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Koh Tao: Trial opens for 2 accused of killing British tourists


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What I don't understand out of everything is how Hannah ended up alone in the beach after midnight with her killers when she was travelling with 3-4 friends?

And CCTV footage showed she was surrounded by people. It makes no sense.

Unless she had her own room and they sneaked up on her, shot her there and brought her to the beach to rape and bludgeon her. However I remember them showing her hotel room and she was sharing with a friend as it was a twin room.

How did her friend not know she was missing?

It makes no sense.

If my friend was missing from the bedroom, I'd go out a find her. Hannah wasn't found until the morning.

Hannah was originally going to travel on her own, she might as well have done!

<deleted> nobody shot anyone what on earth are you going on about, it seems pretty obvious that Hannah and David had developed a relationship during their holiday and were most likely spending some alone time on the beach but evidently they were not alone, stop dreaming up these stupid ideas about guns and shooting, someone started this nonsense earlier on this thread and it is absolute nonesense

Ok forget the gun. However it was reported recently in The Times (UK) that she had shrapnel wounds, which are caused by a gun.

I doubt your theory neither. David had a long term girlfriend plus Hannah and David met for the first time that night according to reports.

Plus he was seen on CCTV walking but without her and she was seen walking with friends, not David. She was last seen on CCTV at 12am where he was last seen on CCTV alone at 1:30am. It seems that he stumbled across what was happening.

Only the friends could know and none of them have given any accounts of what happened as I'm sure the media would have picked up on it.

Regardless, I still don't get how a friend sharing a room with you would not be worried that you haven't come back to your hotel room.

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birma guys...

not cambodians but the problem is the same.

the 3 or 4 real culprits are still running free.

If the 2 on trial are genuinely not responsible for these crimes, then the real culprits should right now be finding a way to take up residence in a country without an extradition treaty to Thailand. That is, if the real culprits did not leave the island the following morning on the first available ferry.
Not necessary. The real culprits are above the law. The family is more powerful than the general. This has been shown over and over again. Do not upset the status quo.

Spot On Crappy !!

Also many residents on Koh Tao knows exactly what happened their and who the guilty is...but will keep quiet and take this information to the grave with them.

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Hannah was originally supposed to go travelling to Thailand by herself but 3-4 friends decided to join her.

Maybe Hannah decided to go the beach for some fresh air by herself whilst the rest went to sleep. However, whilst on the beach, her killers saw her and pounced on her. Dave came across this and they were then both killed.

Hence why her friends may have not gone looking for her because they assumed she wanted some fresh air or to be alone.

I, for one wouldn't allow my girl mate to go on the beach by herself after midnight.

The spot where they died was so close to their ocean bungalow, I'm surprised no one heard anything or even saw anything.

Strange and interesting case.

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"British backpacker David Miller may have been trying to save Hannah Witheridge as she was being attacked on a Thai beach when the pair were brutally murdered, new evidence suggests.

The 24-year-old from Jersey was captured on CCTV at around 1am on the night of his death, leading to claims the pair were not in fact together as Thai Police previously claimed.

Traces of Miss Witheridge's DNA and that of one other person were found on a cigarette butt some 50 yards from where her body was found, suggesting the 23-year-old shared it with her attackers and even had a conversation with them before being killed."

Seems like what I said above, could be more plausible.

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The new developments come as police said they were hunting a western woman seen running near the beach in Koh Tao on Sunday.

Police refer to Westerners as foreigners but officers would not comment whether the woman might turn out to be Hannah Witheridge herself, fleeing from the killer or killers who were to soon battered her to death on Koh Taos idyllic Sairee Beach.

CCTV footage of the woman - who might also turn out to be a terrified witness to the double murders - has yet to be released.

The FBI has been called in to assist , as officials concede they do not have sophisticated enough forensic technology."

From the article posted above. Was this footage ever released????

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"New CCTV footage has emerged of Mr Miller walking alone along the restaurant and club strip in the early hours of Monday.

The first clip was recorded as 1.27am, while the second, in which he is seen walking in the opposite direction towards what would become the scene of his death was captured at 1.56am. "

So it seems like it happened after 2am...

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Im sure her friends wouldnt have been happy about her going out on her own UNLESS she was going to meet someone known to them, or at least someone trustworthy.

Im surmising they were just sitting side by side, listening to the ocean, pondering life together...as so many of us have done with a new ( just ) friend

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Hannah was originally supposed to go travelling to Thailand by herself but 3-4 friends decided to join her.

Maybe Hannah decided to go the beach for some fresh air by herself whilst the rest went to sleep. However, whilst on the beach, her killers saw her and pounced on her. Dave came across this and they were then both killed.

