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Thai Buddhists to help anti-Muslim Myanmar monks set up radio station

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Some things done or said in the name of a religion, are not consistent with that religion; and this is such an example. I think "tolerance" and "understanding" are key words. I hate hatred and I won't tolerate intolerance.

Agreed! However, when tolerance for those who are intolerant results in death and suffering when is a moral conviction a death sentence?

As the pejorative laden byline suggests, "anti-muslim Mynamar monks," there is a widespread politically correct perspective that is crammed down the public's throat globally.

Why is it not "anti-muslim Mynamar monks, responding to anti-Buddhist muslims, set up a radio station?" We never see such insinuation, only when it is the status quo. Never is

insurgent islam defined as such. In spite of a world on fire, calamities both local and globally, islam is provided cover for action by the international media.

It is an increasing observation I have: At what point are moral imperatives a suicide pact?

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Some things done or said in the name of a religion, are not consistent with that religion; and this is such an example. I think "tolerance" and "understanding" are key words. I hate hatred and I won't tolerate intolerance.

Agreed! However, when tolerance for those who are intolerant results in death and suffering when is a moral conviction a death sentence?

As the pejorative laden byline suggests, "anti-muslim Mynamar monks," there is a widespread politically correct perspective that is crammed down the public's throat globally.

Why is it not "anti-muslim Mynamar monks, responding to anti-Buddhist muslims, set up a radio station?" We never see such insinuation, only when it is the status quo. Never is

insurgent islam defined as such. In spite of a world on fire, calamities both local and globally, islam is provided cover for action by the international media.

It is an increasing observation I have: At what point are moral imperatives a suicide pact?

Sorry, but exactly what is 'insurgent Islam' doing in Myanmar to attack Buddhism or the State?

The Rohingya have their faces thoroughly pressed into the mud by Buddhist nationalists and the military. No need for further assistance by Thai Buddhist nationalists to help Group 969 with their ethnic cleansing / genocidal agenda.


Some things done or said in the name of a religion, are not consistent with that religion; and this is such an example. I think "tolerance" and "understanding" are key words. I hate hatred and I won't tolerate intolerance.

Agreed! However, when tolerance for those who are intolerant results in death and suffering when is a moral conviction a death sentence?

As the pejorative laden byline suggests, "anti-muslim Mynamar monks," there is a widespread politically correct perspective that is crammed down the public's throat globally.

Why is it not "anti-muslim Mynamar monks, responding to anti-Buddhist muslims, set up a radio station?" We never see such insinuation, only when it is the status quo. Never is

insurgent islam defined as such. In spite of a world on fire, calamities both local and globally, islam is provided cover for action by the international media.

It is an increasing observation I have: At what point are moral imperatives a suicide pact?

Sorry, but exactly what is 'insurgent Islam' doing in Myanmar to attack Buddhism or the State?

The Rohingya have their faces thoroughly pressed into the mud by Buddhist nationalists and the military. No need for further assistance by Thai Buddhist nationalists to help Group 969 with their ethnic cleansing / genocidal agenda.

It is an abject denial of reality to join the PC media BS and assert the pristine muslims in Myanmar are brutalized without provocation. Oh, they may be brutalized and within those peoples are many innocents. It is a deplorable situation. But to believe that these muslims are the victims only of another religion only serves the PC narrative, and seeks both to whitewash muslims and equalize brutality as belonging to others' too. This is not fact. This is not the development of these facts. This has never been Buddhist history. This has always been islamic history. That these contextual facts are absent in appraisal is itself suggestive of whitewash.

While ethnic peoples have lived here for some time there are also countless recent or even generational illegals coming from Bengali/Bangladeshi areas in vast numbers. The muslim attacks on Buddhists reached a threshold with the brutal rape of a 6 year old girl in 2013. The idea that the muslims here are behaving differently than every other part of the world defies logic, more importantly, it ignores totally the claims of the Buddhists- how convenient to assert a false narrative. The Buddhists are sick of being brutalized.

