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Democracy activists warned to be careful

BANGKOK: -- ANY anti-government groups planning to celebrate the 83rd anniversary of the Siamese Revolution of 1932 - sometimes called the advent of Thai democracy - on Wednesday better not stray out of bounds, PM's Office Minister Suwaphan Tanyuvardhana warned yesterday.

Thailand is currently being governed under special circumstances, so any groups that have a problem with that must follow the law and organise constructive activities.

With speculation about a looming counter-coup rife on the Internet, there appears to be attempts to cause a rift between the government and the National Council for Peace and Order, Suwaphan said.

"They spread the rumours systematically. The government knows the people involved in the process but only their nicknames. We don't know who they are. We know where the information was released from, like what countries. They are just a distortion of the truth to cause misunderstanding,'' he said.

The political struggle is a struggle of ideologies, he said.

"It's normal that when there's a government, there will be an opposition. We just have to ensure fair play. We don't have to kill the chickens before the monkeys," he said, using a euphemism for causing fear among the population by singling out a few for punishment. "We just have to rationalise or resort to reason."

The government has not been able to extradite people embracing different opinions because they're still putting up a fight, he said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Democracy-activists-warned-to-be-careful-30262806.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-22

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"It's normal that when there's a government, there will be an opposition. We just have to ensure fair play.........."

Yes. especially if you take the country over with the Military against the will of the Majority and Government. Funny how some people get all precious about such things


Whilst the British are celebrating the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta this paranoid mob are threatening to persecute anyone 'innaproprately' celebrating the 1932 democratic revolution. Not that we've seen a great deal of democracy since that date thanks to the Army.



Democracy activists = Aniti-government

that's one hell of a leap.

It's hard to see how a 'democracy activist' could be anything other than anti-this-government.



Democracy activists = Aniti-government

that's one hell of a leap.

Or just facing up to reality?


One post referring to "dictatorial rhetoric" has been removed from this thread.

From the pinned topic in the News Forum:

Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Cue the kool aid drinkers defending this latest paranoid statement from the Junta. wink.png

Reconciliation? How's that working for you?

No worries mate, soon as they've had their chucky eggs and toast they will be here, djjamie, mac, rubl, baerboxer, ramitindallas etc, et al.


Our democracy had foundered on the shoals of violence and recrimination.

We stepped in to restore Peace and Order.

We are carefully and slowly restoring democracy.

That is why you may not gather and celebrate democracy.

This is called reconciliation.

You must reconcile yourself to our point of view.

Except for you guys with nicknames on Facebook. We're a bit flummoxed about that.



"It's normal that when there's a government, there will be an opposition. We just have to ensure fair play.........."

Yes. especially if you take the country over with the Military against the will of the Majority and Government. Funny how some people get all precious about such things

They couldn't take over against the majority.

You have very vocal anti and pro Thaksin groups, but both are very small.

The majority don't care which politician are filling their pockets.


Cue the kool aid drinkers defending this latest paranoid statement from the Junta. wink.png

Reconciliation? How's that working for you?

No worries mate, soon as they've had their chucky eggs and toast they will be here, djjamie, mac, rubl, baerboxer, ramitindallas etc, et al.

Wrong!! They are not having breakfast, but having a drink before hitting the keyboard:



If I had a choice, I wouldn't want to be ruled by a military government BUT, Yingluck's Thaksin's PTP had a mandate and could have brought positive change to Thailand, Instead, they robbed the country blind and tried to amnesty themselves and the Paymaster as well. How selfish. At that point, the military became more than acceptable. I look on them as saviors of Thailand. Thailand is extremely fortunate to have an intelligent, thoughtful, considerate, and honest man as the current PM Prayut is.

