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Suvarnabhumi Airport says ex-cop arrested in Japan didn't bring gun from Thailand


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Seriously, it is not plausible that bought the gun in Japan. Even very few criminals have guns there..............

of course its not, considering he has Thai paperwork for said firearm and claims to have had it years, but of course Japan may write their firearms permit's in Thai...whistling.gif

Silly me for nor knowing this...gigglem.gif

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When told that Camronwit was found with a gun and five bullets, which are explosive items, Phet said they may have been a small volume only. "We have to focus on the power to destroy and [cause] disaster," he said.

Dangerous objects like the 5cm fingernail scissors that were confiscated from me. Of course I am not a Poo Yai

ex police chief friend of Thaksin

It obviously wasn't his best gun then as that would have been the six shooter. Maybe he was taking it to sell?

The great thing that I like most about this story is he will not be able to buy his way out of it. Justice will be served on him and hopefully a change of management and attitude at the airport too.

I'm with you except for the bit about the airport as since they've ' proved ' he couldn't have taken it from Bkk or if he really did it wasn't the fault of the experts manning the scanners since the gun was so small and if packed in a vertical position the scanners would have, understandably, missed it. biggrin.png

All this BS means there's nothing wrong with security at Swampy so no need for managerial changes and the attitude of staff must be excellent.

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This TSA blog from the U.S. has a pretty good overview of U.S. rules regarding carrying firearms and ammunition in CHECKED luggage.

Basically, it says it's OK provided:

--the gun must be unloaded.

--the gun must be packed in a hard-sided, locked case.

--the gun must be declared to the airline at check-in.

So, based on the reporting of this thus far, this guy's actions on the outbound flight from BKK to Tokyo appear to have complied with NONE of those rules (just using the U.S. rules as a general standard).

--His gun wasn't unloaded.

--His gun wasn't packed in a locked, hard-sided case.

--and his gun certainly wasn't declared to the airline.

The TSA site also noted the following for international travel:

Also, please note that other countries have different laws that address transportation and possession of firearms. If you are planning to travel internationally, check the regulations of the destination country to ensure compliance with their requirements.


So basically, it's pretty clear he broke the law in Japan merely by possessing a handgun there, and he never actually made it onto the return Japan-BKK flight with his gun.

But on the Thai end of things, the Thai news reports seem to have been pretty muddy about just what Thailand's law/regulation is on carrying firearms in checked luggage on outbound flights, as would have pertained to his outbound BKK-Japan flight.

And I can't find a Thai Air policy on firearms in checked luggage.

Though I see the Sawadee.com website has the same language as the TSA regarding firearms in checked luggage:

Firearms - firearms carried as checked baggage MUST be unloaded, packed in a locked hard-sided container, and declared to the airline at check-in.
Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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I believe that what we are presently seeing and reading about this incident is the clean-up procedure after

the hit-the-fan.gif .The Thai officials are dealing with the Japanese police and legal system, which, unfortunately for Kamronwit, is far superior in all aspects to what passes as a police farce in this country. There will not be any fat brown envelopes and a session of Thai wais and bowing and scraping in this case.

It would seem PM Prayut has already blown his top, especially given the international condemnation of Thailand's lax security at airports and aircraft maintenance etc. No doubt Kamronwit will somehow get leniency, but it certainly could not have happened to a nicer man.

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"When told that Camronwit was found with a gun and five bullets, which are explosive items, Phet said they may have been a small volume only. "We have to focus on the power to destroy and [cause] disaster," he said."

NOOOOOOO, we have to focus on the law that says you do not carry explosive devises onto planes in any form.

So many Thai officials say such stupid stupid things.

Umm No! It is not the responsibility of the airlines to make sure that Thai laws are not broken. Their responsibility is the safety of passengers. The official is quite right that a tiny pistol in checked luggage is no danger to the plane or passengers. That doesn't make it legal to pack it but neither does it make airport staff responsible for not detecting it. The issue is a non issue. If it were packed explosives the. It would be a different matter and a few tiny bullets is not packed explosives.

A small pistol carried in carry on luggage is quite a wholly different story though because it could be used for hijack or threatening passengers, or possibly affect the safe passage of the aircraft with hundreds on board.

The issue here is that he packed it in hand luggage, he is a policeman who should know better than anyone on the planet of the dangers and he has absolutely no excuse. It dies not matter where he bought the sodding gun - he tried to take it onboard and has to be punished appropriately - meaning a short time in prison since the intent to use the gun is hard to see - but you never know!

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1) He admitted the gun belonged to him.

2) He admitted putting it in his medicine bag.

3) His son flew to Japan with documents to prove the gun legally belonged to his father.

4) He took the gun FROM Thailand TO Japan, and passed through Swampy "security" to do so.

5) His ass is guilty as hell.

I hope they make a major example out of him.

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Ever seen so many excuses in one article?

The only thing missing is, "one of his staff packed his bag".

A Thai friend of mine many years ago had a very understanding wife. When he traveled alone she packed his bag for him. She diligently always made sure that his condoms were packed as well. You see, she knew that he was carrying a loaded weapon as well, and liked to go to target practice.