Hence why her friends may have not gone looking for her because they assumed she wanted some fresh air or to be alone.

I, for one wouldn't allow my girl mate to go on the beach by herself after midnight.

The spot where they died was so close to their ocean bungalow, I'm surprised no one heard anything or even saw anything.

Strange and interesting case.

Perhaps David heard something and came to investigate, Hannah could very well have been alone initially as you suggest, 1:30am is not that late when on holiday and as you also say being so close to her residence she probably felt quite safe - until she was brutally raped and had her head caved in, if they had been together I find it unlikely that 2 Asian men would have attempted to take them on which is also why I said there was likely more than 2 assailants - anyway just speculation that helps nothing

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.....this young beautiful girl had her head bludgeoned violently with only one aim - to make sure she was dead, evil evil evil is at work here.....disgusted and angry

Reference to the movie, 'A Clockwork Orange.' There's an uppity head of a small gang who gains particular thrills from acting crazy at crime scenes. In other words, he's inflicting mental and physical harm to the victim, while showing off to his buddies. That's not an unusual dynamic when a gang is on a roll - particularly if drugs are involved. I picture that sort of drug/testosterone infused performance among the buttplugs who killed Hannah. Probably one young little shit (you can guess who I'm referring to) doing a performance to impress his buddies, leering nearby. That would also explain why Mon was frantically doing all he could (even saying it was himself in the Running Man video) to try and clean up the crime scene (putting a towel over Hannah's head) and going on to threaten Sean with Mon's cop friend. We've discussed some of the probable culprits in these threads. Some of them (Stingray Man, Mon's cop friend, and a bouncer at AC bar) will never be looked at by do-nothing RTP, and the former 2 prime suspects are scot-free forever.
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What was it you said in an earlier post "I'm just one who is prepared to wait and continue reading the many satirical posts dreamt up by the experts."

Sounds like you've now joined in the many satirical posts you apparently identified.

My little jibe was just a reflection on what he wrote, nothing more, nothing less, so yes a little satire. Being select in what you want to have a dig about? Take the whole post in context and you well know that I was referring to some of the ridiculous theories and scenarios being put forward as objective views and conclusions to this incident.

Yep your little jibe that I was selectively highlighting, nothing more, nothing less.

Which particular ridiculous theories are you referring to?

I'll start with the first example:

Many months ago I saw on CSILA a post stating that Hannah may have been shot. I read and found it way out there, no possibility for this. But then an expert from Belgium did some scientific studies on it. It got me thinking but after a few days I again dismissed it as ridiculous.

Fast forward to a few days ago when this came up again, this time from a credible newspaper The Times who said they had seen photos which they said showed possible shrapnel wounds on Hannah. Then we get reports that the defense is going to be saying that this is what happened and that they also have new "very significant evidence" from the UK autopsy reports and other sources.

So maybe this is not such a ridiculous theory after all. Not saying that its true but apparently if the reports are true then its a strong possibility.

I have other examples of what you call ridiculous theories or what a handful of other posters called conspiracy theories that are now being proved to be correct but I'll let you respond to this first.

I think the differences in our opinions from what I make out from your original post on here is that you are prepared to wait to see the results of the trial and apparently be happy that justice will be done based on those results?

I'm a million miles from there, the trial process and the evidence presented so far or lack of, is a major concern, how can a fair conviction be made when no origianl DNA samples from Hannah existto recheck. The samples were collected by the RTP, analysed and tested by the RTP and reports delivered by the RTP. Can you trust that? Sorry I cant.

I've seen the photos.

Two things are clear.....

1. Hannah wasn't killed with a hoe.

2. The murders were committed separately....it wasn't the same person who killed David....the level of ferocity used in Hannah's murder was barbaric.

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An article in this morning's Bkk Post mentions a murder, less than a year ago, of a beautiful young Thai lady. It happened at Surat Thani, which is the main city in the district which administers KT and Samui. The same cops (or their buddies) who botched the investigation of the Thai lady's murder are botching the KT investigation. The victim's sister wasn't satisfied that Thai cops couldn't do anything right, so she made an appeal on Facebook. The ensuing torrent of responses prompted Thai cops to get off their butts and start doing their jobs. They found the murderer - who confessed.

Projection of what may happen when the dust starts to settle on this botched/contrived KT investigation: I predict the head cop (the one who put himself in charge, while putting the former head cop out to pasture), will be called up on disciplinary charges - for intentionally skewing evidence to try and frame scapegoats. If that happens, no one should be surprised if he pulls a runner to a farang country. It won't be the first time such shenanigans have happened.

