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Chinese entrepreneurs invade tourism businesses in Phuket: report

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Nothing new....One of the biggest tour agencies marketing Thailand's destinations in the world is a Vietnam's company with offices in BK and Chiang Mai with wonderful tour programs and prices. I feel sorry for Thailand's new graduated generations. Its are not prepared for any competition, inside or outside the country. Not language skills, not idea about marketing or business, not initiative, not interest in changing attitude, and learn from other countries and cultures. Asean will create an unemployment problem between young professionals that Thailand never had before, and schools and universities are to blame. If at least will promote Chinese language studies......adapting programs to the "new world".

China is the new power, the new big spender, and that was expected from long time now.... Not only Thailand will pay the consequences in not be prepared for the change..also.many western countries already do.

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The Russian language companies have been doing this for years. So no wonder the Chinese are following the pattern. Probably, TAT should spend some time and their enormous coffin of promotional funds to arrange for Thais to get some proper language training and sustaining the Thai business with these groups of tourist. It's the same story over and over again. Masters of complaining, amateurs for handling.

Look at all the Scuba Dive Master and Instructors....99% are European or American, 1 % are Thais. I guess most are from UK

A big share work without Work Permit....not different than the Chinese or Russians.

I doubt you work or have worked in the dive industry in Phuket. Very few do not have WP - as they are checked pretty strictly every couple of months.

some smaller places maybe, but every instructor at sea bees, all 4 diving, etc etc have WP.

2 responses I have

a) this is all based on 1 persons comment and he has a reason to complain - he lost his business. I suspect everything in this article he CAN NOT prove to be true. How the Eff is this news??

B) why do you lot live here if it is so bad and the Thais are so rude to you??


Regulation and law enforcement in order? no problem.

But as we all know, its a mess,around the corner there are 5 barbers in a row, all poor and without costumers.

It all went wrong when the province offered a free hair cutting course and the bandwagon was full before one knew it.

Tourism as well, overcrowded markets with no regulation, well almost none.

and in this case, as long as the Chinese keep out of scamming people, the same people will go to them....its as simple as that.

one reaps what one sows!


Is anyone shocked? Blindsided by this news maybe? No? Carry on... coffee1.gif

News? NEWS? What news? They have been infiltrating and eventually dominating other cultures successfully for 5,000 years, and haven't finished yet. Spratley Islands anyone???

Thais should stop worrying about it.China has already taken control of Thailand. Asean is weak and as the US loses ground to China all of Asean will be swallowed up by China and made into Chinese territories. Thais should be learning Chinese so they can get a job from their new masters masters.



And this is only the beginning

The government have opened the floodgates for china and they are much better playing the Asian "game"

Chinese smoke and mirrors next


Big business eventually drove the mafia out of Las Vegas; maybe the same will happen in Phuket.

And, as we've seen here, big business can play dirty too.

After visiting Phuket and dealing with the cheating and bad attitudes, I don't feel sorry for them at all.


Is anyone shocked? Blindsided by this news maybe? No? Carry on... coffee1.gif

News? NEWS? What news? They have been infiltrating and eventually dominating other cultures successfully for 5,000 years, and haven't finished yet. Spratley Islands anyone???

You mean Thomas Clonas's "freedom land", the one he was forced to sell to the Philippines?


Thais marketed to the Chinese, they got the Chinese.

As the bible says "as you sow so shall ye reap" Did you really think the Chinese only want to help with building out the rail system? They are infiltrating every country in Asia till they control them lock stock and tourism. They are like an octopus you cannot cut off all of their tennacles. With a population of 1.3 billion the excess has to go somewhere. Tighten you seat belt this is only the beginning.


Thais marketed to the Chinese, they got the Chinese.

As the bible says "as you sow so shall ye reap" Did you really think the Chinese only want to help with building out the rail system? They are infiltrating every country in Asia till they control them lock stock and tourism. They are like an octopus you cannot cut off all of their tennacles. With a population of 1.3 billion the excess has to go somewhere. Tighten you seat belt this is only the beginning.

