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Prostitution: Thailand's worst kept secret


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Most of my contributions are based on observations and interviews, though, in Farangistan and Thailand, and on some media research

You must be a member of the elite forum privileged club .clap2.gif

aka as w-------kers .whistling.gif.

I once came out briefly , to interview and observe , a bar girl ,wub.png

She , not same same lady ,thumbsup.gif

Edited by elliss
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Most of my contributions are based on observations and interviews, though, in Farangistan and Thailand, and on some media research

You must be a member of the elite forum privileged club .clap2.gif

aka as w-------kers .whistling.gif.

I once came out briefly , to interview and observe , a bar girl ,wub.png

She , not same same lady ,thumbsup.gif

I'm a cultural anthropologist.

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Seems to me,these days many people need to do that test,Use duck tape and leave it in position for eternity. If this had been done all those years ago

the world would be a happier place. ( hiv etc)

Where can I get some of this duck tape?

I have some ducks that need taping.

"Duck Tape" does exist as a brandname!



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Thank you, I'll ask in a pharmacy for scotch tape.

I don't know a the percentage of bars that require their girls to be HIV-tested, I only know my favourite bars do it. But since regular HIV tests are recommend, I hope more and more bars do it. It's not expensive, you can take a lady with you, and you can get a drink while you wait for the results.

The best way to diagnose this infection is to do a tape test. The best time to do this is in the morning before bathing, because pinworms lay their eggs at night. Firmly press the sticky side of a 1-inch strip of cellophane tape over the anal area for a few seconds. The eggs stick to the tape. The tape is then transferred to a glass slide, sticky side down. Your health care provider needs to examine the slide to determine if there are eggs.

Last time I went the battery of STD tests were 500 baht and it took 3 days for the results. I think you will find this to be accurate for a complete set of tests at Pattaya Memorial Hospital.

whistling.gif Sorry to laugh, but how many punters are going to wait 3 days for a happy ending? The only sane answer is to use condoms each and every time. She could become infectious the very next day, waste of money.

Assuming you are talking about someone entertaining ideas of a long term relationship, the even bigger risk not using protection is that you get a speech to inform you that you are going to become daddy and to give money, lots of it.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Thank you, I'll ask in a pharmacy for scotch tape.

I don't know a the percentage of bars that require their girls to be HIV-tested, I only know my favourite bars do it. But since regular HIV tests are recommend, I hope more and more bars do it. It's not expensive, you can take a lady with you, and you can get a drink while you wait for the results.

The best way to diagnose this infection is to do a tape test. The best time to do this is in the morning before bathing, because pinworms lay their eggs at night. Firmly press the sticky side of a 1-inch strip of cellophane tape over the anal area for a few seconds. The eggs stick to the tape. The tape is then transferred to a glass slide, sticky side down. Your health care provider needs to examine the slide to determine if there are eggs.

Last time I went the battery of STD tests were 500 baht and it took 3 days for the results. I think you will find this to be accurate for a complete set of tests at Pattaya Memorial Hospital.

whistling.gif Sorry to laugh, but how many punters are going to wait 3 days for a happy ending? The only sane answer is to use condoms each and every time. She could become infectious the very next day, waste of money.

Assuming you are talking about someone entertaining ideas of a long term relationship, the even bigger risk not using protection is that you get a speech to inform you that you are going to become daddy and to give money, lots of it.

I'm not a doctor but ..... I seem to remember Pattaya memorial processing the tests on Thursdays and some of the local clinics can do the tests and some can't and some can only be done at a hospital. Some of the more complicated ones can take up to 5 days. I remember taking a couple of go go dancers to a clinic on that street that crosses the entrance to Walking street and they got a discount. HIV has a quickie blood test that only takes a few minutes. You can catch a lot of stuff orally and I've never seen a tongue condom have you? The dental latex sheets would just be too weird.....

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Thank you, I'll ask in a pharmacy for scotch tape.

I don't know a the percentage of bars that require their girls to be HIV-tested, I only know my favourite bars do it. But since regular HIV tests are recommend, I hope more and more bars do it. It's not expensive, you can take a lady with you, and you can get a drink while you wait for the results.

The best way to diagnose this infection is to do a tape test. The best time to do this is in the morning before bathing, because pinworms lay their eggs at night. Firmly press the sticky side of a 1-inch strip of cellophane tape over the anal area for a few seconds. The eggs stick to the tape. The tape is then transferred to a glass slide, sticky side down. Your health care provider needs to examine the slide to determine if there are eggs.

