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Bangkok is really expensive..Some tips how to save more money?


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"Save money here because by the time YOU retire, the baht will be at parity with the USD, GBP and EUR. People in those countries will be working for the Chinese and the Brazilians"

Do you live in a gumdrop castle? Fantasyland.

When America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold. When America crashed in 2008, China plunged. They threw so much money into their economy, and it still hasn't recovered.

The only reason the Thai economy is booming now, is cheap money from the US being invested in real estate. That will end some day and the Thai economy will crash...

That's your opinion. It's an opinion consistent with a brainwashed mope who hasn't got a Scooby Doo about economics but I'm not going to skew the thread picking it apart.

No, your post is opinion. My post is based on facts. Please post facts which disagree with my post. You can't, because there are none.

The Chinese economy is based on employing peasants (subsistence farmers) to build cities in the middle of nowhere. That isn't sustainable and will collapse.

The Thai economy is similar. It's based on building houses, retail space and condos that no one needs or uses, based on pure speculation about how wonderful the economy will be in the future, thanks to ASEAN.

Different country, but similar delusions, 555

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"Save money here because by the time YOU retire, the baht will be at parity with the USD, GBP and EUR. People in those countries will be working for the Chinese and the Brazilians"

Do you live in a gumdrop castle? Fantasyland.

When America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold. When America crashed in 2008, China plunged. They threw so much money into their economy, and it still hasn't recovered.

The only reason the Thai economy is booming now, is cheap money from the US being invested in real estate. That will end some day and the Thai economy will crash...

That's your opinion. It's an opinion consistent with a brainwashed mope who hasn't got a Scooby Doo about economics but I'm not going to skew the thread picking it apart.

No, your post is opinion. My post is based on facts. Please post facts which disagree with my post. You can't, because there are none.

The Chinese economy is based on employing peasants (subsistence farmers) to build cities in the middle of nowhere. That isn't sustainable and will collapse.

The Thai economy is similar. It's based on building houses, retail space and condos that no one needs or uses, based on pure speculation about how wonderful the economy will be in the future, thanks to ASEAN.

Different country, but similar delusions, 555

I am guessing SiSe isn't an investment banker. This is the silliest analysis of Asian economies that I have read in a while. And believe me I read because I have a bit at stake.

China is the world's factory and that's not going anywhere anytime soon and only a stupid person would bet on a collapse. The recent Shanghai stock market correction? Only to be expected when people were getting greedy buying on margins. It's actually healthy flushing out the funny money and sobering investors up.

Thailand's actually a decent manufacturing base itself and, political problems aside, the economy's pretty healthy. Yes, there's a lot of personal debt which explains the property bubble but that's nowhere a fraction of the economy that it was in the US and only thing it's going to bring down is rent.

Edited by The Dancer
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20.000K , thats what I need for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner when I am in BKK. 16-18 Days a month. And 20k more for the Weekends with wife and kid.


Oh you must feel like such a legend.

Wow, 20K on meals you Rockefeller, you rolleyes.gif

Who cares what your individual budget for food is? Does spending more money automatically equate to a better life in your book?

Tough....that's why most on here are saying get a better job....

Including myself in an earlier post but what's the point of showing how far up the wall you can pi55?

Do not edit my posts using the quote system to change their meaning.

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Tough....that's why most on here are saying get a better job....

Including myself in an earlier post but what's the point of showing how far up the wall you can pi55?

Do not edit my posts using the quote system to change their meaning.

OK well, first, don't tell me what to do.

Second, I can quote as much or as little of a post as I like as long as I don't modify its typeface or remove words that alter its context.

The portion I quoted is self-contained and makes its own point, consistent with while separate from the others in the post

How did quoting just that sentence change the overall meaning of your post?

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Tough....that's why most on here are saying get a better job....

Including myself in an earlier post but what's the point of showing how far up the wall you can pi55?

Do not edit my posts using the quote system to change their meaning.

OK well, first, don't tell me what to do.

Second, I can quote as much or as little of a post as I like as long as I don't modify its typeface or remove words that alter its context.

The portion I quoted is self-contained and makes its own point, consistent with while separate from the others in the post

How did quoting just that sentence change the overall meaning of your post?

