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Brother of PM one of two in line to be next Thai Army chief


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It doesn't matter who is head of the army as, 1). There are no enemies to be fought, 2). There are no Eisenhowers, Pattons, Monties

in all of Thailand with any, ( none ), proven battle experience, 3). The present 1,600 Generals, wearing uniforms bearing 8 pounds of unearned campaign hardware, will confuse the new leader just to learn their names and, 4). The new submarines will keep imagined invaders from Thai shores when not aground.

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Same as otherwise, control is tied to familial trust. Thaksin trusted no one he was not related to,

some a lock trait, if they ain't family they are a potential enemy to the clans progress.

In a country with 18 coups and counting because the political classes are serial cockups,

the idea of continuity via people you trust has greater credence.

Of course if two brothers of close ages join the army,

cover each others backs as they progress up the ladder,

then it is not illogical they will be a step or two from

each other in grade the whole way up the ladder.

Edited by animatic
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So out of all the (way too many) military generals in Thailand the current PM's little brother is in line to take over as the big cheese. Well, I for one am so happy that PM Prayuth rooted out the nepotism and cronyism of the old regime....oh....hang on a second! whistling.gif

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Why would the PM leave him self open to a nepotism accusations? while keeping it in the

family make sense, but surly it could have been done smartly and not in your face move....

I'm guessing he either feels secure enough not to give a crap about how bad it looks or is so afraid of the dogs snapping at his heels that he has to resort to desperate measures. Time will tell...

I'm guessing that Gen. Preecha Chan-O is in line for possible promotion due to capabilities, time in rank.

Come one...which country put the top military for capabilities...it is a political job, in USA, Germany or UK. Everyone want to put someone who says only Yes and not some capable difficult person with honor. How many coups would we have with capable honest top generals who refuse to murder people if their own country isn't in danger.

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It doesn't matter who is head of the army as, 1). There are no enemies to be fought, 2). There are no Eisenhowers, Pattons, Monties

in all of Thailand with any, ( none ), proven battle experience, 3). The present 1,600 Generals, wearing uniforms bearing 8 pounds of unearned campaign hardware, will confuse the new leader just to learn their names and, 4). The new submarines will keep imagined invaders from Thai shores when not aground.

While the Thai defence forces are undoubtedly top heavy, your points also indicate that they are successful. There are no enemies to be fought, because they are a successful deterrent, without them that situation could change rapidly.

They also have managed to avoid any major battles, which some us can see as much more successful than a military careering around the world, invading other countries and getting involved in any dispute available, usually changing it from petty to major, and creating more enemies than friends in doing so. It also has the benefit of returning nearly all enlistees alive, and equipped with skills they have learned while not killing people.

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What have all the Shinawatra bashers who were so stridently critical of his nepotism have to ay about this? They're all as bad as each other.

This may come as a huge shock to you so you better sit down.

The vast majority of Shin bashers, and I am one of them, are not junta supporters ! I know, that is incredible news but it is a fact.

We would be quite happy if there never were military coups in Thailand and we had free and fair elections and the country was governed by a good, fair and competent political party.

The problem is the Shin parties, I believe there have been three of them so far, are anything but good, fair or competent, and have no idea what the word "democratic" means. They think once you have bought your way into power you can do anything you like, as Yingluck's turn at the trough proved.

The Democrats were no better, if not worse, so you cannot accuse me of being a Dem/yellow supporter either. biggrin.png

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Brother of PM one of two in line to be next Thai Army chief

Also known as Anti-coup-insurance..................whistling.gif

Anti coup insurance from nepotism or croonyism choosing from the same Butapha Payak Group. As if there are no other capable generals not in the blood line or from the same group to be considered. Then there are the unexplained assets from these 2 generals that are still unaccountable. Pot calling the kettle black.

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Why would the PM leave him self open to a nepotism accusations? while keeping it in the

family make sense, but surly it could have been done smartly and not in your face move....

I'm guessing he either feels secure enough not to give a crap about how bad it looks or is so afraid of the dogs snapping at his heels that he has to resort to desperate measures. Time will tell...

