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Clinton says she opposes boycott effort against Israel

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He's an American. thumbsup.gif

Yankee Doodle Bloody Dandy.

First BDS was supposedly only about west bank products.

Then it was about all of Israel, including academics (who are often very liberal) and artists.

Now these obsessive haters are targeting JEWS all over the world who are not Israelis.

That is disgusting. That is antisemitism. Pure and simple. Anyone who defends that is clearly supporting antisemitism.

How can these haters defend a festival demanding a political statement from an American Jew and no other artists and banning the Jew when he refuses to cooperate with the Jew baiting THUGS? Of course it's a given that these horrible bigots would not even invite an ISRAELI national in the first place.

For the record, not that it matters either way, Matisyahu played that song among others because he is a MUSICIAN and that song happens to be among his most popular songs. Do the Jew baiters suggest he censor himself and not play a popular song? Also, not that it matters, this AMERICAN artist has made clear public statements saying he has taken NO SIDES in the Israel-Palestinian conflict. His objection to the Jew baiters at the festival was being forced to sign a political statement just because he is a JEW and now that he did attend, the obscene hostile reception he got there from the Jew haters in the crowd. He has not commented on BDS before but now he has, accusing it CORRECTLY of being infected with anti-semitism.

You are ignoring that his song, the one you posted as an example, is purely Zionist in it's message.

There's nothing antisemite in this observation or condemnation, and everything anti-Zionist....as with BDS.

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It is very important to oppose the toxic BDS movement because it is massively infected with Judeophobia. It is well known that "anti-Zionism" and anti-semitism are close cousins. I am sure all of the U.S. presidential candidates are opposed to BDS, and good for that. A great recent case study of the Jew hatred roots of the BDS movement is how the BDS people tried to ban the American Jewish reggae singer Matisyahu from a Spanish music festival. At first they succeeded because the festival demanded an anti-Zionist political statement from "the Jew" (NOT EVEN AN ISRAELI!) and not from any other artists, including one group known for their blatant homophobia. Matisyahu intellegently refused to be bullied by these haters and refused to sign any political statements for a MUSIC FESTIVAL. So he was banned, and then pressure built up perhaps from the Spanish government and he was invited again without statement. So he arrived at the festival, played his music, and reportedly was greeted with OBSCENE GESTURES from the Jew haters in the crowd. Again, the BDS movement is not the way to go. They claim it's not about Jews. But, it IS about Jews.

So he's not political, and it's not about Zionist aspirations, eh? Then why is his song ALL ABOUT Zionist aspirations???

Maybe because Zionists are Jewish. His song is about Jewsih history. whistling.gif

Not all Zionists are Jews.

Not all Jews are Zionists.

Not even all Jewish Israelis are Zionists.

Zionism is a political movement that asserts that all Jews from anywhere in the world even if they have never set eyes on the place before take precedence over non Jews as citizens of Israel/Palestine. It's a racist/religionist policy that has resulted in the ethnic cleansing and diaspora of millions of existing Palestinian residents and is unjust.


You are conflating/deliberately confusing Zionism with Judaism. Judaism is a religion to which I have no objection at all. Zionism is a nasty political movement that I despise.

Matisyahu is a spokesman for this evil racist movement and deserves to be boycotted

Yes, Dex, and it brings up the question, "WHY did the festival organisers cave in?". They started out with the right idea of banning a political musician, but changed.

It's a pity BDS didn't get in on it and circumvent the Zionist appearance. Mind you....it does serve to highlight the BDS message, so perhaps it's a good thing he played.


The American Matisyahu happens to be a very talented musical artist, NOT A POLITICIAN, but he has done a service here by EXPOSING the Jew hating ROT at the core of the BDS movement.


“We always said that BDS was not connected to the Palestinian issue or the settlements but was nothing more than Jew hatred,” spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon said. “And this demonstrates that.”



A post with an altered quote has been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


The American Matisyahu happens to be a very talented musical artist, NOT A POLITICIAN, but he has done a service here by EXPOSING the Jew hating ROT at the core of the BDS movement.


