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Clinton says US must face 'hard truths' about guns, race


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for the little rich boy, I don't hate but I do rage against racists and right wing bigots of which there are a few on this forum and far too many in the states. To bad some of you missed the draft. I didn't, I volunteered not just for USMC but for Vietnam. Maybe some of you might have gotten a real education had you been so inclined. Then again, the Marines are looking for a few GOOD MEN. Now that we have all fallen in the tried and proven right wing trap of changing the subject by attacking the person perhaps we can get back on subject with some logic. Oops, I forgot, there is no logic in right wing.

There are a lot of men who served honorably in Vietnam on this forum from all parts of the political spectrum.

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The only ones that continually scream racism at the top of their voices are the wild eyed liberals in the crowd.

It's simply deflection to take the topic away from their star candidate who's feet of clay are beginning to dissolve.

Here is the latest photo of Hillary facing some hard truths of her own:

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And exactly what is your point? Hillary is a neocon/neoliberal and a friend of the right wing except on social matters.

Try reading my post a few more times. The point is hidden in there.

Edited by chuckd
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The only ones that continually scream racism at the top of their voices are the wild eyed liberals in the crowd.

It's simply deflection to take the topic away from their star candidate who's feet of clay are beginning to dissolve.

Here is the latest photo of Hillary facing some hard truths of her own:

The lunar right consistently predict a race war in the USA coming soon and started by....black racists laugh.pngcheesy.gif

HRC will get 90% of the black vote because she has spent a lifetime being consistently accurate about race.

HRC is also consistently accurate concerning guns. god, grits, gravy, gays, geology.

The fact and reality are that HRC is the safe candidate in the race. The great majority of Americans don't consider anyone on the Republican side to be safe, which is a code word to mean sane. All of 'em, every single one of the Republicans are not 'safe.'

The only thing the Republican candidates present about themselves is that they are decidedly off-center, eccentric, bizarre, fast and loose.

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While Clinton was a senator she did absolutely nothing about gun control. She had her chance and blew it. Face it, most voters won't vote for Clinton for President. She's too toxic. Problem the Dems have is, there isn't anybody else they can field.

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Yeah, all the shooters are young, white men..mostly..who are on SSRI Drugs! Somethings gotta change..

I've gotta read all these posts later..good morning, Thailand

No Most of the shooters in America responsible for the vast majority of gun deaths and injuries are Black on Black shootings and Black on White and Hispanic shootings in Chicago, Baltimore, Ferguson Mo, and a dozen black enclaves in America... The numbers are staggering ... How about looking them up instead of making totally inaccurate assumptions.

Go google FB crimes statistics ... go read real metropolitan headlines ... dozens of blacks including kids shot - wounded and killed only in the last few days in Detroit and Baltimore ... the numbers dwarf mass shooting death by a wide margin.

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The only ones that continually scream racism at the top of their voices are the wild eyed liberals in the crowd.

It's simply deflection to take the topic away from their star candidate who's feet of clay are beginning to dissolve.

Here is the latest photo of Hillary facing some hard truths of her own:

That's because they can't fight on the issues. All they have are insults. If Clinton is elected, Putin will give new meaning to bitch-slap. As it is, he just ignores Obama.

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Obama worship has turned to Hillary worship ... where do you dig up accolades for either? Life spent with your head in the political sand... Hillary Clinton is a bad - sad joke with make believe achievements ... Her list of scandal involvement dwarfs any list of even made up achievements ...

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HRC isn't the only one who's right on the Confederate Battle Flag and race.

Walmart said today all Confederate-flag items are being removed never again to appear in its stores.

The Republican speaker of the Mississippi Republican controlled House said today it's time to seriously discuss removing things Confederate from its state flag and from whatever else Confederate symbols soil (paraphrasing).

The right wing had already severely separated itself from the mainstream American society and on this issue, which is a huge issue, the far out right just got swift kicked ever farther out to the fringe.

