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Anthony @ 23:08 said:

Do you know any investment that makes you guaranteed rich?

Yes. Put in as much money as you can every month into a properly allocated and diversified portfolio that is rebalanced annually (which hopefully reduces your tax bill on your salary as well; put those tax savings in too). Do this for 20-30 years and I guarantee you will end up with more money than you need.

Anthony, you sound like a smart guy but I really think you need to take a couple years and learn about proper investing and portfolio management as opposed to speculating.

I recommend as a start you read these instead of Yahoo news:

A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Malkiel

The Intelligent Investor by Graham

All About Asset Allocation by Ferri

Then come back and we can have a rational conversation....

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It sounds as if you don't get the point of what investment means, the word that you so proudly like to use. As a reminder for you.

Investment is time, energy, or matter spent in the hope of future benefits actualized within a specified date or time frame.


oh dear! what a shame that i never knew what investment means. stupid me never used wiki or google to find out. i was always happy if the last line in my portfolio statement showed a higher figure respectively percentage than the statement before and unhappy when the figure was lower.

but i pledge to improve, read more wiki in future to get the gist of investment and ignore these irrelevant figures and percentages which for 2015 year-to-day show in USD terms meagre +10.17%, in €UR terms satisfactory +21.11% and measured in THB 12.34%


Was my post addressed at you Naam, or was it addressed at someone else?

Have you never made a significant loss, and then I mean a loss that set you in the negative for the whole year?

Maybe reading classes would be more appropriate for you, you can get them with that English teacher Sheungwan.

oh yes, i made and still make significant losses on single positions. in fact just during the last three months i made and realised substantial losses on three out of 21 positions. but in nearly 40 years of investing i experienced only three years which were negative for the whole year (1982, 1998 and of course 2008).

i apologise for my eye sight but i'm sure you will excuse my mistake after reading the "cataract surgery thread". coming monday my second eye will be "reconditioned" and then good bye to reading or any other glasses till my next reincarnation.




It sounds as if you don't get the point of what investment means, the word that you so proudly like to use. As a reminder for you.

Investment is time, energy, or matter spent in the hope of future benefits actualized within a specified date or time frame.


oh dear! what a shame that i never knew what investment means. stupid me never used wiki or google to find out. i was always happy if the last line in my portfolio statement showed a higher figure respectively percentage than the statement before and unhappy when the figure was lower.

but i pledge to improve, read more wiki in future to get the gist of investment and ignore these irrelevant figures and percentages which for 2015 year-to-day show in USD terms meagre +10.17%, in €UR terms satisfactory +21.11% and measured in THB 12.34%


Was my post addressed at you Naam, or was it addressed at someone else?

Have you never made a significant loss, and then I mean a loss that set you in the negative for the whole year?

Maybe reading classes would be more appropriate for you, you can get them with that English teacher Sheungwan.

'er not an English teacher but for glasses do recommend a pair of Lindberg glasses. Try to avoid the 7-11 non-prescription models, particularly the gold-laminated ones. Cheap and cheerful though.

It are clearly the 7/11 type ones that you wear, because I wrote classes and not glasses.

Since you and Naam did make the same reading mistake and Naam even took a reply to you as addressed at him, are you and Naam one and the same person?


@Anthony5: you seem to like Gold as an investment. Can you share with us what your view is on Gold as an investment relative to other asset classes?

by the way I always keep some Gold and wouldn't sell it. But I don't have a strong view on it's performance. I think there will be significant headwinds if the FED starts to tighten monetary policy and if inflation is not picking up soon.

I never said I like gold, learn to read.

Everything can be a an investment in this world. be it gold or coleslaw, the point is to be lucky enough to buy and sell at the right time.

For someone who supposedly doesn't like gold and puts it on a par with coleslaw, the suggestion to an investor that they should trade in and out of anything where they might be caught is of no advantage to them other than as a marker to avoid. For someone either in or approaching retirement the key word is income. Income, income, income. The point about stocks yielding dividend income is that the investor is being paid while they wait. For a stock yielding 4-5%, the dividend is the point and finances one's stay in Thailand. The objective is to live off the income and hopefully avoid selling down one's capital. The frankly amateurish appeals to 'if you had bought in 2011 and sold in 2013 you would have made a profit', ignores those who will have bought in 2013 and are stuck waiting for a bounce and getting zero income. BTW, investing in tubs of coleslaw is not such a good idea either.

You're right once again.NOT.

Dividend stocks are what everyone should buy.

Let's get some examples.


Stellus Capital Investment Corporation (SCM)

Dividend yield 11.4% stock price down 30% in the past year


Aberdeen Australia Equity Fund, Inc. (IAF)

Dividend yield 12.10% stock price down 30% in the past year


Walter Energy, Inc. (WLT)

Dividend yield 20.30% Stockprice in the past 52 weeks 6.84$ - 0.20$ with the latter the price of yesterday. That is 100% down, and in other words never recoverable since the company filed for bankruptcy

Of course I have no doubts that you knew to avoid these stocks, and only bought the profitable ones.......................on your barstool.


BitGold, a platform for savings and payments in gold, is pleased to announce the launch of the BitGold platform for residents of the US and US territories. As of today, US residents can sign up on the BitGold platform and buy, sell, or redeem gold using BitGold’s Aurum payment and settlement technology. US residents will also have access to the BitGold mobile app and a prepaid card when these features launch over the coming weeks. Send and receive gold payment features are not initially available in the US.

