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Father faces deportation to Thailand after 27 years in Britain for two 'stupid crimes'

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In country where national sport is getting drunk, what are you expecting him to learn from a brit irresponsable dad who probably spent his time in Thailand in bars and so do most of his Brits living in Thailand now?

This type of decision has major impact on toddler who will live life without a Dad. This is a human case, not just a number. His life belongs to there not in Thailand. Get him in programs to help him get out of his drinking problems. He is the product of that society.

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This is wrong on so many levels ... and another reason I detest the UK.

His crimes were no different from 1,000's of others that Britons commit on a daily basis, so jail him ... or fine him ... but he hasn't killed anyone, and doesn't deserve to be deported, especially as he is the father OF a British child, that will (now, presumably) lose his father.

This guy really needed to have been more careful.

As a father, with responsibilities, he shouldn't have stolen over 2,000 pounds, or assaulted anyone.

I don't believe that murder is the line which defines when someone should be deported either.

Within this framework, anything up to murder is permissible, does this include rape/pedophilia - at what point do countries have the right to remove undesirable non citizens?

The nature of all defined crime is that it labels people who are not considered conforming.

If non citizens don't conform, they should be made to leave.

He has (if I read it correctly) indefinite leave to remain.

I agree he shouldn't have committed the crimes, however, I personally don't think that's a good enough excuse to kick someone out of the country when they have children that ARE British citizens.

If you go down that road, let's also then deport all British citizens that don't conform and that are convicted of the exact same crime rather than fining or imprisoning them. Perhaps we could also send them off to Australia. Oh wait, we already did that.

My English friend with a Thai citizen son still living in Thailand, is kicked out of Thailand and deported back to England. Explain to me how his situation isn't different from this Thai dude being deported back to Thailand. Tit for Tat. My friend didn't make front page news. Liberals aren't lining up and screaming "Foul" for my friend. Heck no. He's white and English.

Was your friend bought up by the Thai Government as this one was by the UK one as a ward of the state? Did your friend recieve all his education in Thai schools as the UK one did his in British schools. It is arguable that Britain has shaped him more than Thailand.


How will he suffer? He can teach English! coffee1.gif

Has he got a degree?

He is Thai so he may be one of the few "farang" educated guys that can work, buy land and teach with no work permit....

He should check his possibilities...

It's rather ignorant to assume that Thais do not need to be qualified in order to teach in Thailand. They need to have a teaching degree, they need to be higher qualified than the farangs.

As an ignorant person, I think ( If you permit me) that with his Thai ID card, basic college and fluency in English language, he would be eventually able to secure a job in the tourist industry He can choose to be a Thai and not a foreigner that necessitate complicated work permit to work and he not need limit himself to teach English to survive. He will do what he has to do to survive here.


Deport first, appeal later Law right??? same like shoot first, ask questions later... I really think people of the same ethnicity should stay in their appropriate regions and not migrate... unless it is very very special special circumstances!!! Anyway when cultures and tradition clash there are a lot of problems which cannot be solved... in one's own society, religious beliefs, traditions and societal norms can find answers or solutions, might not be the best but won't make things worse. Anyway it is sad to know the mother committed suicide... and the child was left on his own within the Childcare system or whatever... anyway this is what happens when you are out of you society...

People of the same ethnicity? Appropriate regions? One's own society?

Do you really believe all that?

Think the poster fully believes it, like many other nutters throughout history, some of whom unfortunately rose to power and created havoc insisting their ideals were implemented.


The level of nastiness in this forum is astounding. I wonder how many of the haters here have a squeaky clean record. What I've been reading here is truly sickening. Shame on you .

I never did any crime and I guess most people here worst crime was wrong parking because they didn't saw the sign.

I never stole 1 Baht (Euro/$/Pound) or assaulted someone. I even pay my taxes correct. That might be the reason why Thailand is not deporting me.thumbsup.gif


Australia does do the same, hundreds of criminals have been deported under Abbott, who by the way is about as far from being a liberal as it is possible to be. Australia likes to think of them themselves as a developed country yet uses Papua New Guinea as a refugee camp. It would seem that the old penal colony mentality is still alive and well in the minds of the Australians, out of sight, out of mind. Sending asylum seekers to live in a third world prison on an island just isn't a first world thing to do, neither is it in anyway a liberal thing to do, obviously.

