept everything.

thailand stay with poor foreigners who years in overstay, beacuse they not care about new regulations, and wish to get many millionars......................................

i hope can liquidate assets, and can leave begining next year.....and just come for that, for waht thailand is good for, enyoing nightlife, finsihed!!!!!


the following act would be that in touristareas the crime would rise further, due to lack of income

1. antidrugwar taxsins increased crime

2.closing hours decreasing income , incresa crime

3. and this now give the collaps to many smaller buissenes here

when thais start to think,,,,,its better they leave it....................

sounds like you are just the type of person that this law is targeting..busnessman making money off his assets in thailand on a SEX tourist visa...this law may work afterall ???



making money out of assets??????

YES FOR SURE,, is thailand a country where you can only LOOSE MONEY OU OF ASSETS

in every country in this world, you try to make money out of assets

--shares--bonds---propertys,,, and it is NOWWHERE ILLEGAL TO DO PRIVATE INVESTMENTS

only in thaialnd it seems for foreigners


i never touched land because illigal, i never touched speculative shares in thialnd, do to influence of heavy famillyclans,with the garantie to loose in meium term.

after the asiancrisis in 2002 i bought hotelstocks, hospitals and insurances............very good return,

but thais are itschaa foreigners making a gain.............................thais having a blacklist for bad guys, i having a personal redlist with many heavy thaifamillynames how desapear in various occasions in zickzackbuissenes.

no problem, ,, touristrelated indtustries would suffer the next years, and booming propertymarket in touristregions would turn in a deep downtrend,,,, after thai citizens pay the price,,,the big price pay small thaiinvestors in buissenes and property,,,, the big guys dont pay, they give their projekts as Non Performing Loan to the bank, and survive with the others..................

good luck thailand...........................

PS if i only consider SEX, i would not consider malaysia as a resident country.

other questions

have proof of money comming from abroad, Totosams valued over 10 mio baht in the last 6 years.( but in thailand TT are only valid 6 month hmmm why????)

i am living on invetsmentincome ( 70% out of dividends and coupons), this i could easily proof, from thaibank and foreignbank.

but thais like when youput your money on a 0,5% deposit,,, and they dont like you put for example in AJF monemarketfund, where you get 5,2% in shortterm. ohhhhh farang make money, no good.........why not put savingbook.! but no problem YIELDS on foreign currency are in an uptrend, and the lucky thing thaibaht still stay strong,,, so good time for convert.

or we have already new law, foreigners cannot send mone out?????? no problem singapore have 10000$ notes,what you can buy in bkk s moneychangers

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