It is also pretty darn clear that a population of people have been denied a measurable of representation in their own land for some time. This is also correct. The muslim Buddhist conflict is wrapped up within this as well, injuring many innocents. But is is simply false to suggest Buddhists are antimuslim because they are pro alive. How others whitewash their mental data to forge the point of view they would have escapes me. The evidence is overwhelming- like Thailand, now Sri Lanka, Bengali areas, India, Tunisia, France, UK, USA, Africa, SE Asia, Balkans, Central Asia, Mexico, China, Mongolia, East Europe, Australia, etc, etc ad naseum- Islam wars and savages others pretty exclusively. Yes, there are flukes to catch and hold up for contrast but this is not it. Along the stretch from India to the overpopulated Bangladesh muslims are savaging Hindus and Buddhists, though in Myanmar they are able to fight back because they are the majority. I said islam warred wherever it was, I did not say it was tactically wise. In this instance they are getting their asses kicked but the international media, fresh with the deceit of funding and motivating radical islam, denies this reality and smears instead the Buddhists because the unfortunate, intolerant muslims have been scattered.

It is all tragic- all of it! But it is not just tragic for the muslims. This sick narrative is contrary to every known fact. Perhaps one should consider the source of their information and manner of assembling knowledge and context.

Apparently, the underlying flame that ignited the keg seems to be what happens everywhere on earth there is a large muslim populations- rape! Indeed, 100% or rapes in Sweden are committed by muslim immigrants and Sweden is now a rape capital. Nice going Sweden. In Germany, the government has agreed to take in 30,000 Syrian people and already 200 or so are on shared premises with a school. The administrators have notified the people to make sure girls are not alone and wear longer clothes. Nice going Germany, looking out for their own. Cultural relativity. Cultural suicide.







Some things done or said in the name of a religion, are not consistent with that religion; and this is such an example. I think "tolerance" and "understanding" are key words. I hate hatred and I won't tolerate intolerance.

Agreed! However, when tolerance for those who are intolerant results in death and suffering when is a moral conviction a death sentence?

As the pejorative laden byline suggests, "anti-muslim Mynamar monks," there is a widespread politically correct perspective that is crammed down the public's throat globally.

Why is it not "anti-muslim Mynamar monks, responding to anti-Buddhist muslims, set up a radio station?" We never see such insinuation, only when it is the status quo. Never is

insurgent islam defined as such. In spite of a world on fire, calamities both local and globally, islam is provided cover for action by the international media.

It is an increasing observation I have: At what point are moral imperatives a suicide pact?

Sorry, but exactly what is 'insurgent Islam' doing in Myanmar to attack Buddhism or the State?

The Rohingya have their faces thoroughly pressed into the mud by Buddhist nationalists and the military. No need for further assistance by Thai Buddhist nationalists to help Group 969 with their ethnic cleansing / genocidal agenda.

It is an abject denial of reality to join the PC media BS and assert the pristine muslims in Myanmar are brutalized without provocation. Oh, they may be brutalized and within those peoples are many innocents. It is a deplorable situation. But to believe that these muslims are the victims only of another religion only serves the PC narrative, and seeks both to whitewash muslims and equalize brutality as belonging to others' too. This is not fact. This is not the development of these facts. This has never been Buddhist history. This has always been islamic history. That these contextual facts are absent in appraisal is itself suggestive of whitewash.

While ethnic peoples have lived here for some time there are also countless recent or even generational illegals coming from Bengali/Bangladeshi areas in vast numbers. The muslim attacks on Buddhists reached a threshold with the brutal rape of a 6 year old girl in 2013. The idea that the muslims here are behaving differently than every other part of the world defies logic, more importantly, it ignores totally the claims of the Buddhists- how convenient to assert a false narrative. The Buddhists are sick of being brutalized.

It is also pretty darn clear that a population of people have been denied a measurable of representation in their own land for some time. This is also correct. The muslim Buddhist conflict is wrapped up within this as well, injuring many innocents. But is is simply false to suggest Buddhists are antimuslim because they are pro alive. How others whitewash their mental data to forge the point of view they would have escapes me. The evidence is overwhelming- like Thailand, now Sri Lanka, Bengali areas, India, Tunisia, France, UK, USA, Africa, SE Asia, Balkans, Central Asia, Mexico, China, Mongolia, East Europe, Australia, etc, etc ad naseum- Islam wars and savages others pretty exclusively. Yes, there are flukes to catch and hold up for contrast but this is not it. Along the stretch from India to the overpopulated Bangladesh muslims are savaging Hindus and Buddhists, though in Myanmar they are able to fight back because they are the majority. I said islam warred wherever it was, I did not say it was tactically wise. In this instance they are getting their asses kicked but the international media, fresh with the deceit of funding and motivating radical islam, denies this reality and smears instead the Buddhists because the unfortunate, intolerant muslims have been scattered.

