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Thailand's national police launch probe into racist Leicester FB orgy


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Don't worry, it's just another TAT marketing campaign. The sex tourist numbers were dropping, so they had to hire a few footballers to create some goodwill.

Now because of that the family tourist numbers are dropping so they followed this up with some Police public shaming to make everyone feel good about thailand again.

Sex tourists happy, families happy, and prostitutes happy.

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Not the first probe in this orgy.

I remember some chat about licking?

How many probes are required

Yes did the journalist who wrote the headline notice the irony of it ?!

Another great piece of police work catching all the big criminals first

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First the poor girl has to earn a living at as a brass, a football yobbo insults her, puts it on the internet and then the coppers want to bust her.

You know very little about Thailand!!

All the above will make her a superstar!!

She has even got a new tattoo on on her lower body: "Join Leicester FB here...^^^ "

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Too late Mr Somyot. Seems like the police chief has spotted a high-profile (yet worthless) cause which will divert attention away from how he is avoiding stripping Thaksin of his rank.

He has chosen to go out from his job as someone quite pathetic. I hope the 'rewards' after retirement are worth it and can buy a whole new face because he has completely lost this one.

Is there such a thing as a man of principle in this country ?.

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Talk about stupidity....... What are they going to do next, arrest every hooker in Thailand for prostitution ? Sounds to me as though the BIB are looking for a bit of tea money....... Kids having a laugh in a knocking shop, with some pretty soft core hookers....... Lucky they never had the real deals out of Nana, or even worse a couple of lady boys, then they would of been in real trouble....... Laughable.........

Edited by SupermarineS6B
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Too late Mr Somyot. Seems like the police chief has spotted a high-profile (yet worthless) cause which will divert attention away from how he is avoiding stripping Thaksin of his rank.

He has chosen to go out from his job as someone quite pathetic. I hope the 'rewards' after retirement are worth it and can buy a whole new face because he has completely lost this one.

Is there such a thing as a man of principle in this country ?.

We are talking about a high ranking police officer. ..

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i am sure one of the girls name is Nok. I hope this helps.

Oh yeah that's right, Black hair, five foot, lies fluently in ten languages, and has a herd of sick buffalos up in Nackon no'where.............I know her sister Nit...........

At least one of the girls has slit eyes, according to the observations of witnesses from Leicester, UK.

None of these guys made any promises to the girls, of course. Were the girls actually paid?

Where did the valued customers put the condoms they use every time (not to spread their STDs in foreign countries)?

One of the Farangs got his a**e licked. As we all know Farangs never

clean up this region so well, so still might be good for traces of DNA.

Then, of course, if prostitution is illegal, these Farangs are suspect of incitement, are they not?

Unfortunately those guys have no job anymore and might try to escape from justice now. Better take them in custody.

Edited by micmichd
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First the poor girl has to earn a living at as a brass, a football yobbo insults her, puts it on the internet and then the coppers want to bust her.

Hey an idea. Why don't the girls sue the ex. footballers for defamation of character ? They started it ff for goodness sake.

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1000's of more important things to do and they pick on this...what losers.

Perhaps not- this is world wide news- anyone with an IPad, laptop, etc can feast their eyes on footballers' wedding tackle ( a lovely term ) and see how they are exploiting the indigenous population. It seems that this sort of thing is a totally acceptable social norm. It is not- when did paying for sex become socially acceptable?

( and don't say it's the oldest profession in the world - poor selling their bodies - great)

My views have been said in many posts- clear out the brothels, bar beers, dodgy massage etc etc. make it all totally illegal..

The apologists- oh no- the Thai economy depends on sexpats - look in the mirror -it does not.

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1000's of more important things to do and they pick on this...what losers.

Perhaps not- this is world wide news- anyone with an IPad, laptop, etc can feast their eyes on footballers' wedding tackle ( a lovely term ) and see how they are exploiting the indigenous population. It seems that this sort of thing is a totally acceptable social norm. It is not- when did paying for sex become socially acceptable?

