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Dao Din group will face legal action if they don't surrender: Winthai


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Dao Din group will face legal action if they don't surrender: Winthai
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Students who are part of the Dao Din group may face arrest if they fail to turn themselves in for questioning over their anti-coup activities, National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) spokesman Winthai Suvari said yesterday.

The students had been given until yesterday to turning themselves in at Muang Khon Kaen Police Station for interrogation over charges of allegedly "joining forces with five others to stage political activities".

Winthai said the police had taken a soft approach with the students, but if they refuse to cooperate, then strict action must be taken to enforce the law.

He added that if they did not show up, their bail guarantee of Bt50,000 would be seized and their parents summoned to meet police and face legal action.

Meanwhile, another nine students who had staged an anti-coup rally outside the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre have until today to report to police, or they too may face strict action.

"We have given them enough chances," Winthai said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Dao-Din-group-will-face-legal-action-if-they-dont--30262648.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-19

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Why couldn't the police be so strict when a monk & an old mad man went on the rampage breaking far more laws than these students !

Because a judge ruled that they are all "peaceful" and have a right to protest.

unfortunately many consider that doing the listed things below are also perfectly ok as long as it's their people doing it and not the others cause that's not ok.

So they were allowed to storm buildings, force workers out, destroying property, cut water supply and electricity to buildings, interrogate any person at will, have people bashed tied up and thrown into rivers, throwing bombs at police shoot civilians and any others that look suspicious,

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Why couldn't the police be so strict when a monk & an old mad man went on the rampage breaking far more laws than these students !

Because a judge ruled that they are all "peaceful" and have a right to protest.

unfortunately many consider that doing the listed things below are also perfectly ok as long as it's their people doing it and not the others cause that's not ok.

So they were allowed to storm buildings, force workers out, destroying property, cut water supply and electricity to buildings, interrogate any person at will, have people bashed tied up and thrown into rivers, throwing bombs at police shoot civilians and any others that look suspicious,

Grade A hypocrite alert.

What did the last bunch do against peaceful protestors ?. Sent their UDD thugs to murder them with 100 odd grenade attacks leaving men, women and children dead in the streets.

Do you think these students are doing it on their own initiative ?. lol.

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Why couldn't the police be so strict when a monk & an old mad man went on the rampage breaking far more laws than these students !

Why didn't the police take action against people openly violating all sorts of laws during the pt (dicator) reign?

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Why couldn't the police be so strict when a monk & an old mad man went on the rampage breaking far more laws than these students !

Because a judge ruled that they are all "peaceful" and have a right to protest.

unfortunately many consider that doing the listed things below are also perfectly ok as long as it's their people doing it and not the others cause that's not ok.

So they were allowed to storm buildings, force workers out, destroying property, cut water supply and electricity to buildings, interrogate any person at will, have people bashed tied up and thrown into rivers, throwing bombs at police shoot civilians and any others that look suspicious,

Grade A hypocrite alert.

What did the last bunch do against peaceful protestors ?. Sent their UDD thugs to murder them with 100 odd grenade attacks leaving men, women and children dead in the streets.

Do you think these students are doing it on their own initiative ?. lol.

Nice of you to alert us to your upcoming hypocritical comments but I don't think it was needed as they speak for themselves.

If you intended to be referring to Aussieinthailand I don't see where he says that what the red shirts did was ok. Maybe you can highlight it for me. I might be a little slow. Plus you have claimed that they were peaceful protesters when it is an established fact that they were not all peaceful. According to you, some of the Red shirts being violent justified the military response. You obviously believe that because some there were violent any who weren't should have left in disgust thus if they stayed they deserved what they got. So when the yellow shirts were violently stopping people from moving as they wanted, working as they wanted, registering to vote or voting shouldn't the peaceful ones also have left in disgust? If the reds got what they deserved when they were attacked during their protests, why can the same not be said for the "victims" of the "UDD thugs grenade attacks." These are the things that make one a hypocrite. Maybe you can prove me wrong by condemning the Yellow shirt thugs actions during the protest. Maybe you can even do it without using the words "but Thaksin." I won't hold my breath. Lol!

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Kids go to your local western embassy and apply for asylum. Then gtfo out of here to somewhere less corrupt

But than Mr. T would cut the payments.

You need to prove they're getting paid by Thaksin otherwise your posts is defamatory and could raise concerns as to why TVF allow such unfounded accusations to be posted.

If you have proof, post it, if you don't, stop libelling people you know nothing about you're a very bitter man!!

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Of course, the Thai affection for freedom of speech is limited, even in the best of circumstances. Here is how the Draft Charter wants to define it:

Section 42. A person shall enjoy the liberty to express opinion, make speech, write, print, publicise, and make expression by any other means. The restriction on liberty under paragraph one shall not be imposed except by virtue of law specifically enacted for the purpose of maintaining the security of State, protecting the rights, liberties, dignity, reputation, family or privacy rights of other persons, maintaining public order or good morals or preventing or halting the deterioration of the mind or health of the public.
The word moral (or morals) appears 39 times in the draft Charter. It's the highly flexible exception that limits rights and otherwise provides a convenient way to punish people who do not break the law. All backed up by a National Moral Assembly.
This is the stuff nightmares are made of.
Edited by phoenixdoglover
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Some of the guys on here are just as retarded as the people who actually protest for money.

There are plenty of people out there who disagree with the coup and don't support Thaksin either. While Thai universities may be a long stretch educationally from some of their international counterparts, there are still students who are informed and care about their country.

POwer to them for being brave enough to stand up.

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For all its flaws in the plebisite-approved 2007 Constitution, it empowered the Thai people to exercise their sovereignty such as Part 13, "Right to Protect the Constitution," Article 69:

"A person shall have the right to resist peacefully an act committed for the acquisition of the power to rule the country by a means which is not in accordance with the modes provided in this Constitution."

The Junta is charging the students with legal action for violating the Rule of Law as prescribed by the NCPO Interim Charter. Considering that the Junta's overthrow of the democratic government was itself a VIOLATION of the 2007 Constitution in Part 13, Article 68, any action it takes against these students must be considered illegal action.

Note as an aside, the draft 2015 Constitution omits the language of these two articles.

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