“We always said that BDS was not connected to the Palestinian issue or the settlements but was nothing more than Jew hatred,” spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon said. “And this demonstrates that.”


I reckon to the obsessive "anti-Zionist" BDS activists a Jewish family in Argentina saying NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM at a meal like Jews have said for thousands of years would be worthy of their Jew baiting boycotts. Enough is enough, these Judeophobic bigots need to be called out.

Some more background on what the Matisyahu incident revealed.

Matisyahu is not Israeli, but was apparently singled out by BDS activists because he was the only Jewish performer on the festival’s roster. Last week, after he ignored requests that he issue a statement declaring his support for Palestinian statehood, the festival cancelled his act. That sparked condemnation from Jewish organizations, the government of Spain and Matisyahu himself, who wrote on his Facebook page Monday that the festival organizers’ behavior had been “appalling and offensive.”


Great song, BTW!

One popular Spanish entertainer, the Uruguayan-born Jewish singer-songwriter Jorge Drexler, noted in a sardonic tweet that the festival “doesn’t want a Jew like Matisyahu, but says yes to a homophobe like Capleton,” referring to a Jamaican reggae star known for his anti-gay lyrics who’s on the festival program without a peep from the organizers.
Matisyahu himself, in a statement on his Facebook page, made his outrage plain: “My music speaks for itself, and I do not insert politics into my music,” he wrote. “…Honestly it was appalling and offensive, that as the one publicly Jewish-American artist scheduled for the festival they were trying to coerce me into political statements. Were any of the other artists scheduled to perform asked to make political statements in order to perform? No artist deserves to be put in such a situation simply to perform his or her art.”


Of course, the boycotting of ISRAELI NATIONALS who are artists by these twisted BDS haters is apparently acceptable without question. Why should that be ... they are just artists, not agents of the Israeli government? You can also see how BDS is rooted in Jew hatred if you consider if Israeli cultural products that are explicitly ANTI Israeli government and/or produced by Arab Israeli citizens would be seen by the BDS activists.


Well, that does it! I used to like Hilary as the best option of anyone running, but she's just lost my vote.

Of course it's just pandering to the Jewish lobby. She's not dumb. She knows full well that the BDS movement is not anti-semitic and that it is attempting to bring about what her husband failed to do; Peace and justice in Israel/Palestine.

If Hillary was simply pandering to the Jewish lobby she would not have publicly come out in unambiguous favor of the Iran nuclear deal.

"I support this agreement because I believe it is the most effective path of all the alternatives available to the U.S. and our partners to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon," she [hrC] said. Clinton went on to say, "With vigorous enforcement, unyielding verification, and swift consequences for any violations, this agreement can make the United States, Israel, and our Arab partners safer."

Does that still sound like Jewish lobby pandering to you?


If the BDS movement had stuck strictly to boycotting west bank products (even though that does hurt a lot of Palestinian people there as well) and also things clearly and totally linked to the Israeli GOVERNMENT, they might have a shred of legitimacy and they might have avoided the stain of Jew hating and baiting that they are so clearly infected with now. But they didn't. Instead, they keep expanding more and more and this American musician is hardly the only one where non Israeli "just Jews" or just Jewish identified products and businesses have been targeted by this obsessive movement. Surely the world has seen enough Don't Buy From The Jews campaigns in history to have learned NOT to go down that road? Yet here we have rationalizers for this sickness.


Well, that does it! I used to like Hilary as the best option of anyone running, but she's just lost my vote.

Of course it's just pandering to the Jewish lobby. She's not dumb. She knows full well that the BDS movement is not anti-semitic and that it is attempting to bring about what her husband failed to do; Peace and justice in Israel/Palestine.

If Hillary was simply pandering to the Jewish lobby she would not have publicly come out in unambiguous favor of the Iran nuclear deal.

"I support this agreement because I believe it is the most effective path of all the alternatives available to the U.S. and our partners to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon," she [hrC] said. Clinton went on to say, "With vigorous enforcement, unyielding verification, and swift consequences for any violations, this agreement can make the United States, Israel, and our Arab partners safer."