BitGold is a gold-based settlement system in real time. It is also the first gold-based card of any kind available in the US.



Could I ask a gold related question please?

Some pawn shops in Thailand give the customer 70% of the spot price of gold, then are obliged to hold the pawn for about 5 months before they can resell the item if the customer doesn't redeem their pawn.

If, at the end of those 5 months, the gold price has decreased in value 30% the likelihood is the customer will not redeem their pawn because they could pay the same money at a gold shop and get more gold for their money (unless the item has sentimental value).

My questions are: Has the price of gold ever decreased more than 30% in 5 months in recent history?

If it has, how long has it taken for the price to get back to where it was at the start of the 5 months?


Could I ask a gold related question please?

Some pawn shops in Thailand give the customer 70% of the spot price of gold, then are obliged to hold the pawn for about 5 months before they can resell the item if the customer doesn't redeem their pawn.

If, at the end of those 5 months, the gold price has decreased in value 30% the likelihood is the customer will not redeem their pawn because they could pay the same money at a gold shop and get more gold for their money (unless the item has sentimental value).

My questions are: Has the price of gold ever decreased more than 30% in 5 months in recent history?

If it has, how long has it taken for the price to get back to where it was at the start of the 5 months?

Look at the 10 year chart in post #71



@Anthony5: you seem to like Gold as an investment. Can you share with us what your view is on Gold as an investment relative to other asset classes?

by the way I always keep some Gold and wouldn't sell it. But I don't have a strong view on it's performance. I think there will be significant headwinds if the FED starts to tighten monetary policy and if inflation is not picking up soon.

I never said I like gold, learn to read.

Everything can be a an investment in this world. be it gold or coleslaw, the point is to be lucky enough to buy and sell at the right time.

Ok got it. You know I'm a bit slow to understand you. So what is your view than an Gold or other investments? Can share something about your view and provide some rationale with it?

Why you want to hear my view on gold? Am I considered a credible investor for some reason?

Billphilips has more or less given my view. I buy something, any investment that is, when I feel the time is right and again sell it when I feel the time is right, and don't come brag on this forum with yield figures as if they are cast in stone, like some like to do.

If I buy gold, I hope it will go up, but I can't say that with surety because the outcome depends on so many factors which can not be predicted by me or anyone else.

Look at famous international investors, which have predicted for a few years already that gold will recover, while other no less credible investors have predicted the opposite at the same time.

These days investments, all investments, are influenced by big money. One could also call that manipulated.

Thanks. So do you recommend to invest in Gold or not? How many % of someone's investments should be in Gold and do you recommend the physical form or ETFs or futures?


I never said I like gold, learn to read.

Everything can be a an investment in this world. be it gold or coleslaw, the point is to be lucky enough to buy and sell at the right time.

Ok got it. You know I'm a bit slow to understand you. So what is your view than an Gold or other investments? Can share something about your view and provide some rationale with it?

Why you want to hear my view on gold? Am I considered a credible investor for some reason?

Billphilips has more or less given my view. I buy something, any investment that is, when I feel the time is right and again sell it when I feel the time is right, and don't come brag on this forum with yield figures as if they are cast in stone, like some like to do.

If I buy gold, I hope it will go up, but I can't say that with surety because the outcome depends on so many factors which can not be predicted by me or anyone else.

Look at famous international investors, which have predicted for a few years already that gold will recover, while other no less credible investors have predicted the opposite at the same time.

These days investments, all investments, are influenced by big money. One could also call that manipulated.

Thanks. So do you recommend to invest in Gold or not? How many % of someone's investments should be in Gold and do you recommend the physical form or ETFs or futures?

Are you just dumb or looking for an argument?

Let me rephrase it for you.

Why you want to hear my view on gold? Am I considered a credible investor for some reason?

I buy something, any investment that is,when I feel the time is right and again sell it when I feel the time is right, and don't come brag on this forum with yield figures as if they are cast in stone, like some like to do.


I buy something, any investment that is,when I feel the time is right and again sell it when I feel the time is right, and don't come brag on this forum with yield figures as if they are cast in stone, like some like to do.

I noticed you conveniently ignored my previous post.

You can either start listening to the experts, or you can keep posting on the internet how your are right while making the same mistakes and eventually blow-up your account.

From 'A Random Walk Down Wall Street"

“If you examine past stock prices in any given period, you can almost always find some kind of system that would have worked in a given period. If enough different criteria for selecting stocks are tried, one will eventually be found that selects the best ones of that period.” p.160

“...found that 95% of the significant market gains over a 30 year period came on 90 of the roughly 7,500 trading days. If you happened to miss those 90 days, just over 1% of the total, the generous long-run stock market returns of the period would have been wiped out. The point is that market timers risk missing the infrequent large spikes that are the big contributors to performance.” p. 161

“In 30 years in this business, I do not know anybody who knows anybody who has done it successfully and consistently. Indeed, my impression is that trying to do market timing is likely, not only not to add value to your investment program, but to be counterproductive.” p. 185


I never said I like gold, learn to read.

Everything can be a an investment in this world. be it gold or coleslaw, the point is to be lucky enough to buy and sell at the right time.

Ok got it. You know I'm a bit slow to understand you. So what is your view than an Gold or other investments? Can share something about your view and provide some rationale with it?

Why you want to hear my view on gold? Am I considered a credible investor for some reason?

Billphilips has more or less given my view. I buy something, any investment that is, when I feel the time is right and again sell it when I feel the time is right, and don't come brag on this forum with yield figures as if they are cast in stone, like some like to do.

