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I'm 56 years old, and not happy with the hair on the top of my head. I was blond at a younger age, and my fine hair has now turned light brown.

I am not losing hair, but keep it cropped short (#3), to try to make it appear to have more body. I use one of those sticky 'goos' that helps to spike it.

This is not a question about what I can do to be a hansum man :) I would like advice about shampoo/conditioner/diet that will help to keep my hair healthy, strong, add body and lustre to it.

I should ad that years of washing my hair in general shampoos or bathroom soap has probably not helped :)

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Mix sperm, egg yolk and chicken essence (can get that at any seven eleven) and apply this to your scalp with a paint brush in the morning. Leave it there for about 8 hours and rinse. Repeat this every 2nd day for 3 months. Results are quite fascinating.


Do what I did. Shaved it all off. Saved a ton of money on shampoo and conditioner, and it feels much better. I could care less if I'm a "hansum man" or not. (Although I really am! lol)


I'm 63 years old. I told the lady cutting my hair to put the electric shears on number 1 setting and take it all off. Life is much simply without the weight of vanity.


If you really are 56, then you're either taking the piss, or you need to find a good shrink.

You lost me on that one.

Suppose I asked for advice about how to cure dry skin on my legs? Would you dismiss my question as banial?

It is a serious question. What reason is there to ignore the good health of your hair, whilst looking after the rest of your body?

Perhaps 20 years ago, I had the same amount of hair, but it had more 'body' and lustre. Ergo, the appearance has changed for a reason, (general aging, lack of certain vitamins, supplements etc).



Try this....you'll be so hansum. gigglem.gif

Use a very mild shampoo & make sure your scalp is clean always.

A person cannot be handsome unless he is clean shaven.


Butterfly Pea Tea Thai - 'Anchan' wild blue herbal flower

Butterfly Pea first gained its reputation as a powerful hair strengthener in the traditional Thai medicine. leaves, flowers, seeds, and roots are all used as medicinal herbs. According to Thai culture & folklore, butterfly pea flowers are squeezed to make Anchan tea, and as a coloring forThai desserts in blue and purple colors. It also provides anthocyanin to improve eyesight, treat opthalmitis and eye infections, nourish hair, provide antioxidants and boost body immunity. Many health & beauty products are derived from this flower because of the positive effects of the flavanoid, Quercetin has on skin & hair. The hot or cold tea is extremely thirst quenching and relaxing.

I have used it for years, am over 60, and have a full head of brown hair with only a hint of grey in the temples.

You can buy commercially sold Anchan (Butterfly pea) hair products.

They are fair .. bit nothing compared with getting the fresh flowers (sold in many local temple / farmer's markets ... then drying them .. making a strong blue tea from it (It does not take many to make a pot of dark blue ink, let me tell ya)

My wife has long black hair down to her waist, and three times a week asks me to jump in the shower with her for an anchan hair treatment. Being gentleman, I oblige, and have to spend 45 minutes in the shower with a 29 year old who woks out in the gym .. every day ... washing here hair, pouring a bucket of (cooled) anchan tea into here hair, and then adding conditioner and letting it sit for 5 minutes, rinsing it out with more tea, then plain water. As I said, it is the gentlemanly thing to do.

But i digress ... 555 ...

I also use Audace Reactive Shampoo, it really does stimulate the scalp. add a shine to the hair, and is a "hair fall shampoo" As I said, people are surprised how at my age, i have hair like I do.

I am sure, here on Thai Visa, somehow, even this sincere "helpful hint" will get some smart arse replies .. but I will just laugh knowing it comes from much younger men, who are going bald. yes sonny, those sunglasses on your hairline at 10 PM in a bar TOTALLY have us fooled !

Anyway, obviously .. i am a big fan of having a nice healthy head of hair, and these are the solutions that ensure I have it.

Have a good weekend ..



If the very numerous medicines or herbal products "miracle" for the hair really existed, there would be bit of hairless.

Look at most of the public actors or men, despite their money, they are bald. Or almost hairless.

Few have thick hair, from 30 years, if notthese are implants. cowboy.gif


Since nobody is answering your question directly, I will share with you what has worked for me and a few friends. I am 48 and started thinning out badly about 10 years ago.

No magic is out there and if you are not up to surgery, then try what got my hair back to normal.

