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Its rahter stupid, sorry, to say that I have to marry a woman.

When im allready married!

In Europe its forbidden to be a bigamist.

On the other hand. IF you are heterosexual, suppose I tell you to get married to a guy, or a girl if you are a gir.!

As long you are not Homosexuel, bisexual, i think its not in your interest.

Think BEFORE you write! :o

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My impression while reading naturalpoints post is that it didn't mean to be offensive or anything, just quoting (possibly, if he really knows) what the rules are. His ending smiling face should be the proof.

In much the same way as someone asking "can I get a retirement visa if I am 30?" and someone else replying "no mate, you have to become 50!"

It would be quite advanced for Thailand, and I do hope that boonkan can get the visa he wants. I know many so called "more advanced" countries are in fact still in the middle age and would not allow that.

Just wondering, foreign females married to a thai husband are exempt from the 400K money requirement. I wonder what would be the case for foreign males married to a thai husband...

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well its gonna be hard enough for a straight couple to get the required visas without alot of hassle at the minute. So as far as your concerned im guessing a flat No is the answer in short.

Not looked on as normal in Thai society.. Not my opinion , Thais.

Anyone disagree?

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Considering how the government appears to have been doing everything possible recently to go against the grain of real Thai society (anti-alcohol, anti-sex, anti-poor-people, anti-fun, etc.) I'd say gays are unlikely to benefit in the current atmosphere. Once a real Thai spirit has re-entered the government, some social liberalism may return.

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