I suggest you highlight the part of the post you wish to refer to rather than quoting part of a post.

"Don't tell me what to do."

The last pissing contest I had I was about eight years old.....keep it up.

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A Thai only making that amount is not going to spend money at KFC or Malls to any extent and likely living with a combined income of more or at home with family. Costs are not high in Bangkok for most things (and taxis are included in that - very cheap in relation to most countries). 20K is a very small income, especially if an expat without family support options. At 100 baht a day for food you cook yourself expect it is not what most Thai would be eating (they could likely eat out every meal for that amount).

As mentioned a higher income might be first priority - Chiang Mai might be a bit cheaper for living as an alternative.

another alternative get rid of the GF.

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Including myself in an earlier post but what's the point of showing how far up the wall you can pi55?

Do not edit my posts using the quote system to change their meaning.

OK well, first, don't tell me what to do.

Second, I can quote as much or as little of a post as I like as long as I don't modify its typeface or remove words that alter its context.

The portion I quoted is self-contained and makes its own point, consistent with while separate from the others in the post

How did quoting just that sentence change the overall meaning of your post?

I suggest you highlight the part of the post you wish to refer to rather than quoting part of a post.

"Don't tell me what to do."

The last pissing contest I had I was about eight years old.....keep it up.

Oh so you couldn't explain how I changed the meaning of your post, then?

Highlighting part of someone else's post - changing colour or using italics, boldface etc - as you suggest is against forum rules

I'm sure a mod will confirm if you ask NICELY

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This is what I suggest.....

Go to an out of the way backwater, erect a Tin Shed, buy a 45yr old partly complete motorbike, and eat leaves from trees around you...cheesy.gif

Stop wasting money on Popcorn....

Absolutely. It is not necessary to be paying big bucks for the popcorn. Ladies bags are checked but it is still possible to sneak a 7/11 pack of m&m's and a milo box in your pockets.

Ladies bags are checked???? I know what I would tell anyone who tried to check my wifes bag.

Bags are checked (or were checked; or are sometimes checked at some big cinemas) for recording devices. If you had a big camera they would take it and secure it and give you a receipt to pick up after the movie. Fear that people would record the film.

Haven't seen that in years. Maybe 3 or 4 years. And I recall it only at Central World.

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how can you afford a girlfriend ??? so many farang here are wasting their lives cos they don't want to go back to there own country and get a proper job. eventuality like most farang you will have to go back home by that time you will be too old to get a good job and end up on state benefit and wishing to had got your act together when you were younger.

do yourself a favor and back home and make something of our life then come back.

You write as if living in Thailand is a pinnacle of achievement only attainable after a life of toil and sacrifice.

Work your fingers to the bone and then, finally, after 30+ years, you can come back and "live the dream"; paying a 20-something to sleep with you, knocking out kids at 65, bitching about dual pricing and carping about having to report to immigration every 90 days Blow that crap

OP stay, get a better job and live NOW, while you're young. Save money here because by the time YOU retire, the baht will be at parity with the USD, GBP and EUR. People in those countries will be working for the Chinese and the Brazilians

Yes, C.H., you make quiet a point, I agree; about parity, who knows, anyway, who knows what will be in 20 or 30 years? And about affording a GF; there are not only bargirls out there, some ladies have a descent job and don't rely on their partners purses.

Indeed they do.

I live in Asoke and 5 minutes in T21, Exchange Tower or Interchange shows you countless, attractive women with normal jobs and lives that couldn't be further from those of the women they seem to end up "helping" or paying monthly allowances to

I think the reason so many posters are so dismissive about the OP's 20,000 budget is because it doesn't appear to leave room for supporting a girlfriend/wife with a monthly stipend.

Believe it or not, not everyone has to pay for company especially when they're younger.

I doubt if non "bargirls" are willing to go hang out with some guy that has no money to treat them, any more than women back home would be.

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This is what I suggest.....

Go to an out of the way backwater, erect a Tin Shed, buy a 45yr old partly complete motorbike, and eat leaves from trees around you...cheesy.gif

Stop wasting money on Popcorn....

Absolutely. It is not necessary to be paying big bucks for the popcorn. Ladies bags are checked but it is still possible to sneak a 7/11 pack of m&m's and a milo box in your pockets.