HRC remains meanwhile securely in the American mainstream of society, politics, culture...the safe bet.

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Moaning and groaning about Confederate Battle Flags - what a silly unimportant issue on the grand scale ... On a scale of 1 to 10 of extremely important American issues this Flag issue rates about a - 20.

Blacks have not voted for Republicans in most Presidential Elections in numbers greater than what Democrats receive.

It only helps to define H. Clinton's viewpoint in the eyes of white southern voters... never mind that they are the predominate block of voters.

Keep up the silliness Hillary -- we love it when you shoot yourself in your political foot.

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Moaning and groaning about Confederate Battle Flags - what a silly unimportant issue on the grand scale ... On a scale of 1 to 10 of extremely important American issues this Flag issue rates about a - 20.

Blacks have not voted for Republicans in most Presidential Elections in numbers greater than what Democrats receive.

It only helps to define H. Clinton's viewpoint in the eyes of white southern voters... never mind that they are the predominate block of voters.

Keep up the silliness Hillary -- we love it when you shoot yourself in your political foot.

So a symbol of racism is totally unimportant?

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HRC isn't the only one who's right on the Confederate Battle Flag and race.

Walmart said today all Confederate-flag items are being removed never again to appear in its stores.

The Republican speaker of the Mississippi Republican controlled House said today it's time to seriously discuss removing things Confederate from its state flag and from whatever else Confederate symbols soil (paraphrasing).

The right wing had already severely separated itself from the mainstream American society and on this issue, which is a huge issue, the far out right just got swift kicked ever farther out to the fringe.

HRC remains meanwhile securely in the American mainstream of society, politics, culture...the safe bet.

Just listened to the CNN lunch report, "no flag news." Story is now old hat.

Did I tell you I knew Hillary? Weird lady. I a main stream guy. I don't like all the talk about right and left and liberal and neocons and all that nonsense.

Bill was a hunter and Hillary is used to guns in the house. Both liked black people but Bill was far more accepted by African American population who considered him the first Black President. A hour talking with Rodham and anyone can tell she is a fruitcake and I doubt she will be able to hide this from the American people long enough to be elected. Everybody knew how Bill felt about Black people by his physical closeness to many but Hillary really missed a bet by not having Chelsea marry a black guy. That would have really helped the rainbow coalition see her stance on the race issue as walking the walk as well as talking the talk. And then of course the child of that union would be a natural to be a President also.

Edit to add sorry CNN just got to the flag story and why Obama used the N word.

Edited by lostoday
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Something I find amusing out of N.Y. State:


In a stunning repudiation of Governor Andrew Cuomo, his anti-gun Democrat allies, and the hastily-passed and clearly unconstitutional NY SAFE Act, New Yorkers refused to register an estimated one million firearms that the 2013 law arbitrarily determined were “assault weapons.” END QUOTE:

An Assault weapon is a fully automatic firing weapon. Pull the trigger and it will continue to fire until the ammo runs out. None of these weapons are full auto. Pull the trigger and one shot. Pull the trigger and one shot. etc etc. You can put a dress on a guy but it does not make him a real woman no matter how many times they say otherwise...

Even in New York the people seem to think registration leads to confiscation. I wonder why (sarcasm).? This actually surprises me for most gun owners are absolutely "law abiding citizens"..... however with the mistrust of the present political regime in the states by many factions it would appear more than I would have ever thought have just figuratively said, "screw you"! .

IMO Government needs to fix real problems and stop trying to criminalize the ownership of Constitutionally protected gun ownership. Owning a firearm does not make someone a criminal nor does it show criminal intent. Yet with a stroke of a pen 1000s can become criminals over night....

With approximately 4% of the worlds population and just about 25% of the worlds prison population either the states are full of criminals more so than any other land or maybe it is the prison for profit scheme (plenty of stories about judicial kick backs) ... maybe something else? Either way like I said I am surprised at the citizens of N.Y. State.

"Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges."
"(The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.)"
Cornelius Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
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HRC isn't the only one who's right on the Confederate Battle Flag and race.