I'm guessing that Gen. Preecha Chan-O is in line for possible promotion due to capabilities, time in rank.

Makes no odds, they're both Eastern Tigers ;)

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Why would the PM leave him self open to a nepotism accusations? while keeping it in the

family make sense, but surly it could have been done smartly and not in your face move....

I'm guessing he either feels secure enough not to give a crap about how bad it looks or is so afraid of the dogs snapping at his heels that he has to resort to desperate measures. Time will tell...

I'm guessing that Gen. Preecha Chan-O is in line for possible promotion due to capabilities, time in rank.

Come one...which country put the top military for capabilities...it is a political job, in USA, Germany or UK. Everyone want to put someone who says only Yes and not some capable difficult person with honor. How many coups would we have with capable honest top generals who refuse to murder people if their own country isn't in danger.

I know English isn't your natural language but what on earth are you babbling on about?

Your last sentence makes no sense, you seem to forget coups in most countries are crimes against them, such as treason, and it was a crime under the Thai Law too.. the biggest problem Thailand has is a military with way too much power, and are above the laws, and always will be, until they are knocked off that pedestal.

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That is a lot of Generals.

Seems that Prayuts younger brother has risen through the ranks and gained valuable experience and credentials on the way to the top. He is a veteran soldier that has studied at military school and can certainly bring a wealth of military experience and background to which ever role he is chosen for. Of course being a brother helps, but he is not green as grass and filling a role he has no idea on.

Good to see that Prayut does not follow in thaksins nepotistic footsteps by bringing in completely unqualified and inexperienced relatives for positions that are so obviously out of their depth, but were filled by these relatives simply to fulfil the needs of a criminal at the behest of the majority. Don't need to go past yingluck to see a person fill a position that has no experience or background in politics. Zero experience and it showed. Surapong who filled the defence ministers role, but was clueless in what it entailed. Zero experience and it showed.

If Prayuts younger brother was not a veteran military staff member and then brought in as a General it would get the same response from me that the above people did. If yingluck and surapong were veteran politicans and filled the role while bringing something to it that embedded confidence then they would get the same response from me that Prayut's brother is getting.

It is not the person, it is what they bring to the role.

Yes hopefully he uses that MILITARY experience and MILITARY training in the MILITARY.

And stays the F out of the arena of government.

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What have all the Shinawatra bashers who were so stridently critical of his nepotism have to ay about this? They're all as bad as each other.

This may come as a huge shock to you so you better sit down.

The vast majority of Shin bashers, and I am one of them, are not junta supporters ! I know, that is incredible news but it is a fact.

We would be quite happy if there never were military coups in Thailand and we had free and fair elections and the country was governed by a good, fair and competent political party.

The problem is the Shin parties, I believe there have been three of them so far, are anything but good, fair or competent, and have no idea what the word "democratic" means. They think once you have bought your way into power you can do anything you like, as Yingluck's turn at the trough proved.

The Democrats were no better, if not worse, so you cannot accuse me of being a Dem/yellow supporter either. biggrin.png

Oh the irony !!

It would be a little easier to take seriously, if not coming from a poster, who automatically labels all anti-coup posters as red shirts..............coffee1.gif

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Brother of PM one of two in line to be next Thai Army chief

Also known as Anti-coup-insurance..................whistling.gif

Anti coup insurance from nepotism or croonyism choosing from the same Butapha Payak Group. As if there are no other capable generals not in the blood line or from the same group to be considered. Then there are the unexplained assets from these 2 generals that are still unaccountable. Pot calling the kettle black.

Eric, what do you mean by "Pot calling the kettle black." ?

That term would only apply to someone who attacked the Shins for being crooked and denied the Military were the same.

The vast majority of the posters on this site who are anti-Shin and point out their criminal ways will also say the same things about the Military Junta / government.

You are another one of many who thinks the anti-Shin crowd are pro-Junta.

Just who are these anti-Shin / pro-junta posters ?