Does that still sound like Jewish lobby pandering to you?

To Israel demonizers and "anti Zionists" Jews control everything in the world, the banks, all wars, mass media, you name it ...

Really nothing new in the world of Jew baiting, except the more modern tactic of covering it up by calling it anti-ZIONISM.


Well, that does it! I used to like Hilary as the best option of anyone running, but she's just lost my vote.

Of course it's just pandering to the Jewish lobby. She's not dumb. She knows full well that the BDS movement is not anti-semitic and that it is attempting to bring about what her husband failed to do; Peace and justice in Israel/Palestine.

If Hillary was simply pandering to the Jewish lobby she would not have publicly come out in unambiguous favor of the Iran nuclear deal.

"I support this agreement because I believe it is the most effective path of all the alternatives available to the U.S. and our partners to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon," she [hrC] said. Clinton went on to say, "With vigorous enforcement, unyielding verification, and swift consequences for any violations, this agreement can make the United States, Israel, and our Arab partners safer."

Does that still sound like Jewish lobby pandering to you?

To Israel demonizers and "anti Zionists" Jews control everything in the world, the banks, all wars, mass media, you name it ...

Really nothing new in the world of Jew baiting, except the more modern tactic of covering it up by calling it anti-ZIONISM.

It is crystal clear in my heart and mind what I hate.
Judaism is a religion... I have no problem with any religion, except for thinking they are all nuts.
Zionism is a very nasty racial supremacist movement.
It suits your agenda to muddy the waters and conflate the two.
Matisyahu is hiding behind the same BS and hypocrisy, claiming that he is being discriminated against simply because he is Jewish, while promoting a clearly political Zionist message in the lyrics of his song "Jerusalem".
I daresay there are plenty of ethnically cleansed Palestinian families who also sit down to dinner and pray "Next year in Jerusalem."
It's a pity Spain bowed to Zionist pressure, but as they say, all publicity is good publicity. More people will now be more aware of the issues involved.
I think Hilary is simply pandering to the AIPAC lobby to get elected. Once in office I hope she can take up where her husband left off in 2000 at Camp David by cajoling and banging heads together to reach a just and permanent peace agreement.

Well, that does it! I used to like Hilary as the best option of anyone running, but she's just lost my vote.

Of course it's just pandering to the Jewish lobby. She's not dumb. She knows full well that the BDS movement is not anti-semitic and that it is attempting to bring about what her husband failed to do; Peace and justice in Israel/Palestine.

If Hillary was simply pandering to the Jewish lobby she would not have publicly come out in unambiguous favor of the Iran nuclear deal.

"I support this agreement because I believe it is the most effective path of all the alternatives available to the U.S. and our partners to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon," she [hrC] said. Clinton went on to say, "With vigorous enforcement, unyielding verification, and swift consequences for any violations, this agreement can make the United States, Israel, and our Arab partners safer."

Does that still sound like Jewish lobby pandering to you?

That's a non-argument. You're suggesting that if one panders, then one must pander on every issue. Not true. One can pander on one thing, but not on something else, especially something as unconscionable as rejecting a deal that's good for the world.

Besides, from your quote, it appears she is looking out for Israel with her stance in the Iran deal.


If the BDS movement had stuck strictly to boycotting west bank products (even though that does hurt a lot of Palestinian people there as well) and also things clearly and totally linked to the Israeli GOVERNMENT, they might have a shred of legitimacy and they might have avoided the stain of Jew hating and baiting that they are so clearly infected with now. But they didn't. Instead, they keep expanding more and more and this American musician is hardly the only one where non Israeli "just Jews" or just Jewish identified products and businesses have been targeted by this obsessive movement. Surely the world has seen enough Don't Buy From The Jews campaigns in history to have learned NOT to go down that road? Yet here we have rationalizers for this sickness.

As pointed out, your American musician is a Zionist, and his music is political and THAT is what BDS despise about him.

If the South African boycotts didn't include sports, do you think it would have worked as quickly? Stop trying to make out that anti-Zionism is antisemitism. It's getting boring, like a broken record.