The smartest thing Abbot has done is stopping the illegal economic immigrants from reaching Australian shores where they can fall into the arms of the bleeding hearts and the human rights lawyers, because there is no end to the false claims and law suits they will use to allow them to stay.

BTW the quite aiding and abetting of illegal immigration should be considered sufficient criminal activity for deportation, similar to the UK Thai. Much of the funding for the illegal immigration is coming from family members already "arrived".

Yeah sure, best thing he has done is put them out of site in a third world refugee camp, clearly you have morals. The rest of the developed world wonders how the Australians have become selfish to the point of inhumanity. Aiding and abetting illegal immigrants is just another way of saying recognising your lawful duty as stipulated by the Geneva Conventions on Human Rights. It's high time the UN security council steps in, frees the people from those third world refugee camps and takes Abott to the international courts for crimes against humanity.

Why should a 3rd world refugee complain about being in a 3rd world refugee camp? They're safe from the problems they fled from, aren't they? They're even given assistance to find a job, which is a whole lot cheaper than a free flat and social security for the rest of their life. I have no problems if you wish to donate your time or money to help them, what gives you the right to insist they have mine?

Of course the economic migrants don't like it, so they stop coming, which is the whole idea.

But they don't stop leaving though do they, they have to leave, they just head to a developed country and give the backwards thinking ozzys a miss. You seem to find some justification with putting war refugees in camps in the jungle in order to deter ecconomic migrants, how shameful of you.

Help finding jobs? What are talking about? I am talking about the people in a cage in PNG, they are not being helped to find jobs they are in a refugee camp! You claim they are safe, when in reality they frequently go without water, regulaly contract malaria, typhoid and dysentry, where self harm and attempted suicide is a daily occurance and where riots have resulted in many being shot dead by security. Of the thousands transported to the camps, so far only 80 have been granted asylum, that is only 80 who actually could have been helped to find work, the others have been left to rot in overrun camps with open sewers and riddled with disease. It's the sort of place that would of made the NAZIs happy, funny that it appeals so widely to the Australians, such a "liberal" lot that they are.

What gives me the right to insist on them having your time and money is a piece of paper signed in 1957 which makes perfectly clear your legal obligation to read requests for asylum, not ship them off to a third party to live in a refugee camp. I sincerely hope that the day will come when we see Abott before the international courts and tried for crimes against humanity.


This is great news that the UK has finally woken up to its immigration problem. It would make much more sense for a last in, first out policy. This guy should be returned to Thailand after the 20 odd million foreign British passport holders that committed crimes are booted out first.


I wish Australia would do the same, instead, what you have three is a bunch of liberals and

soft hearted whom, somehow defends the ' new Australians ' criminal behavior with

a ' fair go ' BS, while the very same criminals are living safe and sucking on the social

securities tits dry thumbing their noses at the authorities...

A bit like this one


He is Thai so he may be one of the few "farang" educated guys that can work, buy land and teach with no work permit....

He should check his possibilities...

It's rather ignorant to assume that Thais do not need to be qualified in order to teach in Thailand. They need to have a teaching degree, they need to be higher qualified than the farangs.

As an ignorant person, I think ( If you permit me) that with his Thai ID card, basic college and fluency in English language, he would be eventually able to secure a job in the tourist industry He can choose to be a Thai and not a foreigner that necessitate complicated work permit to work and he not need limit himself to teach English to survive. He will do what he has to do to survive here.

I don't doubt that he would find a job, and I didn't critise you for that remark, just that he cannot teach legally, at least not in a government school, I'm sure the tourist industry would have him somewhere.

Not sure what you mean by, "he can choose to be a Thai and not a foreigner", pretty sure he doesn't get to choose his nationality, that's the whole point of him being deported, he is a Thai citizen and only a Thai citizen.


In country where national sport is getting drunk, what are you expecting him to learn from a brit irresponsible dad who probably spent his time in Thailand in bars and so do most of his Brits living in Thailand now?

This type of decision has major impact on toddler who will live life without a Dad. This is a human case, not just a number. His life belongs to there not in Thailand. Get him in programs to help him get out of his drinking problems. He is the product of that society.

