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Has Obama's China strategy failed?

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I love the way the USA constantly accuse other nations of 'definitely' committing offences with absolutely zero proof.

The Chinese hacked us.

The Russians shot down MH17

Al Queda was responsible for 9/11

Iraq has weapons of mass destruction

They are in no position to finger wag. The world are cheesed off with them now. They won't last long.

bla bla bla, America , America, Come Help Us, Because We' re Clueless, I feel like we are are Mercenry Army, With My GD Tax Dollars
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Obama's strategy on anything has always failed. Everything he has done has ended up in a mess. Please name some of his decisions that actually turned out well. Obama care is a train wreck so don't say that one unless you actually understand it.

I love the Drone Program and Health Care.

Containment is the central strategy, yes. And the CCP Chinese are already on the inevitable and unavoidable course of failure previously travelled by the former USSR in Moscow.

The Soviet Union failed because of its inherent and fatal fundamentals. The same wrongheaded slowness is already occurring to the CCP Chinese who haven't yet had their economic 'correction.'

Coming soon.

The bigger they are the harder they fall.

Indeed a good description on the present state of affairs of USA ...how hard they have fallen in recents times

However there are certain sectors with bright individuals and enterprising spirit ...now to elect a better head of state might just work for the better good of the masses

can China Stand on its Own two feet without Theft of Technology

Here's the Report of the Congressional Research Service at the Library of Congress to the Congress regarding Prez Obama's strategic "Rebalance To Asia" pioneered by two formers, the SecState Hillary Clinton and the AsstSecState for AsiaPacific Kurt Campbell...

Pivot to the Pacific? The Obama Administration’s “Rebalancing” Toward Asia

Underlying the “pivot” is the Administration’s belief that the center of gravity for U.S. foreign policy, national security, and economic interests is shifting towards Asia, and that U.S. strategy and priorities need to be adjusted accordingly

As the world’s most populous area and fastest growing economic zone, Asia is expected to become even more vital for the U.S. economy in the future—an expectation that has led the Obama Administration to pursue the Trans-Pacific Partnership and to make Asian nations central to its National Export Initiative. Greater trade flows through the Asia-Pacific (particularly the Strait of Malacca and South China Sea) have also reinforced greater U.S. security interests in the region, as have the major expansions of other local nations’ military forces, most notably China’s.

One of the most obvious implications, reflected in the January “Strategy Review,” has been to minimize cuts in the size of the Navy, with U.S. force reductions focused, instead, very heavily on Army and Marine ground forces.

A key premise of the new strategy is to place less emphasis on long-duration counter-insurgency or “stability” operations and instead place more emphasis on future challenges. Significantly, criticism of this change in Administration policy has, on the whole, been relatively muted.

The strategy quite explicitly rejects all but some relatively minor reductions in naval forces, reflecting the maritime character of the Pacific as a theater of operations.

Among other things the strategy:

Endorses the continued deployment of 11 aircraft carriers

• Supports continued production of attack submarines, and of a new cruise missile deployed in large numbers on submarines;

• Calls for continued production of a broad range of naval ship types, including relatively “high-end” Aegis radar-equipped destroyers and, though in somewhat reduced numbers, of the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), a relatively small, maneuverable vessel for a variety of lower-end missions; and

• Sustain the projected total number of amphibious ships for the Marine Corps at 33 ships.


President Obama emphasized this point during his November 2011 speech to the Australian Parliament:

As we consider the future of our armed forces, we've begun a review that will identify our most important strategic interests and guide our defense priorities and spending over the coming decade. So here is what this region must know. As we end today’s wars, I have directed my national security team to make our presence and mission in the Asia Pacific a top priority. As a result, reductions in U.S. defense spending will not—I repeat, will not— come at the expense of the Asia Pacific.

The CRS Report to the Congress continues..

The shift in focus toward the [Asian] south will be carried out by what officials describe as a more “flexible” approach to deployments in the region, in which U.S. deployments will be smaller, more agile, expeditionary, self-sustaining, and self-contained. In contrast to a reliance on the large permanent bases in Japan and South Korea, U.S. forces in the south will carry out operations mainly through rotational deployments of military units of various kinds to different parts of the region. Measures to sustain the U.S. presence include a substantially expanded and widely varied range of naval access agreements; expanded training exercises; and other, diverse means of engagement with foreign militaries. The model seeks to avoid large expenditures on permanent new bases and to build security systems that are less rigid than Cold War, European-style treaty regimes.


China would work with every USA president ...like I mention in my previous posts.

The Chinese are not interested in expensive wars and there are some in this forum who are hawkish like their republican representatives ...all huff ,missiles here , strategic plans there ....