Yingluck Thaksin democracy brought Thailand 700 billion Baht of bad rice (off budget to avoid constitutional restrictions on government spending) which nearly bankrupted the BAAC, cut the budget of the NACC by 60%, tried to borrow 3.2 trillion Baht (again, off-budget with no oversight) for High Speed Passenger service to haul produce and Toyota cars to market, tried to change the constitution so that the cabinet could approve foreign treaties without need of consent from Parliament, tried to ram un-thought-out flood projects through with no EIAs or proper public input, bought cheap tablets for 6 and 7 year olds who had no real use for them at the expense of subsidizing school uniforms for the poor, broke ground on a grandiose new parliament building that is way behind schedule, tried to build a very expensive dam which wasn't needed, tried to amnesty all politicians' crimes since 2004, first car scheme that further choked Bangkok traffic and put more people in debt, divided Thailand into northern and southern interests, created more class warfare/hate/envy, and on and on. All very DEMOCRATIC.

The Yingluck Thaksin democracy did nothing to stop land encroachment, did nothing to eliminate human trafficking, did nothing to eliminate high-level police corruption, did nothing for any but RICE farmers, did nothing to modernize the civil aviation sector, did nothing to cut down on the taxi/MC taxi mafia, did nothing when SRT was having weekly derailments, did nothing to cut down inflation, did nothing to improve the education system, et cetera, et cetera because they were too busy with schemes to take taxpayers money and put it in their own off-shore bank accounts.

Can any of you Thaksin trolls name some good things the democratic Yingluck Thaksin government did? I can't think of any. C'mon, help me out.



Our democracy had foundered on the shoals of violence and recrimination.

We stepped in to restore Peace and Order.

We are carefully and slowly restoring democracy.

That is why you may not gather and celebrate democracy.

This is called reconciliation.

You must reconcile yourself to our point of view.

Except for you guys with nicknames on Facebook. We're a bit flummoxed about that.


Yingluck's version of reconciliation was to pardon all political crime since 2004 including white washing Thaksin's crimes. The non-radical wing of the UDD and intelligent people really couldn't relate to two; reconciliation = pardons for crooked politicians.



Cue the kool aid drinkers defending this latest paranoid statement from the Junta. wink.png

Reconciliation? How's that working for you?

No worries mate, soon as they've had their chucky eggs and toast they will be here, djjamie, mac, rubl, baerboxer, ramitindallas etc, et al.

As you can see, I've had my chucky (sic) eggs and toast.



Our democracy had foundered on the shoals of violence and recrimination.

We stepped in to restore Peace and Order.

We are carefully and slowly restoring democracy.

That is why you may not gather and celebrate democracy.

This is called reconciliation.

You must reconcile yourself to our point of view.

Except for you guys with nicknames on Facebook. We're a bit flummoxed about that.


Yingluck's version of reconciliation was to pardon all political crime since 2004 including white washing Thaksin's crimes. The non-radical wing of the UDD and intelligent people really couldn't relate to two; reconciliation = pardons for crooked politicians.


There is nothing so tiresome as a humorless ideologue.


If I had a choice, I wouldn't want to be ruled by a military government BUT, Yingluck's Thaksin's PTP had a mandate and could have brought positive change to Thailand, Instead, they robbed the country blind and tried to amnesty themselves and the Paymaster as well. How selfish. At that point, the military became more than acceptable. I look on them as saviors of Thailand. Thailand is extremely fortunate to have an intelligent, thoughtful, considerate, and honest man as the current PM Prayut is.

Yingluck Thaksin democracy brought Thailand 700 billion Baht of bad rice (off budget to avoid constitutional restrictions on government spending) which nearly bankrupted the BAAC, cut the budget of the NACC by 60%, tried to borrow 3.2 trillion Baht (again, off-budget with no oversight) for High Speed Passenger service to haul produce and Toyota cars to market, tried to change the constitution so that the cabinet could approve foreign treaties without need of consent from Parliament, tried to ram un-thought-out flood projects through with no EIAs or proper public input, bought cheap tablets for 6 and 7 year olds who had no real use for them at the expense of subsidizing school uniforms for the poor, broke ground on a grandiose new parliament building that is way behind schedule, tried to build a very expensive dam which wasn't needed, tried to amnesty all politicians' crimes since 2004, first car scheme that further choked Bangkok traffic and put more people in debt, divided Thailand into northern and southern interests, created more class warfare/hate/envy, and on and on. All very DEMOCRATIC.

