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What are you looking for in a watering hole?


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Novo58 must be a woman.

Me. A simple man who really dislikes the telly blasting away on sports. Watch it = OK. Listening to those idiots mumbling/screaming on who touched the ball, the putt that did not fall.. blah, blah. We can SEE it , who needs to hear about

it for god's sake.

150 baht beer, regardless of name on bottle, is tops for me. And good burgers same price.

U might thrive in your pub but really, who cares. It's a competitive world, even in T'land.

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I'm easily pleased when it comes to places to meet up with friends and consume alcoholic beverages smile.png

Pet hates (which will encourage me never to return):

Loud music early in the evening - got to be able to have a conversation.

Poor sound system when it does get loud later.

Hovering staff / inattentive staff (a difficult balance I know).

I don't particularly like live cat-strangling, but if they're good no real problem (Karaoke or an open mike is a killer for me).

Seating / tables that are fixed down (need flexibility for variable group sizes).

Must haves:

WiFi (and a decent internet connection)

Decent coffee if open during the day - you may want to attract the Starbucks crowd during alcohol restrictions (I've lost count of how many business meetings I've had in Starbucks).

If you are going to have open mic or karaoke, add the caveat that any customer can offer to buy the singer a drink. At which time the singer must stop singing, hand over the mic, return to the bar, and accept the drink. That makes it a win-win-win situation--the customer wins because they don't have to listen to the cat-strangling, the singer wins because they get a free drink, and the bar owner wins because another drink is sold. I used to get some nights of low-cost/cost-free drinking with my strangling.

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Reasonable prices with a happy hour, snack food, friendly staff, good music mix for all ages and not loud, air con and if possible outdoor area for smokers, but most important is ice cold beer

. OnNut area really needs a farang bar as I don't know of any in the area. Many farangs but no aircon farang bar.

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If you need to ask TV experts your already going to loose your $.

Check out your compertion and just do it better....you can't please everyone with music so don't try, though a while back in Melbourne lot of places and some still do it cater to a range of tastes different nights of the week or rotating monthly.

Check out Saxophone club they have got a system that seems to work well in BKK....

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Well priced drinks and decent food for daytime. Pool table out back maybe a jukebox for music selection after a certain time. Everyone's going to have different opinions so choose your age group crowd and crowd. Evening cover bands decent rock music mixture of Thai and English classics and up to date hits, only after a certain time. If you don't want bargirls then maybe beer girls model types but not too snobby. Don't have the owner hanging around major off put especially if its another foreigner. The staff must be polite and smile, and keep an eye out for orders. Sports on tv and I would be keen on at least one night being karaoke or open mike. If its a fun place couples will come and tourists and the Thais. Need a decent selection of beers and spirits and a very reasonable happy hour.

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The OP's asking in the wrong

place. Most of these people still

complain that the bargirls don't

provide "real service" any more.

By that they mean the girls don't

drop to their knees thanking

Buddha for making the white

hippo order a single beer before

they wipe down his back and the

top of his ar5e-crack with a cold

flannel in return for a 10 baht tip

like they used to "back in the

good ol' days".

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Thanks everybody...this is really useful.

Top of the peeves seems to be the 'open mic' idea (although Smotherb had a great idea...... buying the tonally challenged a beer on condition that they stop!). It does seem that alcohol detunes the voice in proportion to the amount drunk - which wouldn't be so bad - but it also obliterates any worries about making a complete arse of oneself.

On the other hand, I would want to encourage local musicians to come in and jam with us but definitely no karaoke. If you need to read the lyrics, you aren't good enough yet.

Yes, of course to the unanimous request for hi speed wifi - being cheap with bandwidth erases the added value it gives to the business.

On good advice my shorts and singlets are in the bin - on top of my sandals. Not sure I can live without a pony tail, though, it's a babe magnet. LOL.

Attentive staff are hard to find - they have to be taught to look at the customers and to overcome the cultural imperative that says looking at people directly is rude. In the same way cooks have to be taught to taste food before serving it and to know what each dish SHOULD taste like.

I was trained in the business by a slave-driving, hyper-critical traditional publican who was also a genius at running a great family pub - yes Dick, I remember: "There's always something else to do when you've finished that!". All areas should be clean and tidy but especially the toilets, the kitchen and behind the bar. A major cause of failure of foreign bars in Thailand is due to the owner spending more time in his mate's bar than in his own.

The biggest challenge will be to get the right sort of balance between spectator stuff especially sports and live music on the one hand, and the opportunity to sit somewhere more private if that is what is wanted. Obviously choosing the right location and using the space cleverly are important and I have some ideas there including having comfortable booth seats and screening areas acoustically. I'd like Customers to be able to select their favorite songs from touch screens in all the booths or from their smart phones. It should be possible to have different types of music playing simultaneously in different areas without clashing. The technology is available and getting cheaper all the time.

Finally to the heart of the matter: I'm English but - perversely perhaps - I don't like warm beer. A beer is cold enough if holding the bottle for a long pull makes the fingers start to hurt. As for choice, start with the widest range of wet sales that can be held in stock listen to customers and slowly find what sells and what doesn't.

