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Re: post #208

One other short note I forgot to say. When and if you decide to talk to the Thais who own your apartment about the notice, the feedback in a few days could be very valuable. If they don’t seem bothered then ask them why. If they seem as if their stress level has tripled then you will know why.


I think I fall into a category mentioned above, where I work outside Thailand, but come back into the country every other month, for about 25 days. I stopped applying for visas, as it was time-consuming, costly, and unnecessary. I just come back in every time and get a 30 day stamp. I have lived, and on occasions worked, in Thailand for over 15 years. I married a Thai woman, have two children, several properties, and have invested a large amount of money in the country. I wish to remain living there, and being married to a Thai, and with children in school, I should be able to? If I have to start getting visas again, so be it. I qualify for a retirement visa, I think, being over 50 years old, and having sufficient capital in a Thai bank. What I don't need is to have hassles, when I return to Thailand on my return next month. I hope the smoke clears, and it becomes easier to understand exactly what the new regulations are...????


Just get a Marriage visa.

It is an O Visa and they stamp Thai Wife in your Passport.

You renew it once a year. It takes 15 minutes.

That's a retirement visa, the marriage visa still involves a number of visits over a 3 month period before they give it to you. I have been married to a Thai since 1994, but have worked overseas on 70 days on 14 days off cycle with a side trip to KL for my Libyan Visa [2 entry stamps in 2 weeks].

I cannot come back to Thailand after 30 days, then 45 days then 60 days etc as immigration requests, so no Marriage Visa, even though I have a Thai Wife and 3 children!. The 30 day entry without Visa suits my current situation, but it appears that I will be having problems in the future. I am banking B300,000/month so no problem with qualification on income. I do not know why a Retirement Visa should take only 1 day, even for an unmarried Farang, but a marriage Visa for a farang with a wife and three children should take months.


If new laws (or stricter interpretation of existing laws) makes Thailand a little less attractive to the malingering former Gov workers (especially police officers) who are “too sick” with their “bad back” or “psychological issues” to do a day’s work in their own country, yet, in receipt of their UK tax-payer funded ill-health pensions, can swim, play golf and run businesses in Thailand, then I am all for things getting tougher.


The notion that Thailand's economy will collapse without the 40,000 a month or so that 20,000 visa runners contribute to the economy in (quote) "condos, beer, beer, beer, taxis, women, women and women" is as laughable as it is patronising.

If people really think the Thai economy is built on this, they are very much mistaken. For a start, the entire tourism industry contributes only 17% to GDP so the pissy little contribution made here isnt going to affect the macro-economy very much.

Thailand's economy would barely miss a heartbeat if all expats stopped spending tomorrow, let alone those caught by these rule changes.

Are farang really so egotistical as to think we are NEEDED in Thailand? We're not needed - we're tolerated. Up to a point.

The notion that Thailand's economy will collapse without the 40,000 a month or so that 20,000 visa runners contribute to the economy in (quote) "condos, beer, beer, beer, taxis, women, women and women" is as laughable as it is patronising.

If people really think the Thai economy is built on this, they are very much mistaken. For a start, the entire tourism industry contributes only 17% to GDP so the pissy little contribution made here isnt going to affect the macro-economy very much.

Thailand's economy would barely miss a heartbeat if all expats stopped spending tomorrow, let alone those caught by these rule changes.

Are farang really so egotistical as to think we are NEEDED in Thailand? We're not needed - we're tolerated. Up to a point.

you could be right here, but it would be interesting to see how many expats live (not just westerners!!) here and what is their monthly spend.surely it would be more than just a blip on the radar....

The notion that Thailand's economy will collapse without the 40,000 a month or so that 20,000 visa runners contribute to the economy in (quote) "condos, beer, beer, beer, taxis, women, women and women" is as laughable as it is patronising.

If people really think the Thai economy is built on this, they are very much mistaken. For a start, the entire tourism industry contributes only 17% to GDP so the pissy little contribution made here isnt going to affect the macro-economy very much.

Thailand's economy would barely miss a heartbeat if all expats stopped spending tomorrow, let alone those caught by these rule changes.

Are farang really so egotistical as to think we are NEEDED in Thailand? We're not needed - we're tolerated. Up to a point.

17% is a huge proportion of a counties economy, however where is this figure from? If the Thai economy only tolerates tourists then why were they crying out for visitors to come back to the country following the tsunami??? A loss of just 1% of a countries economy is a huge blow and would have consquences.