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1) To be charitable, I knew nothing about Prayuth until he became Army Chief, and similarly I know nothing about his brother ,,, and I don't have any evidence that the little brother is going to be any worse (or better) than Prayuth.

2) There are several factions within the Army - it's not a slam dunk

3) Ultimately, the nominated Army Chief has to be approved by ... others.

Yes, the stable owner or the trainer chooses the jockey, to paraphrase Gen. Prem.

While there are some good reasons to appoint a Wong Thewan faction member (share the wealth, planning for the 'inevitable') to the top post it seems like it will be another Burupha Phayak member, given the turbulent times.

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To all the junta-lovers here, please read and think:

No Coup

Incoming army chief Udomdej said yesterday there was no chance that the military would interfere with the junta’s plans or that there would be another coup.

“I want everybody rest assured that there won’t be such a thing for sure,” he said. “The army will be the main foundation to ensure peace in the country.”

With Udomdej due to retire next September and the junta saying elections won’t be held for another year at the earliest, Prayuth is set to oversee at least one more reshuffle with absolute power, Napisa said. That will allow him to name the next army chief, as well as move his brother and his brother’s classmates into higher positions.

“This faction is really setting themselves up to be dominant into the future,” Napisa said. “They could really stay. They control troops and they control politics.”


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What have all the Shinawatra bashers who were so stridently critical of his nepotism have to ay about this? They're all as bad as each other.

This may come as a huge shock to you so you better sit down.

The vast majority of Shin bashers, and I am one of them, are not junta supporters ! I know, that is incredible news but it is a fact.

We would be quite happy if there never were military coups in Thailand and we had free and fair elections and the country was governed by a good, fair and competent political party.

The problem is the Shin parties, I believe there have been three of them so far, are anything but good, fair or competent, and have no idea what the word "democratic" means. They think once you have bought your way into power you can do anything you like, as Yingluck's turn at the trough proved.

The Democrats were no better, if not worse, so you cannot accuse me of being a Dem/yellow supporter either. biggrin.png

Oh the irony !!

It would be a little easier to take seriously, if not coming from a poster, who automatically labels all anti-coup posters as red shirts..............coffee1.gif

You obviously have not read all my recent posts or you would not make a statement like that.

I have been trying to make it clear that not all Shin fans are necessarily junta bashers and vice-verse.

I am accused of being an ass-licking junta fan all the time, which is wrong.

If I have made an error and accused an anti-coup poster of being a redshirt then I apologize. thumbsup.gif

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446 retiring generals is a great opportunity to correct the top-heaviness of the Thai armed forces. I doubt that will happen.

Spot on.

They could reduce the amount significantly through natural retirements in a couple of years.

But these extra 'positions" are to keep various families happy. No more no less. Same with the police and the civil service.

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To all the junta-lovers here, please read and think:

No Coup

Incoming army chief Udomdej said yesterday there was no chance that the military would interfere with the junta’s plans or that there would be another coup.

“I want everybody rest assured that there won’t be such a thing for sure,” he said. “The army will be the main foundation to ensure peace in the country.”

With Udomdej due to retire next September and the junta saying elections won’t be held for another year at the earliest, Prayuth is set to oversee at least one more reshuffle with absolute power, Napisa said. That will allow him to name the next army chief, as well as move his brother and his brother’s classmates into higher positions.

“This faction is really setting themselves up to be dominant into the future,” Napisa said. “They could really stay. They control troops and they control politics.”


One regime to another.

The difference being, the other other one was voted in....

4 times in a row....


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Brother of PM one of two in line to be next Thai Army chief

Also known as Anti-coup-insurance..................whistling.gif

Anti coup insurance from nepotism or croonyism choosing from the same Butapha Payak Group. As if there are no other capable generals not in the blood line or from the same group to be considered. Then there are the unexplained assets from these 2 generals that are still unaccountable. Pot calling the kettle black.

Eric, what do you mean by "Pot calling the kettle black." ?

That term would only apply to someone who attacked the Shins for being crooked and denied the Military were the same.