Totally agree in a case like this where a person knows nothing but the country he lives in. No way should he be deported unless he's a threat to national security or bludging off the state

This deport now appeal later Law is fine and well if aimed at the right people but clearly this just aimed at anyone who was unluckily born elsewhere.


I am from Preston. I know a little of the background to this story.

His English step father was a drunken bully,

His mother much the same.

Poor bugger did not get a good start in life, so please give him a break.

Damn right. It's good to know there are people with level minded judgement on this site. From half the comments I've read so far, I would reckon we have a lot of UKIP voters in our presence (xenophobic bigots being the other way to put that). Seriously, some people can only pervcieve the world in black and white, and yet consider themselves superior in everyway.

Absolute rubbish.I'm a UKIP supporter and certainly not a xenophobic bigot. Regarding this case I can see both sides of the argument, he basically is British, unfortunately he is also a convicted criminal. Would I deport him"NO" due to the fact that he has a young son who is completely innocent, perhaps better if he is allowed to stay with a five year probation, on the understanding that if he does anything else illegal he would be put on the first plane out.


Why should a 3rd world refugee complain about being in a 3rd world refugee camp? They're safe from the problems they fled from, aren't they? They're even given assistance to find a job, which is a whole lot cheaper than a free flat and social security for the rest of their life. I have no problems if you wish to donate your time or money to help them, what gives you the right to insist they have mine?

Of course the economic migrants don't like it, so they stop coming, which is the whole idea.

But they don't stop leaving though do they, they have to leave, they just head to a developed country and give the backwards thinking ozzys a miss. You seem to find some justification with putting war refugees in camps in the jungle in order to deter ecconomic migrants, how shameful of you.

Help finding jobs? What are talking about? I am talking about the people in a cage in PNG, they are not being helped to find jobs they are in a refugee camp! You claim they are safe, when in reality they frequently go without water, regulaly contract malaria, typhoid and dysentry, where self harm and attempted suicide is a daily occurance and where riots have resulted in many being shot dead by security. Of the thousands transported to the camps, so far only 80 have been granted asylum, that is only 80 who actually could have been helped to find work, the others have been left to rot in overrun camps with open sewers and riddled with disease. It's the sort of place that would of made the NAZIs happy, funny that it appeals so widely to the Australians, such a "liberal" lot that they are.

What gives me the right to insist on them having your time and money is a piece of paper signed in 1957 which makes perfectly clear your legal obligation to read requests for asylum, not ship them off to a third party to live in a refugee camp. I sincerely hope that the day will come when we see Abott before the international courts and tried for crimes against humanity.

Yeah right, these desperate refugees that get to Indonesia, and decide that isn't good enough because nothings free.

You know what you can do with your piece of paper. When it was signed those signing it didn't know what would come of it. ANY muslim has only to claim he wants to be a christian (however temporarily) to qualify as persecuted. I only need look at the UK and France to see what that leads to, not that we don't already have our own problems.

Australia has a front door, you want to come in, you knock on it. Anybody trying sneaking in the back way gets treated like the criminal they are.

BTW you forgot to mention how common sexual assault on children is in these camps. Just the sort of people we should welcome.


Shows that Britain is still ruled by the same bs mentality that transported poor citizens across the world while the wealthy plundered their way through the rest of the world. And what's amazing is seeing people on Thai visa condone it Unbelievable ! His crimes weren't that bloody serious. Brits bash and rob each other every day of the week <deleted> ! It's part of the culture ! Wake up you Brit butt lickers you are ruled and played like pawns by Etonites and they would toss you to the lions too without a second thought. Stand up for what is right for once !


While the law allows them to deport the man, the government could have chosen to act with compassion rather than break up a family and leave a child to grow up without his father.

The government's callousness that is being gleefully applauded by the TV members here is the same callousness TV'rs decry when their pensions are cut. Being white and born in Britain doesn't protect you from a heartless elite.



Thailand does the same. Break the law and you are in prison until you can fund your own deportation. We all know this and understand the consequences of breaking the law.

It is time that immigrants to "Western" countries with all the benefits they are awarded, said "thanks" and behaved.

You're comparing apples with pears, we do not have PLR. However, why he didn't apply for Citizenship many years ago is a mystery. Maybe he thought PLR meant what it implied but maybe you wouldn't?.