Please keep the ideas coming. What about a theme; I think there has to be something special that makes a place unique and gives it a 'personality'. Ideas welcome. Finally, nobody asked for a pool table (except Shaggy 851), Foosball table or Jukebox. Is that because these things are taken for granted or are they becoming passe? I'm getting quite a buzz out of this - I expected a lot more advice to forget about the whole thing.

Edited by Pieman
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When I sit down at a table or soft cushion booth, I'd like to have an electronic gadget device or control panel. When you want some service you electronically notify a team of service staff. Similar concept as on airplanes when you turn on the switch and the stewardess responds to your request.

When I visit a place having higher standards of service and attentiveness, I feel uncomfortable when I.e., the waiter is constantly there or even at a distance just starring over at you.

Individual lighting controls for when your sitting at a table/ booth/ sofa.

Other Options:

Head/ earphone rental if you want a more personal experience. Choose quiet mode for when the band music is just to loud, or choose To listen to your own music.

Other functions on the control panel device can be anything you can come up with... Just use a little imagination.

OP - when you include your final ideas into your business plan be sure to let us know what you decided. I think many would be interested. Good luck!

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#1 Double Door Entrance. To keep A/C IN and for security.

#2 Chairs, tables and silverware that can handle a Western Man

#3 As Big of a Flat Screen T.V. that you can afford.

# 4 Cheap or Free bar snacks (nuts,Pretlzes) .

#5 A Pro Dart Board.with protected area.

#6 NO BILLIARDS. (Attracts Cops and Criminals)

#7 Nice Uniforms for The Staff. (Not HOOTERS STYLE)

#8 FREE Thai Food for Staff. No or very Limted Alcohol bought for Staff.

#9 FREQUENT FLYER/Eater CARD 10-20% OFF food or Bev during slow hours/days.

#10 COLD <deleted> BEER



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Good security is very important keep the riffraff out and to handle any problem quickly.

Good selection of food reasonably priced and good portions.

Good drink selection, and also included an option for large bottled beer.

Indoor and outdoor seating if possible.

Live sports is a must, and when the big premier league games are on have sound, not keep the music playing.

And last but not least location location location is a must.

There is at least one bar in the lower Suk enclave that has prices set at such a level as to keep the riff raff out.

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Pet friendly! Not enough a/c places that I can drink with my dog. No joke. There are many dog owners who prefer to bring their (well-behaved) pet with them. Look at how well K-Village does.

If I wanted to drink in a kennel, I would contact the dog pound ....

Bars are not the place for dogs ...

Bars are not the place for dogs ...

Agreed 101%, ever checked out some of the serving wenches on lower Suk?

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Cold beer at a good price.

No Smoking

No Football

Decent seating. Nice sofas, booths etc.

Scantily clad good looking girls for service. No ugly birds.

Free snacks, peanuts etc.

Good Air Con

Dream on

Readily available in Thai bars all over Bkk, you wont find them in lower Suk.

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The OP's asking in the wrong

place. Most of these people still

complain that the bargirls don't

provide "real service" any more.

By that they mean the girls don't

drop to their knees thanking

Buddha for making the white

hippo order a single beer before

they wipe down his back and the

top of his ar5e-crack with a cold

flannel in return for a 10 baht tip

like they used to "back in the

good ol' days".

Actually, if you get out of the lower Suk enclave, the type of bars you refer to can be found all over the place.

Lat Prao, Ratchada, Sri Nakkarin, etc etc.

On arrival you will be waied, given a cold towel and asked what you want to drink.

You wont be pestered by, my shyt dont stink attitude, buy me lady drink, you wont be called a farang kee nok in Thai coz you left less than a 100 baht tip.

Yes the good ole days still exist, the beatuy of it, Little lek and her beau du jour dont know where they are.

Little Lek wouldnt dare set foot in Thong Lor, hence our aging lotharios stick to the enclave.

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My favorite bar on Soi 11 is a good example,The Australian, has a good mix of most of the responses, more like this around the city will attract us - BTW I am a Yank , but the food is varied, various draft beer and the waitresses are very attentive.thumbsup.gif

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Pet friendly! Not enough a/c places that I can drink with my dog. No joke. There are many dog owners who prefer to bring their (well-behaved) pet with them. Look at how well K-Village does.

If I wanted to drink in a kennel, I would contact the dog pound ....

Bars are not the place for dogs ...

Well said. It says everything about whacky dog-owners that they think the rest of the world share their blinkered sentiment about noisy, disease-carrying, shit-making machines. Most intelligent customers would not want someone else's pet inflicted on them.

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I Don't do "Eating" if I am having a Beer, so no food. No Music , Bands or DJ until 9-30, so people can socialize and have a bit of a grin. A smoking are that isnt 30 degrees, No Hawkers , No soapy English teachers

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I Don't do "Eating" if I am having a Beer, so no food. No Music , Bands or DJ until 9-30, so people can socialize and have a bit of a grin. A smoking are that isnt 30 degrees, No Hawkers , No soapy English teachers

Have you considered you might be better off just drinking at home?