If I buy gold, I hope it will go up, but I can't say that with surety because the outcome depends on so many factors which can not be predicted by me or anyone else.

Look at famous international investors, which have predicted for a few years already that gold will recover, while other no less credible investors have predicted the opposite at the same time.

These days investments, all investments, are influenced by big money. One could also call that manipulated.

Thanks. So do you recommend to invest in Gold or not? How many % of someone's investments should be in Gold and do you recommend the physical form or ETFs or futures?

Are you just dumb or looking for an argument?

Let me rephrase it for you.

Why you want to hear my view on gold? Am I considered a credible investor for some reason?

I buy something, any investment that is,when I feel the time is right and again sell it when I feel the time is right, and don't come brag on this forum with yield figures as if they are cast in stone, like some like to do.

Maybe I'm dumb up to other people to judge. Not looking for an argument, I purely would like your recommendation to the Op who is considering investing into Gold. So do you think the time is right now to buy Gold and if so why? How do you determine when the time is right to invest in Gold?


I buy something, any investment that is,when I feel the time is right and again sell it when I feel the time is right, and don't come brag on this forum with yield figures as if they are cast in stone, like some like to do.

I noticed you conveniently ignored my previous post.

You can either start listening to the experts, or you can keep posting on the internet how your are right while making the same mistakes and eventually blow-up your account.

From 'A Random Walk Down Wall Street"

“If you examine past stock prices in any given period, you can almost always find some kind of system that would have worked in a given period. If enough different criteria for selecting stocks are tried, one will eventually be found that selects the best ones of that period.” p.160

“...found that 95% of the significant market gains over a 30 year period came on 90 of the roughly 7,500 trading days. If you happened to miss those 90 days, just over 1% of the total, the generous long-run stock market returns of the period would have been wiped out. The point is that market timers risk missing the infrequent large spikes that are the big contributors to performance.” p. 161

“In 30 years in this business, I do not know anybody who knows anybody who has done it successfully and consistently. Indeed, my impression is that trying to do market timing is likely, not only not to add value to your investment program, but to be counterproductive.” p. 185

I didn't reply to your post because I considered it a waste of time, but since you insist I'll give something to think about.

My parents are average people with my mother a housewife and my father a low rank soldier, who are both still alive at the age of 92 and 87 respectively.

I retired in 1991 at the age of 32, and moved permanently to Thailand in 1994, haven't worked a single day since other than in my garden and have lived a decent life since.

Did I listen to others for my investments. Nope.

Did I give advice to others. Nope

Have I made profits? You can be sure that I have had stocks that increased tenfold

Have I lost during those years? Yes indeed, my stock holdings as of end 2007, when I sold everything that was at a profit but refused to sell equities that were at a loss, haven't fully recovered yet.

My net worth today however is higher than it was in 1991, and even if I put it all of it under my pillow I will have no shortage to live to the age of 100.

Thanks for your attention.


Well, I hate to be another one who says "I wouldn't do that if I was you", but sadly I am.

Many will say they made out good with Gold, and over the past 15 years it would be true. But what they won't talk about is when Gold hit its first high of $800 a Troy Ounce in the early 80's, then fell back to $300 and Ounce. Many people who bought high were still holding after 20 years and not even at their break even point yet. So I am sure that this 2% in a Bank looked a lot better then what they ended up with.

Physical Gold is beautiful to look at. But this is where it ends. Have you given it thought as to where you are going to put 1 Million Baht in Gold? Maybe you are new to Thailand so let me tell you this. That 1 Million in Gold is hard to keep a secret. That for 1 Million in Gold it would be as easy as Pot Pie to find someone to kill you, and your family, for it. So not only are you putting your Gold Investment at risk of losing it, you are putting your life at risk, as well as the life of your family. A Dead Man does not speak and thus can't identify his killers!

As to keeping it at the Jewelry Shop, I wouldn't trust anyone with my 1 Million Baht. I would just keep having these recurring dreams where I am banging on the chained locked door to the Jewelry Shop and me screaming where is my Gold, after he went bankrupt and left town. Besides, part of buying Physical Gold is so you can look at it, and play with it. You can't do it that way.

If you are going to invest in Gold then it is much better to invest in a good Gold Mining Stock rather than Physical Gold, except under one condition. With Gold Mining Stocks you get much better Leverage. So if Gold was to go up 10% in Value, your Gold Mining Stock may go up 20% or more. Some also pay Dividends, so you can earn some cash while waiting.

The one time Physical Gold is better, is when the World looks like it is going to Hell in a Hand Basket. Let's say like China Declaring War on the United States. Gold Prices would soar then, and world stock markets would crash, including oddly enough Gold Mining Stocks as well. Never could quite figure that out, but this is what happens.

I don't blame you for not wanting to keep your money in the bank. It pays so little and may not even cover inflation.Owning the Bank Stock would be better than this. But let me tell you what I like to to with my money. I like to invest in Sin Stocks. Which are Alcohol and Tobacco Stocks. I have most of my money invested in an Alcohol Stock which pays me now about 7.5% in Dividends per year. They pay me every month, which is rare, and have being doing so for the past 10 years or so. So a very stable Dividend Paying Stock for sure.