Walmart said today all Confederate-flag items are being removed never again to appear in its stores.

The Republican speaker of the Mississippi Republican controlled House said today it's time to seriously discuss removing things Confederate from its state flag and from whatever else Confederate symbols soil (paraphrasing).

The right wing had already severely separated itself from the mainstream American society and on this issue, which is a huge issue, the far out right just got swift kicked ever farther out to the fringe.

HRC remains meanwhile securely in the American mainstream of society, politics, culture...the safe bet.

Just listened to the CNN lunch report, "no flag news." Story is now old hat.

Did I tell you I knew Hillary? Weird lady. I a main stream guy. I don't like all the talk about right and left and liberal and neocons and all that nonsense.

Bill was a hunter and Hillary is used to guns in the house. Both liked black people but Bill was far more accepted by African American population who considered him the first Black President. A hour talking with Rodham and anyone can tell she is a fruitcake and I doubt she will be able to hide this from the American people long enough to be elected. Everybody knew how Bill felt about Black people by his physical closeness to many but Hillary really missed a bet by not having Chelsea marry a black guy. That would have really helped the rainbow coalition see her stance on the race issue as walking the walk as well as talking the talk. And then of course the child of that union would be a natural to be a President also.

Edit to add sorry CNN just got to the flag story and why Obama used the N word.

Political pulp.

Driveling about Chelsea Clinton will cost HRC politically because she didn't marry a black guy is right wing political spam for lunch. This is true whether the comment is serious or marginal in its nature.

The Republican party "Southern Strategy" initiated by Richard Nixon in the WH is exploding in the face of the Republicans and it is decapitating the extreme far out right wing that controls it. Nobody wins an election of the president when they are repeatedly and over time babbling pulp nonsense to the voters.

The Republican party swoops up every leftover political issue they can find and then some.

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Moaning and groaning about Confederate Battle Flags - what a silly unimportant issue on the grand scale ... On a scale of 1 to 10 of extremely important American issues this Flag issue rates about a - 20.

Blacks have not voted for Republicans in most Presidential Elections in numbers greater than what Democrats receive.

It only helps to define H. Clinton's viewpoint in the eyes of white southern voters... never mind that they are the predominate block of voters.

Keep up the silliness Hillary -- we love it when you shoot yourself in your political foot.

So a symbol of racism is totally unimportant?


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Moaning and groaning about Confederate Battle Flags - what a silly unimportant issue on the grand scale ... On a scale of 1 to 10 of extremely important American issues this Flag issue rates about a - 20.

Blacks have not voted for Republicans in most Presidential Elections in numbers greater than what Democrats receive.

It only helps to define H. Clinton's viewpoint in the eyes of white southern voters... never mind that they are the predominate block of voters.

Keep up the silliness Hillary -- we love it when you shoot yourself in your political foot.

So a symbol of racism is totally unimportant?


Godwin's law again.bah.gif About 50,000 Americans died at Gettysburg in about three days. Some one said, "we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract." At least half of those 50,000 dead souls fought under the Stars and Bars. Hitler my A**

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If you want to change the Constitution and make registration part of the law or even outlaw firearms it's OK with me. But you are going to have to change the Constitution.

Nothing in the Constitution about hefty restrictions on ammunition for said firearms. According to gun fetishists, crime would not go down as people would simply club themselves to death with an empty revolver.

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If you want to change the Constitution and make registration part of the law or even outlaw firearms it's OK with me. But you are going to have to change the Constitution.

Nothing in the Constitution about hefty restrictions on ammunition for said firearms. According to gun fetishists, crime would not go down as people would simply club themselves to death with an empty revolver.

Only a loon would think the right to bear arms did not include ammunition. Besides last time I checked ammunition was not very difficult to make.

Edit to add. In case anyone gets the wrong idea I am not in favor of guns. One of the reasons I came to Thailand was gun crime in the States.