It is all tragic- all of it! But it is not just tragic for the muslims. This sick narrative is contrary to every known fact. Perhaps one should consider the source of their information and manner of assembling knowledge and context.

Apparently, the underlying flame that ignited the keg seems to be what happens everywhere on earth there is a large muslim populations- rape! Indeed, 100% or rapes in Sweden are committed by muslim immigrants and Sweden is now a rape capital. Nice going Sweden. In Germany, the government has agreed to take in 30,000 Syrian people and already 200 or so are on shared premises with a school. The administrators have notified the people to make sure girls are not alone and wear longer clothes. Nice going Germany, looking out for their own. Cultural relativity. Cultural suicide.






Rohingya have been located in today's Myanmar for centuries, indeed their current majority location was invaded and conquered by a Burmese King centuries ago. When Burma gained independence Rohingya ethnicity was officially recognised, wasn't until 1982 they were denied citizenship. I guess you could say as a collective punishment for the 700 or so who at one time were involved in the insurgency movement; the collective punishment is ongoing to this day.

You don't care, but you've lost me for good with continually spouting extreme anti Muslim commentary, linking to associated websites and so on. Bye...


Hate is a four letter word.

Some use more to spew it up though.

Amazing how websites can be found to back it up really.

Did not know the world held so many bigots able to dress up their misrepresentations of the truth so well.

Still all about the hate though.


incredible. I remember arguing with someone thai when the burma monks were demonstrating against the military regime a few years back. now I eat my words as I remember my argument being that mystics are <deleted> all good for anything else, so once in a while its nice to see em do something good. now I realise they are a bunch of <deleted> and thye must be pretty damn scared of the idea of their being one god who is great. insecurity I'm sure,

as for the anti muslim voices on this site, well nuff said really, would take an acceptor of islam over you as a neighbour, friend, countryman etc. than you anyday. a bigot is a bigot is a bigot.

Agreed! However, when tolerance for those who are intolerant results in death and suffering when is a moral conviction a death sentence?

As the pejorative laden byline suggests, "anti-muslim Mynamar monks," there is a widespread politically correct perspective that is crammed down the public's throat globally.

Why is it not "anti-muslim Mynamar monks, responding to anti-Buddhist muslims, set up a radio station?" We never see such insinuation, only when it is the status quo. Never is

insurgent islam defined as such. In spite of a world on fire, calamities both local and globally, islam is provided cover for action by the international media.

It is an increasing observation I have: At what point are moral imperatives a suicide pact?

Sorry, but exactly what is 'insurgent Islam' doing in Myanmar to attack Buddhism or the State?

The Rohingya have their faces thoroughly pressed into the mud by Buddhist nationalists and the military. No need for further assistance by Thai Buddhist nationalists to help Group 969 with their ethnic cleansing / genocidal agenda.

It is an abject denial of reality to join the PC media BS and assert the pristine muslims in Myanmar are brutalized without provocation. Oh, they may be brutalized and within those peoples are many innocents. It is a deplorable situation. But to believe that these muslims are the victims only of another religion only serves the PC narrative, and seeks both to whitewash muslims and equalize brutality as belonging to others' too. This is not fact. This is not the development of these facts. This has never been Buddhist history. This has always been islamic history. That these contextual facts are absent in appraisal is itself suggestive of whitewash.

While ethnic peoples have lived here for some time there are also countless recent or even generational illegals coming from Bengali/Bangladeshi areas in vast numbers. The muslim attacks on Buddhists reached a threshold with the brutal rape of a 6 year old girl in 2013. The idea that the muslims here are behaving differently than every other part of the world defies logic, more importantly, it ignores totally the claims of the Buddhists- how convenient to assert a false narrative. The Buddhists are sick of being brutalized.