Perhaps another thing I like about it is that when the world is all roses people drink alcohol to celebrate. But when the world looks bad, they drink more alcohol, to forget about it. If China Declare War on the United States people would worry and thus probably drink more alcohol. More sales means more money. Although money would not be worth so much anymore. That is also if a scud doesn't hit the Warehouse, which I doubt as it would not be a prime target. They will also need something to drink after they invade, so you don't shoot the Goose that lays the Golden Egg.

So my point to all this is invest a little money in buying Gold Jewelry, and as pure as you can get, or a Coin with the highest purity, to look and play with. With the rest invest in a good Dividend Paying Stock. If you don't like alcohol then a Bank is usually a good place to put your money as many pay Dividends higher than a Bank Savings Account, and you add the possibility that this stock will go up as the economy improves.


The one time Physical Gold is better, is when the World looks like it is going to Hell in a Hand Basket

Hmm, let me have a quick run over the financial and other news again.


Kingworldnews.com for news concerning world events which affect gold...

Kitco.com can give you up to the minute PM (precious metal) prices on your computer desk top...

Gold is a solid investment commodity...over the years it has beaten paper money hands down...

Think of it like this...you are purchasing gold/silver as a form of insurance against the failure or devaluation of paper money...

Precious metals could go much higher in coming years as people realize that the fiat currency they are holding is practically worthless...

Do not purchase gold certificates...certificates are bogus as 1 oz of physical gold is sold to many different people on paper certificates...but if everyone tries to take possession of their gold...the Ponzi scheme would collapse and no one would get any gold...the certificates would be worthless...

Storage is another issue...this is where you really need to do some careful planning...you can take possession but you must be extremely careful not to tell ANYONE least your gold mysteriously disappear...you can have it stored in gold depositories around the world...one is in Singapore...for a nominal monthly fee...and some companies will sell you the gold and store it for you...

Gold and Silver are REAL money...not like paper money which is a promise to pay and is totally dependent upon economies and governments...

Start small...get a feel for the investment...then proceed with confidence...

Purchase 1 Oz Gold and Silver bars and rounds...(.9999) purity...you can not go wrong...

Good Luck...

Insurance on your house costs 0.025 to 0.05%. The Op is considering investing 1 Million Baht in Gold. So if he holds a total of 20 Million Baht in other investments, then it would be good logic to hold about 1 Million Baht of Gold to.

But if this is his main investment then we are not talking about insurance anymore. We are talking about it as his main investment. I can't argue if it is a wise investment or not as I don't know the direction Gold is going to go. Nobody knows that. But I can tell you there are safer investments out there that pay better than a Bank Savings Account.


Another way of getting exposure to gold is by buying a gold ETF. Price will move up and down in line with the gold price. Also means you don't have to worry about physical storage, just buy or sell whenever the market is open.

If someone wants to buy from Thailand there are also mutual funds here that are feeders into the ETFs. Bit higher charges than buying an ETF offshore, but convenient. Take a few days to settle and get your cash.

As to whether it's worth it, I hold some gold ETFs and mutual funds, simply to diversify my assets a bit, and the idea it might be worth something when other assets are falling in price. Wouldn't want more than 5% of my net worth in it.

I also hold a gold RMF fund among my RMF funds here in Thailand where you get tax relief for purchasing the fund. Depending on your tax rate 100k could cost as little as 65k, giving you a nice cushion against possible falling prices, so you get up to a 50%+ gain on day 1 vs effective cost, providing you hold for the course to age 55 or later depending on age when you buy.


My favorite topic. The first 5 words of your post say a lot. But if you do decide to buy, look at American Eagle gold coins. First you have the value of the gold itself, but then there is additional value based on the rarity of the coin, both should increase over time. Very popular option and easy to trade. Your concern about selling half of a 1M baht gold piece is simple, you trade in your piece and get a 500k baht and a 500k baht piece in return. But if gold were such a great investment, why is price of gold falling when Grexit is looming? If the American dollar is on verge of collapse, as so many here are predicting, why is gold falling? Gold is a safe haven right? Maybe not. Gold has few practical uses, certainly not enough to justify it's price imo. The price of gold goes up because of inflation, just like everything else. If you want to own some, fine, just don't call it an investment.

Sorry to tell you this but American Eagles are 92% (22 K) and NOT considered gold in Thailand. You will be hard pressed to sell these to any gold shop. They don't want to start mixing different karats. Thai gold is 96.5% and some shops in Bangkok have 24K. Take your Eagles to a shop tomorrow. As for why gold is in the toilet, can you spell "manipulation" of paper gold? Gold fix has moved into Shanghai/ Singapore exchanges which require physical posted for a short buy. That should change things but it will take time. The billboard coming out of Suvarnhbumi should answer your questions about the future when the Yuan is gold backed.

That billboard advert/statement is very powerful. How many people have had their thoughts interrupted as they cruise down the expressway? Theres not many billboards grab my attention like that. It should get some kind of award.


Another way of getting exposure to gold is by buying a gold ETF. Price will move up and down in line with the gold price. Also means you don't have to worry about physical storage, just buy or sell whenever the market is open.

If someone wants to buy from Thailand there are also mutual funds here that are feeders into the ETFs. Bit higher charges than buying an ETF offshore, but convenient. Take a few days to settle and get your cash.

As to whether it's worth it, I hold some gold ETFs and mutual funds, simply to diversify my assets a bit, and the idea it might be worth something when other assets are falling in price. Wouldn't want more than 5% of my net worth in it.