Agreed that the new visa restrictions will keep down the numbers of illegal workers but what about backpackers and other long visiting tourists going to Thailand who just want to visit and spend money?

The new restrictions will inadvertently affect these visitors too! Even multiple entry tourist visas are now going to be restricted to a one off 60 day visa (already the case at Penang).

This is very very bad news for many people. Not only because of the new restrictions but because they are so ###### hard to work out. Get things wrong and your visit will end in the honeymoon sweet at the Bangkok Hilton prison. Fingers crossed that the confusion around this will end soon! Its amazing that not 2 years ago after the Tsunami the Thai people were crying out for tourists to visit their country to help rebuild what had been destroyed and now the TRT govt decides to hand pick the types of people which they waant to visit (i.e: once a year package tourists).

The notion that Thailand's economy will collapse without the 40,000 a month or so that 20,000 visa runners contribute to the economy in (quote) "condos, beer, beer, beer, taxis, women, women and women" is as laughable as it is patronising.

If people really think the Thai economy is built on this, they are very much mistaken. For a start, the entire tourism industry contributes only 17% to GDP so the pissy little contribution made here isnt going to affect the macro-economy very much.

Thailand's economy would barely miss a heartbeat if all expats stopped spending tomorrow, let alone those caught by these rule changes.

Are farang really so egotistical as to think we are NEEDED in Thailand? We're not needed - we're tolerated. Up to a point.

The goldshops will take a hit. Less gold chains for the 'I luv u long long time' birds. :o

oh and cellphone sales nosedive too...... :D

The notion that Thailand's economy will collapse without the 40,000 a month or so that 20,000 visa runners contribute to the economy in (quote) "condos, beer, beer, beer, taxis, women, women and women" is as laughable as it is patronising.

If people really think the Thai economy is built on this, they are very much mistaken. For a start, the entire tourism industry contributes only 17% to GDP so the pissy little contribution made here isnt going to affect the macro-economy very much.

Thailand's economy would barely miss a heartbeat if all expats stopped spending tomorrow, let alone those caught by these rule changes.

Are farang really so egotistical as to think we are NEEDED in Thailand? We're not needed - we're tolerated. Up to a point.

hmmmm losing just 2% of the GDP would be pretty damaging I would think particularly if it was all FX


This is hilarious! People move to Thailand to avoid heating bills?! They move to Thailand for SEX, Martin.

You prat, what a thing to say, bet your dick is as small as your brain.


It is simply the honest and obvious truth, icecubes, regardless of how much you and other prudes would like to deny it.


This is hilarious! People move to Thailand to avoid heating bills?! They move to Thailand for SEX, Martin.

You prat, what a thing to say, bet your dick is as small as your brain.


It is simply the honest and obvious truth, icecubes, regardless of how much you and other prudes would like to deny it.

So its the reason you are here??? :o


This is hilarious! People move to Thailand to avoid heating bills?! They move to Thailand for SEX, Martin.

You prat, what a thing to say, bet your dick is as small as your brain.


It is simply the honest and obvious truth, icecubes, regardless of how much you and other prudes would like to deny it.

So its the reason you are here??? :o

looks like I'm a prude too. rather be called that than a grubby, sad, sex tourist



Well spoken bendix.

The "perpetual tourists" who have run roughshod over the immigration system for years really believe it's their God-given right to do anything they want in the name of MONEY. money Money MONEY

Who can blame the Thais for resenting their conspicuous consumption of the country's resources?

Just look at the zoos they have built for themselves in Pattaya, Phuket, Samui, etc. Huge over-developement and land speculation.

Now the average Thai can't afford to buy land in his own country in these areas because the rich foreigners will pay any price.

FI to all of them! Go suck some other country dry!

'nuff said



They could do a lot of things, if they wanted. But what they have said so far, is 90 days for tourists, then go home, or elsewhere for 90 days. It has me scrambling to get an O visa, and application for a retirement visa on short notice. yes TIT


Ray check the quote from the above article

"Suwat also announced new rules that effectively limit to three months the total stay of Western tourists without visas"

the 90 days is for VOA's which are permission to stay without an issued visa. For tourists with real visa's issued from a consulate abroad then its business as usual.

Cricky! .. I'm getting tired of all the confused people and confused newspaper journalists who constantly "mix 'n' match" all the terminology. I'll set it all out as clearly as I can.