The reality on the ground is ...."s*** we have to work with the Chinese even if wehate them " ...the Chinese are repeating the same in mandarin in their congress meetings and that's the reality of global politics

The strategy of Obama has failed as they have failed to recognise Chinese would pursue their own interested with vigor and have the ability to protect their own interests ;

Unlike some countries, they are not really keen to display military prowess or get into meaningless policing around the world that cost unnecessary money

Sorry but the Chinese are that practical ...


China would work with every USA president ...like I mention in my previous posts.

The Chinese are not interested in expensive wars and there are some in this forum who are hawkish like their republican representatives ...all huff ,missiles here , strategic plans there ....

The reality on the ground is ...."s*** we have to work with the Chinese even if wehate them " ...the Chinese are repeating the same in mandarin in their congress meetings and that's the reality of global politics

The strategy of Obama has failed as they have failed to recognise Chinese would pursue their own interested with vigor and have the ability to protect their own interests ;

Unlike some countries, they are not really keen to display military prowess or get into meaningless policing around the world that cost unnecessary money

Sorry but the Chinese are that practical ...

China would work with every USA president .

The post is not a news bulletin nor is a wiseguy false apology a good approach either. Chinese are uncanny at stating the obvious, every time, without fail, so congrats.

And backup besides because the word "hate" is out of place for sure.

Neither have the CCP China nor any CCP Chinese caused me, my family or my country any pain. Still, one can disrespect another without hate having to enter or exist in the equation. So kindly put a lid on that one plse thx.

Chinese culture is 5000 years of dictatorship and the culture is predicated on race, ethnicity, egocentricism. The Chinese believe they come from the stars while the rest of humanity crawled out of a hundred shittholes around the planet.

The CCP Chinese who remain in the PRChina need to be brought up to speed that it's the 21st century going forward, not the 12th century going backward. Their starting point is the realization and recognition there is no Chinese race that is apart from the human race, much less above and superior to it.

Prez Obama felt the race ideology of the Chinese from his first moment in the Middle Kingdom so it's not difficult to put one's finger on it. In other words, Chinese racism is no secret any more.

China is flexing it's muscle...because they sees the US is lacking in decisive leadership at the moment


If only we had a Bush on the throne, eh biggrin.png

It's ok, come on, you can say it ... the love that can't be said. ..... I hear the Supreme Court has made it legal


China would work with every USA president ...like I mention in my previous posts.

The Chinese are not interested in expensive wars and there are some in this forum who are hawkish like their republican representatives ...all huff ,missiles here , strategic plans there ....

The reality on the ground is ...."s*** we have to work with the Chinese even if wehate them " ...the Chinese are repeating the same in mandarin in their congress meetings and that's the reality of global politics

The strategy of Obama has failed as they have failed to recognise Chinese would pursue their own interested with vigor and have the ability to protect their own interests ;

Unlike some countries, they are not really keen to display military prowess or get into meaningless policing around the world that cost unnecessary money

Sorry but the Chinese are that practical ...

China would work with every USA president .

The post is not a news bulletin nor is a wiseguy false apology a good approach either. Chinese are uncanny at stating the obvious, every time, without fail, so congrats.

And backup besides because the word "hate" is out of place for sure.

Neither have the CCP China nor any CCP Chinese caused me, my family or my country any pain. Still, one can disrespect another without hate having to enter or exist in the equation. So kindly put a lid on that one plse thx.

Chinese culture is 5000 years of dictatorship and the culture is predicated on race, ethnicity, egocentricism. The Chinese believe they come from the stars while the rest of humanity crawled out of a hundred shittholes around the planet.

The CCP Chinese who remain in the PRChina need to be brought up to speed that it's the 21st century going forward, not the 12th century going backward. Their starting point is the realization and recognition there is no Chinese race that is apart from the human race, much less above and superior to it.

Prez Obama felt the race ideology of the Chinese from his first moment in the Middle Kingdom so it's not difficult to put one's finger on it. In other words, Chinese racism is no secret any more.

Is this even English ? Wow ...chuckles



Seems we have our divert and attack mode going today.

It's the standard approach to attack those who critique while saying nothing of the critique and criticism presented.

The CCP teaches in all the PRChina schools the USA is the mortal enemy that will have to be displaced in a clash, but only when the CCP Boyz in Beijing are ready.

The doves in Washington are all talked out from a couple of decades of unsuccessfully trying to establish any kind of meaningful communication with the CCP Boyz of the PRC.

So now the hawks have taken over which means there's a new sheriff in town and his name is SecDef Ashton Carter. The Boyz really didn't figure on this, being the klutzes that they are.