Well, that does it! I used to like Hilary as the best option of anyone running, but she's just lost my vote.

Of course it's just pandering to the Jewish lobby. She's not dumb. She knows full well that the BDS movement is not anti-semitic and that it is attempting to bring about what her husband failed to do; Peace and justice in Israel/Palestine.

If Hillary was simply pandering to the Jewish lobby she would not have publicly come out in unambiguous favor of the Iran nuclear deal.

"I support this agreement because I believe it is the most effective path of all the alternatives available to the U.S. and our partners to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon," she [hrC] said. Clinton went on to say, "With vigorous enforcement, unyielding verification, and swift consequences for any violations, this agreement can make the United States, Israel, and our Arab partners safer."

Does that still sound like Jewish lobby pandering to you?

To Israel demonizers and "anti Zionists" Jews control everything in the world, the banks, all wars, mass media, you name it ...

Really nothing new in the world of Jew baiting, except the more modern tactic of covering it up by calling it anti-ZIONISM.

Utter rubbish.

None so blind as those that will not see, and none so deaf as those that will not listen. That could allude to those that refuse to read information presented, ie having fellow members on "ignore". None so blind.cheesy.gif


It is very important to oppose the toxic BDS movement because it is massively infected with Judeophobia. It is well known that "anti-Zionism" and anti-semitism are close cousins. I am sure all of the U.S. presidential candidates are opposed to BDS, and good for that. A great recent case study of the Jew hatred roots of the BDS movement is how the BDS people tried to ban the American Jewish reggae singer Matisyahu from a Spanish music festival. At first they succeeded because the festival demanded an anti-Zionist political statement from "the Jew" (NOT EVEN AN ISRAELI!) and not from any other artists, including one group known for their blatant homophobia. Matisyahu intellegently refused to be bullied by these haters and refused to sign any political statements for a MUSIC FESTIVAL. So he was banned, and then pressure built up perhaps from the Spanish government and he was invited again without statement. So he arrived at the festival, played his music, and reportedly was greeted with OBSCENE GESTURES from the Jew haters in the crowd. Again, the BDS movement is not the way to go. They claim it's not about Jews. But, it IS about Jews.

So any country can face a boycot as long it isn't Israel.

Start with countries like Syria and Iran so as not to be such an obvious hypocrite.

What do they sell us that we can boycott?


It is very important to oppose the toxic BDS movement because it is massively infected with Judeophobia. It is well known that "anti-Zionism" and anti-semitism are close cousins. I am sure all of the U.S. presidential candidates are opposed to BDS, and good for that. A great recent case study of the Jew hatred roots of the BDS movement is how the BDS people tried to ban the American Jewish reggae singer Matisyahu from a Spanish music festival. At first they succeeded because the festival demanded an anti-Zionist political statement from "the Jew" (NOT EVEN AN ISRAELI!) and not from any other artists, including one group known for their blatant homophobia. Matisyahu intellegently refused to be bullied by these haters and refused to sign any political statements for a MUSIC FESTIVAL. So he was banned, and then pressure built up perhaps from the Spanish government and he was invited again without statement. So he arrived at the festival, played his music, and reportedly was greeted with OBSCENE GESTURES from the Jew haters in the crowd. Again, the BDS movement is not the way to go. They claim it's not about Jews. But, it IS about Jews.

So any country can face a boycot as long it isn't Israel.

Start with countries like Syria and Iran so as not to be such an obvious hypocrite.

What do they sell us that we can boycott?

Ever seen an Iranian film? I've seen many and feel enriched by the experience.

The "anti-Zionist" BDS extremists seem to want to boycott everything from Israel, including art products like films, musical concerts, and important scientific research including the many important MEDICAL contributions from there.

I suppose if these obsessive haters were watching Eurovision and Dana International was on again (one can dream), they'd have to cover their eyes and ears with Palestinian headscarves.

Now they are expanding to even demonizing NON-ISRAELI JEWISH PEOPLE who have not signed an official politically correct statement that meets their extremist Israel demonization agendas.

I suppose there aren't enough Jewish people in Israel for the BDS fanatics to stop with them. Now they're going after Jewish people all over the world.

