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Thai-English actress Anna Reese begs cop's family for forgiveness


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What i do find really disgusting is the way how the Thai press everything out of such story's. Thais are panicking to loose their face. But they love it to see how others loosing its face. Hypocrisy as its best.

Given the structure of their society seeing the privileged take a fall is cathartic.

I have to say with regard to another story I can't wait to see the cop in Japan go down.

So you don't have a bit of a chuckle when someone else f's up.

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I thought I read somewhere that she had not been drinking, now I read they are waiting for the results to come back about Friday, which Friday god only knows, and asleep in a car on the side of a motorway is dodgy in Thailand, And how can you ask for forgiveness at this time, but I guess that is the Thai way, I can see money changing hands soon, and no charges what so ever.

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I travel often on this frontage road where the accident happened, infact for a few years i lived on a moo baan there, Traffic there at night travels at high speed and although it has a lane in each direction with a hard shoulder both sides, traffic still travels on the hard shoulders facing the oncoming cars/trucks through lack of enforcement,

Its difficult to imagine anyone getting the idea to park on the hard shoulder and sleep with or without hazard lights on.

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I hope and believe karma will take it's full course on this "lady"

I hope her career comes to a sudden end.

Her performance at the funeral was disgusting, what an insult to the victims family.

Hang your head in shame Anna Reece.

The only respect I have for you, would be to tell the RTP the truth and nothing but the truth.

If you were under the influence of drink, I hope you are charged with manslaughter, and are jailed accordingly.

Unfortunately this is Thailand, and after you have made the appropriate financial payments you will live a free life. But your life will never ve the same, because YOU know the truth.

you are a complete mean Person. Guilty or not it will remain with her for Life. Young screw up , never been there.?. Most of us mere mortals have.
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Had She gone to the family in private and

Asked for their forgiveness that would,have

Been the proper thing to do and a true HI SO

act of compassion

This Dog and Pony Show for the camera is

Just LO CLASS trash.

A photo Op would have been the Wife and

Daughter beating the SH.. Out of her!!

My condolences to the family

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The young lady is being pretty badly handled by her agent or whoever normally takes command in these situations. At the scene of the accident, she left, went home and came back with a bandage on her forearm??? A decent agent would have photos out of her in a hospital bed, for sympathy reasons. As for her wet or soiled trousers, I assume that happened after being at home. Surely they would have been changed if it happened during the crash.

As for the timing of her outburst at the funeral? Surely an experienced handler would have kept her away. Time and a place, know what I mean?

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The young lady is being pretty badly handled by her agent or whoever normally takes command in these situations. At the scene of the accident, she left, went home and came back with a bandage on her forearm??? A decent agent would have photos out of her in a hospital bed, for sympathy reasons. As for her wet or soiled trousers, I assume that happened after being at home. Surely they would have been changed if it happened during the crash.

As for the timing of her outburst at the funeral? Surely an experienced handler would have kept her away. Time and a place, know what I mean?

Yeah, but in this country she's lucky her people didn't get her to do a selfie with the deceased.

They do things differently in thailand.

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No way!

30 years hard labor....breaking rock with a sledge hammer....ha ha ...lol....that would be a whole lot of forgiveness.


So what happens in farangland.......?

Sarcasm, sarcasm ...learn to recognize sarcasm....lol

In Farangland.......some celebrities also get special considerations as often seen when they get caught driving drunk or pulling off something illegal....like drawing a gun and threatening to shoot someone or getting a drunken brawl or causing property damage while drunk ad all mindless.

However, often enough the Judge has his day and throws the book at them while being very aware that the public wants some degree of justice served ..... while sending the signal that their celebrity status and their fame and their money and their influence and their connections will not influence the course of the law...at least not with that particular Judge that harshly reprimands them ...according to the measure of the law while they are not above the law.

But this is Thailand where money and fame and influence and connections will nearly always get you out of trouble.

I can only surmise immediately after the accident the lovely women was thinking: Hmmmmm.....how exactly am I going to fix this problem without any real discomfort coming down on me....

My influential lawyer...My influential producer...My influential lovers....my influential Politician friends....my influential Media connections..... and...Ahhhh...maybe the Prime Minister ...he likes my acting and movies...... and we met and shook hands once........etc. etc. etc.


EVERYBODY whether here or there will wonder how they will fix the problem.....Some here do not understand LOS and how folk can pay respect for a problem they caused.

Do you think ALL folk in farangland end up in prison over a road death...........?

Of course not ...some of them flee to Thailand.....lol


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Another opp. for a round round of bashing by the "holier than thou's". When a person points a finger at another, he has three pointing back at him.

This story has brought out a side in some of our species that, to say the least is not only indecent, but so sad that it could make one wonder if the human race is regressing rather than evolving.

Edited by dotpoom
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The young lady is being pretty badly handled by her agent or whoever normally takes command in these situations. At the scene of the accident, she left, went home and came back with a bandage on her forearm??? A decent agent would have photos out of her in a hospital bed, for sympathy reasons. As for her wet or soiled trousers, I assume that happened after being at home. Surely they would have been changed if it happened during the crash.

As for the timing of her outburst at the funeral? Surely an experienced handler would have kept her away. Time and a place, know what I mean?[/quo

Yeah, but in this country she's lucky her people didn't get her to do a selfie with the deceased.

They do things differently in thailand.

Actually she did manage a video selfie with the poor chap

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And you think foreign press dont do the same.. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

What i do find really disgusting is the way how the Thai press everything out of such story's. Thais are panicking to loose their face. But they love it to see how others loosing its face. Hypocrisy as its best.