Take daily:

Biotin 5000 mcg. (Can only find 1000 mcg in Thailand)

Propecia 1 mg. ( or you can save $ by buying 5 mg finestaride in Thailand and cut into 4s)

Saw palmetto

Rx shampoo if you are wanting to do even more,

2% minoxidyl shampoo or 1% OTC

For temp thickening you can try romaine when going to bed at night, but be sure you don't have any skin allergies.

Very inexpensive and easy to incorporate with daily taking of vitamins.

Expect 2-3 months to start seeing good results. This is not an overnight wonder but a maintenance schedule (similar to your vitamin schedule) no extra effort,

Wish you the best


There is a very good hair clinic in Thonglor, not too expensive and they have many remedies, special shampoos ect. I can recommend it. It is to make your hair healthy, no transplant or things like that. I'll find the address for you if you are interested


I would recommend to just trim it as short as possible and it will look much better than many farang who i have seen wandering the streets in Pattaya ( pensioners over 65 with a " Syrup of Fig " (Wig) stuck to there head ) not only does it look absolutely ridiculous and just so not cool but bloody hot when spending a few hours strolling about in the afternoon sun......

Farang Jaidee x

Would you dare wear a Wig viewers....?gigglem.gif


Simon, Simon, Simon. You thought this question was going to be taken seriously on here of all places. Saw this a mile away on the direction this thread was going.

Go on a hair forum.


Thanks for all the comments, most of which misunderstood my question :)

I am not going grey or concerned about the colour of my hair.

My hair is not falling out - I still have the same length of hair and in the same areas of my head as I had 40 years ago. I have not noticed any change in the amount of hair and do not see hair strands in the shower etc.

But it is the 'quality' of the hair strands on my head itself which concern me - and I appreciate the comments and advice in this thread as to how to improve the health of those strands.


This may sound crazy.......and many will skoff. If you buy a can of tuna in spring water...NOT BRINE.....mix it with plain yoghurt......and equal olive oil, about half a cup each......mix it and warm it.....then apply it and leave in for 30 min.....wrapped in a towel........Rinse...no soap......Try it.


Something I've often wondered about, since obtaining middle age, is grey hair.

Mine is about 80% grey, but my body hair & pubes aren't.....any ideas why?


Since nobody is answering your question directly, I will share with you what has worked for me and a few friends. I am 48 and started thinning out badly about 10 years ago.

No magic is out there and if you are not up to surgery, then try what got my hair back to normal.

Take daily:

Biotin 5000 mcg. (Can only find 1000 mcg in Thailand)

Propecia 1 mg. ( or you can save $ by buying 5 mg finestaride in Thailand and cut into 4s)

Saw palmetto

Rx shampoo if you are wanting to do even more,

2% minoxidyl shampoo or 1% OTC

For temp thickening you can try romaine when going to bed at night, but be sure you don't have any skin allergies.

Very inexpensive and easy to incorporate with daily taking of vitamins.

Expect 2-3 months to start seeing good results. This is not an overnight wonder but a maintenance schedule (similar to your vitamin schedule) no extra effort,

Wish you the best

Wow. Sorry if my full page reply, complete with pictures, does not meet your "Since nobody is answering your question directly ..." criteria.

Sometimes I wonder about these postings anyway ... the person who started the inquiry rarely responds .. and pretty much never says thank you.

I like your input, and my try the Biotin along with the things i listed.


Quit rubbing your head between her legs...just kidding...smile.png

Bald is the new beautiful...try it...have it all cut off...and see how good an clean it feels...

You may be surprised...you may come to like the idea...


All that crap that girls go to salons for is worth it if luxurious hair is what you seek. While they may get some occasional sperm splashed on their hair I don't think that is a substitute for hair detoxing and an occasional hair spa to revitalize your scalp and hair. If you are in south Phuket I can recommend an excellent stylist who can help you. She's cute and not expensive either.


Why the hell would anyone be worrying about his hair at age 56?!

Sigh... I am not worrying about how much or how little or what colour my hair is. I am concerned about the 'health' of my hair. It is perhaps an indicator of the general health of the body from whence it grows.

You do understand that health is important, especially as you get older?


The hair people see is dead. Explains why you can cut it..... Like your skin surface is also dead. But if you worried about looking hansum, I suggest some light application of rubber cement as a base, then shield the hair from atmosphere with 1000 baht notes. ladies will take notice of you for sure

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