I also hold a gold RMF fund among my RMF funds here in Thailand where you get tax relief for purchasing the fund. Depending on your tax rate 100k could cost as little as 65k, giving you a nice cushion against possible falling prices, so you get up to a 50%+ gain on day 1 vs effective cost, providing you hold for the course to age 55 or later depending on age when you buy.

so you get up to a 50%+ gain on day 1 vs effective cost, providing you hold for the course to age 55 or later depending on age when you buy.

So no, you don't get a 50%+ gain on day 1 because if you sell before you're 55 you don't get the tax discount


Well, I hate to be another one who says "I wouldn't do that if I was you", but sadly I am.

Many will say they made out good with Gold, and over the past 15 years it would be true. But what they won't talk about is when Gold hit its first high of $800 a Troy Ounce in the early 80's, then fell back to $300 and Ounce. Many people who bought high were still holding after 20 years and not even at their break even point yet. So I am sure that this 2% in a Bank looked a lot better then what they ended up with.

Physical Gold is beautiful to look at. But this is where it ends. Have you given it thought as to where you are going to put 1 Million Baht in Gold? Maybe you are new to Thailand so let me tell you this. That 1 Million in Gold is hard to keep a secret. That for 1 Million in Gold it would be as easy as Pot Pie to find someone to kill you, and your family, for it. So not only are you putting your Gold Investment at risk of losing it, you are putting your life at risk, as well as the life of your family. A Dead Man does not speak and thus can't identify his killers!

As to keeping it at the Jewelry Shop, I wouldn't trust anyone with my 1 Million Baht. I would just keep having these recurring dreams where I am banging on the chained locked door to the Jewelry Shop and me screaming where is my Gold, after he went bankrupt and left town. Besides, part of buying Physical Gold is so you can look at it, and play with it. You can't do it that way.

If you are going to invest in Gold then it is much better to invest in a good Gold Mining Stock rather than Physical Gold, except under one condition. With Gold Mining Stocks you get much better Leverage. So if Gold was to go up 10% in Value, your Gold Mining Stock may go up 20% or more. Some also pay Dividends, so you can earn some cash while waiting.

The one time Physical Gold is better, is when the World looks like it is going to Hell in a Hand Basket. Let's say like China Declaring War on the United States. Gold Prices would soar then, and world stock markets would crash, including oddly enough Gold Mining Stocks as well. Never could quite figure that out, but this is what happens.

I don't blame you for not wanting to keep your money in the bank. It pays so little and may not even cover inflation.Owning the Bank Stock would be better than this. But let me tell you what I like to to with my money. I like to invest in Sin Stocks. Which are Alcohol and Tobacco Stocks. I have most of my money invested in an Alcohol Stock which pays me now about 7.5% in Dividends per year. They pay me every month, which is rare, and have being doing so for the past 10 years or so. So a very stable Dividend Paying Stock for sure.

Perhaps another thing I like about it is that when the world is all roses people drink alcohol to celebrate. But when the world looks bad, they drink more alcohol, to forget about it. If China Declare War on the United States people would worry and thus probably drink more alcohol. More sales means more money. Although money would not be worth so much anymore. That is also if a scud doesn't hit the Warehouse, which I doubt as it would not be a prime target. They will also need something to drink after they invade, so you don't shoot the Goose that lays the Golden Egg.

So my point to all this is invest a little money in buying Gold Jewelry, and as pure as you can get, or a Coin with the highest purity, to look and play with. With the rest invest in a good Dividend Paying Stock. If you don't like alcohol then a Bank is usually a good place to put your money as many pay Dividends higher than a Bank Savings Account, and you add the possibility that this stock will go up as the economy improves.


1 million baht of gold would be about 50 baht weight at todays price ( roughly ), this amount you'd fit in a cigarette packet easily, many places for it to be hidden / kept. I think you would only need to worry about the physical size of gold if you were considering buying hundreds of thousands of dollars worth, in reality for the normal joe is does not take up a lot of room.

Makes good paper weights.

The one time Physical Gold is better, is when the World looks like it is going to Hell in a Hand Basket

Hmm, let me have a quick run over the financial and other news again.

Yes! Please do that. But also notice that the World Stock Markets are almost all at all time highs.

You obviously never lived through some rough times, and when the World was going to Hell in a Hand Basket. Some older guys here will remember the early 80's when Gold was $800 and once, which at today's prices would probably be closer to $2,500.

World Wide Inflation was running rampant. A Mortgage on your home was running anywhere between 18% to 21%. How would you like that to be paying that right now? Governments also stepped in to put on Wage and Price Controls. This meant you couldn't get a raise in pay but still had to pay inflated Food Prices and your Mortgage. This was almost World Wide.

Yes! Please do check the news and tell me where you see this, other than in Zimbabwe.


Well, I hate to be another one who says "I wouldn't do that if I was you", but sadly I am.

Many will say they made out good with Gold, and over the past 15 years it would be true. But what they won't talk about is when Gold hit its first high of $800 a Troy Ounce in the early 80's, then fell back to $300 and Ounce. Many people who bought high were still holding after 20 years and not even at their break even point yet. So I am sure that this 2% in a Bank looked a lot better then what they ended up with.

Physical Gold is beautiful to look at. But this is where it ends. Have you given it thought as to where you are going to put 1 Million Baht in Gold? Maybe you are new to Thailand so let me tell you this. That 1 Million in Gold is hard to keep a secret. That for 1 Million in Gold it would be as easy as Pot Pie to find someone to kill you, and your family, for it. So not only are you putting your Gold Investment at risk of losing it, you are putting your life at risk, as well as the life of your family. A Dead Man does not speak and thus can't identify his killers!