They are like the SPANISH INQUISITION all over again, convert to their obsessive "anti-Zionist" ideology or else ... coincidentally enough considering the topic news story from Spain ...


Well, that does it! I used to like Hilary as the best option of anyone running, but she's just lost my vote.

Of course it's just pandering to the Jewish lobby. She's not dumb. She knows full well that the BDS movement is not anti-semitic and that it is attempting to bring about what her husband failed to do; Peace and justice in Israel/Palestine.

If Hillary was simply pandering to the Jewish lobby she would not have publicly come out in unambiguous favor of the Iran nuclear deal.

"I support this agreement because I believe it is the most effective path of all the alternatives available to the U.S. and our partners to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon," she [hrC] said. Clinton went on to say, "With vigorous enforcement, unyielding verification, and swift consequences for any violations, this agreement can make the United States, Israel, and our Arab partners safer."

Does that still sound like Jewish lobby pandering to you?

To Israel demonizers and "anti Zionists" Jews control everything in the world, the banks, all wars, mass media, you name it ...

Really nothing new in the world of Jew baiting, except the more modern tactic of covering it up by calling it anti-ZIONISM.

From the quote above:

"Well, that does it! I used to like Hilary as the best option of anyone running, but she's just lost my vote."

When did Australian citizens become eligible to vote in a US Presidential election?

Personally, I boycott everything I possibly can from Israel..yes right down to the computer chip I choose.

The sooner Israel is isolated and compromised economically and artistically and in every way possible to the extent that they realize they have no real future without reaching a just peace agreement with their neighbors, the better.

Once they reach a just peace agreement, I will cease my boycott, and will welcome Israel to the family of civilized European style democracies.

I wish the state of Israel had never been born, but it has, its a fait accompli, and there's no turning back the clock 100 years. They have stolen enough land already from the Palestinians. Enough is enough. Time for them to make serious compromises.

I hope Hillary will be the President to bring that to fruition. If not..more trouble ahead for Israel and the USA. The problem of 4 million Palestinians [and rising] under occupation is not conveniently going to go away, nor is BDS.


Don't be deceived by the BDS propaganda.

It is not a reasonable movement.

It is a movement about DEMONIZING one country and one country only ... ISRAEL.

The Jew of nations ...

In effect the BDS movement has declared war against Israel and they are not stopping at that ... it's also against the vast majority of global Jewish PEOPLE that support the right of Israel to exist.

They push deceptive pablum to fool people ... like they really want Israel to exist. That's a big lie. Don't believe it.

Now the obsessive Israel demonizing Judeophobes will claim this source is worthless because it is a Jew source. Get their theme now?


BDS is a threat to Israel's very existence

Op-ed: ISIS? Iran? North Korea? The industry of lies spun by the BDS movement is convincing more and more people that Israel is the source of evil in the world. Make no mistake: This is not a campaign against settlements. It's a war on the legitimacy of the Jewish state. All reasonable forces, from right and left, must act against the economic, academic, and cultural boycott which has become a strategic threat. Yedioth Ahronoth is enlisting in the fight back.


Don't be deceived by the BDS propaganda.

It is not a reasonable movement.

It is a movement about DEMONIZING one country and one country only ... ISRAEL.

The Jew of nations ...

In effect the BDS movement has declared war against Israel and they are not stopping at that ... it's also against the vast majority of global Jewish PEOPLE that support the right of Israel to exist.

They push deceptive pablum to fool people ... like they really want Israel to exist. That's a big lie. Don't believe it.

Now the obsessive Israel demonizing Judeophobes will claim this source is worthless because it is a Jew source. Get their theme now?


BDS is a threat to Israel's very existence

Op-ed: ISIS? Iran? North Korea? The industry of lies spun by the BDS movement is convincing more and more people that Israel is the source of evil in the world. Make no mistake: This is not a campaign against settlements. It's a war on the legitimacy of the Jewish state. All reasonable forces, from right and left, must act against the economic, academic, and cultural boycott which has become a strategic threat. Yedioth Ahronoth is enlisting in the fight back.