Someone might want to tell Ashton Carter he is now a hawk. Carter won't be able to do anything because his boss is playing footsies with Iran. And Lurch is over there doing his best impression of, well, Lurch. For 6 years now Obama's been ignoring China. First with Hilary (what does it matter?), and now with Lurch.


SecDef Carter has the green light to be in charge here and people might remember Carter is the guy who in 2006 publicly called for a pre-emptive strike against North Korea.

The China hawks have taken charge of China policy the rest of the way in the Obama Administration. Susan Rice has no authority left over the Pentagon concerning Beijing. SecDef Carter reports only to Prez Obama directly on China which is the way it needs to be in this.

The right can set up a merry-go-round about this to deny deny deny everything that is said or occurring but that doesn't change the realities as they are happening. The right's dogmatic and knee-jerk contrarianism doesn't change anything in Washington, Beijing or anywhere else. The contrarian right is the contrarian right is the dogmatic contrarian right of Obama bashers.

SecState Kerry is in charge of peace and he's in the Iran talks and also dealing with Russia so don't look for him here. The guy running things here is the guy in charge of war.


Pretty much the same dismissal reply that got the Americans into this current state of foreign affairs failures ...

Wrapped in their own cocoon .....

Absent the United States ISIS for instance would right now be in control of the Middle East and the CCP Chinese would be celebrating their complete and total control of the South China Sea to include all of Asean and Oceania and which would place at the mercy of the CCP Chinese Taiwan, South Korea, Japan. Putin would be in complete control of Ukraine and Putin would be moving against Europe.

The Chinese have had an ingrown culture for 5000 years yet have always been convinced they have the natural right to lord over the world.

Defense Secretary Ash Carter makes remarks at Pacific Armed Forces Command Headquarters Pearl Harbor Hawaii during the U.S. Pacific Command and U.S. Pacific Fleet change-of-command ceremonies, May 27, 2015. (DoD photo). New commander of all US military forces PacificAsia Admiral Harry Harris seated behind Carter.
China's airheaded 'air-defense zone' angers neighbors


China takes no role in Rohingya crisis

AP | Beijing May 22, 2015

"China has never really come to terms with the fact that it really has to provide collective goods, including leadership on issues that do not provide any immediate financial or political return, to be deemed the regional leader," said Zachary Abuza of the Thailand-based Southeast Asia Analytics consultancy.

"Hegemony has costs, Beijing only wants the rewards," Abuza said in an email interview.



Someone might want to tell Ashton Carter he is now a hawk. Carter won't be able to do anything because his boss is playing footsies with Iran. And Lurch is over there doing his best impression of, well, Lurch. For 6 years now Obama's been ignoring China. First with Hilary (what does it matter?), and now with Lurch.

For 6 years now Obama's been ignoring China

Pull your head out to read my post currently numbered #36 as just one statement of the great and consistent attention the president has given to the CCP China.

It's also a red flag to a bull to say to you the CCP Boyz in Beijing fear HRC more than any other single American, with former AsstSecState for AsiaPacific Kurt Campbell, initiator of the Reblance a close second.

The dictators in Beijing have already settled down in the SCS. The Boyz are not finished by a long shot, at least in their own minds. Washington will pull the trigger on this one and the CCP Dictators now know it which is why the Boyz are trying to chill things out for a while.

The hawks who are now in charge of US China policy want to head off Xi Jinping's official state visit to Washington in September but just don't yet have the clout in this respect. All they need however is one incident in the SCS, or the East Sea affecting Japan, and the hawks will pounce to cut Xi off at the knees. Xi knows this so he's kissing up.


Here comes the hypocrisy again. Being a hawk is a far right wing ideology.

Besides yourself who said that about "hawks" and when??? You still owe me an apology from a previous thread Re: #9535874

I hadn't known until very recently that the right winger anti-Obama desperados were on the side of the CCP Dictators in Beijing. So pull your head out to read this for a dose of reality....

How Russia, China, and IS Have Made the US Popular Again

Allies and partners are looking to the United States in ways not seen since the Cold War

China, too, is playing its part in making America popular again. Yes, China is flexing its muscles as it moves toward its century-long plan of national rejuvenation, but in so doing it is spooking its neighbors. Despite China’s economic clout, the nations of the region want the United States to be a part of the future so that it can play a central role in balancing Chinese power and acting as a brake on Chinese aggressiveness.

China would not have to defeat just the United States in Asia, but the U.S. alongside its many partners and allies – a far more daunting task.



Here comes the hypocrisy again. Being a hawk is a far right wing ideology.

Besides yourself who said that about "hawks" and when??? You still owe me an apology from a previous thread Re: #9535874

I hadn't known until very recently that the right winger anti-Obama desperados were on the side of the CCP Dictators in Beijing. So pull your head out to read this for a dose of reality....