As to keeping it at the Jewelry Shop, I wouldn't trust anyone with my 1 Million Baht. I would just keep having these recurring dreams where I am banging on the chained locked door to the Jewelry Shop and me screaming where is my Gold, after he went bankrupt and left town. Besides, part of buying Physical Gold is so you can look at it, and play with it. You can't do it that way.

If you are going to invest in Gold then it is much better to invest in a good Gold Mining Stock rather than Physical Gold, except under one condition. With Gold Mining Stocks you get much better Leverage. So if Gold was to go up 10% in Value, your Gold Mining Stock may go up 20% or more. Some also pay Dividends, so you can earn some cash while waiting.

The one time Physical Gold is better, is when the World looks like it is going to Hell in a Hand Basket. Let's say like China Declaring War on the United States. Gold Prices would soar then, and world stock markets would crash, including oddly enough Gold Mining Stocks as well. Never could quite figure that out, but this is what happens.

I don't blame you for not wanting to keep your money in the bank. It pays so little and may not even cover inflation.Owning the Bank Stock would be better than this. But let me tell you what I like to to with my money. I like to invest in Sin Stocks. Which are Alcohol and Tobacco Stocks. I have most of my money invested in an Alcohol Stock which pays me now about 7.5% in Dividends per year. They pay me every month, which is rare, and have being doing so for the past 10 years or so. So a very stable Dividend Paying Stock for sure.

Perhaps another thing I like about it is that when the world is all roses people drink alcohol to celebrate. But when the world looks bad, they drink more alcohol, to forget about it. If China Declare War on the United States people would worry and thus probably drink more alcohol. More sales means more money. Although money would not be worth so much anymore. That is also if a scud doesn't hit the Warehouse, which I doubt as it would not be a prime target. They will also need something to drink after they invade, so you don't shoot the Goose that lays the Golden Egg.

So my point to all this is invest a little money in buying Gold Jewelry, and as pure as you can get, or a Coin with the highest purity, to look and play with. With the rest invest in a good Dividend Paying Stock. If you don't like alcohol then a Bank is usually a good place to put your money as many pay Dividends higher than a Bank Savings Account, and you add the possibility that this stock will go up as the economy improves.


1 million baht of gold would be about 50 baht weight at todays price ( roughly ), this amount you'd fit in a cigarette packet easily, many places for it to be hidden / kept. I think you would only need to worry about the physical size of gold if you were considering buying hundreds of thousands of dollars worth, in reality for the normal joe is does not take up a lot of room.

Makes good paper weights.

Yes! True! But I would not be concerned about the space it takes. All the Gold in the World fits into one room. I am concerned about the money value, and then keeping it a big secret. If you show your Thai Wife or the In-laws, it is bound to get out. People here like to gossip and as much as they do in other places of the world.

So as far as I am concerned, you can hide this Gold up your arse for all I care, as I know it is not safe their either. Because if I was a Hooligan, and I knew you had this Gold someplace, I would also know that the second I held your wife and kids at gun point, you would tell me anything I wanted to know. Even that you are Gay, if that was want I wanted you to say.

When you put this in prospective, and say that many poor Thais earn 8,000 Baht a month, then 1 Million Baht is a hell of a lot of money to be laying around the house. If I use the Average Canadian Minimum Wage there, this is over $200,000. I certainly wouldn't leave that kind of money lying around the house there either.

Perhaps a very good example of how a Fool and his Money, can soon part company.


Well, I hate to be another one who says "I wouldn't do that if I was you", but sadly I am.

Many will say they made out good with Gold, and over the past 15 years it would be true. But what they won't talk about is when Gold hit its first high of $800 a Troy Ounce in the early 80's, then fell back to $300 and Ounce. Many people who bought high were still holding after 20 years and not even at their break even point yet. So I am sure that this 2% in a Bank looked a lot better then what they ended up with.

Physical Gold is beautiful to look at. But this is where it ends. Have you given it thought as to where you are going to put 1 Million Baht in Gold? Maybe you are new to Thailand so let me tell you this. That 1 Million in Gold is hard to keep a secret. That for 1 Million in Gold it would be as easy as Pot Pie to find someone to kill you, and your family, for it. So not only are you putting your Gold Investment at risk of losing it, you are putting your life at risk, as well as the life of your family. A Dead Man does not speak and thus can't identify his killers!

As to keeping it at the Jewelry Shop, I wouldn't trust anyone with my 1 Million Baht. I would just keep having these recurring dreams where I am banging on the chained locked door to the Jewelry Shop and me screaming where is my Gold, after he went bankrupt and left town. Besides, part of buying Physical Gold is so you can look at it, and play with it. You can't do it that way.

If you are going to invest in Gold then it is much better to invest in a good Gold Mining Stock rather than Physical Gold, except under one condition. With Gold Mining Stocks you get much better Leverage. So if Gold was to go up 10% in Value, your Gold Mining Stock may go up 20% or more. Some also pay Dividends, so you can earn some cash while waiting.

The one time Physical Gold is better, is when the World looks like it is going to Hell in a Hand Basket. Let's say like China Declaring War on the United States. Gold Prices would soar then, and world stock markets would crash, including oddly enough Gold Mining Stocks as well. Never could quite figure that out, but this is what happens.