Ladies bags are checked???? I know what I would tell anyone who tried to check my wifes bag.

Bags are checked (or were checked; or are sometimes checked at some big cinemas) for recording devices. If you had a big camera they would take it and secure it and give you a receipt to pick up after the movie. Fear that people would record the film.

Haven't seen that in years. Maybe 3 or 4 years. And I recall it only at Central World.

That would have stopped once phones had good recording devices. Can you imagine taking the phones off every patron!!!!!!!!!!

Back in the day I was refused entry to a cinema because I admitted having a camera. After that I just put it in my pants pocket so they wouldn't see it when doing the bag check.

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I suggest you highlight the part of the post you wish to refer to rather than quoting part of a post.

"Don't tell me what to do."

The last pissing contest I had I was about eight years old.....keep it up.

Oh so you couldn't explain how I changed the meaning of your post, then?

Highlighting part of someone else's post - changing colour or using italics, boldface etc - as you suggest is against forum rules

I'm sure a mod will confirm if you ask NICELY

No, it isn't against forum rules. The rules say:

"2. Please do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes or wording. Such posts will be deleted and the user warned."

Bolding does not change the font, the color, or the wording. The font is the same, the color is still black, and the wording remains intact.

Eliminating the content, however, is not kosher.

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The 50.000 Baht rule is still effective for foreigners from Europe and Australia, Canada, Japan, the United States of America. Other countries - other amounts.

more concerning is the fact that in the case that your are a 50.000 Baht candidate but paid only 20.000 Baht by the employer, social security and your personal income tax is based on 50.000 Baht !

in case you are a first year WP holder and your employer is not just <deleted>...ing you but also the revenue department than good luck when you have to apply for a WP extension and they ask for your income tax records from the previous year.

Better save up some extra funds to clear that !

Anyway, it is for me still a miracle how someone can have a somehow decent life with 20K a month.

I moved to TH when I was 30 - 17 Years ago !. Had a high income in my home country and a pretty good living standard.

My promise to myself and my priority throughout the years was first to keep this standard, increase it regularly or go back home.

So far I am still here!

20.000K , thats what I need for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner when I am in BKK. 16-18 Days a month. And 20k more for the Weekends with wife and kid.


17 years ????...and still don't know what your talking about

THB 50k is for the extension not the WP, two different departments, Teachers can be paid less and still get the extension, so in conclusion stop talking poop.

WOW !!!! 20k in a weekend, Donald Trump is in the building ladies and gentlemen....whistling.gif and we are supposed to be impressed...big deal...gigglem.gif

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Yeah I'd be making out I'm bored too if I'd just made a total plank of myself.

@ TheAppletons I'm not getting into a debate over the forum rules with you. I've seen mods warn people about bolding parts of others' posts. If that's changed I'm unaware but I know that it's not a problem to cut down posts provided you don't change the meaning or context.

I'm satisfied with my understanding of the rules on this but if you have a problem, as I suggested, consult a moderator or the support forum.

In the meantime I'd prefer to get back on topic if that's OK with you

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Yeah I'd be making out I'm bored too if I'd just made a total plank of myself.

@ TheAppletons I'm not getting into a debate over the forum rules with you. I've seen mods warn people about bolding parts of others' posts. If that's changed I'm unaware but I know that it's not a problem to cut down posts provided you don't change the meaning or context.

I'm satisfied with my understanding of the rules on this but if you have a problem, as I suggested, consult a moderator or the support forum.

In the meantime I'd prefer to get back on topic if that's OK with you

More yawning....you really are a bore.

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Yeah I'd be making out I'm bored too if I'd just made a total plank of myself.

@ TheAppletons I'm not getting into a debate over the forum rules with you. I've seen mods warn people about bolding parts of others' posts. If that's changed I'm unaware but I know that it's not a problem to cut down posts provided you don't change the meaning or context.

I'm satisfied with my understanding of the rules on this but if you have a problem, as I suggested, consult a moderator or the support forum.

In the meantime I'd prefer to get back on topic if that's OK with you

More yawning....you really are a bore.

OK have the last word if it eases your period pains

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Yeah I'd be making out I'm bored too if I'd just made a total plank of myself.