The PM should immediately pull the head cop's passport, and the passports of all the top brass involved with this case. Anything less, will indicate the PM is in cahoots with them.

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What was it you said in an earlier post "I'm just one who is prepared to wait and continue reading the many satirical posts dreamt up by the experts."

Sounds like you've now joined in the many satirical posts you apparently identified.

My little jibe was just a reflection on what he wrote, nothing more, nothing less, so yes a little satire. Being select in what you want to have a dig about? Take the whole post in context and you well know that I was referring to some of the ridiculous theories and scenarios being put forward as objective views and conclusions to this incident.

Yep your little jibe that I was selectively highlighting, nothing more, nothing less.

Which particular ridiculous theories are you referring to?

I'll start with the first example:

Many months ago I saw on CSILA a post stating that Hannah may have been shot. I read and found it way out there, no possibility for this. But then an expert from Belgium did some scientific studies on it. It got me thinking but after a few days I again dismissed it as ridiculous.

Fast forward to a few days ago when this came up again, this time from a credible newspaper The Times who said they had seen photos which they said showed possible shrapnel wounds on Hannah. Then we get reports that the defense is going to be saying that this is what happened and that they also have new "very significant evidence" from the UK autopsy reports and other sources.

So maybe this is not such a ridiculous theory after all. Not saying that its true but apparently if the reports are true then its a strong possibility.

I have other examples of what you call ridiculous theories or what a handful of other posters called conspiracy theories that are now being proved to be correct but I'll let you respond to this first.

I think the differences in our opinions from what I make out from your original post on here is that you are prepared to wait to see the results of the trial and apparently be happy that justice will be done based on those results?

I'm a million miles from there, the trial process and the evidence presented so far or lack of, is a major concern, how can a fair conviction be made when no origianl DNA samples from Hannah existto recheck. The samples were collected by the RTP, analysed and tested by the RTP and reports delivered by the RTP. Can you trust that? Sorry I cant.

I've seen the photos.

Two things are clear.....

1. Hannah wasn't killed with a hoe.

2. The murders were committed separately....it wasn't the same person who killed David....the level of ferocity used in Hannah's murder was barbaric.

someone please explain to me what "possible shrapnel wounds" are, in my expert opinion this is complete hogwash and on top of that nobody is going to fire a gun on a quiet beach at 2am without everyone on the Island hearing it

and to you smokie36 - what are you smoking ? why have you concluded she could not have been murdered with a Hoe, I honestly can't figure that out especially from a photo

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"New CCTV footage has emerged of Mr Miller walking alone along the restaurant and club strip in the early hours of Monday.

The first clip was recorded as 1.27am, while the second, in which he is seen walking in the opposite direction towards what would become the scene of his death was captured at 1.56am. "

So it seems like it happened after 2am...

Perhaps some significance, but those clips are 3 hours before the crime. The only CCTV of the 3 Burmese is over 4 hours prior to crime. No CCTV has been shown of the Burmese within 4 hours of the crime. No CCTV from either of the beach bars (In-Touch and AC), inside or outside, where it's alleged altercations/hassles took place. There was mention that Mon (AC bar manager) was buddies with a local who installs CCTV. Also allegations that cops asked for that footage, by Mon refused saying, "it's private property." If that's true, the cops should be fired for dereliction of duty. There is a bit of CCTV just before and just after the crime, which we call 'Running Man.' The first tranche of RTP investigators thought it showed Nomsod (as did nearly every one of hundreds of thousands of concerned observers of that footage) - but the replacement cop said, in effect: "No. It can't be Nomsod. So don't mention that nice boy's name again. His lawyer showed us some pictures, so the boy has an alibi. Forget about Nomsod, he will never again be a suspect in this crime."

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The headman connections are already well known and easy to verify! His power is therefore not limited to "his" island.

Would be so nice if the press would publish something about that! They are not forced to stick to suspects and it would make a great story...

There are single hotels on Koh Samui that are worth more than his entire KT land holdings. He may run Koh Tao like a private fiefdom but I've seen no indication, especially with the first week's trial proceedings, that he has any real power once off the island, well known as you say are his connections.

I have excellent, long-standing Thai friends on the islands and can assure you that their family members are scattered on all 3 islands.

They have resorts, hotels, shops, travel agencies, restaurants, transportation- and party business on all three islands (KS, KP, KT).

But that doesnt turn them into killers does it?

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What was it you said in an earlier post "I'm just one who is prepared to wait and continue reading the many satirical posts dreamt up by the experts."