It is also pretty darn clear that a population of people have been denied a measurable of representation in their own land for some time. This is also correct. The muslim Buddhist conflict is wrapped up within this as well, injuring many innocents. But is is simply false to suggest Buddhists are antimuslim because they are pro alive. How others whitewash their mental data to forge the point of view they would have escapes me. The evidence is overwhelming- like Thailand, now Sri Lanka, Bengali areas, India, Tunisia, France, UK, USA, Africa, SE Asia, Balkans, Central Asia, Mexico, China, Mongolia, East Europe, Australia, etc, etc ad naseum- Islam wars and savages others pretty exclusively. Yes, there are flukes to catch and hold up for contrast but this is not it. Along the stretch from India to the overpopulated Bangladesh muslims are savaging Hindus and Buddhists, though in Myanmar they are able to fight back because they are the majority. I said islam warred wherever it was, I did not say it was tactically wise. In this instance they are getting their asses kicked but the international media, fresh with the deceit of funding and motivating radical islam, denies this reality and smears instead the Buddhists because the unfortunate, intolerant muslims have been scattered.

It is all tragic- all of it! But it is not just tragic for the muslims. This sick narrative is contrary to every known fact. Perhaps one should consider the source of their information and manner of assembling knowledge and context.

Apparently, the underlying flame that ignited the keg seems to be what happens everywhere on earth there is a large muslim populations- rape! Indeed, 100% or rapes in Sweden are committed by muslim immigrants and Sweden is now a rape capital. Nice going Sweden. In Germany, the government has agreed to take in 30,000 Syrian people and already 200 or so are on shared premises with a school. The administrators have notified the people to make sure girls are not alone and wear longer clothes. Nice going Germany, looking out for their own. Cultural relativity. Cultural suicide.






Rohingya have been located in today's Myanmar for centuries, indeed their current majority location was invaded and conquered by a Burmese King centuries ago. When Burma gained independence Rohingya ethnicity was officially recognised, wasn't until 1982 they were denied citizenship. I guess you could say as a collective punishment for the 700 or so who at one time were involved in the insurgency movement; the collective punishment is ongoing to this day.

You don't care, but you've lost me for good with continually spouting extreme anti Muslim commentary, linking to associated websites and so on. Bye...

It would be wrong to say I do not care. But it is equally wrong to mis state my post. I dont even have to return to read it I know I would have stated there are complicated issues such as a people who are not recognized. My only point was that the latest debacle is decidedly in response to islamic attacks on locals over the past few years. This remains true as it remains true that there are people who have been here since time out of mind and are denied equality. Both things are true. As I noted:

"While ethnic peoples have lived here for some time there are also countless recent or even generational illegals coming from Bengali/Bangladeshi areas in vast numbers.

It is also pretty darn clear that a population of people have been denied a measurable of representation in their own land for some time."

You may not like my conclusions but I did not arrive at them by the underhanded manner your post suggests. I thought I was pretty clear that there are issues pregnant opposing or supporting. My singular issue is that the Buddhists are not here, nor generally anywhere, anti anything. I take issue with the OP byline. I take issue with the politically correct media driven narrative that these people are all both locals from that area and victims as well.

I generally do not write for the small circle of people who we mutually tag as liked on these threads. I write for the people who do not agree with me. This is the single reason why I try... try to not slip into personal indictment with others. But we all do a bit. A cursory reading of my posts will show I may take controversial views but I do try to divorce them from the people I am responding to. I write for people who do not agree with me. I try to make sure I often provide appropriate citations so others may consider as I have. I do care. You would be mistaken here as well.


incredible. I remember arguing with someone thai when the burma monks were demonstrating against the military regime a few years back. now I eat my words as I remember my argument being that mystics are <deleted> all good for anything else, so once in a while its nice to see em do something good. now I realise they are a bunch of <deleted> and thye must be pretty damn scared of the idea of their being one god who is great. insecurity I'm sure,

as for the anti muslim voices on this site, well nuff said really, would take an acceptor of islam over you as a neighbour, friend, countryman etc. than you anyday. a bigot is a bigot is a bigot.

Direct us to one single item I have posted here or anywhere else that is not a fact and I will apologize.


“The human brain is a complex organ with the wonderful power of enabling man to find reasons for continuing to believe whatever it is that he wants to believe.”



Agreed! However, when tolerance for those who are intolerant results in death and suffering when is a moral conviction a death sentence?

