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Thai-English actress 'Anna Reese' kills cop in car crash

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After killing someone how many poor people can say no, no I'm too traumatized to go to the police station, then go on about their business? Hi-so privilege at its worse.

Then again TIT, different ways to what seem rational to us...

But hell, she didn't run away, and stayed and saw it through most of the time.

It was pretty obvious she wasn't in clear mind to give a statement.

Perfectly fine to give a blood sample or be breathalisered though.

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There's something you don't often see in the news - a distraught actress running around in soiled pants and the deceased sprawled in his car with his trousers down around his knees. Reality can be shocking.


Compassionate, is that a new English word for Bank Account Balance ?

She can move in with the "Red Bull Twerp" in SIN !!

We all know the routine.

An honest accident but a donation to,the family of the cop and no chance of a conviction.

One law for the rich...another for the poor.

This Is Thailand.

It's the same law for the rich and the poor, the poor also have the right to compensate the victims to encourage more lenient sentencing, they're just not compassionate enough.


How was his car parked? Sitting half way out into the lane of a fast moving highway with no flashing lights on at night like we see all the time here?


After killing someone how many poor people can say no, no I'm too traumatized to go to the police station, then go on about their business? Hi-so privilege at its worse.

and how many like to jump to conclusions when a so-called member of the high society is involved ?


Not her fault , how can she keep her eyes on the road when she is to busy seeing how beautiful she is in the rear vision mirror. Like most Thai women, spend more time looking at themselves then on the road. She was traumatized about if her lovely face or body was scratched no doubt or maybe her lipstick got smudged when she hit the airbag.


Shit your all giving the girl a hard time, maybe just maybe & i could be totally wrong here but what if the cop was parked on the side of the road with no lights on maybe not on the side of the road half on half off you know the way Thais usually stop on the side of the road no seat belt of course....

RIP to the deceased.....


Well when your parked on the road with no flashing lights or cones in a POLICE vehicle, in the middle of the night.... Hmm what type of professional authority just stops dead on high speed platform knowing the brain calibbre of some of the citizens here and around the world.

He should have been more switched on leading by example.. I sorry for his family but the actress it was purley a dark night and the patrol car was not well marked.

And that stupid cop trying to get a immediate statement needs a educational procedure. Dummy the lady just escaped death you monkey..


While most seem to be trashing the girl, my question is: What the hell was a cop doing parking his car along the side of the road to take a nap? Surely to God he could have found a better place than that!


I was coming from the airport to Patts at night once. As is still the case today, no lights on large stretches of the 7 motorway. Luckily my front seat passenger saw it, On a right bend In the outside lane a broken down truck with a guy waving a tree branch. Pitch black. I am doing about 100km per hour in the fast lane and he was just right there in front of me. ABS, lots of tire screeching and a pile of crap in my pants later i managed to swerve around it. Whoever is responsible for authorizing major road lighting to be turned off for the sake a money saving needs throwing in jail.


That looks more like a head on collision. She must have been going over 140kph. Surprised she could walk. Hopefully a real investigation is done and the blame is put where it is suppose to. If it is truly an accident, then leave her be, but if she was talking on her phone, drunk driving, or speeding, throw the book at her.

Brake failure , road slippelly, bend to sharp, hill to steep but never driver stoopid <deleted>, doesnt really matter which you choose


I was coming from the airport to Patts at night once. As is still the case today, no lights on large stretches of the 7 motorway. Luckily my front seat passenger saw it, On a right bend In the outside lane a broken down truck with a guy waving a tree branch. Pitch black. I am doing about 100km per hour in the fast lane and he was just right there in front of me. ABS, lots of tire screeching and a pile of crap in my pants later i managed to swerve around it. Whoever is responsible for authorizing major road lighting to be turned off for the sake a money saving needs throwing in jail.

Why were you obstructing the fast lane by doing only 100 kph?

Try to minimize the risk of causing accidents by going back to another lane more on the left when you are done overtaking.


She was drunk as a skunk. I watched it on Thai news this morning with my Thai partner, and the actress admitted at the scene she was drunk.


