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What Are Your Odds Of Being Killed By A Terrorist

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What Odds Are You Comfortable With?

Using the odds of dying in a terrorist related attack during your lifetime as noted below from the CDC, let's compare them to the odds of dying from a long list of real, everyday dangers.

1 in 88,000 of a terrorist attack

1 in 1,500,000 of a terrorist-caused shopping mall disaster assuming one such incident a week and you shop two hours a week

1 in 55,000,000 in a terrorist-caused plane disaster assuming one such incident a month and you fly once a month ( 1 )

1 in 55,928 of death by lightening

1 in 20,605 in your clothes igniting

1 in 10,455 of dying in your bathtub

1 in 10,010 by falling from a ladder or scaffolding

1 in 9,396 due to excessive heat

1 in 8,389 due to excessive cold

1 in 7,972 in a drowning accident

1 in 6,842 in a railway accident.

Using odds of dying in a way that Americans can relate to, let's compare the above numbers to the odds of dying during your lifetime to homicide from various forms of weapons.

1 in 197 of dying in a homicide

1 in 299 of dying in an assault from a firearm

1 in 5,330 of dying in an assault by hanging or strangulation

1 in 207,261 in operations of war.

Got fear? :o:D:D



You said it!!! Want more details...

NSC Home > Research & Statistics > What are the Odds of Dying?

What Are the Odds of Dying? The table below was prepared in response to frequent inquiries, especially from the media, asking, "What are the odds of being killed by lightning?" or "What are the chances of dying in a plane crash?" The table has four columns. The first column gives the manner of injury such as motor-vehicle crash, fall, fire, etc. The second column gives the total number of deaths nationwide due to the manner of injury. The third column gives the odds of dying in one year due to the manner of injury. The fourth column gives the lifetime odds of dying from the manner of injury. Statements about the odds or chances of dying from a given cause of death may be made as follows: · The odds of dying from (manner of injury) in 1998 were 1 in (value given in the one-year odds column). · The life-time odds of dying from (manner of injury) for a person born in 1998 were 1 in (value given in the lifetime odds column). For example, referring to the first line of the table below: · The odds of dying from an injury in 1998 were 1 in 1,796. · The lifetime odds of dying from an injury for a person born in 1998 were 1 in 23. Source: National Safety Council estimates based on data from National Center for Health Statistics and U.S. Census Bureau. Deaths are classified on the basis of the Ninth Revision of "The International Classification of Diseases" (ICD). Numbers following titles refer to External Cause of Injury and Poisoning classifications in the ICD. One year odds are approximated by dividing the 1998 population (270,248,000) by the number of deaths. Lifetime odds are approximated by dividing the one-year odds by the life expectancy of a person born in 1998 (76.7 years). Odds of Death Due to Injury, United States, 1998Note: Lines enclosed in brackets, "[...]", are combinations of two or more lines shown elsewhere. Type of Accident or Manner of Injury Deaths, 1998 One year odds Lifetime Odds


All Accidental Deaths 97,835 2,762 36

Transport Accidents 45,774 5,904 77

Railway 515 524,753 6,842

Motor-vehicle 43,501 6,212 81

Other road vehicle 235 1,149,991 14,993

Water transport 692 390,532 5,092

Drowning (excluded from drowning below) 442 611,421 7,972

Other water transport 250 1,080,992 14,094

Air and space transport 692 390,532 5,092

Vehicle accidents not elsewhere classifiable 139 1,944,230 25,349

Poisoning by solids and liquids 10,255 26,353 344

$Drugs, medicaments and biologicals 9,838 27,470 358

$Analgesics, antipyretics, and antirheumatics 3,141 86,039 1,122

$Barbiturates 16 16,890,500 220,215

$Other sedatives and hypnotics 8 33,781,000 440,430

$Tranquilizers 107 2,525,682 32,929

Other psychotropic agents 334 809,126 10,549

$Other drugs acting on central and autonomic nervous system 1,540 175,486 2,288

$Antibiotics 39 6,929,436 90,345

$Anti-infectives 4 67,562,000 880,860

$Other drugs 4,649 58,130 758

$Poisoning by other solids and liquids 417 648,077 8,450

Alcohol 300 900,827 11,745

Cleansing, polishing agents, disinfectants, paints, varnishes 10 27,024,800 352,344