( and don't say it's the oldest profession in the world - poor selling their bodies - great)

My views have been said in many posts- clear out the brothels, bar beers, dodgy massage etc etc. make it all totally illegal..

The apologists- oh no- the Thai economy depends on sexpats - look in the mirror -it does not.

Paying for sex was always socially acceptable, in one way or another. Always.

Call it "sharing wealth" if it makes you feel better. Quite sure these ex-footballers from Leicester are quite rich and could pay some add-ons.

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Thailand wants its pay off - The UK media have made their money at the expense of Thailand's - Now the police want their share of the funds...
If only they were this fast to jump on the culprits of Ko Tao or the Red Bull case?

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It figures. Three football players fired for making a sex tape; I could maybe see them being fined or suspended, but fired; complete joke. Meanwhile a British teenage girl is raped and murdered almost a year now and still no prosecution or definite answers to the crime. Two Canadian teens poisoned and found dead; no prosecutions; swept under the rug. A movie star found hanging in his hotel room; no definite answers there. A prominent Thai figure who is a fugitive running free and still influencing a majority, and with police rank, no less. Countless such cases everyday happening in Thailand; most probably not even mentioned or closed quick quick. And yet a sex tape has the entire country of Thailand up in a heated storm. And as for the racial aspect of things; This is a country which bases beauty on the colour of your skin. Depictions and bumper stickers portraying Hitler as some kind of icon. And yet a sex tape has them ready to cross international waters and prosecute three young men who have already lost face publicly; and their jobs. How far do they intend to take this?

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The footballers lost their jobs but they will find others. It is less about the supposed racial slurs than the effect on sponsors and their own fault for sharing their adventures. As far as going after the girls, well I suppose the job of police is to prosecute crimes but one would hope this is just bluster and would certainly not be in the public interest. The real absurdity of this is the suggestion that they could do anything to the footballers themselves though i suppose denying entry for subsequent jaunts to Thailand would be a feasible option.

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Thailand wants its pay off - The UK media have made their money at the expense of Thailand's - Now the police want their share of the funds...

If only they were this fast to jump on the culprits of Ko Tao or the Red Bull case?

Well said djlest, especially the bit about the police wanting their share. thumbsup.gif

Most of the other posts were monotonous dribble, especially the ones which were nothing but cheap shots aimed at Thailand.

Is this the only way you guys can get your jollies ?

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So, prostitution is a crime? Let's figure it out.

3 Farangs come to Thailand to commit crime. Conspiracy?

They pick some Thai girls and promise them they'll get famous and rich. Scam and fraud?

Maybe they promised the girls to take them back to UK. Trafficking?

They insult them as "slit eyes". Racism?

But only the girls get prosecuted.

In a fair trial, the 3 Brits would have to show up as witnesses. Each one questioned on his own. Of course, none of them would not lie in court, because they are all good and honourable citizens. Aren't they?

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From w hat my Thai wife tells me , from the conversation on the film , one of the footballers wasn't able to probe ! One of the girls commented , dispite the fact he was handsome , he wasn't able to get it up !

What a load of fuss about nothing . These guys are doing similar things in every city they visit , it probably costs a " hole " lot more .

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1000's of more important things to do and they pick on this...what losers.

Perhaps not- this is world wide news- anyone with an IPad, laptop, etc can feast their eyes on footballers' wedding tackle ( a lovely term ) and see how they are exploiting the indigenous population. It seems that this sort of thing is a totally acceptable social norm. It is not- when did paying for sex become socially acceptable?

( and don't say it's the oldest profession in the world - poor selling their bodies - great)

My views have been said in many posts- clear out the brothels, bar beers, dodgy massage etc etc. make it all totally illegal..

The apologists- oh no- the Thai economy depends on sexpats - look in the mirror -it does not.

Interesting post considering 95% of prostitution involves Thais.

Then come the tourists, about 4.9%, and then the expats the remaining 0.1%.

Most expats I know are either married or have steady girlfriends, hence not sexpats!

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