The Yingluck Thaksin democracy did nothing to stop land encroachment, did nothing to eliminate human trafficking, did nothing to eliminate high-level police corruption, did nothing for any but RICE farmers, did nothing to modernize the civil aviation sector, did nothing to cut down on the taxi/MC taxi mafia, did nothing when SRT was having weekly derailments, did nothing to cut down inflation, did nothing to improve the education system, et cetera, et cetera because they were too busy with schemes to take taxpayers money and put it in their own off-shore bank accounts.

Can any of you Thaksin trolls name some good things the democratic Yingluck Thaksin government did? I can't think of any. C'mon, help me out.


I see your random word generator has created yet another masterpiece!!


Our democracy had foundered on the shoals of violence and recrimination.

We stepped in to restore Peace and Order.

We are carefully and slowly restoring democracy.

That is why you may not gather and celebrate democracy.

This is called reconciliation.

You must reconcile yourself to our point of view.

Except for you guys with nicknames on Facebook. We're a bit flummoxed about that.


Yingluck's version of reconciliation was to pardon all political crime since 2004 including white washing Thaksin's crimes. The non-radical wing of the UDD and intelligent people really couldn't relate to two; reconciliation = pardons for crooked politicians.


There is nothing so tiresome as a humorless ideologue.

Coming from you, that is heart-warming. Are you sure that doesn't apply to you, also?



Our democracy had foundered on the shoals of violence and recrimination.

We stepped in to restore Peace and Order.

We are carefully and slowly restoring democracy.

That is why you may not gather and celebrate democracy.

This is called reconciliation.

You must reconcile yourself to our point of view.

Except for you guys with nicknames on Facebook. We're a bit flummoxed about that.


Yingluck's version of reconciliation was to pardon all political crime since 2004 including white washing Thaksin's crimes. The non-radical wing of the UDD and intelligent people really couldn't relate to two; reconciliation = pardons for crooked politicians.


There is nothing so tiresome as a humorless ideologue.

Coming from you, that is heart-warming. Are you sure that doesn't apply to you, also?




"We don't have to kill the chickens before the monkeys" But isn't that exactly what they are doing? and have been doing for decades?

reference, "We [the rich, powerful, elite ] don't have to kill the chickens before the "Monkeys" [poor, dirty, hill tribe, stupid buffalos, should not be allowed to vote, Issan, Lanna,]

And that is exactly the attitude of some people that really needs adjustment.


A post discussing moderation has been removed also an inflammatory post

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


ANY anti-government groups planning to celebrate the 83rd anniversary of the Siamese Revolution of 1932 - sometimes called the advent of Thai democracy - on Wednesday better not stray out of bounds

Has the anniversary of the Siamese Revolution of 1932 been celebrated every year? Is it a national holiday? If so, I'm not aware of it.

This seems like another provocation to stir discontent and hinder the reform that Thailand desperately needs. We are currently in a 'time-out-from-politics' period so everything can settle down. Obviously there are forces at work who don't want reforms to take place as it will infringe on their illicit activities.

Illicit: forbidden by law, rules, or custom.



In these releases youll notice they always drop a few hints.."coming from other countries"

and "cant extradite as they are putting up a fight"


Gonna be hard to round up the troops this time dad, what with internet sites and radio stations monitored, cant even send the propaganda message through our newspapers anymore..

so, just leaves one avenue open.


We know Nicknames (another hint) says prem.

Low and behold, our police boss threatens to shut down Facebook

but he doesnt really mean it, we know that he doesnt want to step on toes.

the silence is deafening but just because we are not allowed to hear it, doesnt mean the rumblings arent happening.