1. 60 Tourist Visa ... NOT affected

2. Visa On Arrival (VOL) .. NOT affected. (This is the visa issued on arrival to citizens of 15 countries who .. for one reason or another do not have access to a Thai Embassy or Consulate in thier Home Country.This is NOT a free visa. It costs.

3. Transit Visa .. NOT affected .. for obvious reasons.

4. Non Immigrant Visas (B, O & A) NOT affected

5. 30 Day Free "waiver" of any visa requirements. THIS IS THE THE ONE ALL THE FUSS IS OVER! This is NOT the "Visa On Arrival!. Thai Visa, The Members here AND the Newspapers here can't seem to to get that through thier heads.

OK? Got it?



In a more perfect world people would limit their posts to questions about how to comply with the new rules and information, or informed opinions, that address these questions. I don't expect that is going to happen.

These questions have been asked many times, but if there have been clear answers I missed them in the drivel. Could someone please tell me:

1. Will we be able to get a new visa-- tourist, type O, or other, shortly after leaving Thailand with three VOA's, or will there be a waiting period imposed?

2. If we stay in Thailand for 60 days on an embassy issued Tourist Visa, will we be allowed three consecutive VOA's, or will the 60 days count toward the 90 day limit every 180 days for tourists.

3. Is the start date for counting VOA's still October 1, or has the latest meeting changed that?

My thanks to everyone who attempts to provide an informed and pertinent answer to these questions.

The notion that Thailand's economy will collapse without the 40,000 a month or so that 20,000 visa runners contribute to the economy in (quote) "condos, beer, beer, beer, taxis, women, women and women" is as laughable as it is patronising.

If people really think the Thai economy is built on this, they are very much mistaken. For a start, the entire tourism industry contributes only 17% to GDP so the pissy little contribution made here isnt going to affect the macro-economy very much.

Thailand's economy would barely miss a heartbeat if all expats stopped spending tomorrow, let alone those caught by these rule changes.

Are farang really so egotistical as to think we are NEEDED in Thailand? We're not needed - we're tolerated. Up to a point.

Don't always agree with what you say Bendix, but this time I am with you on this post 110%.

The ego thing is dead on......Too many think they are buying statushere, as at home they are very small fish in a very big pond.

Not all but a goodly percentage.

Can somebody give me an answer on my next questions?:

I am married to a Thai woman, I am working for a Dutch company in whole Asia. Average I am one week every month in Thailand. I mostly enter Thailand by airplane form countries like China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam. I do not have a visa for Thailand.

My questions are:

Will the immigration count the amount of entries, or the total days of stay?

The new rule will be effective from 01-10-2006, does this mean that from this day they will start to count, or, will they count the previous enntry's done before this date too?

Tomorrow I leave to HongKong, and I will return to Thailand on October 10. Is there a change I am not allowed to enter Thailand?

I hope somebody can answer me.

Kind regards, Arjen.


They count the the entries. If you get a free 30 day stamp and bugger off after one week .. thats it. You have two more entries to go.


1. Put hand in pocket

2. Take out money

3. Buy Tourist Visa

Do not ask Dutch Company to reinburse you for it as they will squeal very loudly .. as we we all know that copper wire was invented by a Dutchman and a Scotsman playing "tug of war" over a penny.


In a more perfect world people would limit their posts to questions about how to comply with the new rules and information, or informed opinions, that address these questions. I don't expect that is going to happen.

These questions have been asked many times, but if there have been clear answers I missed them in the drivel. Could someone please tell me:

1. Will we be able to get a new visa-- tourist, type O, or other, shortly after leaving Thailand with three VOA's, or will there be a waiting period imposed?

2. If we stay in Thailand for 60 days on an embassy issued Tourist Visa, will we be allowed three consecutive VOA's, or will the 60 days count toward the 90 day limit every 180 days for tourists.

3. Is the start date for counting VOA's still October 1, or has the latest meeting changed that?

My thanks to everyone who attempts to provide an informed and pertinent answer to these questions.

Ok, based on the post that arrived while I was composing the above, change my use of "VOA" to "visa waiver". I would still appreciate answers to the questions.