Sounds like you've now joined in the many satirical posts you apparently identified.

My little jibe was just a reflection on what he wrote, nothing more, nothing less, so yes a little satire. Being select in what you want to have a dig about? Take the whole post in context and you well know that I was referring to some of the ridiculous theories and scenarios being put forward as objective views and conclusions to this incident.

Yep your little jibe that I was selectively highlighting, nothing more, nothing less.

Which particular ridiculous theories are you referring to?

I'll start with the first example:

Many months ago I saw on CSILA a post stating that Hannah may have been shot. I read and found it way out there, no possibility for this. But then an expert from Belgium did some scientific studies on it. It got me thinking but after a few days I again dismissed it as ridiculous.

Fast forward to a few days ago when this came up again, this time from a credible newspaper The Times who said they had seen photos which they said showed possible shrapnel wounds on Hannah. Then we get reports that the defense is going to be saying that this is what happened and that they also have new "very significant evidence" from the UK autopsy reports and other sources.

So maybe this is not such a ridiculous theory after all. Not saying that its true but apparently if the reports are true then its a strong possibility.

I have other examples of what you call ridiculous theories or what a handful of other posters called conspiracy theories that are now being proved to be correct but I'll let you respond to this first.

I think the differences in our opinions from what I make out from your original post on here is that you are prepared to wait to see the results of the trial and apparently be happy that justice will be done based on those results?

I'm a million miles from there, the trial process and the evidence presented so far or lack of, is a major concern, how can a fair conviction be made when no origianl DNA samples from Hannah existto recheck. The samples were collected by the RTP, analysed and tested by the RTP and reports delivered by the RTP. Can you trust that? Sorry I cant.

I've seen the photos.

Two things are clear.....

1. Hannah wasn't killed with a hoe.

2. The murders were committed separately....it wasn't the same person who killed David....the level of ferocity used in Hannah's murder was barbaric.

someone please explain to me what "possible shrapnel wounds" are, in my expert opinion this is complete hogwash and on top of that nobody is going to fire a gun on a quiet beach at 2am without everyone on the Island hearing it

and to you smokie36 - what are you smoking ? why have you concluded she could not have been murdered with a Hoe, I honestly can't figure that out especially from a photo

Did you read my post? This theory was not put by me, you'll need to ask the Time reporter what they mean by shrapnel wounds, at the same time ask the defense team about why they are reportedly using this theory or the Belgium expert who did a study on this. As I mentioned I do not know if this is true, but it is a possibility, as much as the fact that we have no concrete evidence of exactly what the "very significant evidence" is that the defense team now has from the autopsy that will "discredit the prosecution evidence" Or what information they have from 2 UK witnesses.

Some say its to do with the DNA some say its the gunshot theory, take your pick or wait to see its up to you

Edited by thailandchilli
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If the final word by the prosecution on the DNA evidence is that the samples are gone, and all that is left is the paper trail, I think a guilty verdict is going to be highly embarrassing for Thailand. Speaking personally, it would confirm my strong feeling that the Burmese kids are innocent. Incompetent though the RTP may be, it beggars belief that they would not ensure that their key evidence could stand up to, at least, cursory examination. The only reasonable explanation would be that the prosecution cannot afford reexamination of the DNA evidence/

Another explanation: RTP top brass have a father-knows-best attitude, similar to the PM's. They're used to (almost demand that) the Thai populace accept what they declare as fact. Even if Thais don't accept it, well then they know enough to stay quiet. Social media is a new concept for the RTP, and they've been broadsided by the chorus of people demanding a fair trial. The same people who have been making noise about how tattered the investigation has been. RTP are not used to that, and they don't like it - but that's the new paradigm. Even if they wanted to do a professional, objective investigation, it's too late now for this case. The water is under the bridge.

If nothing else comes from this painful investigation/trial, hopefully the RTP will learn how to investigate in a professional manner. ...and to not expect the general public to accept what they declare at face value. They've lost a truckload of credence, and it might take a long time to regain part of that trust.

Quite right Boomer. The whole attitude of the Police (and government) in this is a direct result of decades of the corruption-ridden patronage system that allows unpunished RTP thugs to swagger around using their "powers" (to intimidate and extort) from Thais and foreigners alike.

Prior to this high profile case, they really, seriously believed they could spin any old yarn and that no one would have the gonads to question them. I would love to be a fly on the wall in the many side meetings no doubt going on where RTP goons of differing ranks are looking at each other and wondering, fearing who is going to be put on the chopping block for this shameful debacle.

There was precious little trust in the RTP before this case and pretty much zero now.