It is a really sad event. Most probably she did not see the cops car that was standing still. Of course she is distressed and traumatized. I dont think she is acting. She is just very upset at having killed someone.
The whole poor/rich discussion is misplaced and shows little respect to the victim and Ms. Anna. She will live on with this sense of guilt for the rest of her life.

I am sorry for the Police man, his family, friends and colleagues. I am also sorry for Ms. Anna.

Let the financial compensaiton bring some feeling of soulace.


PS: The TV showing all details, the deceased body, his ID, and taking/showing all of his belongings... That is of little respect.


A timely reminder to us all to keep our side lights and seat belt on when stopped at the side of the road.

But when other drivers, incapacitated by weather or other factors, come up behind you, they can mistakenly assume you are moving with results like this.

Fair point. Depending on where you're stopped, it might be better to keep your vehicle in reverse gear to show white lights at the rear, or to use your hazard warning lights. If you're at risk of being shunted from the rear, you're as well keeping your handbrake on and your car in gear to minimise risk of injury and get full benefit of your crumple zones.

It's also a timely reminder of the risks of driving traumatised...


Eh?????????? surely better in no gear handbrake off so car can be shunted down the road a bit and absorbing some of that impact.


Regardless of whether or not she was on her phone, drunk or whatever this is a clear case of causing death by dangerous driving. There is absolutely no doubt. The Police car was parked when she hit it. She was obviously driving way over the speed limit. She should be jailed for for it.

Can someone please tell me why so many of the posts here are to do with road use?

Could it possibly be that Thai people are often very bad drivers and usually too busy using their mobile phone to give a damn.

You take your life in your hands as soon as you step out of your front door here.

Thai driver = Careless Reckless killer.

RIP Mr Policeman. So very sad for his family.


She was drunk as a skunk. I watched it on Thai news this morning with my Thai partner, and the actress admitted at the scene she was drunk.

If True she deserves all she should get but expect that will be little to nothing and maybe a "good show" for the cameras later at the funeral. Bung the cash and walk off pretty as a picture...........they dont really care because if they did they simply wouldnt do it.


I would bet a months pay that she was quite drunk judging from her disgusting performance and ranting. I hope the do a breathalyzer or blood test.

Although even killing a cop in Thailand usually doesn't warrant accountability.

That's not what I have heard. Petrol and tyres are usually the penalty if it was intentional aren't they?


It is a really sad event. Most probably she did not see the cops car that was standing still. Of course she is distressed and traumatized. I dont think she is acting. She is just very upset at having killed someone.

The whole poor/rich discussion is misplaced and shows little respect to the victim and Ms. Anna. She will live on with this sense of guilt for the rest of her life.

I am sorry for the Police man, his family, friends and colleagues. I am also sorry for Ms. Anna.

Let the financial compensaiton bring some feeling of soulace.


PS: The TV showing all details, the deceased body, his ID, and taking/showing all of his belongings... That is of little respect.

Respect hahah Thailand hahaahha they dont care its good tv thats all that matters dont show any tits ro <deleted> though, good job he wasnt smoking a cigarette either when he was killed or they would have pixelated that out


Probably a consequence of a "bought" driving license and habitual overtaking on the left.

Would explain the high speed smash onto a parked vehicle.


Obviously genuine remorse. No thai actor/ actress could act so well. I believe she should be showered and gaoled in my apartment. Cute. RIP to the family of the deceased.


I guarantee she was texting...

Whilst drunk?? thats terrible, probably illegible.......sorry but its in as much bad taste as "how things are here" anyway


Let's wait for the facts to come out before finger pointing shall we?

I think its a bit pointless don't you. Careless reckless speeding not looking. Whatever the cause she killed a policeman using her car. He is dead and was not to blame at all. His car was parked. She hit it. What more facts do you need than everything in the video and her attitude. Its not like she is just sitting somewhere quietly stunned by what happened, She is trying to blame the policeman for parking his car and siting in it. She is still too drunk to realise that she is totally to blame.

Wait for the facts..... unreal!

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