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Boy, 11, dies, crushed by Phuket cement truck


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Boy, 11, dies, crushed by Phuket cement truck
Eakkapop Thongtub

Rescue workers attend to Thanapat, 11, at the scene. Photo: Eakkapop Thongtub

PHUKET: -- An 11-year-old boy died after the motorbike driven by his mother collided with a cement truck in front of Makro on Vichit Songkram Rd, in Vichit, yesterday evening (June 11).

Officers led by Maj Narong Muangduong of the Vichit police arrived at the scene with Kusoldharm rescue workers at 6:20pm.

They found Thanapat Songserm severely injured, lying near the rear-left wheels of the truck. He was still in his Vichit Songkram School uniform, and had suffered a broken leg and broken neck.

Despite efforts by rescue workers, Thanapat died en route to Vachira Phuket Hospital.

His mother, Patchanee Songserm, 42, suffered only minor injuries, but was also taken to Vachira hospital for treatment.

Witnesses told police that Ms Patchanee was driving westbound with her son on the back of the motorbike and a Phuket-registered Concrete TPI cement truck following behind.

“Both vehicles stopped at the red light in front of Makro. When the light turned green, the motorbike collided with the front wheel of the truck and crashed to the ground,” Maj Narong explained.

“Thanapat fell onto the road and was crushed by the rear wheels of the truck.”

Maj Narong confirmed that he had yet to file charges against any party over the incident.

“We have impounded the truck while we continue our investigation,” he said.

“We have to question the truck driver and witnesses further before deciding who should face which charges.

“And we will wait until the mother is in a condition fit for answering more questions.”

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/boy-11-dies-crushed-by-phuket-cement-truck-52741.php

-- Phuket News 2015-06-12

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RIP Thanapat Songserm another sad story again such a young life taken away, I thought the Generals Junta was going to be sorting out the road safety and driving licences in Thailand or is this going to be forgotten about once again, there is just zero driving standards in Thailand including parents with children on motorbikes and no crash helmets on the kids or appropriate biker footwear and clothes. Some Thais are just so reckless with their childrens lives and safety I could scream but it would still not improve their child welfare techniques.

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I want to blame the truck driver..... yet I also want to blame the rider..... But it's useless because the root of the problem is in the behavior in us all.

I do blame the people that is supposed to govern the country, keeping it civilized and safe.

It's easy to blame the rider,... but how do you suppose she takes her kids to school? walk? sit on a bus for 3 or 4 hours? It doesn't take a genius to figure that a scooter will be more efficient. I have tried to play "PM" in my head many times and it's not easy. It's not easy because this country has so much problems that's it's almost impossible to know where to start to get the problems fixed. The PM has a tough job, the people in the country isn't making it easier for him.

But I do want to kick the truck driver in the arse for being and idiot and not being more careful.

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It is not at all clear what happened . Do they mean that the cement lorry ran into the back of the motorcycle ? Otherwise how can a motorcycle colide with a lorry it is in front of ?

Motorcyclists are the most unruly on the road , dodging in front of other vehicles , passing on the nearside . Did the motorcycle cut in front of the lorry ?

it is very sad for this young boy to lose his life and sad for his mother too . I often refer to motorcyclists as " Death On Two Wheels ".

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RIP Thanapat Songserm another sad story again such a young life taken away, I thought the Generals Junta was going to be sorting out the road safety and driving licences in Thailand or is this going to be forgotten about once again, there is just zero driving standards in Thailand including parents with children on motorbikes and no crash helmets on the kids or appropriate biker footwear and clothes. Some Thais are just so reckless with their childrens lives and safety I could scream but it would still not improve their child welfare techniques.

No one said she didn't have a license and I guarantee a crash helmet would not have stopped him getting crushed by a cement truck.

I'm not saying they should not enforce wearing helmets and be allowed to continue driving with small babies on motorcycles, but based on the story it was just an accident, RIP to the young boy.

Again I'm not saying I don't agree with your comment, I'm simply saying safety gear probably would not have helped the poor kid in this case.

Poverty is the killer here, I guess some just cant afford better..

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I want to blame the truck driver..... yet I also want to blame the rider..... But it's useless because the root of the problem is in the behavior in us all.

I do blame the people that is supposed to govern the country, keeping it civilized and safe.

It's easy to blame the rider,... but how do you suppose she takes her kids to school? walk? sit on a bus for 3 or 4 hours? It doesn't take a genius to figure that a scooter will be more efficient. I have tried to play "PM" in my head many times and it's not easy. It's not easy because this country has so much problems that's it's almost impossible to know where to start to get the problems fixed. The PM has a tough job, the people in the country isn't making it easier for him.

But I do want to kick the truck driver in the arse for being and idiot and not being more careful.

Well let's think.

Blame the people who govern the country?

Have you heard the aphorism 'you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink'?

I rather think that applies, rather than blaming those who govern the country. Or should we blame the manufacturers of the bike and the truck?

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For all people's here who blame something or someone, or have something to complain about, here's a message for ya.

A kid is killed, its called a accedent, you see,,, these things happen over the whole world, these are food for the media, specially in thai.

But let us be silence for a moment before we all start to blame people. It happend. He's dead. Wouldnt it be more respectfull to say RIP in stead lot of comments for blame someone or something.

The best captain's are alway's on shore. For those who dont understand this...

Everyone knows it so much better than the one who seen it happen. Stop pointing fingers please, but show some respect for those who lost this little young boy.

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"When the light turned green, the motorbike collided with the front wheel of the truck and crashed to the ground,”

Should that not read, the front wheel of the truck stuck the motorbike in front, causing it to crash?

Poor kid and mother. Life is fragile. RIP.