Petroleum products, other solvents and their vapors 37 7,304,000 95,228

Agricultural, horticultural chemical, pharmaceutical preparations 8 33,781,000 440,430

Corrosives and caustics 5 54,049,600 704,688

Foodstuffs and poisonous plants 3 90,082,667 1,174,481

Other and unspecified solids and liquids 54 5,004,593 65,249

Poisoning by gases and vapors 546 494,960 6,453

Gas distributed by pipeline 15 18,016,533 234,896

Other utility gas and other carbon monoxide 444 608,667 7,936

Motor-vehicle exhaust gas 190 1,422,358 18,544

Others, not motor-vehicle exhaust gas 254 1,063,969 13,872

Other gases and vapors 87 3,106,299 40,499

$$$Complications, misadventures of surgical, medical care 3,228 83,720 1,092

Falls 16,274 16,606 217

Fall on or from stairs or steps 1,389 194,563 2,537

Fall on or from ladders or scaffolding 352 767,750 10,010

Fall from or out of building or other structure 550 491,360 6,406

Fall into hole or other opening in surface 95 2,844,716 37,089

Other fall from one level to another 1,187 227,673 2,968

Fall on same level from slipping, tripping, or stumbling 740 365,200 4,761

Fall on same level from collision, pushing, or shoving 6 45,041,333 587,240

Fracture, cause unspecified 3,679 73,457 958

Other and unspecified fall 8,276 32,654 426

Fire and flames 3,255 83,025 1,082

Conflagration 2,687 100,576 1,311

Ignition of clothing 171 1,580,398 20,605

Ignition of highly inflammable material 55 4,913,600 64,063

Other and unspecified fire and flames 342 790,199 10,302

Natural and environmental factors 1,521 177,678 2,317

Excessive heat 375 720,661 9,396

Excessive cold 420 643,448 8,389

Hunger, thirst, exposure, and neglect 252 1,072,413 13,982

Poisoning by and toxic reaction to venomous animals, plants 64 4,222,625 55,054

Venomous snakes, lizards, and spiders 5 54,049,600 704,688

Hornets, wasps, and bees 46 5,874,957 76,597

Other and unspecified animals, plants 13 20,788,308 271,034

Other injury caused by animals 93 2,905,892 37,886

Dog bite 15 18,016,533 234,896

Other and unspecified injury by animal 78 3,464,718 45,172

Lightning 63 4,289,651 55,928

Cataclysmic storms, and floods resulting from storms 204 1,324,745 17,272

Cataclysmic earth surface movements and eruptions 24 11,260,333 146,810

Other natural and environmental factors 26 10,394,154 135,517

Other accidents 15,801 17,103 223

Drowning, submersion (excluding water transport drownings above) 3,964 68,176 889

During sport or recreation 685 394,523 5,144

In bathtub 337 801,923 10,455

Other, unspecified drowning, submersion 2,942 91,859 1,198

Inhalation and ingestion of food 1,147 235,613 3,072

Inhalation and ingestion of other object 2,368 114,125 1,488

Mechanical suffocation 1,070 252,568 3,293

In bed or cradle 247 1,094,121 14,265

By plastic bag 27 10,009,185 130,498

Due to lack of air (in refrigerator, other enclosed space) 13 20,788,308 271,034

By falling earth (noncataclysmic cave-in) 55 4,913,600 64,063

Other and unspecified mechanical suffocation 728 371,220 4,840

Struck by falling object 723 373,787 4,873

Struck against or by objects or persons 336 804,310 10,486

Caught in or between objects 118 2,290,237 29,860

Machinery 1,018 265,470 3,461

Agricultural machines 567 476,628 6,214

Lifting machines and appliances 114 2,370,596 30,907

Earth moving, scraping, and other excavating machines 79 3,420,861 44,601

Other, unspecified machinery 258 1,047,473 13,657

Cutting or piercing instruments or objects 121 2,233,455 29,119

Firearm missile 866 312,065 4,069

Handgun 140 1,930,343 25,167

Shotgun (automatic) 87 3,106,299 40,499

Hunting rifle 50 5,404,960 70,469

Other and unspecified firearm missile 589 458,825 5,982

Explosive material 155 1,743,535 22,732

Fireworks 13 20,788,308 271,034

Explosive gases 60 4,504,133 58,724

Other and unspecified explosive material 82 3,295,707 42,969

Hot substance or object, corrosive material and steam 108 2,502,296 32,624

Electric current 548 493,153 6,430

Domestic wiring and appliances 59 4,580,475 59,719

Generating plants, distribution stations, transmission lines 144 1,876,722 24,468