I don't blame you for not wanting to keep your money in the bank. It pays so little and may not even cover inflation.Owning the Bank Stock would be better than this. But let me tell you what I like to to with my money. I like to invest in Sin Stocks. Which are Alcohol and Tobacco Stocks. I have most of my money invested in an Alcohol Stock which pays me now about 7.5% in Dividends per year. They pay me every month, which is rare, and have being doing so for the past 10 years or so. So a very stable Dividend Paying Stock for sure.

Perhaps another thing I like about it is that when the world is all roses people drink alcohol to celebrate. But when the world looks bad, they drink more alcohol, to forget about it. If China Declare War on the United States people would worry and thus probably drink more alcohol. More sales means more money. Although money would not be worth so much anymore. That is also if a scud doesn't hit the Warehouse, which I doubt as it would not be a prime target. They will also need something to drink after they invade, so you don't shoot the Goose that lays the Golden Egg.

So my point to all this is invest a little money in buying Gold Jewelry, and as pure as you can get, or a Coin with the highest purity, to look and play with. With the rest invest in a good Dividend Paying Stock. If you don't like alcohol then a Bank is usually a good place to put your money as many pay Dividends higher than a Bank Savings Account, and you add the possibility that this stock will go up as the economy improves.


1 million baht of gold would be about 50 baht weight at todays price ( roughly ), this amount you'd fit in a cigarette packet easily, many places for it to be hidden / kept. I think you would only need to worry about the physical size of gold if you were considering buying hundreds of thousands of dollars worth, in reality for the normal joe is does not take up a lot of room.

Makes good paper weights.

Yes! True! But I would not be concerned about the space it takes. All the Gold in the World fits into one room. I am concerned about the money value, and then keeping it a big secret. If you show your Thai Wife or the In-laws, it is bound to get out. People here like to gossip and as much as they do in other places of the world.

So as far as I am concerned, you can hide this Gold up your arse for all I care, as I know it is not safe their either. Because if I was a Hooligan, and I knew you had this Gold someplace, I would also know that the second I held your wife and kids at gun point, you would tell me anything I wanted to know. Even that you are Gay, if that was want I wanted you to say.

When you put this in prospective, and say that many poor Thais earn 8,000 Baht a month, then 1 Million Baht is a hell of a lot of money to be laying around the house. If I use the Average Canadian Minimum Wage there, this is over $200,000. I certainly wouldn't leave that kind of money lying around the house there either.

Perhaps a very good example of how a Fool and his Money, can soon part company.

This is interesting, hiding it up my arse, i'll need to investigate the cosmetic options of having my sphinchter modified, but thanks for the idea.

Having cash, gold or whatever in the house is not normally 'layinig around', one would assume it would be kept somewhere safe, if you don't trust who's coming in and out of your house then something is amiss.

What is the average Canadian min wage out of interest?

You 1st statement about all the gold fits in one room has no concept for example an aircraft hanger, a port-a-loo....


Well, I hate to be another one who says "I wouldn't do that if I was you", but sadly I am.

Many will say they made out good with Gold, and over the past 15 years it would be true. But what they won't talk about is when Gold hit its first high of $800 a Troy Ounce in the early 80's, then fell back to $300 and Ounce. Many people who bought high were still holding after 20 years and not even at their break even point yet. So I am sure that this 2% in a Bank looked a lot better then what they ended up with.

Physical Gold is beautiful to look at. But this is where it ends. Have you given it thought as to where you are going to put 1 Million Baht in Gold? Maybe you are new to Thailand so let me tell you this. That 1 Million in Gold is hard to keep a secret. That for 1 Million in Gold it would be as easy as Pot Pie to find someone to kill you, and your family, for it. So not only are you putting your Gold Investment at risk of losing it, you are putting your life at risk, as well as the life of your family. A Dead Man does not speak and thus can't identify his killers!

As to keeping it at the Jewelry Shop, I wouldn't trust anyone with my 1 Million Baht. I would just keep having these recurring dreams where I am banging on the chained locked door to the Jewelry Shop and me screaming where is my Gold, after he went bankrupt and left town. Besides, part of buying Physical Gold is so you can look at it, and play with it. You can't do it that way.

If you are going to invest in Gold then it is much better to invest in a good Gold Mining Stock rather than Physical Gold, except under one condition. With Gold Mining Stocks you get much better Leverage. So if Gold was to go up 10% in Value, your Gold Mining Stock may go up 20% or more. Some also pay Dividends, so you can earn some cash while waiting.

The one time Physical Gold is better, is when the World looks like it is going to Hell in a Hand Basket. Let's say like China Declaring War on the United States. Gold Prices would soar then, and world stock markets would crash, including oddly enough Gold Mining Stocks as well. Never could quite figure that out, but this is what happens.

I don't blame you for not wanting to keep your money in the bank. It pays so little and may not even cover inflation.Owning the Bank Stock would be better than this. But let me tell you what I like to to with my money. I like to invest in Sin Stocks. Which are Alcohol and Tobacco Stocks. I have most of my money invested in an Alcohol Stock which pays me now about 7.5% in Dividends per year. They pay me every month, which is rare, and have being doing so for the past 10 years or so. So a very stable Dividend Paying Stock for sure.

Perhaps another thing I like about it is that when the world is all roses people drink alcohol to celebrate. But when the world looks bad, they drink more alcohol, to forget about it. If China Declare War on the United States people would worry and thus probably drink more alcohol. More sales means more money. Although money would not be worth so much anymore. That is also if a scud doesn't hit the Warehouse, which I doubt as it would not be a prime target. They will also need something to drink after they invade, so you don't shoot the Goose that lays the Golden Egg.