As the pejorative laden byline suggests, "anti-muslim Mynamar monks," there is a widespread politically correct perspective that is crammed down the public's throat globally.

Why is it not "anti-muslim Mynamar monks, responding to anti-Buddhist muslims, set up a radio station?" We never see such insinuation, only when it is the status quo. Never is

insurgent islam defined as such. In spite of a world on fire, calamities both local and globally, islam is provided cover for action by the international media.

It is an increasing observation I have: At what point are moral imperatives a suicide pact?

Sorry, but exactly what is 'insurgent Islam' doing in Myanmar to attack Buddhism or the State?

The Rohingya have their faces thoroughly pressed into the mud by Buddhist nationalists and the military. No need for further assistance by Thai Buddhist nationalists to help Group 969 with their ethnic cleansing / genocidal agenda.

It is an abject denial of reality to join the PC media BS and assert the pristine muslims in Myanmar are brutalized without provocation. Oh, they may be brutalized and within those peoples are many innocents. It is a deplorable situation. But to believe that these muslims are the victims only of another religion only serves the PC narrative, and seeks both to whitewash muslims and equalize brutality as belonging to others' too. This is not fact. This is not the development of these facts. This has never been Buddhist history. This has always been islamic history. That these contextual facts are absent in appraisal is itself suggestive of whitewash.

While ethnic peoples have lived here for some time there are also countless recent or even generational illegals coming from Bengali/Bangladeshi areas in vast numbers. The muslim attacks on Buddhists reached a threshold with the brutal rape of a 6 year old girl in 2013. The idea that the muslims here are behaving differently than every other part of the world defies logic, more importantly, it ignores totally the claims of the Buddhists- how convenient to assert a false narrative. The Buddhists are sick of being brutalized.

It is also pretty darn clear that a population of people have been denied a measurable of representation in their own land for some time. This is also correct. The muslim Buddhist conflict is wrapped up within this as well, injuring many innocents. But is is simply false to suggest Buddhists are antimuslim because they are pro alive. How others whitewash their mental data to forge the point of view they would have escapes me. The evidence is overwhelming- like Thailand, now Sri Lanka, Bengali areas, India, Tunisia, France, UK, USA, Africa, SE Asia, Balkans, Central Asia, Mexico, China, Mongolia, East Europe, Australia, etc, etc ad naseum- Islam wars and savages others pretty exclusively. Yes, there are flukes to catch and hold up for contrast but this is not it. Along the stretch from India to the overpopulated Bangladesh muslims are savaging Hindus and Buddhists, though in Myanmar they are able to fight back because they are the majority. I said islam warred wherever it was, I did not say it was tactically wise. In this instance they are getting their asses kicked but the international media, fresh with the deceit of funding and motivating radical islam, denies this reality and smears instead the Buddhists because the unfortunate, intolerant muslims have been scattered.

It is all tragic- all of it! But it is not just tragic for the muslims. This sick narrative is contrary to every known fact. Perhaps one should consider the source of their information and manner of assembling knowledge and context.

Apparently, the underlying flame that ignited the keg seems to be what happens everywhere on earth there is a large muslim populations- rape! Indeed, 100% or rapes in Sweden are committed by muslim immigrants and Sweden is now a rape capital. Nice going Sweden. In Germany, the government has agreed to take in 30,000 Syrian people and already 200 or so are on shared premises with a school. The administrators have notified the people to make sure girls are not alone and wear longer clothes. Nice going Germany, looking out for their own. Cultural relativity. Cultural suicide.






Rohingya have been located in today's Myanmar for centuries, indeed their current majority location was invaded and conquered by a Burmese King centuries ago. When Burma gained independence Rohingya ethnicity was officially recognised, wasn't until 1982 they were denied citizenship. I guess you could say as a collective punishment for the 700 or so who at one time were involved in the insurgency movement; the collective punishment is ongoing to this day.

You don't care, but you've lost me for good with continually spouting extreme anti Muslim commentary, linking to associated websites and so on. Bye...