Riddle me this Thaiman, how the hel_l do these people know that people on a tourist visa are working here? THis is complete bullshit, they have no idea. They think that they are here working but think about it for a second, who gets a job without getting the work permit? I've never seen anyone working here that didn't have the work permit. Work permit equals 750 baht tax from employee and the same amount gets paid by the employer. So, <deleted>, should i just stop bitching about it.

Sure, i'm done with this. I've said my peace.

I hate Thailand politics and Thaskin can kiss my white ass, not on the left side, not on the right side but right in the GOD ###### MIDDLE!!!

Pucker up all you Tourists... It's time to bend over and take it like a man...


Long live the AllStar Band at CM2 and long live white women...

You're dead wrong. I know plenty who work without work permits. I'd say and so would many others, that half of the teachers in Thailand don't have work permits. Some government schools employing farangs as English teachers don't even have any idea how to get a work permit for a foreigner. I think a lot of schools are going to be seriously lacking in teachers by 2007. So, perhaps you don't know any teachers.

For many Thai employers, dealing with work permits for foreigners is just too complicated and costly for them that they just hire workers without them. This probably happens in schools, mostly.

The problem with this new Thai immigration policy is that it may root out illegal workers, but it will also root out people who have income coming from overseas and don't need to work in Thailand, and are too young to get a retirement visa. That means lost money. There's good and bad for them.

And those of you who have proper visas, why are you complaining and want to leave? You won't be affected.

How the hel_l is it complicated? I needed a work permit to open a bank account and I didn't have a job here. I called sunbeltasia and went on one day and got a work permit. It's so ###### easy so not sure why they say it's complicated. They put the paper work in, i went to the office with my passport and a photo and got a pretty work permit. It's nice and blue too.

But I find it strange that teachers are working without a work permit. Ask me, that would be the first place I would look if I was the tax man! Crack down on them, not the people that put so much money into the economy!


This is the way they are cracking down on them it appears. As opposed to raiding every school in Thailand. Like I said, many employers just don't know how to get work permits for foreigners and don't take the time to find out. This is Thailand, after all, not the States.

Also, sometimes companies or schools want to employ another farang, but all their slots for farang employees are used up due to Thai work permit restrictions. So, what's the option? Work illegally. It happens more often than you think.

What? You're telling me they can't send officials out to every school since they want to crackdown on the illegal teachers so much? Why not? They can put the man power together and just do it if they want to.


This is hilarious! People move to Thailand to avoid heating bills?! They move to Thailand for SEX, Martin.

You prat, what a thing to say, bet your dick is as small as your brain.


It is simply the honest and obvious truth, icecubes, regardless of how much you and other prudes would like to deny it.

So its the reason you are here??? :o

Obviously! Just like nearly every other foreign man living in Thailand.

looks like I'm a prude too. rather be called that than a grubby, sad, sex tourist

Your assumptions about the hygeine or psychological state of we sex tourists are largely inaccurate, Markyprude. I for one wash frequently and am a very cheerful fellow.

The difference between you and britmaveric, and myself is that I am honest about why I am here.


Well spoken bendix.

The "perpetual tourists" who have run roughshod over the immigration system for years really believe it's their God-given right to do anything they want in the name of MONEY. money Money MONEY

Who can blame the Thais for resenting their conspicuous consumption of the country's resources?

Just look at the zoos they have built for themselves in Pattaya, Phuket, Samui, etc. Huge over-developement and land speculation.

Now the average Thai can't afford to buy land in his own country in these areas because the rich foreigners will pay any price.

FI to all of them! Go suck some other country dry!

'nuff said


What a crock of shit.

Do you thing the "perpetual tourists" are the one's buying multimillion baht beech front property? Supply and demand, something the Thai property owner learned very quick.

"Conspicuous consumption of the country's resources?"

Thais are some of the sloppiest people I have ever encountered. Garbage everywhere, just dump it when nobody sees you doing it.

You sound like some disgruntled east German who still dreams of the good old days in the DDR when nobody had to work but still got paid, or Cuban reactionary.

//removed foreign language text//


Well spoken bendix.

The "perpetual tourists" who have run roughshod over the immigration system for years really believe it's their God-given right to do anything they want in the name of MONEY. money Money MONEY

Who can blame the Thais for resenting their conspicuous consumption of the country's resources?

Just look at the zoos they have built for themselves in Pattaya, Phuket, Samui, etc. Huge over-developement and land speculation.

Now the average Thai can't afford to buy land in his own country in these areas because the rich foreigners will pay any price.