Industrial wiring, appliances, and electrical machinery 27 10,009,185 130,498

Other and unspecified electric current 318 849,836 11,080

Radiation -

Other and unspecified 3,259 82,924 1,081

Late effects (deaths more than one year after accident) 905 298,617 3,893

Adverse effects of drugs in therapeutic use 276 979,159 12,766

***All Suicide Deaths 30,575 8,839 115

Poisoning by solid and liquid 3,346 80,767 1,053

Poisoning by gases and vapors 1,726 156,575 2,041

Motor-vehicle exhaust gas 1,329 203,347 2,651

Other and unspecified gases and vapors 397 680,725 8,875

Hanging, strangulation, and suffocation 5,726 47,197 615

Drowning 375 720,661 9,396

Firearms 17,424 15,510 202

Handgun 3,541 76,320 995

Shotgun 2,303 117,346 1,530

Hunting rifle 849 318,313 4,150

Other and unspecified firearm 10,731 25,184 328

Cutting and piercing instruments 476 567,748 7,402

Jumping from high places 621 435,182 5,674

Other, unspecified suicide and late effects 881 306,751 3,999

All Homicide Deaths 17,893 15,104 197

Assault by hanging and strangulation 661 408,847 5,330

Assault by firearm 11,798 22,906 299

Handgun 1,047 258,117 3,365

Shotgun 747 361,778 4,717

Hunting rifle 141 1,916,652 24,989

Other and unspecified firearm 9,863 27,400 357

Assault by cutting and piercing instrument 2,087 129,491 1,688

Child battering and other maltreatment 194 1,393,031 18,162

Other, unspecified assault and late effects 3,153 85,711 1,117

Legal Intervention 379 713,055 9,297

Undetermined Whether Accidentally or Purposely Inflicted 3,746 72,143 941

Poisoning by solid and liquid 2,351 114,950 1,499

Poisoning by gases and vapors 82 3,295,707 42,969

Motor-vehicle exhaust gas 42 6,434,476 83,891

Other and unspecified gases and vapors 40 6,756,200 88,086

Drowning 249 1,085,333 14,150

Firearms 316 855,215 11,150

Other, unspecified undetermined deaths and late effects 748 361,294 4,710

Deaths From Operations of War, 17 15,896,941 207,261



Boon Mee,

Funny you should say that. I just checked the Thai lottery site and the calculator said that you have got a 1 in 18,424 chance of picking 6 numbers.

If that's correct them are pretty good odds... :o

Boon Mee,

Funny you should say that. I just checked the Thai lottery site and the calculator said that you have got a 1 in 18,424 chance of picking 6 numbers.

If that's correct them are pretty good odds... :o


Those are better odds than winning the mega-million Powerball in the states. Can't remember what the odds are picking 6 numbers and the Powerball but they're real high.

I always buy Thai Lottery tickets - don't win much but keep trying... :D

Boon Mee,

Funny you should say that.  I just checked the Thai lottery site and the calculator said that you have got a 1 in 18,424 chance of picking 6 numbers.

If that's correct them are pretty good odds... :D


Those are better odds than winning the mega-million Powerball in the states. Can't remember what the odds are picking 6 numbers and the Powerball but they're real high.

I always buy Thai Lottery tickets - don't win much but keep trying... :D

It is a bit dangerous to go out I think. Safer to stay home in bed :o

Boon Mee,

Funny you should say that.  I just checked the Thai lottery site and the calculator said that you have got a 1 in 18,424 chance of picking 6 numbers.

If that's correct them are pretty good odds... :D


Those are better odds than winning the mega-million Powerball in the states. Can't remember what the odds are picking 6 numbers and the Powerball but they're real high.

I always buy Thai Lottery tickets - don't win much but keep trying... :D

It is a bit dangerous to go out I think. Safer to stay home in bed :o

Depends on who you're in bed with and if there's any knives in the vicinity! :D

Boon Mee,

Funny you should say that.  I just checked the Thai lottery site and the calculator said that you have got a 1 in 18,424 chance of picking 6 numbers.