It would be wrong to say I do not care. But it is equally wrong to mis state my post. I dont even have to return to read it I know I would have stated there are complicated issues such as a people who are not recognized. My only point was that the latest debacle is decidedly in response to islamic attacks on locals over the past few years. This remains true as it remains true that there are people who have been here since time out of mind and are denied equality. Both things are true. As I noted:

"While ethnic peoples have lived here for some time there are also countless recent or even generational illegals coming from Bengali/Bangladeshi areas in vast numbers.

It is also pretty darn clear that a population of people have been denied a measurable of representation in their own land for some time."

You may not like my conclusions but I did not arrive at them by the underhanded manner your post suggests. I thought I was pretty clear that there are issues pregnant opposing or supporting. My singular issue is that the Buddhists are not here, nor generally anywhere, anti anything. I take issue with the OP byline. I take issue with the politically correct media driven narrative that these people are all both locals from that area and victims as well.

I generally do not write for the small circle of people who we mutually tag as liked on these threads. I write for the people who do not agree with me. This is the single reason why I try... try to not slip into personal indictment with others. But we all do a bit. A cursory reading of my posts will show I may take controversial views but I do try to divorce them from the people I am responding to. I write for people who do not agree with me. I try to make sure I often provide appropriate citations so others may consider as I have. I do care. You would be mistaken here as well.


I start to read stuff that sounds like hate propaganda or drivel spouted on CNN or something. you may be reasonable and merely providing a differing and/or controversial view. you may or may not have a point, its seems to have been tuned out by other stuff within this topic.

I am still not clear from rereading your posts, are you stating that such treatment is provoked by these people?

in my experience the oppressed people want the same as you ( assuming you are somewhat normal) and I want, just a bit of peace, a fair chance to live well with family.

I have read a Koran which was reprinted that did have hate in it for dealing with people of particualr religeions, but the true koran has no such thing in it, by definition islam translates to peace, which is the true way of true muslims i.e. the majority, just as the majority of catholics want no part in killing protestants nor the other etc etc.

the rapist is less than 1 perecent of the population,whatever that population may be, it follows no religeon , no culture ( well if Indian media is to be beleived maybe cultural) no race, it is a minority jsut as extremism is a minority.


All of you, who tar all and every Muslim with the same brush, should check out the latest atrocities in Tunesia.

It was everyday ordinary MUSLIMS, who stood in front of the raging ISIS- lunatic with his rifle and told him "If you want to get the them (the non-Muslims), you have to go through us (the Muslims)!"

No, they are not all the same- not by a mile!


I start to read stuff that sounds like hate propaganda or drivel spouted on CNN or something. you may be reasonable and merely providing a differing and/or controversial view. you may or may not have a point, its seems to have been tuned out by other stuff within this topi

I am still not clear from rereading your posts, are you stating that such treatment is provoked by these people?

in my experience the oppressed people want the same as you ( assuming you are somewhat normal) and I want, just a bit of peace, a fair chance to live well with family.

I have read a Koran which was reprinted that did have hate in it for dealing with people of particualr religeions, but the true koran has no such thing in it, by definition islam translates to peace, which is the true way of true muslims i.e. the majority, just as the majority of catholics want no part in killing protestants nor the other etc etc.

the rapist is less than 1 perecent of the population,whatever that population may be, it follows no religeon , no culture ( well if Indian media is to be beleived maybe cultural) no race, it is a minority jsut as extremism is a minority.

Posts removed for space.

I assert there is a concerted international media/PR effort to recast the issue in Burma as simply anti-muslim violence. Anti-muslim, that amulet like islamophobia that wards of discourse. Yet there are shocking, consistent, and frequent attacks on Buddhists since the area has been increasingly beset by Bangladeshi muslims. Only armchair generals outside the area could proffer this is incorrect; of course it is. So, lost in waves of retaliation the causation is not only lost but cannot be discovered because of whitewashing the people who were there and otherwise different kind of victims of the Burmese for a long time. But there is no doubt that recent surging of illegals into this area has spilled over injuring the Buddhist population who is sick of it. So, when the byline of a news post begins "anti-muslim" invariably feces will follow. It cannot be otherwise because its end game is evidenced in the byline. This then is not news, this necessarily becomes an oped. Because it is an oped concealed as news, it is most grievous. injurious, and no more then misinformation.