@ TheAppletons I'm not getting into a debate over the forum rules with you. I've seen mods warn people about bolding parts of others' posts. If that's changed I'm unaware but I know that it's not a problem to cut down posts provided you don't change the meaning or context.

I'm satisfied with my understanding of the rules on this but if you have a problem, as I suggested, consult a moderator or the support forum.

In the meantime I'd prefer to get back on topic if that's OK with you

More yawning....you really are a bore.

OK have the last word if it eases your period pains

Err technically speaking you have had that last word therefore this would suggest its you with the period a pains or maybe minor bleeding from the rectum ? ...gigglem.gif

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ok, what were the tips so far then, spend less money

earn more money

save money on heating by opening windows and turning off air conditioning

save money on electricity by not using any electricity

this is a simple tip, find people in the soi near you wihtout work, order them to use pedal operated power generator , you can use financial incentives to help a little, but food may be good or put up a sign saying free gym and have multiple people pedalling , even put in a storage system

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This is what I suggest.....

Go to an out of the way backwater, erect a Tin Shed, buy a 45yr old partly complete motorbike, and eat leaves from trees around you...cheesy.gif

Stop wasting money on Popcorn....

Absolutely. It is not necessary to be paying big bucks for the popcorn. Ladies bags are checked but it is still possible to sneak a 7/11 pack of m&m's and a milo box in your pockets.

Ladies bags are checked???? I know what I would tell anyone who tried to check my wifes bag.

Bags are checked (or were checked; or are sometimes checked at some big cinemas) for recording devices. If you had a big camera they would take it and secure it and give you a receipt to pick up after the movie. Fear that people would record the film.

Haven't seen that in years. Maybe 3 or 4 years. And I recall it only at Central World.

They still would not get checking my wifes bag, there would be some confectionery in it, and juice to drink when we start watching the film, and

there is nothing they can do about it.

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When the average Thai makes $400/month and the average "well paid" English teacher makes $1000/month, you have to wonder how a 30 year old comes to Thailand and makes a "high income".

Until you learn about these "investment bankers" working in Bangkok Boiler Rooms, cheating foreigners out of their life savings.


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I never buy popcorn here in the west. As stated, take a soda or nuts from 7/11 and put them in our wife's purse.

That's what my gal does. Cake is more expensive in Thailand then back home.

It was your decision to move to bangkok on 20,000 per month. Get another job, put the wife to work!

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When the average Thai makes $400/month and the average "well paid" English teacher makes $1000/month, you have to wonder how a 30 year old comes to Thailand and makes a "high income".

Until you learn about these "investment bankers" working in Bangkok Boiler Rooms, cheating foreigners out of their life savings.


Yeah I suppose that would be funny to you, Cissy

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ok, what were the tips so far then, spend less money earn more money save money on heating by opening windows and turning off air conditioning save money on electricity by not using any electricity this is a simple tip, find people in the soi near you wihtout work, order them to use pedal operated power generator , you can use financial incentives to help a little, but food may be good or put up a sign saying free gym and have multiple people pedalling , even put in a storage system

Have you ever read the book "Windup Girl"? No electricity and people are paid for the use of their "calories". The rich pay the poor to run up the stairs of skyscrapers so that the poor people can ride down as simple counterweights for the elevator the rich are riding up. Want to get paid? Run up the stairs again.

Seriously though, now you have me thinking about having someone pedal an alternator hooked up to a bank of car batteries....

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When the average Thai makes $400/month and the average "well paid" English teacher makes $1000/month, you have to wonder how a 30 year old comes to Thailand and makes a "high income".

Until you learn about these "investment bankers" working in Bangkok Boiler Rooms, cheating foreigners out of their life savings.


If you are not a teacher you make ok money here.

Take home the same amount here as I did back in my home country after tax.

mid 30s work in management for a big IT Firm here.

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It sounds like a few people are working illegally in Thailand. My understanding was that to obtain a work permit, the minimum legal salary was 50,000 Baht per month.

On the minimum salary you should be able to survive in Bangkok.

There is a foreigner selling sausages from a cart opp Sarasas School at klong suan, Thais think it's a novelty and don't know that the guy is breaking the law, rather him than me.

How do you know he is breaking the law ?

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