Shows that Britain is still ruled by the same bs mentality that transported poor citizens across the world while the wealthy plundered their way through the rest of the world. And what's amazing is seeing people on Thai visa condone it Unbelievable ! His crimes weren't that bloody serious. Brits bash and rob each other every day of the week <deleted> ! It's part of the culture ! Wake up you Brit butt lickers you are ruled and played like pawns by Etonites and they would toss you to the lions too without a second thought. Stand up for what is right for once !


While the law allows them to deport the man, the government could have chosen to act with compassion rather than break up a family and leave a child to grow up without his father.

The government's callousness that is being gleefully applauded by the TV members here is the same callousness TV'rs decry when their pensions are cut. Being white and born in Britain doesn't protect you from a heartless elite.


Should they give them a ticket to Thailand?


He should be allowed to remain. These are not "stupid" crimes but not as serious as forcing deportation and abandoning a child and wife, or forcing them to to likewise relocate to a country where the child will have a hard time obtaining education and wife difficulties in other areas.


seem to recall similar stories of Cambodian , Vietnamese as well as many others being deported from the US after they were released from Jail.


This is great news that the UK has finally woken up to its immigration problem. It would make much more sense for a last in, first out policy. This guy should be returned to Thailand after the 20 odd million foreign British passport holders that committed crimes are booted out first.

That is 1 out of how many?


He should be allowed to remain. These are not "stupid" crimes but not as serious as forcing deportation and abandoning a child and wife, or forcing them to to likewise relocate to a country where the child will have a hard time obtaining education and wife difficulties in other areas.

His son is also a Thai citizen.

His wife can apply for Thai citizenship too (very easy for foreign women).

With a prison record for stealing from his employer, he won't ever get another job in the UK.

Do you all (who want him to stay in the UK) want him and his family living off the state for the rest of their lives?

Him and his family can make a new go of things in a new country, as Thais, They'll have an easier time of it than we do.


As an American and having lived in California a long time, I have seen much the same thing happen there. People who commit minor crimes ( sentence of 12 months or less) and have lived their whole lives in America , have children and lived a relatively good and decent life except a few misdeeds are deported back to their country of birth to a system and language they are completely incapable of handling. Normally, what happens is they then appeal to attempt to return to the United State but the appeal takes so long they eventually lose the rights to their minor children as they can't support them and the State puts the children in a foster home, supported by the taxpayer. I am not familiar with English law but it sure sounds similar to what happens in America. The politicians beat their chests saying look at how tough we are on immigration but in essence these kind of laws obscure the fact that those with an agenda or a politically correct affinity find ways to skirt the law while the others such as this man do not have the means or connections to fight back wil be sent back to a country he does not know. This is not due process. I grew believing that English law was fair and sacrosanct and American law must be the same as it is based on English common law. Where is the fairness in this situation? How does it serve the British people or American people to use these kind of draconian laws to exile people and break up families. Please don't confuse our situation in Thailand as expats with little rights to what we as Englishmen or Americans know or should know is fairness and equality. Many of our forefathers died for it.


Why should a 3rd world refugee complain about being in a 3rd world refugee camp? They're safe from the problems they fled from, aren't they? They're even given assistance to find a job, which is a whole lot cheaper than a free flat and social security for the rest of their life. I have no problems if you wish to donate your time or money to help them, what gives you the right to insist they have mine?

Of course the economic migrants don't like it, so they stop coming, which is the whole idea.

But they don't stop leaving though do they, they have to leave, they just head to a developed country and give the backwards thinking ozzys a miss. You seem to find some justification with putting war refugees in camps in the jungle in order to deter ecconomic migrants, how shameful of you.

Help finding jobs? What are talking about? I am talking about the people in a cage in PNG, they are not being helped to find jobs they are in a refugee camp! You claim they are safe, when in reality they frequently go without water, regulaly contract malaria, typhoid and dysentry, where self harm and attempted suicide is a daily occurance and where riots have resulted in many being shot dead by security. Of the thousands transported to the camps, so far only 80 have been granted asylum, that is only 80 who actually could have been helped to find work, the others have been left to rot in overrun camps with open sewers and riddled with disease. It's the sort of place that would of made the NAZIs happy, funny that it appeals so widely to the Australians, such a "liberal" lot that they are.