All people on earth, no matter how far you have to remove the attachments of their life and connections, fundamentally want the same things, agreed: love, security, health, affection, food, water, resources, familial connections, perhaps offspring and posterity. Most want this for sure. It is this basic human connection which binds us all in this eternal night. However, in practice, within the dynamics of group psychology and injunctions, this is not evident in certain groups fundamentally as the groups connection is predicated upon the us and them, object and subject. Otherwise, any group could also become detached to this point and blind themselves to our common ground, assigning us and them.

Since you seen to note the koran, allow me to note error. First, the koran is the single most demonstrable piece of literature ever created detailing not only the us and them, but the mechanics for ensuring the us do not become them and the means the them become us. It ensures highly developed imperatives for remaining us when amongst them or otherwise requiring the them to oblige the us when amongst them. See Hirja. Us and them is pregnant and emphatic throughout the koran. The entire koran is predicated upon us and them. The entire sharia cannot exist without those who are among "al lah's most favored" "those who are born of apes and pigs" and "those who cause evil upon the land"- muslims, christians and jews.

The koran does not translate into peace. Islam is not a religion of peace and that is the tongue in cheek reality that commentators further because it is demonstrably false. Islam permits this wholly incorrect translation because... it is on its face not unpleasant. Why not? Arabs and other speakers know islam is translated into submission, it is less important that westerners know that. They call it peace, ok. That is not disrespectful. But it is incorrect. It is 100% wrong and the words here are vital. Islam believes the world is in two states, a house of war and a house of submission, a dar al harb and a dar al islam. Once global domination, submission, happens and the whole world is for Al Lah, a House of Submission, then there will be Peace. Of course, the peace offered anywhere there is a dar al islam (Saudi Arabia for example- because it is sharia)... once a house of submission a house of peace... applies for the muslims alone here. Once global islam=submission, all will be at Peace because all will be muslims. Sorry, but you are not correct.

I will not labor you or others further but the koran has highly detailed and exhaustive steps and practices that sacralize the obliteration of every other religion on earth. This is the entire (not gist) but authority of the koran. The imperatives of the koran are to win the world for al lah. The sharia is built upon the spoils from those actions detailing a highly developed social justice system with jews at the bottom or dead, christians just above jews or dead, both paying taxes to practice their religion if alive, and Buddhists Hindus pagans being dead or forced to volunteer to surrender. It is utterly 100% opposite than what you suggest. The koran is entirely predicated upon less the oppression and more the elimination of all other faiths. Jews and christians ostensibly have a choice to continue their faith because they are known as children of the book, but life is to be made unbearable for them. "Let them be made to feel humiliated" when they also have to publicly come and pay taxes in order not to be a slave.

In any event, I remain unclear why my post became so controversial. All i did is offer a point of view different than the OP, in opposition to its intention in fact. Anti-muslim is code for shut the F... up, apparently. It is the same with islamophobia. Yet as evidenced on these past pages the problem is clearly demonstrated- many do not have facts in order at all. You are very wrong, kind sir.


arjuna dawn, I can read and understand arabic. I have read translated versions of koran that preach hate, translated to English. the ones I have seen tracts of have bits saying what you say above, but they are not correct, they are interpretations used for brainwashing the socially distant and isolated into a new group and extreme way of thinking. By definition Islam means peace, in arabic, in the language.

the intelligent underrstand that things are not ass written in all these old story books. god knows you read the torah or the old testament and you will be a bearded watsit worrying about people spitting on you, and having people sitting on your hand, thanking god you were born a man and crushiong your enemies with a bit of fire and brimstone

the bible continously talks about wars and battles etc. but I think - as someone absolutly indifferent to religeions and their dealings - its message is not one of hate and killing all non beleivers.

Islam is yet an immature religion, the crhirstians during its immaturity went aorund purging itself of all disbeleivers too, no jews, no mohamedens etdc etc. Spanish inquisition is where all that was. out of Israel infadels, no you are the infadeli out of israel etc etc.

I disagree with your view on the koran, and i disagree with your view on muslim people, . I do agree that an issue that probably has little to do with religion has been made religious, it should not be on the agenda - but I guess it is how to differentiate between them and us, as well as being rohingu the most persecuted (or one of the most )people on the planet are also majority muslim. at the end of the day everyone will cry for mercy, and beleiving something better is waiting might do if for them

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