Last time I went the battery of STD tests were 500 baht and it took 3 days for the results. I think you will find this to be accurate for a complete set of tests at Pattaya Memorial Hospital.

whistling.gif Sorry to laugh, but how many punters are going to wait 3 days for a happy ending? The only sane answer is to use condoms each and every time. She could become infectious the very next day, waste of money.

Assuming you are talking about someone entertaining ideas of a long term relationship, the even bigger risk not using protection is that you get a speech to inform you that you are going to become daddy and to give money, lots of it.

I'm not a doctor but ..... I seem to remember Pattaya memorial processing the tests on Thursdays and some of the local clinics can do the tests and some can't and some can only be done at a hospital. Some of the more complicated ones can take up to 5 days. I remember taking a couple of go go dancers to a clinic on that street that crosses the entrance to Walking street and they got a discount. HIV has a quickie blood test that only takes a few minutes. You can catch a lot of stuff orally and I've never seen a tongue condom have you? The dental latex sheets would just be too weird.....

If HIV is one's only concern one obviously haven't realised that there are a LOT of STDs, some of which are becoming drug resistant.

Unless one has bleeding gums or an ulcer, oral is fairly safe, but I wouldn't be kissing any warts or cold sores smile.png .

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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whistling.gif Sorry to laugh, but how many punters are going to wait 3 days for a happy ending? The only sane answer is to use condoms each and every time. She could become infectious the very next day, waste of money.

Assuming you are talking about someone entertaining ideas of a long term relationship, the even bigger risk not using protection is that you get a speech to inform you that you are going to become daddy and to give money, lots of it.

I'm not a doctor but ..... I seem to remember Pattaya memorial processing the tests on Thursdays and some of the local clinics can do the tests and some can't and some can only be done at a hospital. Some of the more complicated ones can take up to 5 days. I remember taking a couple of go go dancers to a clinic on that street that crosses the entrance to Walking street and they got a discount. HIV has a quickie blood test that only takes a few minutes. You can catch a lot of stuff orally and I've never seen a tongue condom have you? The dental latex sheets would just be too weird.....

If HIV is one's only concern one obviously haven't realised that there are a LOT of STDs, some of which are becoming drug resistant.

Unless one has bleeding gums or an ulcer, oral is fairly safe, but I wouldn't be kissing any warts or cold sores smile.png .

Not been in Thailand long have you? Most Thai's take a pill every 6 months to kill them. Maybe you want to do some research on how they are transferred from one person to another. I'd try google STD Awareness: Oral transmission Intestinal Parasites

It might be Thailand's best kept secret.


Edited by lostoday
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In an attempt to get this thread back on topic I would like to give a Shout Out to All the Mongers Out There. We are a discriminated breed…discriminated by by all those lucky people who have been fortunate enough to fall in love with that one special person and now they live in happy monogamous matrimony. But what about us? The unfortunate and less lucky who have not been able to find that “one special one?” Are we supposed to waste our lives away in celibacy while we wait for the special person? There is no certainty that “the one” will ever show up and it is unhealthy (assuming you always practice safe sex) for a man not to have sex. Sex is healthy and enjoyable so why sit silently by and wait until you are an old man to lose your virginity? A survey in Japan found that one in four Japanese men in their thirties who’ve never been married are virgins. I feel sorry for these men. I know many men in their 50’s who have never married…should they still be virgins at their advanced age just because they never “met the one?” Some may say Yes….but I say No! And if it takes going to women to pay for their services I say “Have fun and enjoy yourself.” Life is too short to wait around for that one special person “you are meant to meet and marry.”

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It is often referred to as the oldest trade but it still seems to carry a lot of outdated thinking and prejudice bias, whilst those views continue it is still likely to encourage the more underground darker elements.

If you take the (darker associations, sex slave trade market etc) argument out of the equation and look at it purely from a practical perspective people may be looking at a basic human function in the wrong way.

People talked about money spent earlier perhaps it's worth considering this amount against the billions spent in the anti-depressant market or spent addressing crimes committed by unhappy people.

Perhaps forward thinking governments and health insurance companies will recognize that the cost to create happiness is less than the cost to address the loss of happiness and add trips to your local happiness professional as just part of your health coverage.

Through the association with health they can also spread the good health elements including the protection against STD's and through the association with happiness they can change the way people in the industry are viewed whilst taking preventative action against both depression and crime as a result of people not getting laid enough.