The vast majority of the posters on this site who are anti-Shin and point out their criminal ways will also say the same things about the Military Junta / government.

You are another one of many who thinks the anti-Shin crowd are pro-Junta.

Just who are these anti-Shin / pro-junta posters ?

You just define the idiom perfectly. Junta said coup is due to widespread corruption, nepotism and croonyism of the previous government. Low and behold, the junta is acting exactly the same way with nepotism and croonyism and unexplained wealth. That pretty summed it up and nothing to do with taking Shin or junta side. You are not pro Junta; suprises me but all good that you see the hyprocisy and hope you recognize that coup is just a proxy of the establishment.

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I'm guessing he either feels secure enough not to give a crap about how bad it looks or is so afraid of the dogs snapping at his heels that he has to resort to desperate measures. Time will tell...

I'm guessing that Gen. Preecha Chan-O is in line for possible promotion due to capabilities, time in rank.

Come one...which country put the top military for capabilities...it is a political job, in USA, Germany or UK. Everyone want to put someone who says only Yes and not some capable difficult person with honor. How many coups would we have with capable honest top generals who refuse to murder people if their own country isn't in danger.

I know English isn't your natural language but what on earth are you babbling on about?

Your last sentence makes no sense, you seem to forget coups in most countries are crimes against them, such as treason, and it was a crime under the Thai Law too.. the biggest problem Thailand has is a military with way too much power, and are above the laws, and always will be, until they are knocked off that pedestal.

For example the US military should have refused to start the Iraq war and torture people, if they would have taken their duty serious. Per definition it isn't a crime to prevent murder. If some law made by corrupt politician says so than the law is wrong not the person.

Lives are more important than some orders or some megalomania of a politician.....A top military should understand that.

If you learned a bit history than you would know that only unsuccessful coups are crimes and treason. Successful aren't, because they make themself the lawful government.

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More than 1.092 generals to chose from and the brother gets the job. Cronyism or selection by qualification?

Cronyism, blatant bias, and keeping in the family, a-la the Shin regime family. whistling.gif

there you go again Shin bashing at EVERY opportunity

I don't support the Shins but give it a REST this thread has NOTHING to do with the Shins but the brother of the Junta 'leader'

You don't support the Shins clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Yes - nepotism, cronyism, loyalty to classmates (if they're from the right families of course) seems to be the order of the day. Along with feudal hierarchy and patronage. Doesn't matter who you do or don't support. All the same.

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Brother of PM one of two in line to be next Thai Army chief

Also known as Anti-coup-insurance..................whistling.gif

Anti coup insurance from nepotism or croonyism choosing from the same Butapha Payak Group. As if there are no other capable generals not in the blood line or from the same group to be considered. Then there are the unexplained assets from these 2 generals that are still unaccountable. Pot calling the kettle black.

Eric, what do you mean by "Pot calling the kettle black." ?

That term would only apply to someone who attacked the Shins for being crooked and denied the Military were the same.

The vast majority of the posters on this site who are anti-Shin and point out their criminal ways will also say the same things about the Military Junta / government.

You are another one of many who thinks the anti-Shin crowd are pro-Junta.

Just who are these anti-Shin / pro-junta posters ?

You just define the idiom perfectly. Junta said coup is due to widespread corruption, nepotism and croonyism of the previous government. Low and behold, the junta is acting exactly the same way with nepotism and croonyism and unexplained wealth. That pretty summed it up and nothing to do with taking Shin or junta side. You are not pro Junta; suprises me but all good that you see the hyprocisy and hope you recognize that coup is just a proxy of the establishment.

I have stated many times that the only good things I saw that came out of the coup were the fact that they gave the Shinawatras a good shake up, they stopped the demonstrations and killings on the street, and they paid the rice farmers the money that was owed to them.

Apart from that I would be quite happy if the soldiers returned to their barracks and elections were held tomorrow.

I have lived in Thailand long enough to know how the Military operates, and that they are no better than the civilians when it comes having their time at the trough. Also they must be the best paid soldiers in the world.

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