It's simply demonising the enemy, an old trick.

What does make sense in the excerpt is the admission that BDS is a "strategic threat". Yay! The fruits may be starting to bear. Go BDS.


Now they are expanding to even demonizing NON-ISRAELI JEWISH PEOPLE who have not signed an official politically correct statement that meets their extremist Israel demonization agendas.

Because, despite all their lies, the BDS movement is anti-Semitic.


Now they are expanding to even demonizing NON-ISRAELI JEWISH PEOPLE who have not signed an official politically correct statement that meets their extremist Israel demonization agendas.

Because, despite all their lies, the BDS movement is anti-Semitic.

No because, despite the ignorant refusal to admit the musician is Zionist with a Zionist message, the musician is Zionist with a Zionist message!!!!!

To continually conflate antisemitism with anti-Zionism is very very tired and boring.


It is no secret that Anti-Zionism is code for anti-Semitism.

At his Essen hearing this winter Can was prosecuted for his use of the term “Zionist” as incitement against a minority.

During the hearing, Can claimed he was not an anti-Semite and had nothing against the Jewish people but only against the Zionist state. In response, Judge Sastry is quoted by Die Welt saying, “‘Zionist’ is the language of anti-Semites, the code for ‘Jew.'”



It is no secret that Anti-Zionism is code for anti-Semitism.

At his Essen hearing this winter Can was prosecuted for his use of the term “Zionist” as incitement against a minority.

During the hearing, Can claimed he was not an anti-Semite and had nothing against the Jewish people but only against the Zionist state. In response, Judge Sastry is quoted by Die Welt saying, “‘Zionist’ is the language of anti-Semites, the code for ‘Jew.'”


What a stupid judge, pandering to the vicious Zionist lobby. He needs to get a dictionary.

One biased judge's remarks are not proof of what the reality is.

Anyway, most of the anitsemite/anti_zionist argument on this forum pertains to this forum. There is not a single TVF member who is openly anti-Zionist that is also antisemite.

Quit with the tired old conflation...it simply won't work. And tell your mate who refuses to read the facts. (He actually does read, we know, but refuses to acknowledge... obstinate ignoramus is accurate...none so blind....)


As for Hillary, it doesn't matter what she does or doesn't do. I just finished watching "The New Clinton Chronicles" for the third time. I highly recommend this viewing to anyone interested in politics anywhere.


It is no secret that Anti-Zionism is code for anti-Semitism.

At his Essen hearing this winter Can was prosecuted for his use of the term “Zionist” as incitement against a minority.

During the hearing, Can claimed he was not an anti-Semite and had nothing against the Jewish people but only against the Zionist state. In response, Judge Sastry is quoted by Die Welt saying, “‘Zionist’ is the language of anti-Semites, the code for ‘Jew.'”


Funny how you pick which opinions you choose to believe, isn't it?

Newsflash: Not all Jews are Zionists.


It is very important to oppose the toxic BDS movement because it is massively infected with Judeophobia. It is well known that "anti-Zionism" and anti-semitism are close cousins. I am sure all of the U.S. presidential candidates are opposed to BDS, and good for that. A great recent case study of the Jew hatred roots of the BDS movement is how the BDS people tried to ban the American Jewish reggae singer Matisyahu from a Spanish music festival. At first they succeeded because the festival demanded an anti-Zionist political statement from "the Jew" (NOT EVEN AN ISRAELI!) and not from any other artists, including one group known for their blatant homophobia. Matisyahu intellegently refused to be bullied by these haters and refused to sign any political statements for a MUSIC FESTIVAL. So he was banned, and then pressure built up perhaps from the Spanish government and he was invited again without statement. So he arrived at the festival, played his music, and reportedly was greeted with OBSCENE GESTURES from the Jew haters in the crowd. Again, the BDS movement is not the way to go. They claim it's not about Jews. But, it IS about Jews.

So any country can face a boycot as long it isn't Israel.
The singer is not Israeli, he is Jewish. This rather confirms what any rational person will have already worked out, BDS is antisemitic not just anti-Israel.

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