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PM wants media to stop wasting his time with nonsensical questions

Lite Beer

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"reporters" need to do their research first.

Most questions have been answered time and again.

"due diligence" check the facts before asking the same question over and over.

Pool your questions, OH! that would require cooperation among "reporters".

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Q: PM, will you stay on?

PM: don't know yet, it depends.

Q: could you elaborate, please?

PM: I have a task set to be performed, concluded. If I need to answer lots of your silly questions, I may need more time.

Q: PM, will you stick to your roadmap?

PM: Yes, but changes may be forced on us.

Q: What do you mean by that?

PM: Some reforms may still be discussed, formulated. We have to wait for that.

Q: Which reforms?

PM: ask the NRC, they're still at it and didn't report to the NLA yet.

Q: Rumour has it the NRC is told to reject the draft constitution ...

PM: (interrupting) Do I now need to discuss rumour with you as well? Any more questions? No? Right, then I can go back to work.

Of course, PM Prayut has the drawback of not being able to smile as sweetly as Ms. Yingluck. Pity really.

Your point being?

"Why not just take literally a minute to actually answer the bloody question then you need not be continually asked."

No, you are just hinting at what your point might be or not, depending on the political climate. What is your actual opinion on the matter?

Obviously I'd like the current PM to answers questions like we had with the elected government before, with the PM smiling, obfuscating in orchestrated talks to the press, pre-screened questions and so.

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This is where Robert Amsterdam needs to come in and smooth out Prayut's rough edges again.

In these instances he reminds me so much of yingluck when she was PM and running from the media's questions. Although I must admit yingluck had a slightly different approach. She usually ignored the media or if you pulled the string on her back to make her talk she said "I was not informed of this".

Imagine what the reaction would be if he used that approach towards the media.

Part of a democracy is being open to media questioning ergo open to public scrutiny. Prayut never ever purported to be democratic yet still allows media to ask him questions of which he answers more of than the previous leader who stated at every sound byte "I am democratic".

He really does need an Amsterdam in his corner though.

troll again and again

The thread is about the General and media and you find a way of bringing up your unabashed prejudices about Yingluck "was worse than him" the thread is NOT about that - give it a REST

The fascists in our midst are entitled to express themselves, it's a free country [giggle, giggle], but the degree to which they are obsessed with particular persons, not just the concept of democracy, is, in a word, loony.

Don't feed the troll if you think it's a troll !

Or sit back and smirk if you reckon the man's a send-up of the anti-Reds. smile.png

"Don't feed the troll if you think it's a troll !" You are 100% correct. But I can't resist. Feeding fascist trolls, then watching them perform is free and doesn't get one hauled in for attitude adjustment. Yet.

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