If that's correct them are pretty good odds... :D


Those are better odds than winning the mega-million Powerball in the states. Can't remember what the odds are picking 6 numbers and the Powerball but they're real high.

I always buy Thai Lottery tickets - don't win much but keep trying... :D

It is a bit dangerous to go out I think. Safer to stay home in bed :o

Depends on who you're in bed with and if there's any knives in the vicinity! :D

and whether there's ducks around the backyard :D

Boon Mee,

Funny you should say that.  I just checked the Thai lottery site and the calculator said that you have got a 1 in 18,424 chance of picking 6 numbers.

If that's correct them are pretty good odds... ;)


Those are better odds than winning the mega-million Powerball in the states. Can't remember what the odds are picking 6 numbers and the Powerball but they're real high.

I always buy Thai Lottery tickets - don't win much but keep trying... ;)

It is a bit dangerous to go out I think. Safer to stay home in bed :rolleyes:

Depends on who you're in bed with and if there's any knives in the vicinity! :D

and whether there's ducks around the backyard :blink:

Boon Mee,

Funny you should say that.  I just checked the Thai lottery site and the calculator said that you have got a 1 in 18,424 chance of picking 6 numbers.

If that's correct them are pretty good odds... ;)


Those are better odds than winning the mega-million Powerball in the states. Can't remember what the odds are picking 6 numbers and the Powerball but they're real high.

I always buy Thai Lottery tickets - don't win much but keep trying... ;)

It is a bit dangerous to go out I think. Safer to stay home in bed :rolleyes:

Depends on who you're in bed with and if there's any knives in the vicinity! :D

and whether there's ducks around the backyard :blink:

Boon Mee,

Funny you should say that.  I just checked the Thai lottery site and the calculator said that you have got a 1 in 18,424 chance of picking 6 numbers.

If that's correct them are pretty good odds... ;)


Those are better odds than winning the mega-million Powerball in the states. Can't remember what the odds are picking 6 numbers and the Powerball but they're real high.

I always buy Thai Lottery tickets - don't win much but keep trying... ;)

It is a bit dangerous to go out I think. Safer to stay home in bed :rolleyes:

Depends on who you're in bed with and if there's any knives in the vicinity! :D

and whether there's ducks around the backyard :blink:

And whether you take Viagra or not.


Somebody get this thread to Mr. Bush! These are alarming statistics! Imagine, bathtubs have been lurking in our midst for all these years but they're really the silent killers!

If we're spending 30 billion a month on fighting terrorism, we ought to be spending well over 100 billion a month fighting bathtubs given how they are so much more deadly.


On a more serious note, the threat of terrorism is way overblown. Yeah, terrorist attacks are absolutely horrible, but that doesn't mean we should be in a state of emergency, lose civil liberties, and spend ourselves into bankruptcy. The solution to terrorism seems worse than terrorism itself.

Imagine a terrorist attack that unleashed a virus which killed 600 people, and had lingering effects which would kill some 30 people a month for the indefinite future. On top of this, the cleanup costs and other economic effects were in the range of $200 billion plus a further $10 billion a month for the indefinite future. Sounds pretty horrible right? Oh, wait, this isn't an imagined terrorist attack, it's the solution to the possible threat posed by Hussein.

Where's the cost-benefit analysis?

If we're spending 30 billion a month on fighting terrorism, we ought to be spending well over 100 billion a month fighting bathtubs given how they are so much more deadly.


Doesn't that just show how effective Mr Bush's policies have been? :o


Well, this could be used as evidence that his war on terror is working, but it doesn't prove anything. Perhaps there wouldn't have been a terrorist attack anyway. Or perhaps he could have gotten similar results without spending so many resources and curtailing civil liberties.

The point is, though, that terrorism is very bad, but it's not close to being absolutely bad, and we shouldn't spend such a disproportionate amount of resources on fighting the noun "terrorism".

Another debate altogether, is that we could be fighting terrorism in a much better way than the fanning the flames approach we're taking with Iraq. But that's another debate.

reading this thread you are likely to stand a one in two chance of dying of boredom.


Yeah, we are in serious need of some fresh material... :o


In light of the last few days I am starting to believe that the people of Iraq are not ready for Democaracy and they need a dictator such as Saddam to keep them from acting out their animalistic fantasies. But as always we learn too late!!

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