What gives me the right to insist on them having your time and money is a piece of paper signed in 1957 which makes perfectly clear your legal obligation to read requests for asylum, not ship them off to a third party to live in a refugee camp. I sincerely hope that the day will come when we see Abott before the international courts and tried for crimes against humanity.

Yeah right, these desperate refugees that get to Indonesia, and decide that isn't good enough because nothings free.

You know what you can do with your piece of paper. When it was signed those signing it didn't know what would come of it. ANY muslim has only to claim he wants to be a christian (however temporarily) to qualify as persecuted. I only need look at the UK and France to see what that leads to, not that we don't already have our own problems.

Australia has a front door, you want to come in, you knock on it. Anybody trying sneaking in the back way gets treated like the criminal they are.

BTW you forgot to mention how common sexual assault on children is in these camps. Just the sort of people we should welcome.

Under the Geneva Conventions a refugee can choose not to stop in one country but continue on to a country of their choice, which is their legal right. A lot of people seem to believe that they must stop in the first safe country they reach, of course those countries bordering Syria and Iraq etc are full to bursting already and the camps in those places provide easy pickings for the very people they are escaping and thus provide little safety.

When it was signed those signing it didn't know what would come of it? Really? All the way back in 1991 when Australia signed protocol I (which is the protocol in question) they just didn't know what was coming hey? Don't make me laugh. Back in 1957 when they signed the first one they knew what could happen, that's why they made the convention, they had just seen huge amounts of displaced people and no laws in order to enforce countries to accept them, and that is what got us into the mess in Israel. Unsurprisingly people were not ignorant of the effects of war in the years shortly after WWII.

Australia’s or any countries front door is not open to refugees, it is quite simple how the law works, they must get there first, and it is then the responsibility of the signature party to accept them if they are eiligable

As for your nasty little comment about sexual assault, do you realize that those assaults have been committed by the so called guards? Sickening that someone would attempt to use that against the very people seeing their children assaulted. No one wants to welcome sexually perverted guards to pretend to be taking care of people while actually sexually abusing their children, except Abbott and a few Australians that is.

So you welcome this treatment of people then? You would fit right in with ISIS mate.

This guy really needed to have been more careful.

As a father, with responsibilities, he shouldn't have stolen over 2,000 pounds, or assaulted anyone.

I don't believe that murder is the line which defines when someone should be deported either.

Within this framework, anything up to murder is permissible, does this include rape/pedophilia - at what point do countries have the right to remove undesirable non citizens?

The nature of all defined crime is that it labels people who are not considered conforming.

If non citizens don't conform, they should be made to leave.

He has (if I read it correctly) indefinite leave to remain.

I agree he shouldn't have committed the crimes, however, I personally don't think that's a good enough excuse to kick someone out of the country when they have children that ARE British citizens.

If you go down that road, let's also then deport all British citizens that don't conform and that are convicted of the exact same crime rather than fining or imprisoning them. Perhaps we could also send them off to Australia. Oh wait, we already did that.

My English friend with a Thai citizen son still living in Thailand, is kicked out of Thailand and deported back to England. Explain to me how his situation isn't different from this Thai dude being deported back to Thailand. Tit for Tat. My friend didn't make front page news. Liberals aren't lining up and screaming "Foul" for my friend. Heck no. He's white and English.

Was your friend bought up by the Thai Government as this one was by the UK one as a ward of the state? Did your friend recieve all his education in Thai schools as the UK one did his in British schools. It is arguable that Britain has shaped him more than Thailand.

If I bring my child to Thailand now that I'm married to a Native Thai, do we both get a stamp in our passport saying we're allowed to 'stay infinitely'? No. If I bring my child (my Native Thai wife's step-child) up in Thai schools, does that grant him or her any other status other then Non-O. No. Once my child reaches the age of majority, does she or he get to stay in Thailand indefinitely? No. So does a non-Thai step-child of a Thai Native get to stay in Thailand just because he or she was 'shaped' by Thailand? No. Isn't that the exact situation you just outlined? Yes. Isn't that a really hypocritical attitude to have? Yes. Amazingly so.