Power vs Principles

I keep reading all this intense vitriol against the former Thaksin democracy but don't understand why they were not simply voted out of office if so incompetent and corrupt or impeached. Yes, I know, it's complicated. And now, replaced by a "benevolent" regime based on absolute power without any accountability. The argument seems to be based on pure pragmatism but where are the fundamental principles that guide a nation through thick and thin even when messy? As near as I can figure it, they're now being rewritten by the regime in power. Does this signal a return to the principles of authoritarianism,a weakened democracy or a strong one? Birthing a democracy is tough. Contrary to opinion America is obviously still suffering growing pains and is still far from it's ideal of freedom, equality and justice for all, but the fundamental principles of the Constitution and Bill of Rights still guide it's winding and torturous path. The temptations of power are hard to resist which we see Russian president Putin succumbing to. There's no easy shortcut to democracy. Mistakes are made, the enterprise goes off the rails, the 'wool is pulled over our eyes" but I guess the question is, are we heading in the right direction? The current regime has brought stability and made a promise to restore democracy. We're on a razor's edge. Patience and trust are demanded even though we know one can/should never trust a politician. But, it is a compelling situation in which the only option is to wait and see....Will LOS move forward or backward politically speaking? Call me naive but I'm optimistic, I don't think there is any turning back now. A people who have tasted freedom cannot return to the past...


"In a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich, because there are more of them and, the will of the majority is supreme" ......... Aristotle

Logic therefor tells us that our dear PM is not on a pathway to democracy since he is hell bent on returning Thailand back to its feudal roots.

Oh deary me, every time this lot open their mouths I can't stop laaaaarphing cheesy.gif

just my 2 cents worth


If I had a choice, I wouldn't want to be ruled by a military government BUT, Yingluck's Thaksin's PTP had a mandate and could have brought positive change to Thailand, Instead, they robbed the country blind and tried to amnesty themselves and the Paymaster as well. How selfish. At that point, the military became more than acceptable. I look on them as saviors of Thailand. Thailand is extremely fortunate to have an intelligent, thoughtful, considerate, and honest man as the current PM Prayut is.

Yingluck Thaksin democracy brought Thailand 700 billion Baht of bad rice (off budget to avoid constitutional restrictions on government spending) which nearly bankrupted the BAAC, cut the budget of the NACC by 60%, tried to borrow 3.2 trillion Baht (again, off-budget with no oversight) for High Speed Passenger service to haul produce and Toyota cars to market, tried to change the constitution so that the cabinet could approve foreign treaties without need of consent from Parliament, tried to ram un-thought-out flood projects through with no EIAs or proper public input, bought cheap tablets for 6 and 7 year olds who had no real use for them at the expense of subsidizing school uniforms for the poor, broke ground on a grandiose new parliament building that is way behind schedule, tried to build a very expensive dam which wasn't needed, tried to amnesty all politicians' crimes since 2004, first car scheme that further choked Bangkok traffic and put more people in debt, divided Thailand into northern and southern interests, created more class warfare/hate/envy, and on and on. All very DEMOCRATIC.

The Yingluck Thaksin democracy did nothing to stop land encroachment, did nothing to eliminate human trafficking, did nothing to eliminate high-level police corruption, did nothing for any but RICE farmers, did nothing to modernize the civil aviation sector, did nothing to cut down on the taxi/MC taxi mafia, did nothing when SRT was having weekly derailments, did nothing to cut down inflation, did nothing to improve the education system, et cetera, et cetera because they were too busy with schemes to take taxpayers money and put it in their own off-shore bank accounts.

Can any of you Thaksin trolls name some good things the democratic Yingluck Thaksin government did? I can't think of any. C'mon, help me out.


Whilst I agree with the thrust of your post, you can blame Taksin and his nest of vipers for one coup, perhaps even two, but seventeen is a stretch ...coffee1.gif


Stop throwing insults at each other or risk being sidelined for a while. We're all supposed to be adults here.


"It's normal that when there's a government, there will be an opposition. We just have to ensure fair play.........."

Yes. especially if you take the country over with the Military against the will of the Majority and Government. Funny how some people get all precious about such things

Oh come on EP, are you not tired of beating that tired old tune on the tired old drum ? Your posts are starting ? to sound like they are coming out of the same little red book that some of your cronies are also quoting from. Can you not come up with some original material ? It has got to the stage that when I see your name at the top of a quote I can almost guess what is written below.

Read your last 20 or so comments and compare them if you don't believe me.

And if that fails have a look at the red fans who "liked" your comment, and read their last 20 or so comments. They are all the same mate ! Almost like the same person wrote them...................thumbsup.gif

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