How Russia, China, and IS Have Made the US Popular Again

Allies and partners are looking to the United States in ways not seen since the Cold War

China, too, is playing its part in making America popular again. Yes, China is flexing its muscles as it moves toward its century-long plan of national rejuvenation, but in so doing it is spooking its neighbors. Despite Chinas economic clout, the nations of the region want the United States to be a part of the future so that it can play a central role in balancing Chinese power and acting as a brake on Chinese aggressiveness.

China would not have to defeat just the United States in Asia, but the U.S. alongside its many partners and allies a far more daunting task.


Your post #44. And I don't apologise when someone else fabricates a story. I don't like bullies.


Someone might want to tell Ashton Carter he is now a hawk. Carter won't be able to do anything because his boss is playing footsies with Iran. And Lurch is over there doing his best impression of, well, Lurch. For 6 years now Obama's been ignoring China. First with Hilary (what does it matter?), and now with Lurch.

Someone might want to tell Ashton Carter he is now a hawk.

You just strongly suggested it. However, Ashton Carter is not right wing nor is he a right wing ideologue, so you are wrong. Prez Obama has not ignored the CCP China for six years or at all so you are wrong again, and neither did SecState Clinton ignore China during her tenure at DepState which makes you wrong again and unspeakably wrong.

Here comes the hypocrisy again. Being a hawk is a far right wing ideology.

You said that in your post, I did not say it. I've never said it Which means I am not the hypocrite you accuse me of being.

In post after post, to thread after thread, you allege many things I never said. Produce the quotes, each of 'em, all of 'em. I'm very tired of waiting for you to produce all the many statements I never said. And to be all the things you accuse me of being which are untrue, not factual, wrong wrong wrong.

Half your posts are unintelligible and the other half come out of your bottom side.


It's strange the world thinks of these "death scenarios minus the USA "

No one denies the USA has a role to play in world politics ....

Just don't overdo the fact thinking you are the only saviour of the world ....as no one can claim that right and every country has its role

Whoever keeps posting all the grissbish about China wanting to expand and rule the world is probably guilty of the same fear mongering

China wants to protect itself defensively by being strong. That's its

No different from anyone else

It's all the fear mongering that rises to a lot of epic foreign failures


Someone might want to tell Ashton Carter he is now a hawk. Carter won't be able to do anything because his boss is playing footsies with Iran. And Lurch is over there doing his best impression of, well, Lurch. For 6 years now Obama's been ignoring China. First with Hilary (what does it matter?), and now with Lurch.

Someone might want to tell Ashton Carter he is now a hawk.

You just strongly suggested it. However, Ashton Carter is not right wing nor is he a right wing ideologue, so you are wrong. Prez Obama has not ignored the CCP China for six years or at all so you are wrong again, and neither did SecState Clinton ignore China during her tenure at DepState which makes you wrong again and unspeakably wrong.

Here comes the hypocrisy again. Being a hawk is a far right wing ideology.

You said that in your post, I did not say it. I've never said it Which means I am not the hypocrite you accuse me of being.

In post after post, to thread after thread, you allege many things I never said. Produce the quotes, each of 'em, all of 'em. I'm very tired of waiting for you to produce all the many statements I never said. And to be all the things you accuse me of being which are untrue, not factual, wrong wrong wrong.

Half your posts are unintelligible and the other half come out of your bottom side.

Rude rude rude ....that my only analysis ...,



Seems we have our divert and attack mode going today.

It's the standard approach to attack those who critique while saying nothing of the critique and criticism presented.

The CCP teaches in all the PRChina schools the USA is the mortal enemy that will have to be displaced in a clash, but only when the CCP Boyz in Beijing are ready.

The doves in Washington are all talked out from a couple of decades of unsuccessfully trying to establish any kind of meaningful communication with the CCP Boyz of the PRC.

So now the hawks have taken over which means there's a new sheriff in town and his name is SecDef Ashton Carter. The Boyz really didn't figure on this, being the klutzes that they are.

Your post. Last paragraph. Your tactics may work on others, but not on me. You're duplicitous and mean-spirited. I pointed out at every turn your falsifications. I really don't care if you can't find them. Not my job. Happens often when prevaricating. I'm out.


I am a CCP China hawk and almost everyone knows it (or should).

Few people on the planet would call me a right wing ideologue and those who do are already locked away in loony bins and rest homes or are wandering around a supervised pasture somewhere.

I never said or posted a hawk is necessarily a right wing ideologue, nor have I ever said or posted that only a right wing ideologue could possibly be a hawk.

You posted your confused and muddled garble about it. You assigned to me something I did not say, never said, would not say. And you are still doing it.

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