Instead of focusing on this guy in Britain, how about focusing on Thai Immigration standards as compared to Western countries, and start demanding the same treatment as our governments extend to foreigners who marry citizens of our country. If you want to talk about Human Rights issues, let's start with Thai Immigration, xenophobia in Thailand, overt-racism in Thailand against foreigner, How many white 'farang' (nice racist term) who have spent years in Thailand, and then encounter some problem that forces to be unable to meet the conditions of the draconian Thai immigration laws, and then gets deported, if not thrown into jail and forgotten about. It doesn't raise an eyebrow from all of the Hypocrites out there: One-way, ideological morons.


Yeah right, these desperate refugees that get to Indonesia, and decide that isn't good enough because nothings free.

You know what you can do with your piece of paper. When it was signed those signing it didn't know what would come of it. ANY muslim has only to claim he wants to be a christian (however temporarily) to qualify as persecuted. I only need look at the UK and France to see what that leads to, not that we don't already have our own problems.

Australia has a front door, you want to come in, you knock on it. Anybody trying sneaking in the back way gets treated like the criminal they are.

BTW you forgot to mention how common sexual assault on children is in these camps. Just the sort of people we should welcome.

Under the Geneva Conventions a refugee can choose not to stop in one country but continue on to a country of their choice, which is their legal right. A lot of people seem to believe that they must stop in the first safe country they reach, of course those countries bordering Syria and Iraq etc are full to bursting already and the camps in those places provide easy pickings for the very people they are escaping and thus provide little safety.

When it was signed those signing it didn't know what would come of it? Really? All the way back in 1991 when Australia signed protocol I (which is the protocol in question) they just didn't know what was coming hey? Don't make me laugh. Back in 1957 when they signed the first one they knew what could happen, that's why they made the convention, they had just seen huge amounts of displaced people and no laws in order to enforce countries to accept them, and that is what got us into the mess in Israel. Unsurprisingly people were not ignorant of the effects of war in the years shortly after WWII.

Australia’s or any countries front door is not open to refugees, it is quite simple how the law works, they must get there first, and it is then the responsibility of the signature party to accept them if they are eiligable

As for your nasty little comment about sexual assault, do you realize that those assaults have been committed by the so called guards? Sickening that someone would attempt to use that against the very people seeing their children assaulted. No one wants to welcome sexually perverted guards to pretend to be taking care of people while actually sexually abusing their children, except Abbott and a few Australians that is.

So you welcome this treatment of people then? You would fit right in with ISIS mate.

A few casual lies? Refugee status can be claimed from anywhere, it's just more convenient to be on the government tit when you are doing so, with "human rights" leeches clamouring to take your case, and get paid from federal funds.

Proof the guards are sexually assaulting those in camps? Any suggestion would see them suspended or fired.

And yes, I like ISIS, they can have as many of our radical would-be terrorists as they can handle. We should be paying for their airfares.


I feel very sorry for this young mans family! But i have lived in Thailand for 5 years and bought a house with cash and i committed a crime i believe they would deport me in one minute. Stupid is as stupid does. You were over your head which lead to crime. You will enjoy the land of a thousand crimes. I mean smiles!


And way the way, if I was able to obtain permanent residency, and I commit a crime or two in Thailand, wouldn't the Thai government deport me? Let's check. I'll ask the lawyer.


This is great news that the UK has finally woken up to its immigration problem. It would make much more sense for a last in, first out policy. This guy should be returned to Thailand after the 20 odd million foreign British passport holders that committed crimes are booted out first.

20 million? That would be about one in three people in the UK that were not only foreign born but also British citizens and also holding a passport and also a criminal. Just laughable nonsense. There are about 8 million foreign born people in the UK, over half of which are not citizens and therefore not passport holders, obviously it is just a small minority of those who do hold British citizenship who are also criminals, most of them are busy working and paying to pay your families benefits.


And way the way, if I was able to obtain permanent residency, and I commit a crime or two in Thailand, wouldn't the Thai government deport me? Let's check. I'll ask the lawyer.

Yes if the crime committed falls into a category of offence which warrants revoking of PR, many countries including the UK have this provision for people with PR, you will not get your PR revoked for a speeding ticket, offences are usually those which involve jail time without the option of a fine.

The strange thing is with some of the responses on this topic to date, I wonder if the bleeding heart responses would have been the same if he guy had been nicked for child molesting or rape ?

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