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AA 12 steps: Finding God


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"What do you mean he never did the steps? He wrote them!

After he had been sober for over a decade. He also didn't write them alone. He wasn't even able to communicate towards the end when the 12 and 12 was supposedly written by him.

"Strange, I don't know anyone in AA that worships Bill W, whatever that means."

Really, did you know that there are tours to his house. People go on holidays to go the first meeting places.

He also coined the term 13th stepping that so many of the sexpats here love so well.

there is also a strong following in Thailand AA that don't believe in following the steps because "Bill didn't need them when he first got sober."

If you will take the time to read the AA comes of age you will find that he used the Oxford's group of 6 Absolutes. He just broke them down into 12 steps.

As for my earlier post you are completely right if I had written what you said. Of course I had not. My opening line was "I don't know". I am sensing a lot of anger here from you. Why is that?

Can you explain how the big book was written when he was around three years sober it is where he wrote the twelve steps. As you say he did not write them alone. It was edited by the Akron group and step three and seven were changed. Other than that it is exactly as he wrote it.

Using your logic if I go to England and go on a tour of Buckingham Palace I am worshiping the Queen. Sorry Charlie you are way off base there.

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Well thank you all for your long and detailed replies. Notwithstanding the side-debates, your replies are both very helpful and informative and have have steered me in the right direction with some assurance that I am not a "black sheep" in my interpretation of "spirituality".

Some folks have correctly interpreted my original post, and some incorrectly.

1. Sukhumvit lower soi's, Bangkok.

2. By seeking solitude and quietness, I didn't mean to "run away" - my meaning was that I find my laptop, mobile, TV etc. a great distraction and while they are within arms reach I am not likely to empty my mind of my present day-to-day materialistic things and hence would find it difficult to reflect on the meaning of life and my purpose in it. I am lucky in that I have a good social circle and routine already that does not revolve around alcohol - so I don't need to run away nor do I need to find new non-drinker friends (but I am always open to exploring new things and meeting new people and making friends).

Lots of very useful opinions and points of view in here. I will be reading through them all again, and may PM a few of you if that's ok.

Thanks again.

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2. By seeking solitude and quietness, I didn't mean to "run away" - my meaning was that I find my laptop, mobile, TV etc. a great distraction and while they are within arms reach I am not likely to empty my mind of my present day-to-day materialistic things and hence would find it difficult to reflect on the meaning of life and my purpose in it. I am lucky in that I have a good social circle and routine already that does not revolve around alcohol - so I don't need to run away nor do I need to find new non-drinker friends (but I am always open to exploring new things and meeting new people and making friends).

Everybody's different. For myself, the inside of my head is a dangerous neighborhood. Especially when I feel the need to retreat. I'm much better off surrounding myself with other non-drinking people so I have a reference to gauge my thinking against.

If they're recovering alkies, I can also get feedback by talking about what's going on in my life, and what I'm planning to do about it. Fairly often, I find out that what I planned to do, and what I really need to do (the next right thing), are very different.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alcohol can be a cruel master. But, in the end, my choices were limited.

Walked through the doors of AA & a new life commenced.

The God Concept - took many years to feel comfortable. One thing - I am not God.

Many doors have been closed & new ones opened.

Early on, it was not easy - who said it was?

If you don't try, you will never know.

God concept to me - "it" ain't me.

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  • 2 months later...

Finding God?

Has been a never-ending journey.

Do good & be good.

Whatever, I haven't had the need for a drink for many years.

Quality of life just gets better & better.

Therefore, if it works, don't fix it.

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Finding God?

Has been a never-ending journey.

Do good & be good.

Whatever, I haven't had the need for a drink for many years.

Quality of life just gets better & better.

Therefore, if it works, don't fix it.

'God can be a very tricky thing. In the big book in Chapter 5 it says

God could and would if he were sought.

I added in my first Big Book two words. NOT CAUGHT

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