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Bangkok motorcycle rider survives crash through parked car’s rear window (VIDEO)


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joking, right?

the car stuck out much less than the margin by which the motorcyclist hit it... I guess the driver was texting.

Are you sure?

In my three years experience riding the streets of Bangkok on my Honda CBR150r that is a reasonably well-parked car. People pull out in front of everyone all the time, crossing three lanes of traffic; both in cars/trucks and on foot. In Thailand, where larger has the right-of-way, anyone who rides a bicycle or motorbike in Bangkok knows they must be the most defensive drivers on the road. It is clear, from the video, that this unfortunate motorbike driver was not paying attention enough to avoid a rather large and easy to see, not to mention stationary (it didn't dart out in front of the cyclist), car; parked as close as most. Most taxis will park at that angle so you don't have to step up from his cab to the sidewalk. Sadly, I don't think the cyclist learned any lessons about paying very close attention in Bangkok; I think his face slamming into the trunk (boot) before flying through the back glass done him in. Darwin was not being cruel; he was just making an observation. RIP. Better Karma in your next life.


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Whenever motorcyclists die.....I have no sympathies.....

Since your're trolling, I'll nibble.

Are you unsympathetic to anyone's death or is it just motorcyclist's death that you are unsympathetic to?

Are there other groups you have no sympathies for when they die?

Did a motorcyclist massacre your whole family so now you just don't have any sympathy for motorcyclists?

And, most importantly, why would you want to inform this forum that you hold such views?


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Darwin award.

I think that goes to some of the previous posters blaming the car driver, does not really matter, the car was stationary, motor bike should have been looking where he was going, I had that argument with a police officer 40 years ago, I clipped van illegally parked whilst driving a lorry.

I am not sure but was he wearing a helmet? well looks like he was, well sort of, pity he did not read the instruction.

Edited by Basil B
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Yes, it is possible, but at 19 highly unlikely...

If there was a medical issue I would have expected the rider to have been unsteady before the impact, also note no skid marks on the road, pity the CCTV footage was not more clearer and you could see where he was looking, maybe his helmet slipped over his eyes?

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Yes, it is possible, but at 19 highly unlikely...

If there was a medical issue I would have expected the rider to have been unsteady before the impact, also note no skid marks on the road, pity the CCTV footage was not more clearer and you could see where he was looking, maybe his helmet slipped over his eyes?

If it was a medical issue, do you think the driver would be thinking about braking or swerving?

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The owner of the car just walks away. Amazing.

And then someone made a pic of the guy hanging out of the window......

I don't see anybody care for the guy.

Shock? Until you are closely involved in a totally unexpected violent incident like that who knows what anyone's reaction would be.

The video only shows the first very few seconds after the collision.

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On the last photo one could see the rear wheels of the parked car not far one metre from the sidewalk, suffice the poor chap looked one second in his rearview mirror, bang.

So when I read a comment, "another moron off the road" a comment with a few likes on top of it, I really wonder what type of moron himself the author must be ?coffee1.gif

You have a valid point. I will go farther and point out that in the photo you post,, the vehicle tires are on the white line, so the car is legally and properly parked.. It could not get closer to the curb because of the drainage slant.

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Are you sure?

The car was sticking out, agreed. My disbelief revolves around the rider's behavior in flying low through there without keeping a proper lookout. He never touched his brakes. Always one must be alert for obstructions such as other vehicles, pedestrians etc. and slow down more than that guy. It's called "defensive driving" where I come from that the rider didn't have a clue.

With a little bit of common sense the rider could have avoided that because there was room in his lane to miss the car.

NeverSure has summed it all up. Common sense and defensive driving!

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joking, right?

the car stuck out much less than the margin by which the motorcyclist hit it... I guess the driver was texting.

Are you sure?

In my three years experience riding the streets of Bangkok on my Honda CBR150r that is a reasonably well-parked car. People pull out in front of everyone all the time, crossing three lanes of traffic; both in cars/trucks and on foot. In Thailand, where larger has the right-of-way, anyone who rides a bicycle or motorbike in Bangkok knows they must be the most defensive drivers on the road. It is clear, from the video, that this unfortunate motorbike driver was not paying attention enough to avoid a rather large and easy to see, not to mention stationary (it didn't dart out in front of the cyclist), car; parked as close as most. Most taxis will park at that angle so you don't have to step up from his cab to the sidewalk. Sadly, I don't think the cyclist learned any lessons about paying very close attention in Bangkok; I think his face slamming into the trunk (boot) before flying through the back glass done him in. Darwin was not being cruel; he was just making an observation. RIP. Better Karma in your next life.


It is too soon for RIP. He is not deceased (yet).

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Is it possible the motorcycle rider suffered some sort of heart attack or other health issue?

Watch the video closely by stopping and moving a frame at a time. Driver does not react. His hands are on the handlebars. He does not brake.

Yeah I can see what you mean. You'd think if it was a health issue the driver would have some sort of reaction.

Maybe my theory is wrong then.

Just seems a bit mad........

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Whenever motorcyclists die.....I have no sympathies.....

Since your're trolling, I'll nibble.

Are you unsympathetic to anyone's death or is it just motorcyclist's death that you are unsympathetic to?

Are there other groups you have no sympathies for when they die?

Did a motorcyclist massacre your whole family so now you just don't have any sympathy for motorcyclists?

And, most importantly, why would you want to inform this forum that you hold such views?


Doubt if there would be enough intelligence there to even understand what trolling means - more likely an idiot allowed to play on the computer instead of his wanger.

Edited by Artisi
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Whenever motorcyclists die.....I have no sympathies.....

Since your're trolling, I'll nibble.

Are you unsympathetic to anyone's death or is it just motorcyclist's death that you are unsympathetic to?

