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I've a USA passport, Non-immigrant B visa. This time the closest exit point for me is Cambo. Had previously done the CM to Maesai bus trip, every 90 days.

I'm aware of ads for falang owned companies taking you by bus to cambo for about THB 2,000 round trip. A bit high compared to CM-Maesai--THB 700.

Is it possible to go via Ekkamai bus station; buy a round trip ticket on VIP, air con bus? Direct, no multiple stops? What is the name of the border stop? Possible to buy tickets 2 days in advance?

Anyone with current info and prices?


In your case the bus station is called Morchit and your final Destination is Aranyaphathet.

The reason for the difference is that everyone has a pay for the CamboVisa.

At least THB 1,000.-, but expect to pay more .

If you don't know your way around it's better to go by a tour,the cheapest 1800.- ,max 2000.- , which is still good value.

You save nothing if you go alone .


As said, Bt 1,000 is for the Cambodian visa, other 1,000 covers the trip.

You may save a few hundred going it alone, but you will probably regret it. :o



I use to live in Sa Kaeo and I think Bangkok to Sa Kaeo was a little less than 150 baht. The bus from Sa Kaeo to Aranyapreth was not more than 100 baht.

The only problem was there was a little less room on these buses but they were still air conditioned. They also stop half way for gas. Most people usually get off and buy food, drinks and use the bathroom here.

Once you get to the Aranyapreth bus station, get a tuk tuk to the border which is an additional 5km away. That should cost no more than 50 baht. I think you can get to the border from BKK for no more than about 300 baht + or - 50 baht.

I could be wrong. I haven't done this in about a year so things could have changed.


:o I can't believe you folks are discussing about saving 3 or 400 baht... 10 bucks!!!

Than we wonder about the new regulations VOA, the answer is easy, most of the people doing that do not bring here anything worth to be considered by the Authorities!~!!!

They do not want cheap people staying, very simply!


Personally the trips I did fromBKK I did with JackGolf -----

They handled everything on the Cambo side and used a different border place from BKK

Kinda enjoyed those trips << NOT going to Poipet was a GOOD thing!>>


it can take 3-4 hours standing in the hot sun to exit thailand and get back in at poipet.

the thai officers are unbelievably slow.

thats why the bus tours now use Ban Laem,

a crossing a further south.

:o I can't believe you folks are discussing about saving 3 or 400 baht... 10 bucks!!!

Than we wonder about the new regulations VOA, the answer is easy, most of the people doing that do not bring here anything worth to be considered by the Authorities!~!!!

They do not want cheap people staying, very simply!

I think its a bit more than 300 to 400 baht. If the trip from BKK cost 2000 baht then you can save 1400 baht. It's almost the cost of a UBC monthly bill (depending on the service you get) or your electricity bill.

Some people also don't like the idea of others making a huge profit off a service that can be done very easily and cheaply.

Others are not as fortunate as you seem to be and they manage their money different than what you might do.

I did not see anywhere on the immigration or MFA websites where they mention they don't want cheap people staying. There is a minimum amount a person is suppose to have during their stay in the LOS and some people want to make that amount last as long as possible.


:o I can't believe you folks are discussing about saving 3 or 400 baht... 10 bucks!!!

Than we wonder about the new regulations VOA, the answer is easy, most of the people doing that do not bring here anything worth to be considered by the Authorities!~!!!

They do not want cheap people staying, very simply!

I think its a bit more than 300 to 400 baht. If the trip from BKK cost 2000 baht then you can save 1400 baht. It's almost the cost of a UBC monthly bill (depending on the service you get) or your electricity bill.

Some people also don't like the idea of others making a huge profit off a service that can be done very easily and cheaply.

Others are not as fortunate as you seem to be and they manage their money different than what you might do.

I did not see anywhere on the immigration or MFA websites where they mention they don't want cheap people staying. There is a minimum amount a person is suppose to have during their stay in the LOS and some people want to make that amount last as long as possible.

ummm no .... trip to border on your own ---- 300-400 baht ..... <and more time etc>

visa to Cambodia 1000-1200 baht depending .....1500-1600 total

trip with a company that handles your "stuff" and visa 2000

difference 500-600 baht


You seem to be forgetting a very important item that the trip price includes - that is the visa fee for Cambodia and any excess charges they try to come up with.


You guys are right. I did forget the visa. Sorry about that. I stand corrected.

What can you buy with 400 to 500 baht now a days? I guess thats up for each person to decided.

For us "cheap" individuals, 400 to 500 baht is what we would consider a nice hotel for a night. In someplaces, you can get 2 or 3 nights for that price.

Oh well, to each his own.


Try your luck and report your experience here .

Doing it in PoiPet /Aran alone is only for the experienced visarunner.

My guess bus 300.-,transport @ border 100.- , Food/Drinks 100.- , Visa 1000-1200.-.Other charges ??.

Visarun prices start THB 1800.- and they are worry free .

For us "cheap" individuals, 400 to 500 baht is what we would consider a nice hotel for a night. In someplaces, you can get 2 or 3 nights for that price.

What a sadness!!! Always these stereotypes... the fact is those 400/500 save, but I believe is less than that, are actually a poor sum also for the average of Thai people I know, who are actually more brilliant than some Farang at this point... furthermore in this case the subject got to do that just once every 3 months, coz he got a Non B (thank God they are not checking why he got it), if a people can't spend 1800 every three months, tell me why they suppose to be welcome? I bet they want also satisfy their lush for free!!!

I hate cheap charlies, I call them TRex, for their short arms!!! So let's get the bus yourself, and hopefully get lost in the jungle! :o


Richard Wrote:

What a strange thing to say that some Thai people are more intelligent than farangs at this point. I wonder if you walk around in the village or city that you live in feeling your intellect is far supieror than the Thais around you. I'm sure the Thais around you have noticed this.

Of course there are Thai people who are smarter than farangs. Do you believe that in all of Thailand that your smarter than every Thai in the country?

There are many Thais who think similiar to you. They think that they are better than most. They look down on their own people who are not as fortunate as they are as do you.

I hate people like that. I don't call them A-holes for their bad attitude. They are about as important as the mud on my shoes.

You are really missing the point here! We are not talking about intellect, but just be less TRex sch_16448%20trex.jpg, it won't certainly arrive to his wallet!!!

Really, to be honest I believe that those organizations should raise up the price, 1800/2000 baht, their margin is so low!!!

Fortunately they are fixing up all of this and hopefully they will get rid of useless folks, but again they are too devoted to do that for real!

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