It's not called a happy ending for nothing.

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It is often referred to as the oldest trade but it still seems to carry a lot of outdated thinking and prejudice bias, whilst those views continue it is still likely to encourage the more underground darker elements.

If you take the (darker associations, sex slave trade market etc) argument out of the equation and look at it purely from a practical perspective people may be looking at a basic human function in the wrong way.

People talked about money spent earlier perhaps it's worth considering this amount against the billions spent in the anti-depressant market or spent addressing crimes committed by unhappy people.

Perhaps forward thinking governments and health insurance companies will recognize that the cost to create happiness is less than the cost to address the loss of happiness and add trips to your local happiness professional as just part of your health coverage.

Through the association with health they can also spread the good health elements including the protection against STD's and through the association with happiness they can change the way people in the industry are viewed whilst taking preventative action against both depression and crime as a result of people not getting laid enough.

It's not called a happy ending for nothing.

Good argument.

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It is often referred to as the oldest trade but it still seems to carry a lot of outdated thinking and prejudice bias, whilst those views continue it is still likely to encourage the more underground darker elements.

If you take the (darker associations, sex slave trade market etc) argument out of the equation and look at it purely from a practical perspective people may be looking at a basic human function in the wrong way.

People talked about money spent earlier perhaps it's worth considering this amount against the billions spent in the anti-depressant market or spent addressing crimes committed by unhappy people.

Perhaps forward thinking governments and health insurance companies will recognize that the cost to create happiness is less than the cost to address the loss of happiness and add trips to your local happiness professional as just part of your health coverage.

Through the association with health they can also spread the good health elements including the protection against STD's and through the association with happiness they can change the way people in the industry are viewed whilst taking preventative action against both depression and crime as a result of people not getting laid enough.

It's not called a happy ending for nothing.

Good argument.

Well mich, do you remember the case of the closed knocking shop in Hua-Hin ? did you know the Swiss guy left his tool there.It must of been painfull


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It's not called a happy ending for nothing.

Quite right ,

you negotiate the fee [,for the oldest contract known to civilisation ]

you do the deed,

you pay your dues.

both parties depart happy .

Why complicate , the wants and the needs of life, which occur naturally .

Civilisation ,Marriage , defies the Laws of Nature.wai2.gif

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It's not called a happy ending for nothing.

Quite right ,

you negotiate the fee [,for the oldest contract known to civilisation ]

you do the deed,

you pay your dues.

both parties depart happy .

Why complicate , the wants and the needs of life, which occur naturally .

Civilisation ,Marriage , defies the Laws of Nature.wai2.gif

There are those that for whatever reason dislike the idea that men can have sex without submitting themselves to the institution of marriage ( a contract in which you promise to love her for as long as it takes for her to take you for everything you have ), and they will do everything in their power to make you submit.

They take no account of those that for whatever reason will never be able to get married ( too ugly, too unpolished, too poor, too old, too fat ), but wish to condemn all unmarried men to a life time of abstinence.

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It's not called a happy ending for nothing.

Quite right ,

you negotiate the fee [,for the oldest contract known to civilisation ]

you do the deed,

you pay your dues.

both parties depart happy .

Why complicate , the wants and the needs of life, which occur naturally .

Civilisation ,Marriage , defies the Laws of Nature.wai2.gif

There are those that for whatever reason dislike the idea that men can have sex without submitting themselves to the institution of marriage ( a contract in which you promise to love her for as long as it takes for her to take you for everything you have ), and they will do everything in their power to make you submit.

They take no account of those that for whatever reason will never be able to get married ( too ugly, too unpolished, too poor, too old, too fat ), but wish to condemn all unmarried men to a life time of abstinence.

That's why capitalism invented Christian religion and moral.

And while capitalism produces more and more marginalized people, the number of those which are denied sex will grow -unless prostitution is accepted as a moral profession.

Edited by micmichd
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There are those that for whatever reason dislike the idea that men can have sex without submitting themselves to the institution of marriage ( a contract in which you promise to love her for as long as it takes for her to take you for everything you have ), and they will do everything in their power to make you submit.

They take no account of those that for whatever reason will never be able to get married ( too ugly, too unpolished, too poor, too old, too fat ), but wish to condemn all unmarried men to a life time of abstinence.

I think you'll find there are a lot of married men (in the west) living a life of abstinence too.