Are there other groups you have no sympathies for when they die?

Did a motorcyclist massacre your whole family so now you just don't have any sympathy for motorcyclists?

And, most importantly, why would you want to inform this forum that you hold such views?


And i'll add to that what if the motorcycle is hit by a speeding pickup truck driven by a drunk and dies through no fault of their own. Ridiculous trolling as Rametindallas rightly pointed out.

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Are you sure?

The car was sticking out, agreed. My disbelief revolves around the rider's behavior in flying low through there without keeping a proper lookout. He never touched his brakes. Always one must be alert for obstructions such as other vehicles, pedestrians etc. and slow down more than that guy. It's called "defensive driving" where I come from that the rider didn't have a clue.

With a little bit of common sense the rider could have avoided that because there was room in his lane to miss the car.

A Thai motorbike rider, common sense???????????????????

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joking, right?

the car stuck out much less than the margin by which the motorcyclist hit it... I guess the driver was texting.

Are you sure?

In my three years experience riding the streets of Bangkok on my Honda CBR150r that is a reasonably well-parked car. People pull out in front of everyone all the time, crossing three lanes of traffic; both in cars/trucks and on foot. In Thailand, where larger has the right-of-way, anyone who rides a bicycle or motorbike in Bangkok knows they must be the most defensive drivers on the road. It is clear, from the video, that this unfortunate motorbike driver was not paying attention enough to avoid a rather large and easy to see, not to mention stationary (it didn't dart out in front of the cyclist), car; parked as close as most. Most taxis will park at that angle so you don't have to step up from his cab to the sidewalk. Sadly, I don't think the cyclist learned any lessons about paying very close attention in Bangkok; I think his face slamming into the trunk (boot) before flying through the back glass done him in. Darwin was not being cruel; he was just making an observation. RIP. Better Karma in your next life.


It is too soon for RIP. He is not deceased (yet).

I think he must be brain dead at least. I recorded the video and watched it frame by frame he did a horrible 45 kph face plant (no full-face helmet) on the trunk (boot) before bouncing through the back glass.


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Recently my students did a survey on non helmet wearing -- over 300 in an hour!!

They also pointed out that a high percentage carried them.

It beggars belief the stupidity.

The RTP and the government, and I mean every government that has been in power since motorcycles were invented, do not care if people are killed for the sake of sticking a helmet on their stupid pumpkin heads.

If they cared they would have introduced a 10,000 baht fine for not wearing a helmet and you watch how many people start to wear them.

Suddenly the hot weather and the fact that I just had my hair done at the "beauty shop" would not matter.

But they won't do this because the cops would miss out on their helmet fine tea money.

A terrible disregard for human life by the law and the pumpkin heads ! bah.gif

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Of course, you notice how the back of the car is angled out into the street. Then the lackadaisical way the driver reacts. Yes, it is correct. Thais don't give a rip about the safety of anyone, and the road accident/fatality figures that put them in second place worldwide for the most dangerous place to drive pretty well sums that fact up. Not much 'compassion' in a country full of people who claim to be buddhist. <head shake>

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Are you sure?

The car was sticking out, agreed. My disbelief revolves around the rider's behavior in flying low through there without keeping a proper lookout. He never touched his brakes. Always one must be alert for obstructions such as other vehicles, pedestrians etc. and slow down more than that guy. It's called "defensive driving" where I come from that the rider didn't have a clue.

With a little bit of common sense the rider could have avoided that because there was room in his lane to miss the car.

You have never been distracted on the road here in Thailand? My hat's off to you and all other TV members who are paragons of perfection and are faultless in all that you do.

From my point of view, whether I'm on my motorcycle or in my car, the road in front of me looks like an video arcade game with 'accidents waiting for a place to happen' coming at me from all directions. The roads here are the epitome of bizarre. Maybe the driver was focused on something else, like maybe a Hilux directly behind him traveling at 120kpm and he wasn't expecting to find the fender of a car in the middle of what is suppose to be the lane where motorcycles are required to drive (just saying - you nor anyone else has a clue what distracted this guy. or maybe he was just freaking drunk - who knows?). There is so much 'stupid behavior' happening on Thai roads that your attention can be drawn all over the map. And once your attention is drawn to the left, what's going to kill you will come from the right; if your attention is drawn to behind you, what's going to kill you will come from the front. Just keep that paradigm going in a 360 degree circle around your vehicle; wherever your attention is drawn to is not where the serious danger is going to come from.

In my home country I use to take drives just for the fun and relaxation of it. Here in Thailand? There is no fun or relaxation to be had. I don't drive unless I have to. There is always some stupid idiot within 5 minutes of you (or less) who will do something inane that will put you in jeopardy of an accident. In this case, 'stupid car owner' left his fender out in the motorcycle lane, and 'inattentive or distracted motorcyclist without helmet' didn't see it. In the West, the car owner would be in seriously deep 'kee', and the hospital probably would have been ordered to do a toxicology report on the motorcyclist and the car owner to see if alcohol/drugs were involved. If not, the car owner would probably be facing a civil lawsuit unless he carried some excellent insurance. You know the nanny-state in the West: parking police with rulers checking how far from the curb your tires are. More than 12 inch and it's ticket time. More than 12 inches and if someone hits your car, it's your fault. But here in the LOS? A human life is worth less that the repairs to the car. Nobody in Thai culture give a rip -- just us farangs. Welcome to the Land of Bizarreo Driving and total disregard for human life.

"Oh, you're 'Thai Bashing' you bad farang."

Really? I'm just telling it how I see it. And how I see it is accurate imho.

And I hope the motorcyclist recovers from his injuries. That's horrific.

Edited by connda
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