But in this case, if the ex-cop did actually carry the gun out of Thailand initially, it was probably in his checked-in luggage. I don't have a great deal of faith in checked-in luggage being effectively scanned at Suvarnabhumi. I have taken Buddha images (legally endorsed and documented) out of Thailand for family members living abroad, and I have never been pulled up.

For this ex-cop on the return flight the gun mistakenly went into his hand luggage, either by him or a "staff member". Just a guess. But not too bright are they ?

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Airport security is not as good as most people think. A few years after 9/11, I went through Sydney Airport Security carrying my normal work backpack. I had forgotten to check the contents before travelling and had left about 20x rounds of ammunition of various calibres and some blanks, just rattling around loosely in the main compartment. I also had a metal fork and spoon that I used on the road. Security staff pulled me aside and removed the metal fork stating that it was an offence to carry this onto an aircraft and that it would be confiscated with a warning. They gave me back my bag and I boarded the aircraft. It wasn't until I got to my destination and unpacked that I realised I had the ammunition in there, which was duly dumped into a lake before travelling further. Obviously glad I wasn't caught with the ammo, but it did give me some concerns about security measures at one of Australia's main airports. This same airport also confiscated a red/black plastic devils pitchfork my 8 year old son was trying to take on board a few years earlier. Go figure...

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Obviously the man is rather forgetful... sad for a police chief... He also forgot to take the Red Bull brat's passport, allowing him to jump bail, and I am sure he forgot a few similar cases.

He probably also forgot to prosecute hundreds of illegal gambling dens, and thousands of bars open after hours or allowing prostitution

I doubt he ever forgot to jail countless minor drug offenders, and most importantly he never forgot to collect at the end of the month.

A model Royal Thai Police commander!

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"Kamronwit's arrest raised concerns among Thai officials that Suvarnabhumi Airport staff may have failed to spot the firearm in Kamronwit's belongings, or provided him with VIP treatment.

Sirote Duangrat, the airport’s director, dismissed the speculation in a press conference today."

Is this Airport Director a retard, inbred or just plain stupid ... ? Why dont he just admit that his staff overlooked the loaded gun instead of getting in to all these lies and nonsens stories like "they had 6 months training" - more likely 6 minutes ...facepalm.gif

We still didnt hear anyone take any kind of responsibility for this idiotic misery ... not the useless RTP nor Swampy admits anything bah.gif

I really hope ICAO have their eyes on this case as the safety in Swampy is like stealing candy from a baby - We wait for the punishment, better sooner than later wai.gif

Once Again RTP has disgraced Thailand ...

Edited by Jimlove
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Officials stationed at the airport discovered a revolver with five live rounds in the 60-year-old’s suitcase and arrested him on the spot on suspicion of violating gun laws, the spokesman said.

The suspect told police “the gun was his own and was a gift from a friend, and that he had forgotten he had put it inside the suitcase”, the official said.


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Whats all this about providing proof of gun registration in Thailand?

What has that got to do with having a gun at a Japanese airport, and how would it change anything and if it could why the Son bringing it fax or email no good?

Are there Japanese crime connections involved in this story, are they feeling heat they could do without.

I think the Thai numpty has used up a few favours from all sides here.

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oh he forgot did he??? LIVE ammo on board an airplane? putting all those people at risk? an ex-Police Chief? and what is the good General saying??? "we will provide every assistance" wow, just wow

Quite interesting, don't you think, that the Thai authorities seem to be given considerable help to this man. Especially as he was very openly proud of his close friendship and personal relationship with Thaksin. The picture on the wall of Thaksin pinning on his insignia, flying off to Hong Kong for meetings with a wanted fugitive. Wonder if he took his gun to HK too?

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So typical of Thailand and it's officials even if and when they are dead right they make up some lame excuse. Although the story seem incomplete and lack certain information to cause everyone to speculate.

I've worked in airport security in the States, and living here it is highly unlikely his check in bag was inspected. If there are detention machines below the check-in counter like the States, the machines pick bags in random. In Thailand, I seriously doubt they also have camera's watching the screener below, so if human nature takes it course they are half asleep.

What is missing did he go straight from Thailand to Japan? any stopover, if none, then how can Thai official make such a claim along with he never made it past customs in Japan so how can he have purchased the gun when the aircraft landed.

The story is missing details but if he is guilty throw his butt in jail! Wasn't there a case recently in the news about other Thais bringing in guns like to Turkey or something? Did they miss that one too?

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look at his face there on the security control point -

how scare he looks - will they see my gun ???

I would say its not my suitcase !!!

His son show the license documents, so:

he have to be panished in Thailand and in Japan for smuggeling a firearm to the plain !

And Swampy have to focus in future on guns of thais and not on nail sciccors of farongs !!

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Obviously the man is rather forgetful... sad for a police chief... He also forgot to take the Red Bull brat's passport, allowing him to jump bail, and I am sure he forgot a few similar cases.

He probably also forgot to prosecute hundreds of illegal gambling dens, and thousands of bars open after hours or allowing prostitution

I doubt he ever forgot to jail countless minor drug offenders, and most importantly he never forgot to collect at the end of the month.

A model Royal Thai Police commander!

he have done any of this things,

otherwise he would have been charged for this on the court !!

Mr. T will guarantee for him !!

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