Why should single men be allowed to have a bit of fun!

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There are those that for whatever reason dislike the idea that men can have sex without submitting themselves to the institution of marriage ( a contract in which you promise to love her for as long as it takes for her to take you for everything you have ), and they will do everything in their power to make you submit.

They take no account of those that for whatever reason will never be able to get married ( too ugly, too unpolished, too poor, too old, too fat ), but wish to condemn all unmarried men to a life time of abstinence.

I think you'll find there are a lot of married men (in the west) living a life of abstinence too.

Why should single men be allowed to have a bit of fun!

Of course men should be allowed to have fun.

If they ask you silly questions in the West, just tell them that (1) sex is not a sin (2) your life is none of their business, and refuse to tell them any details.

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There are those that for whatever reason dislike the idea that men can have sex without submitting themselves to the institution of marriage ( a contract in which you promise to love her for as long as it takes for her to take you for everything you have ), and they will do everything in their power to make you submit.{Quote ]

Hope, your wife//partner has the same moral code,, as you .

Good luck , and enjoy your dream.clap2.gif

Edited by elliss
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There are those that for whatever reason dislike the idea that men can have sex without submitting themselves to the institution of marriage ( a contract in which you promise to love her for as long as it takes for her to take you for everything you have ), and they will do everything in their power to make you submit.

They take no account of those that for whatever reason will never be able to get married ( too ugly, too unpolished, too poor, too old, too fat ), but wish to condemn all unmarried men to a life time of abstinence.

I think you'll find there are a lot of married men (in the west) living a life of abstinence too.

Why should single men be allowed to have a bit of fun!

Of course men should be allowed to have fun.

If they ask you silly questions in the West, just tell them that (1) sex is not a sin (2) your life is none of their business, and refuse to tell them any details.

) your life is none of their business,

What a sad and ignorant thing to say...

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You can also go in details, but be aware many people in the West prefer their confabulations to facts. Maybe someone could come up with statistics about all social costs of suppressed sexuality in the West, including medical treatment etc. I would guess those social costs are higher than the expenditures on prostitution.

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How many men in the West live in sad loveless and sexless marriages? It must be plenty considering how many people get divorced…and in addition there are a lot more people that live in quiet desperation that don’t have the guts to call it quits for societal reasons (religious objections to divorce, for “the kids,” being tagged “a loser,” etc.). But everyone that enters marriage thinks it’s “going to be forever.” How can so many people be wrong….and why are they so wrong? It’s because it’s unnatural for humans to live in long-term monogamous relationships. Does it happen? Yes it does…for a small percentage of relationships (the exceptions). But for the vast majority of relationships it’s unnatural. You can come to this conclusion through the study of evolutionary biology of humans and empirical evidence of marriages (high divorce rates, high levels of spousal cheating, etc.). But people continue to believe “it won’t happen to me.” They always think “my marriage will last forever; it’s the other guy who’s going to get divorced and be unhappy.” So if unhappiness and eventual dissolution is the true state of marriage I say to men -- go have some fun tonight! Go rent yourself some wonderful sensual pleasure. If your wife or partner hasn’t touched you in ages – go get a sensual massage. The female touch is wonderfully healthy. If she hasn’t been responsive in bed for ages – go find a young attractive lady who will be. Life is short…get a divorce…don’t suppress your sexuality…get laid!

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  • 10 months later...

Without prostitution Thailand would easily lose 50% of Tourists.

People who deny this are just liars and/or ignorant.

But it's all about appearances and saving face.

Sorry, I thought you meant 50% of losers.

Are you one of the 99.99% of foreigners here that HASN'T been with a prostitute?


I am
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When I was single I believed single men should use prostitutes till they got married.Women in the public then are nor subject to being lied to and used for sex.No cases of next day wishing they had not done the deed. No unwanted births.No false rape charges.No emotional scars from love lost. The list goes on.

The virtue of the common woman would be upheld. It would then be the women in society who could take the blame for sex before marriage.Men would not need them outside marriage could get sex easy from prostitute. Out side of marriage the women would have to seduce the men not the men seduce the woman. All could be saved from the horrors of men's abuse for sex. Then they could find something else to whine about.

Your wife ,sister,cousin who ever would be safe around men unless they them selves were of low morals. Cannot control the women. But you would no the guy doesnot need to seduce your,sister,wife ,or any one else sex is accessible so no need.

Edited by lovelomsak
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