I think they should ban all guns in the States. I don't see any other way to teach the anti gun people what it is like to be unarmed and be attacked by a gang of terrorists.

Edited by lostoday
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Moaning and groaning about Confederate Battle Flags - what a silly unimportant issue on the grand scale ... On a scale of 1 to 10 of extremely important American issues this Flag issue rates about a - 20.

Blacks have not voted for Republicans in most Presidential Elections in numbers greater than what Democrats receive.

It only helps to define H. Clinton's viewpoint in the eyes of white southern voters... never mind that they are the predominate block of voters.

Keep up the silliness Hillary -- we love it when you shoot yourself in your political foot.

So a symbol of racism is totally unimportant?

It's a nice gesture, but do you think it would have changed the opinion of the shooter, if you took his away a year or two ago?

Just another Band-Aid.

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Moaning and groaning about Confederate Battle Flags - what a silly unimportant issue on the grand scale ... On a scale of 1 to 10 of extremely important American issues this Flag issue rates about a - 20.

Blacks have not voted for Republicans in most Presidential Elections in numbers greater than what Democrats receive.

It only helps to define H. Clinton's viewpoint in the eyes of white southern voters... never mind that they are the predominate block of voters.

Keep up the silliness Hillary -- we love it when you shoot yourself in your political foot.

So a symbol of racism is totally unimportant?

It's a nice gesture, but do you think it would have changed the opinion of the shooter, if you took his away a year or two ago?

Just another Band-Aid.

No, it would not. Still remains a symbol, just as the Nazi flag.

Gun restrictions though could have prevented this.

Edited by Scott
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Moaning and groaning about Confederate Battle Flags - what a silly unimportant issue on the grand scale ... On a scale of 1 to 10 of extremely important American issues this Flag issue rates about a - 20.

Blacks have not voted for Republicans in most Presidential Elections in numbers greater than what Democrats receive.

It only helps to define H. Clinton's viewpoint in the eyes of white southern voters... never mind that they are the predominate block of voters.

Keep up the silliness Hillary -- we love it when you shoot yourself in your political foot.

So a symbol of racism is totally unimportant?

It's a nice gesture, but do you think it would have changed the opinion of the shooter, if you took his away a year or two ago?

Just another Band-Aid.

No, it would not. Still remains a symbol, just as the Nazi flag.

Gun restrictions though could have prevented this.

It's only the opinion of some, that it equates to the Nazi flag, each can form their own.

As to gun restrictions, there have been conflicting accounts on how the firearm was purchased. It has been reported, that Roof himself purchased the firearm, but the indictments were not felony charges, so he was not stopped by the current background system. I suppose in the nanny states, it's easier to take someone of the street, just because you suspect they will break the law, we can't always do that here.

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That terrorist would have gotten a gun with or without gun restrictions. Yes the flag is just a symbol, a symbol of racism, slavery and hatred, but it needs to go from government spaces, unless it is a government museum. Oh yea, let the individual fly it, wear it, bumper sticker it, then we all know what that person really is.

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It's a nice gesture, but do you think it would have changed the opinion of the shooter, if you took his away a year or two ago?

Just another Band-Aid.

No, it would not. Still remains a symbol, just as the Nazi flag.

Gun restrictions though could have prevented this.

It's only the opinion of some, that it equates to the Nazi flag, each can form their own.

As to gun restrictions, there have been conflicting accounts on how the firearm was purchased. It has been reported, that Roof himself purchased the firearm, but the indictments were not felony charges, so he was not stopped by the current background system. I suppose in the nanny states, it's easier to take someone of the street, just because you suspect they will break the law, we can't always do that here.

It is a symbol, that is the point, just as the Nazi flag is a symbol. I don't recall reading it equated the Nazi flag.

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one more good reason to stay in Thailand. America is going straight to the ground. this country is so off of everything that I can only see bad things to happen in the USA.

there is not one good thing remaining there. even Thailand, third world country is more attractive than the USA. even for working.

Edited by VIPinthailand
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