FI to all of them! Go suck some other country dry!

'nuff said


You and Bendix make strange bedfellows as he would like to see poverty packers like you get kicked outta here (which should happen with the coming raising of the marriage requirements) and he wants only the super rich farang to be here. Very odd


This is hilarious! People move to Thailand to avoid heating bills?! They move to Thailand for SEX, Martin.

You prat, what a thing to say, bet your dick is as small as your brain.


It is simply the honest and obvious truth, icecubes, regardless of how much you and other prudes would like to deny it.

So its the reason you are here??? :o

Obviously! Just like nearly every other foreign man living in Thailand.

looks like I'm a prude too. rather be called that than a grubby, sad, sex tourist

Your assumptions about the hygeine or psychological state of we sex tourists are largely inaccurate, Markyprude. I for one wash frequently and am a very cheerful fellow.

The difference between you and britmaveric, and myself is that I am honest about why I am here.

Well, we'll have to disagree on that. It is unfair to expect me to argue with someone who knows my own mind better than I. Oh, and don't tell me, every Thai g/f or wife is a former bar girl from Issan. Look outside your own little bubble occasionally - not everyone is like you.

... and asked how many tenants have tourist visas. ... She said between 30% and 50% had tourist visas.

Hi John K,

For me it was not the good question to ask.

There is until now no problem with tourist visa. Only with VOA.

So the question was "How many use monthly VOA ?"

And I suppose the answer would be a lot of less. May be 10% ?

And then, how many of these 10% can get a valid visa ? (nom-Imm O, Tourist, ...)

Around me in Pattaya at least 80% of guys can get a visa.

Most of the other 20% are guys under 50 yo :o

So 20% of 10% make only 2% of the tenants. Not a big problem so.


Actually I disagree with you at least on one level. I was not about to make and distinction between tourist visa types as I don’t think she had that information anyway. I will let her come to her own conclusions now that she has a copy of the notice. I am sure there will be phone calls made to the head office. I don’t know how many other apartments they own in the group but I suspect at least 5 more.

This brings up a question in that why are the Thais not being told?

Is it deliberate meaning that this is just smoke to hide some political dirty work by distracting non Thais who would talk or post about it? Hence just a distraction and will never be implemented.

Is it because the political fallout would be devastating for incumbents?

Is it because the Thai medai has not connected all the dots yet?

Whatever the reason the Thais do need to know as it will have negative effects in their lives.

It certainly would be worth a courtesy walk down the office with a copy of the notice. It is in Thai and English so there will be no doubts that it means vacancies for a very long time. If enough people do that and enough Thais get on the phone, certainly the Thais could divert this negative economic typhoon before it hits.

You, my friend, have raised an incredibly important point and fact. The Thai media has not been publicizing this to the Thais at all. I have run my checks and see no mention of it anywhere in the thai language press. A little strange wouldn't you say?

In a more perfect world people would limit their posts to questions about how to comply with the new rules and information, or informed opinions, that address these questions. I don't expect that is going to happen.

These questions have been asked many times, but if there have been clear answers I missed them in the drivel. Could someone please tell me:

1. Will we be able to get a new visa-- tourist, type O, or other, shortly after leaving Thailand with three VOA's, or will there be a waiting period imposed?

Budda HELP ME .. The new rules are NOT for "Visas on Arrival" .. they are for the Free 30 Waiver of Visa Requirements. You can not re-enter on a 30 day waiver until 90 days after the third entry. You CAN re-enter on a Paid Tourist or Non Immigrant Visa. End of story.

2. If we stay in Thailand for 60 days on an embassy issued Tourist Visa, will we be allowed three consecutive VOA's, or will the 60 days count toward the 90 day limit every 180 days for tourists.

YES.. you can get three "30 day visa waivers" .. (NOT VOA"S) after a 60 day Tourist visa. NO .. the Tourist visa does not count toward the 90 day limit for "30 Day Visa Waiver"

3. Is the start date for counting VOA's still October 1, or has the latest meeting changed that?

Don't know .. and one last time ... its NOT a "VOA"

My thanks to everyone who attempts to provide an informed and pertinent answer to these questions.



EDiIT .. OK bruce .. just saw that you at least got the "VOL" thing into your head. I wish TV woild stop confusing the issue by using that term.


