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Thaksin may avoid losing his police rank, Somyot says


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Somyot is correct to follow procedures and ignore the frenzy.

Yes, this should have dealt with years ago, when he skipped bail surely that brought the creditability of the police into disrepute by the very fact he held a rank to which no one questioned.

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Why do some keep mentioning the credibility or reputation of the Thai police? Somyos, like many, many others, has been making regular contributions over many years to get to where he's at. The same thing for the military; that's why there's about 1,750 flag officers commanding a little over 300,000 enlisted men and women. There's little point in any pot calling any kettle any color while still in the ranks. Once they retire, police and military alike retain the last rank earned because they have damn well paid for it. Stripping Thaksin of his rank would set a precedent that nobody in the prevailing structure of the Thai ruling classes really wants.

The paradox is that even with another brand new draft Constitution wastefully focusing on ensuring nothing like TRT, PP and PT can happen again, by not challenging the status quo mentioned above coupled with the perilous nature of matters in the palace, there's very little they can do to prevent it all happening again.

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Why do some foreigners care about whether a former Thai cop is stripped of his rank or not?

Simple. Because we have children and grandchildren here and for their sake want to see the law going through the correct process.

Disingenuous answer. The reality is there's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING foreigners can do. I have a wife and a child here but I certainly don't let vacuous Thai politics and the perpetuation of a fuedal myth rent any space in my head. If it all goes pear-shaped; and it most certainly will, I will be focusing on what I CAN DO as a foreigner to protect my loved ones.

All you can do is advise, make viable contingency plans and make sure THEY understand their choices. Then accept their choices when they make them. Hoping that Thailand will suddenly embrace their own laws and things will get better in the lifetime of anyone posting here is not a viable alternative and a total waste of effort IMHO.

My ex-wife was born in Laos of a high-ranking Thai army officer and his Lao mia noi. When the Pathet Lao were rolling up the carpet, she and her siblings were offered a choice of staying in Laos or being being adopted into the father's family in Thailand. My ex- wife and her sister chose the latter. Their older brother stayed in Laos and apparently became a mid-level party functionary in the communist state. To each their own.

Let's be clear. You are correct that foreigners can't really change many of these factors.

Your comment was "Why do some foreigners care about whether a former Thai cop is stripped of his rank or not? "

One of your keys words in this sentence is 'care' .

My response is specific to your word 'care'. Not disingenuous at all.

Edited by scorecard
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Would it be asking too much for people to put aside their bias and to consider the applicable regulations that govern the removal of a commission?

It seems that people do not understand that in this specific case, the person is not an active employee and is not employed in the capacity of a police officer.

Everything is possible if the people of Thailand want to srip Thaskin of his Police rank, he's a wanted known fugitive but certain people it seems are still sh*t scared of him and his cronies and while this continues Thaskin will continue to laugh and crack his whip and cause political problems whithin Thailand for years to come...There needs to be an end of this ongoing problem with Thaskin but it seems it may go on for years while Thaskin causes problems for his country whilst living in exile...TIT...

Your statement that "Everything is possible if the People of Thailand want to strip Thaksin of his police rank" is incorrect. Do you understand who grants commissions in the police and the military in Thailand? The people have NO say in this matter. If the people had any say in the administration of Thailand, do you think that Thailand would now have an army general as unelected PM? BTW, RTP structure is set out by Royal Decree, not the "people".

All he's has to do is say he is forced by law to strip Thaksin of his rank. He is left with no option.

At the moment, he should be accused of negligence and not performing his duty.

He is following the procedures. The police commissioner general does NOT have the authority to strip a non active former government employee of a commission legally granted. There are procedures that must be followed. The failure to follow those procedures can result in criminal charges. This is how the system is set up.

Somyot could be/should be stripped of his rank for ( non)action bringing disrepute on the RTP.


Why? Because he has followed the applicable regulations? A commission for an active government employee can be revoked for one 5 reasons that must be established. Whether or not these reasons applies to non active personnel is a grey area. Which reason is the director general to use? When answering, be sure to cite the specific rule and the section as to who has the authority to use any of the 5 reasons. Hint: The courts did not issue an order, because there was no request made. An ombudsman's opinion is not the same as an adjudication. The police General is between a rock and a hard place on this.

I would recommend to put Pol General Somyot Poompanmuang to an inactive post.....Or checking his bank accounts.....

The director general of the RTP cannot be transferred. He can be terminated. Are you aware of who the director reports to? He is only accountable to that one man and only that one man can remove the director general.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Somyot is correct to follow procedures and ignore the frenzy.

Yes, this should have dealt with years ago, when he skipped bail surely that brought the creditability of the police into disrepute by the very fact he held a rank to which no one questioned.

Years ago, nothing stopped any of Thaksin's detractors from filing a formal legal petition requesting that the commission be revoked. They did not.

The action could have been taken during the earlier coup, or its proxy government that followed. Why the fuss now?

I draw your attention to the case of the army general now being investigated for human trafficking. Do you think he will have his commission revoked?

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Why do some foreigners care about whether a former Thai cop is stripped of his rank or not?

Because their opinions count don't you know, don't you know that it's what farangs do best ? Whine about stuff that doesn't really concern them.