That's probably exactly the impression that Thais have about Farangs.


This is really scary. Thank you TAT

This makes me think why would Thai authorities want any deal with China for the high speed train project linking this country to China??

So much short-sightedness and lack of forward thinking.

It is really a matter of time before Thailand becomes a colony. Maybe it is already too late.


What isn't mentioned is the land buyouts being made across the country...Thailand must have a Huge For Sale Sign on it in Chinese eyes?


Yes, the Chinese can out do Thainess quite easily.

just what I said! posted this many times, as a tour driver they did this in NZ, so soon all Thailand will be a tourist destination of polluted beaches and owned by Chinese, forget others they will take up the slack from the already bankrupted EU countries and standing room only.

Thainess will be thaineseness they already own the country but Thais think they don't.

When will we ever learn, when will they ever learn.

Chailand no room for you expats you are second rate tourists soon to be!


They do the same thing in Taiwan and Korea, and elsewhere, I am sure. The Chinese have just about zero interest in the foreign countries they are visiting, and they are happy to eat Chinese food, see and speak to only Chinese people, patronize Chinese shops, etc. Can't let foreigners "win" by having them earn a bit of coin off the cheap Chinese visitors. No, can't have that. Have to keep it all in Han circulation. They are locusts. Always have been, always will be.


Chinese invented "monopoly" (not the board game) the real deal in the real world.
Thais thought they could cash in on the big spending Chinese tourist but weren't smart enough to do all the homework !

They got what they wished for a backyard full of Chinese entrepreneurs who can outsmart the smartest nations !!

Beware the "yellow peril "!!!!


Thais marketed to the Chinese, they got the Chinese.

Be careful what you wish for, you may get it. tongue.png


Chinese girls: No tids No ass Big "empress" egos and worst snarling Bitches in the world...

(Yes way more than "Thainess")

No doubt the souvenirs they buy are made in china too. Next thing they'll be bringing in working girls from china to go after the chinese single male tourist market, or are they already doing that ?


It was bound to happen with Thais who can't speak English or Chinese. I'm sure the Chinese will be more efficient. Look for more violence against Chinese taking away jobs from lazy Thais. More poop in temples is sure to follow. Ah well, you marketed to them. Now deal with 'em.whistling.gif


The Chinese are just doing what everyone else did but worse.

If anyone could buy land here the Chinese would buy it all.... Good thing the Thais do not permit.

Thailand basically needs to accept that the Chinese are going to run these businesses or they need to start to restrict their visas again. It will be too difficult to police every tour agency and business catering to this group. Their numbers now have grown out of control.

For me, when I go to a place like Koh Lan outside of Pattaya and see thousands of Chinese taking up 90% of the beach it removes that place from my list for future visits. Too much of one thing damages everything. There needs to be some restrictions to decrease the flow. I have nothing against any group but too many is just too many. It will discourage others from going and when the Chinese stop ( which they may some day) the entire area will collapse.

Difficult situation .....


Chinese and Russians. Both are expansionist empires, so shouldn't come as a surprise.

Oh the good days when the communists kept the borders closed. I miss them. Hockey games were better, too.


The Chinese are just doing what everyone else did but worse.

If anyone could buy land here the Chinese would buy it all.... Good thing the Thais do not permit.

Thailand basically needs to accept that the Chinese are going to run these businesses or they need to start to restrict their visas again. It will be too difficult to police every tour agency and business catering to this group. Their numbers now have grown out of control.

For me, when I go to a place like Koh Lan outside of Pattaya and see thousands of Chinese taking up 90% of the beach it removes that place from my list for future visits. Too much of one thing damages everything. There needs to be some restrictions to decrease the flow. I have nothing against any group but too many is just too many. It will discourage others from going and when the Chinese stop ( which they may some day) the entire area will collapse.

Difficult situation .....

Yes, the development of just another ghetto will be a problem. 90 pct of any (!) foreign population in a given area is surely too much.

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