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my biggest pet hate is not a big enough bar, especially when it is congested by a load of farangs that not only think they have a god given right to hog the area, but also act like they are the only people in the place and that you have no right to get served at all.

had it happen a couple of times out here in foreign owned and run so called English pubs. you know a bit like that scene out of American wear wolf in London, landlord acts like he's doing you a favor by poring you a drink or giving you a menu after asking for one and the locals give you the once over with their eyes.

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- sports coverage (not only football) including NFL and NHL and other sports like TDF and Giro, track and field, and winter sports (with the sound on when big sports events are being shown)

- WiFi

- obviously a wide selection of beers (a few Czech beers would be fantastic) but also decent mixed drinks

- non-smoking inside

- wide selection of good food (European, American, Thai, Aussie) at reasonable prices

- mostly classic American and British music played at a sound level where you can still have a decent conversation (and turned off when big sports events are on)

- available staff (i.e., staff that recognizes when you need something)


- solicitors

- over-rowdy or loud patrons (especially ones that want to tell you their life story even though you don't want to hear it)

Solicitors. I don't like them either, just about all men in suits are crooks, but what's this got to do with watering holes?

me neither, I don't like bankers, lawyers, solicitors, CEO's, Politicians, teachers and many government officials. Hmmmmm ...... you are correct, most of them are cheats & crooks... hell even the UN secretary general Ban ki moon is a cheat & liar .... didn't want to list Israel as killing children because of pressure from others. But that's another story ........

so a good watering hole is having none of the above .....coffee1.gif

FYI...there are other meanings to "solicitor" other than the one you refer to. From the Merriam-Webster dictionary online:

: a person whose job involves talking to many people and trying to persuade them to buy things, donate money, etc.

: a lawyer in Britain who assists people in legal matters and who can represent people in lower courts of law

: a chief law officer of a city, town, or government department

Obviously I was referring to the first definition.

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I Don't do "Eating" if I am having a Beer, so no food. No Music , Bands or DJ until 9-30, so people can socialize and have a bit of a grin. A smoking are that isnt 30 degrees, No Hawkers , No soapy English teachers

Have you considered you might be better off just drinking at home?

I dot drink at home Biker mate. I'm looking for A Mans local Where Men are Men and the Women are Barmaids , Pool Bores the crap out of me and don't get me started on Darts. We'll have to meet up one night , you'll have a right laughbiggrin.png

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I think I might be better off just drinking at home.

When I was first drinking every pub was like a living room full of blokes , "The Local" as it was known in East London. Opening time laws kept the boozers full up Saturday and Sunday afternoon, Most people stuck to one pub and became mates with other drinkers in their pub , resulting in Mass Brawls if 2 sets of drinkers ended up drinking in "Club' . Which attracted blokes with late opening and Women

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I also used to own a pub up North (Chiang Mai). The biggest problems your friend will face are recruiting and retaining good staff who can speak sufficient English and have the commitment to do the job, a government regulatory regime that decides exactly what rules it wants regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages and enforces them even handedly for all and connected to that removal of the need to pay 'fees' in order to compete and a country that is stable and able to attract tourists without constant coups, political turmoil and military dictatorships.

As to what I like to see in a pub now that I am a reasonably paid wage slave again: a Western landlord who is involved in the day to day running of his business, a good range of reasonably priced food and drinks, a good location near other bars to facilitate pub crawls, no loud music except on special occasions, a decent crowd of 'regulars' who aren't cliquey, Western newspapers, no smoking, etc etc...

Yeah, you closed about a year too early. sad.png

I'm not so sure, my understanding is that things have got worse from a publican's point of view, not better. upon what do you base you remark, Mr Appleton?

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my biggest pet hate is not a big enough bar, especially when it is congested by a load of farangs that not only think they have a god given right to hog the area, but also act like they are the only people in the place and that you have no right to get served at all.

had it happen a couple of times out here in foreign owned and run so called English pubs. you know a bit like that scene out of American wear wolf in London, landlord acts like he's doing you a favor by poring you a drink or giving you a menu after asking for one and the locals give you the once over with their eyes.

You have just explained why I can no longer be bothered making my way into the centre of town.

The words, cliquey, mardy and stuck up, spring to mind.

I tend to go to the back of Seacon Square, Thai style these days, hassle free and non rip off prices.

What is killing a lot of these places in lower Suk is the rents they have to pay, sorry I aint here to make the land owner rich, that coupled with the hassle of trying to get a taxi back to the suburbs, the other week i was quoted 300 baht to go from soi 5 to soi 26 in Suk, I got the skytrain instead.

As they say, the thrill has gone, still a couple of decent watering holes in Suk soi 23, but after being stopped twice by the cops while in a taxi, I really cant be bothered with the hassle anymore.

Up my way the police drive by me every day, I walk by the police staion everyday, NEVER had a problem in the suburbs, never been stopped and asked for a passport.

NEVER had a local taxi give me some BS excuse about too much traffic, etc etc, NEVER had to stand in the middle of the road and try and wave down a passing taxi.

Never been pestered by hawkers peddlars and touts.

Bar Owners feel free to tell me why I should make the journey into the lower Suk enclave and support your business?

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