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Not sure I understand. If they were both stopped at the light did the cement truck just

forget they were there and run over them when the light turned green? How did they


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were both vehicles alongside each other at the traffic lights ? I can only assume they were if she caught the front wheel of the cement truck did she have a smart phone in her hand or just plain bloody stupid .

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were both vehicles alongside each other at the traffic lights ? I can only assume they were if she caught the front wheel of the cement truck did she have a smart phone in her hand or just plain bloody stupid .

Or maybe as stupid as your assumptions and comment...

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I am sitting here choking after reading this post, the tragedy of this loss of a young life is beyond comprehension, how the mother will cope with this in the years to come is beyond me. I know she shall as countless other mothers have done over the years but how they do this is beyond me.

Indothai has explained it pretty well, in a perfect world every parent would have a car to take their kids to school or where ever, but we don't live in a perfect world so until then motorbikes will continue to be used with more and more fatalities.

On paper every accident is avoidable, but when you have congested roads and untrained drivers you will always have them, it is just an unfortunate fact of life in Asia.

Condolences to the mother and her family, unfortunately I fear her physical injuries will heal far quicker than her mental ones...

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Not sure I understand. If they were both stopped at the light did the cement truck just

forget they were there and run over them when the light turned green? How did they


Motorbikes creep up the left side of vehicles at the lights, when they take off they automatically will pull across in front of the traffic without looking. If this is the case, the truck driver probably didn't even know she was there with the height of his vehicle and she was probably slow of the mark. I now wait a few seconds before pulling away as I have had many near misses.

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were both vehicles alongside each other at the traffic lights ? I can only assume they were if she

caught the front wheel of the cement truck did she

have a smart phone in her hand or just plain

bloody stupid .

Wot a pathetic comment, when u don't even know the facts.

Or maybe as stupid as your assumptions and comment...

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It is not at all clear what happened . Do they mean that the cement lorry ran into the back of the motorcycle ? Otherwise how can a motorcycle colide with a lorry it is in front of ?

Motorcyclists are the most unruly on the road , dodging in front of other vehicles , passing on the nearside . Did the motorcycle cut in front of the lorry ?

it is very sad for this young boy to lose his life and sad for his mother too . I often refer to motorcyclists as " Death On Two Wheels ".

It is not certain but it seems like the bike tried to cross in front of the truck, but that's not certain due to the report how it is written,

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Probably went to turn right, across the front of the truck without even seeing it there. I see it every day.


Its just as easy to assume that the mother on motorbike was on the inside of the truck as is usual.If the truck was very close to her and she wobbled a bit on take off she could have caught the handlebar on the side of the truck as they both pulled away and been under the wheel in a second.I have seen some very near misses like this many times and I am sure a lot of you have.Anyway its all assumption so RIP my little one.So sorry another young life wasted. Wish we could learn a lesson from these sad accidents

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I want to blame the truck driver..... yet I also want to blame the rider..... But it's useless because the root of the problem is in the behavior in us all.

I do blame the people that is supposed to govern the country, keeping it civilized and safe.

It's easy to blame the rider,... but how do you suppose she takes her kids to school? walk? sit on a bus for 3 or 4 hours? It doesn't take a genius to figure that a scooter will be more efficient. I have tried to play "PM" in my head many times and it's not easy. It's not easy because this country has so much problems that's it's almost impossible to know where to start to get the problems fixed. The PM has a tough job, the people in the country isn't making it easier for him.

But I do want to kick the truck driver in the arse for being and idiot and not being more careful.

Have not seen many "careful" cement truck drivers around on Samui .

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In the West, a motorcycle has the same rights and responsibilities as any other vehicle (car or truck), which means the MB should have access to the full lane. This is not the case in Thailand where the size and/or value of the vehicle determines it's rights and right of away in using the road. Judging by the photos and description, it would appear the MB and truck were both in the left lane when approaching the red light and the truck was following the MB. The MB would be at the far left side of the lane and the truck (from my experience) would pull up beside her, because he is bigger, therefore more important, therefore has the right of way (in his mind). When the light turned green, both advanced and the MB initially wobbled (likely nervous about such a big truck just cm's from her) and clipped the left front side of the truck. If this is true, the truck driver should be at fault for not yielding the right of way to the MB. he should have stayed behind her and passed in the other lane when clear.

I drove a motorbike for only about 6 months in Thailand and gave it up due to the high risk due to the complete lack of respect from other (larger) vehicles. If you drive in the middle of (your) lane, speeding drivers would come up right on your rear wheel. If you stay to the left of the lane, they would pass you only cm's from your handlebar while traffic was coming in opposite direction. It didn't matter if it was a straight road or while rounding a blind curve.

Is there any wonder why Thailand is second in the world in traffic fatalities? The government has a lot of work to do in this area and I think a good place to start is both educating and enforcing the yielding of right of way to other drivers, no matter the comparative size of value of their respective vehicles!

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I want to blame the truck driver..... yet I also want to blame the rider..... But it's useless because the root of the problem is in the behavior in us all.

I do blame the people that is supposed to govern the country, keeping it civilized and safe.

It's easy to blame the rider,... but how do you suppose she takes her kids to school? walk? sit on a bus for 3 or 4 hours? It doesn't take a genius to figure that a scooter will be more efficient. I have tried to play "PM" in my head many times and it's not easy. It's not easy because this country has so much problems that's it's almost impossible to know where to start to get the problems fixed. The PM has a tough job, the people in the country isn't making it easier for him.

But I do want to kick the truck driver in the arse for being and idiot and not being more careful.

Climb up in the cab of a transport/cement truck and have someone stand in front, tell me what you see? most times you will not see the person depending where in front he/she is standing. You can only see so much through your mirrors and windows, there are blind spots. Lets wait for the investigation and what the witness have to say.

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