So my point to all this is invest a little money in buying Gold Jewelry, and as pure as you can get, or a Coin with the highest purity, to look and play with. With the rest invest in a good Dividend Paying Stock. If you don't like alcohol then a Bank is usually a good place to put your money as many pay Dividends higher than a Bank Savings Account, and you add the possibility that this stock will go up as the economy improves.


1 million baht of gold would be about 50 baht weight at todays price ( roughly ), this amount you'd fit in a cigarette packet easily, many places for it to be hidden / kept. I think you would only need to worry about the physical size of gold if you were considering buying hundreds of thousands of dollars worth, in reality for the normal joe is does not take up a lot of room.

Makes good paper weights.

Yes! True! But I would not be concerned about the space it takes. All the Gold in the World fits into one room. I am concerned about the money value, and then keeping it a big secret. If you show your Thai Wife or the In-laws, it is bound to get out. People here like to gossip and as much as they do in other places of the world.

So as far as I am concerned, you can hide this Gold up your arse for all I care, as I know it is not safe their either. Because if I was a Hooligan, and I knew you had this Gold someplace, I would also know that the second I held your wife and kids at gun point, you would tell me anything I wanted to know. Even that you are Gay, if that was want I wanted you to say.

When you put this in prospective, and say that many poor Thais earn 8,000 Baht a month, then 1 Million Baht is a hell of a lot of money to be laying around the house. If I use the Average Canadian Minimum Wage there, this is over $200,000. I certainly wouldn't leave that kind of money lying around the house there either.

Perhaps a very good example of how a Fool and his Money, can soon part company.

This is interesting, hiding it up my arse, i'll need to investigate the cosmetic options of having my sphinchter modified, but thanks for the idea.

Having cash, gold or whatever in the house is not normally 'layinig around', one would assume it would be kept somewhere safe, if you don't trust who's coming in and out of your house then something is amiss.

What is the average Canadian min wage out of interest?

You 1st statement about all the gold fits in one room has no concept for example an aircraft hanger, a port-a-loo....

Well....I wouldn't invest in too much money on surgery to modify that Old Sphincter Muscle just yet because as soon as you see your wife and kids held at knife or gun point, that ole muscle seems to want to tighten up. They might give you a few minutes to produce your Gold, but if you can't....well....they will probably help you, and I don't think this would be a very pleasant experience for you.

You are right about not leaving money lying around the house and keeping it in a safe place. I keep most of mine invested or in a bank. If you could control all the people coming in and out of your house, then there would be no such thing as a House Break-in. What did I say again about a Fool and soon parting company with his money?

It is difficult to give an exact Average Minimum Wage for Canada as each Province sets this themselves and mostly depending on the cost of living in that Province. I used $10/hour which in many provinces it is higher than this, and in some it is lower.

It is estimated that the total Gold ever Mined is 165,000 tonnes. From this you could make a Cube 20.28 Meters on all sides. So for a square room that is 3 meters high it would have to be about 53 Meters Long and 53 Meters Wide to fit it all. With a higher roof like mine, then the length and width can both be smaller. So a large room, but none the less still a room and not an airport hanger, which you to did not specify if it was a big hanger, or a little one. .


The gold market is about to see some very big changes ahead….thumbsup.gif

China Challenges Gold Price-Setting Regime; Confirms Launch Of Yuan-Denominated Fix


UPDATE 2-China plans to launch yuan gold fix by end of 2015

" Given its leading role in gold, China feels it is entitled to be a price-setter for bullion and is asserting itself at a time when the global benchmark, the century-old London fix, is under scrutiny for alleged price-manipulation."clap2.gif



If anyone was going to keep gold in their own home the only way to do it is not to tell anyone you have bought it. Not to tell anyone you keep it at home. Also probably best not to buy it from the gold shop round the corner either. Where i live many people who i dont know personally or even recognize certainly know where i live. Locals gossip as you pass by. You are the farang who moved into so and so place that so and so used live in that was empty for 5 months....etc


i would never reveal to anybody that we keep our gold buried on the left side of our pond near the waterfall crazy.gif


like the chinese do currently to purchase gold in order to make their currency palatable, which they have succeeded in as from october 2015

the yuan is given sdr right status thus reserve currency based on gold as one feature. hence as gold and silver is currently lowly traded,

to hold 20 % gold coins ( sovereigns, vrenelis, french francs) and 5 % silver coins ( maple leaf, silver eagles, philamonikers) of ones portfolio

might not be a bad idea. as we see grexit, prexit, brexit, spainix, ukrainix in the end keep nix.




I wouldn't consider gold as a investment anymore. Even it seems, the time is over were gold acted as a save haven. The markets are now quite nervous, but gold didn't rise actually. Also it's difficult to use gold as a hedging instrument, since there is no notable correlation to the markets.


like the chinese do currently to purchase gold in order to make their currency palatable, which they have succeeded in as from october 2015

the yuan is given sdr right status thus reserve currency based on gold as one feature. hence as gold and silver is currently lowly traded,

to hold 20 % gold coins ( sovereigns, vrenelis, french francs) and 5 % silver coins ( maple leaf, silver eagles, philamonikers) of ones portfolio

might not be a bad idea. as we see grexit, prexit, brexit, spainix, ukrainix in the end keep nix.



no SDR currency bears any relation to a country's gold reserves.

p.s. i like your "keep nix" smile.png

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