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So...the Jewish Community has almost recovered to pre holocaust levels?The Rabbis are still sliceing off foreskins like there is no tomorrow..Is God faulty?

Islam..the final word of god... is doing fine...except we are not sure.( lots of dead people)

The bar guy in Rome..Frankie...Industrial scale rape is off the agenda?

The war between the executors of a 1st century carpenter and the inventor of the opposition should be long over,,,

....to anyone with the slightest notion of Truth.

For what question is child sacfifice the answer?

Very Tired of the rivers of blood....

Are you?

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The secular wars of the 20th century killed more people than all the (claimed religious) wars throughout human history.

Added to which 'secular' teaching gave us the Chinese 'Great Leap Forward' (tens of millions killed), the 'Killing Fields' (millions) killed, Stalins Purges (more people killed than even Hitler's secularist madness could kill).

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There are troll posts, and then there are unintelligible troll posts. Congratulations for ringing the bell for both...

I agree.

But NeverSure did not mention uninformed or incorrect troll post as well.

I am currently reading " Jerusalem The Biography"**, a well researched history of Jews, Muslims and Christians in Jerusalem.

( I am none of the above, but find the history very interesting )

All three worship the same god.. and

​Muslims are circumcised too!

It is a long, but interesting read if you enjoy reading about history.post-147745-0-72787500-1435703001_thumb.

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