I have to laugh, this is the same General Somyat, who was lauded as being a great man, impartial and a top policeman by certain Farangs after his appointment, unwavering and excellent at his job, great choice and all the other bullshit spin, and typically of farangs they build a person up to knock him down again.

TVF is great for a laugh, it's the biggest gathering of hypocrites going, so many bitter and twisted old men, I'm surprised there's not a lemon shortage in the Kingdom !!

Edited by Fat Haggis
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Somyot is correct to follow procedures and ignore the frenzy.

Yes, this should have dealt with years ago, when he skipped bail surely that brought the creditability of the police into disrepute by the very fact he held a rank to which no one questioned.

Years ago, nothing stopped any of Thaksin's detractors from filing a formal legal petition requesting that the commission be revoked. They did not.

The action could have been taken during the earlier coup, or its proxy government that followed. Why the fuss now?

I draw your attention to the case of the army general now being investigated for human trafficking. Do you think he will have his commission revoked?


Years ago, nothing stopped any of Thaksin's detractors from filing a formal legal petition requesting that the commission be revoked. They did not.

The action could have been taken during the earlier coup, or its proxy government that followed. Why the fuss now?"

I disagree gk, in the time period you speak everybody was very frightened of the paymaster and for good reason, and nobody would have dared to lodge a petition even mention this subject.

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With the topic having started five days ago, at least Thaksin has kept his police rank five days longer and NPC Somyot will be happy anyway if we just forget about the issue.

Edited by rubl
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Somyot is correct to follow procedures and ignore the frenzy.

Yes, this should have dealt with years ago, when he skipped bail surely that brought the creditability of the police into disrepute by the very fact he held a rank to which no one questioned.

Years ago, nothing stopped any of Thaksin's detractors from filing a formal legal petition requesting that the commission be revoked. They did not.

The action could have been taken during the earlier coup, or its proxy government that followed. Why the fuss now?

I draw your attention to the case of the army general now being investigated for human trafficking. Do you think he will have his commission revoked?


Years ago, nothing stopped any of Thaksin's detractors from filing a formal legal petition requesting that the commission be revoked. They did not.

The action could have been taken during the earlier coup, or its proxy government that followed. Why the fuss now?"

I disagree gk, in the time period you speak everybody was very frightened of the paymaster and for good reason, and nobody would have dared to lodge a petition even mention this subject.

Seriously? Let's take a trip down memory lane.

Thaksin goes to NYC and the army effects a military coup on 19-Sept-2006.

30-May-2007 TRT dissolved and 100 of its executives, including Thaksin, are given a 5 year ban on political activity.

31-Dec-2006 Thaksin's diplomatic passport revoked.

2007-2008 Thaksin faced serious legal charges in Thailand.

I won't even go into the Abhisit administration era. Surely, all of the above actions are indicative of people who had anything but a fear of the person you call the "paymaster". Your claim cannot be taken seriously as it pales in comparison to the above. BTW Thaksin still holds the following decorations;

Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of The Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand

Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant

Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Admirable Order of the Direkgunabhorn

Knight Grand Commander (Second Class, higher grade) of the Most Illustrious Order of Chula Chom Klao

Will those decorations which are more prestigious than a former job title be stripped from Thaksin?

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Yes, this should have dealt with years ago, when he skipped bail surely that brought the creditability of the police into disrepute by the very fact he held a rank to which no one questioned.

Years ago, nothing stopped any of Thaksin's detractors from filing a formal legal petition requesting that the commission be revoked. They did not.

The action could have been taken during the earlier coup, or its proxy government that followed. Why the fuss now?

I draw your attention to the case of the army general now being investigated for human trafficking. Do you think he will have his commission revoked?


Years ago, nothing stopped any of Thaksin's detractors from filing a formal legal petition requesting that the commission be revoked. They did not.

The action could have been taken during the earlier coup, or its proxy government that followed. Why the fuss now?"

I disagree gk, in the time period you speak everybody was very frightened of the paymaster and for good reason, and nobody would have dared to lodge a petition even mention this subject.

Seriously? Let's take a trip down memory lane.

Thaksin goes to NYC and the army effects a military coup on 19-Sept-2006.

30-May-2007 TRT dissolved and 100 of its executives, including Thaksin, are given a 5 year ban on political activity.

31-Dec-2006 Thaksin's diplomatic passport revoked.

2007-2008 Thaksin faced serious legal charges in Thailand.

I won't even go into the Abhisit administration era. Surely, all of the above actions are indicative of people who had anything but a fear of the person you call the "paymaster". Your claim cannot be taken seriously as it pales in comparison to the above. BTW Thaksin still holds the following decorations;

Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of The Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand

Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant

Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Admirable Order of the Direkgunabhorn

Knight Grand Commander (Second Class, higher grade) of the Most Illustrious Order of Chula Chom Klao

Will those decorations which are more prestigious than a former job title be stripped from Thaksin?


"Thaksin willing to return decorations"




Apropos of nothing, the first reply was from Scott with

"Posted 2009-01-08 19:39:44

But he has shown what appears to be the epitome of police professionalism here in Thailand (oh--except for getting caught)! "



today, 2015-06-26

"National Police Chief still at it"

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It is somehow fitting that the organization that represents the epitome of a lack of law and order in Thailand should be unwilling to strip a former police who is a wanted fugitive in exile, of his police rank. That says it all.

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