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Sure....police attitude with a rich and famous was wrong..but not anusual in other countries. In this case was an accident, and she didn't look drunk or impared at the scene....At the funeral....she may did what is normal for Thais...but not for farangs. I give her the benefits of the doubt.

In the case of O.J.Simpson in the murder of his wife and friend in California, he surrended his self after trying to flee the country, admited his guelty to the police officers at the police station in front of his lawyer... but.....he was allowed to rest and relax one night before signing the confession.

The next day his new lawyers were with him...You all know the end of the history....

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she will first need to pay them off a few million baht

Then i guarantee you - in 4 months from now she will be on all the chat shows being interviewed about her mistake and being paid for each interview... she is already more famous than before...

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She is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. If she says nothing she is heartless, if she goes and asks for forgiveness (Buddhist style) she is selfish and making it about her etc.

I think she has behaved better than the little wench that killed 9 people in the van by ramming of the tollway. She has shown NO remorse, not spoken a word to the families and is even appealing the absolute joke of a sentence she was given. At least this lady has shown some semblance of remorse.

If she was indeed drunk then she should be locked up (won't happen). A massive payout will see her free. That is sick in itself but not exactly unexpected when a High so kills.

Sorry, don`t agree.

This woman should be in jail awaiting a court appearance. I can assure you if this was one of us we would be in be jail with no option of being given a get out of jail free card with an opportunity to give press conferences and attend the funeral of our victim.

One way or another she knows this indecent is going to cost her, either by buying her way out one way or another or serving a long jail sentence. She`s opting for the payoff. Although claiming she was distraught at the scene, she still managed to conjure up the tale regarding a phantom motorcyclist that I wager will never be found.

She is pleading to save her own skin, it`s all about her and not the horrific trauma she has inflicted upon the victim and his family.

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But the Thai attitude is that to say "Sorry" after the event is too late!

Well, isn't it? What good does saying sorry do? Gee, I am sorry I killed your husband, father and son. Perhaps it is more pragmatic to offer money, at least his wife and children may have a decent life.

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I hope and believe karma will take it's full course on this "lady"

I hope her career comes to a sudden end.

Her performance at the funeral was disgusting, what an insult to the victims family.

Hang your head in shame Anna Reece.

The only respect I have for you, would be to tell the RTP the truth and nothing but the truth.

If you were under the influence of drink, I hope you are charged with manslaughter, and are jailed accordingly.

Unfortunately this is Thailand, and after you have made the appropriate financial payments you will live a free life. But your life will never be the same, because YOU know the truth.

But then isn't it karma which took its course on this policeman? So it's karma's fault and not hers. She was an unwilling pawn in its grand scheme.

Amazing that the police are all evil, corrupt bastards who posters wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. Unless of course they are killed by hi-sos.

Then they are paragons of virtue and it is a terrible tragedy.

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..they could easily ascertain where she had been and whether she was drunk...

...the way she was carrying on...it is a given.....and then some......

...causing a spectacle furthermore......

...disgusting does not begin to describe this public charade.....

...it would have held more credence if it had been done in private.....

...but who knows what happened behind the scenes leading up to this....

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Once Again who stands out as the Clown of this Circus ..... : RTP ....facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif

WHO was sleeping in his car on a Highway ... RTP officer !

The roadkiller refused to get arrested (?) and RTP let her get away with that ...

These clowns are amazing but Again they are above the law here ...blink.png

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What would you do if faced with the situation of being involved in a fatal car crash and you were drunk?

Slip a few baht, maybe 20,000 to make the problem go away?

Agreed this is the Isaan price...but what would you pay??

Or do the "right" thing and lock yourself up?

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If my son's killer arrived at the funeral of my son begging me for forgiveness, there'd be another funeral that day ... shameful, selfish and disgusting ... so Thai.

Since she couldn't know, in advance, the parked car she hit was occupied I don't think she had any intent to destroy this family. Wouldn't it matter to you whether your son's 'killer' was malicious or not? 'Your son is dead so she must die' or is that statement true only is she shows up at his funeral begging your forgiveness?

shameful, selfish and disgusting

Would it be better if she didn't apologize in front of the world and beg forgiveness? Maybe she should be like in the US and not offer compensation either and make the family sue her in court.

There really is the possibility that night that she had the choice of either hitting a swerving motorcyclist or a parked car (not knowing the parked car contained a sleeping person). IF that were true and she sacrificed her car to prevent injury/death to a wildly driving motorcyclist she may have been making a noble choice. Just because things didn't work out that way doesn't mean she is evil enough for you to cause her family to hold a funeral for her. It seems you are not open to any other possibility than the one you seem so strongly to believe that you would kill her if she showed up in your presence. I'm seeing a new side of your personality and it's ugly. Causing another death would not bring your son back but would bring more misery in the world. Sad that you would get some satisfaction from her/another death.

Rush to judgment, much?


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This spoiled, arrogant, self indulgent drunk driving brat should be in jail, no matter what and be sentenced to reimburse the family dearly. Since she certainly is a multi millionaire in USD, I think a million or two should do, PLUS jail time!

I am sickened by this travesty, to say the least!

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We sometimes read in the news that Thai says, they are “not ready to be arrested” or “not ready to show up in Court”; RedBull heir, and Yingluck also, I think. Wonder if a foreigner can say that too...?

In this present story, an alcohol test was carried out 10 hours after the accident:

»Anna refused to be arrested at the scene, claiming she was "not ready.” She was apparently not tested for alcohol until almost 10 hours later when she handed herself in at Prawet police station. Police expect the result of the test by Friday«

– Will a test as late as that be for any use...?

I fully understand that one can be in panic causing such a sad accident; however, I don’t see why they cannot take the blood sample for a test. I'm not postulating anything about alcohol, just wonder.

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