At the end of the day this is all about tax/visa dosh not earned, so I think they should start charging the tax and visas for people who don't qualify for the the run of the mill visa(s). Problem solved. :D

I do think there will be revisions once the impact is seen. Bit like the drinking laws - tight at first and then gone pretty much back to the way they were before. :o


This is hilarious! People move to Thailand to avoid heating bills?! They move to Thailand for SEX, Martin.

You prat, what a thing to say, bet your dick is as small as your brain.


It is simply the honest and obvious truth, icecubes, regardless of how much you and other prudes would like to deny it.

So its the reason you are here??? :o

looks like I'm a prude too. rather be called that than a grubby, sad, sex tourist

No, I'd say you are a penniless ex-sex tourist married poverty packer who smells blood at the thought of cash paying young retirees having to go home. Sadly to you that your dream world of cheap will not pan out as everyone gets married and captures their own married visas thus helping to jack prices and visas requirements. After this takes place, you'll be the sucker on the ropes. enjoy

Big impact expected from tougher visa-free entry rules

My apologies Thai Visa & Co. .. just noticed that at least you have stopped referring to the "30 Day Visa Free", "Waiver" or whatever you want to call it as a "VOL"


They could do a lot of things, if they wanted. But what they have said so far, is 90 days for tourists, then go home, or elsewhere for 90 days. It has me scrambling to get an O visa, and application for a retirement visa on short notice. yes TIT


Ray check the quote from the above article

"Suwat also announced new rules that effectively limit to three months the total stay of Western tourists without visas"

the 90 days is for VOA's which are permission to stay without an issued visa. For tourists with real visa's issued from a consulate abroad then its business as usual.

Cricky! .. I'm getting tired of all the confused people and confused newspaper journalists who constantly "mix 'n' match" all the terminology. I'll set it all out as clearly as I can.

1. 60 Tourist Visa ... NOT affected

2. Visa On Arrival (VOL) .. NOT affected. (This is the visa issued on arrival to citizens of 15 countries who .. for one reason or another do not have access to a Thai Embassy or Consulate in thier Home Country.This is NOT a free visa. It costs.

3. Transit Visa .. NOT affected .. for obvious reasons.

4. Non Immigrant Visas (B, O & A) NOT affected

5. 30 Day Free "waiver" of any visa requirements. THIS IS THE THE ONE ALL THE FUSS IS OVER! This is NOT the "Visa On Arrival!. Thai Visa, The Members here AND the Newspapers here can't seem to to get that through thier heads.

OK? Got it?


Cricky! .. I'm getting tired of all the confused people and confused newspaper journalists who constantly "mix 'n' match" all the terminology. I'll set it all out as clearly as I can.

1. 60 Tourist Visa ... NOT affected

2. Visa On Arrival (VOL) .. NOT affected. (This is the visa issued on arrival to citizens of 15 countries who .. for one reason or another do not have access to a Thai Embassy or Consulate in thier Home Country.This is NOT a free visa. It costs.

3. Transit Visa .. NOT affected .. for obvious reasons.

4. Non Immigrant Visas (B, O & A) NOT affected

5. 30 Day Free "waiver" of any visa requirements. THIS IS THE THE ONE ALL THE FUSS IS OVER! This is NOT the "Visa On Arrival!. Thai Visa, The Members here AND the Newspapers here can't seem to to get that through thier heads.

OK? Got it?


Cricky Mosses!

It's not just this one - everyone seems to have forgotten about the investment visa requirements being changed to 10 million baht and a brand new condo. I have a secondhand condo which cost 3.8 million baht. When I bought it, there weren't any new ones available. I have had three one year extensions based on this. One of my friends in the same situation has already been refused a further extension. I fully expect to be refused when I apply next week.

To all the smug people who say we should get legal: we were legal - we followed the rule and invested - we don't work - we bring in all our money from outside the country and spend it here - we're not legal any more. We own condos in a country we can't live in which can't be sold because of the tens of thousands of new condos coming on stream. Your legal status could change too.

And the reason given to Sunbelt for this change? "It was too easy for foreign criminals to invest 3 million and stay here." Why not insist on a criminal records check when applying for the visa if this is the real reason? This change will merely hurt many law abiding people and not stop criminals who have 10 million plus.

I don't believe that any of the changes will cause serious damage to the economy, but I do think that it will make it harder to sell some of the 5,000 new condos per year being built in Bangkok, and more elsewhere. This will have a negative affect on the economy, however small.

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