I tend to sense the fire dimming in the RTP shills' camp, although one or two hard line, invested die-hards are still trying to keep their agenda on line.

Be careful about posting guys. The already draconian TVF censorship is in overdrive right now. I just returned from a 72 hour "holiday" for turning round one shill's comment of "plain and simple" to starting my response with something like "Yes, you are plain AND simple"! I thought it was light-hearted and a bit humorous but the TVF censor disagreed!

I did ask if the mute button was being applied equally between both sides of the argument here but they declined to comment on the reasons for a moderator's actions.blink.png

Ah well. As I have not (I hope) insulted anyone's intelligence in this reply (yet), I hope that this post stands! wink.png

Edited by saminoz
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it ain't new york city there, buddy.

'mafia' is the same word but has a different meaning. even different to bangkok or other cities.

think of small population with large land ownership. generations of land ownership.

they own the islands. police are under them.

This of course is the reason police early on had no problem publicly accusing them and humiliating them on only unsubstantiated rumor. blink.png

huh? You mean when the initial police team was following evidence - which led to announcing Mon and Nomsod as prime suspects? You can call that 'accusing them' if you want. Following evidence/leads and announcing suspects is what inspectors are supposed to do - it's part of their job description. However, JTJ, you mention 'humiliating them' in the same phrase. Well yes, perhaps the accused were humiliated by being named suspects. But look at what happened at the crime: a lot more than humiliation. Should we shed crocodile tears for men being 'humiliated' by being named as suspects? You can if you want. But not to worry, JTJ, your humiliated-for-3 days buddies were quickly declared innocent by the replacement head cop. So they're free forever - to do in the next uppity farang victims who don't submit to their sexual advances. Feel better now?

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To be honest though its the small entry wound by her chin and massive exit wound in her skull that gave it away.

you watch too many movies mate, and trust me I do actually have first hand experience of such things, saying nothing more than that and you have made your point also

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To be honest though its the small entry wound by her chin and massive exit wound in her skull that gave it away.

you watch too many movies mate, and trust me I do actually have first hand experience of such things, saying nothing more than that and you have made your point also

I've seen all the pics and its not a sight you would forget in a hurry.

Further to that the 25 years I spent working in hospitals in London I have seen most things over the years.

No way was this murder carried out with a garden hoe.

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To be honest though its the small entry wound by her chin and massive exit wound in her skull that gave it away.

you watch too many movies mate, and trust me I do actually have first hand experience of such things, saying nothing more than that and you have made your point also

I've seen all the pics and its not a sight you would forget in a hurry.

Further to that the 25 years I spent working in hospitals in London I have seen most things over the years.

No way was this murder carried out with a garden hoe.

I have also seen all the pictures - like I said you have given your opinion now give it a rest

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.....and on top of that nobody is going to fire a gun on a quiet beach at 2am without everyone on the Island hearing it

That entire beach is a party beach, with party bars dotted alongside. Tourists (mostly backpackers) and all locals are used to hearing party sounds all night every night, except perhaps when it's raining hard. The standing rocks at one end are particularly well-suited as a place for a guy to take a gal to make-out. That's why finding an opened condom or a cig butt are, to me, no big deal and are unimportant to the case. But that's not the point I'm trying to make here. Locals in particular are used to party noises, like super-loud music, screaming, laughing, yelling. Shouting, a scream, even a gun-clap sound at 4:40 am would not be a particularly big deal - not enough for a sleeping person to get up and shout out the window, ....or to get clothes on, and go outside to tell everyone to shut up.

Young Thais are also big fans of firecrackers - all year long. So hearing sharp sounds at all hours is not unusual. ....and then there are the ubiquitous dogs barking, ....don't get me started on that tangent.

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From the moment the crimes were committed every thing that happened from then was damage limitation for tourism. It is a very sad thing to understand and this is what has created the passionate responses from people. These murders were committed by animals that have no respect or compassion for human beings or at least foreign human beings.

The statements that followed immediately all had headings about tourism not been affected which clearly showed the real agenda which was to clean up the sick mess and get it out of the site of tourists.

We as foreigners from other parts of the world are used to a different system and would therefore expect the first priority to be to seal the area close down the island and find the animals that did this so they can be removed from society.

Immediately the damage limitation started it meant that people were allowed to leave the island and the crime scene was compromised therefore finding the real murderers becoming a harder task.

Everything anyone writes on this forum is a theory. Nothing can be substantiated as any statements, pictures, we may have seen or heard may have been manipulated before we saw or heard them. The only people we can be sure that actually know what happened are the people that committed the crimes.

It is possible that some local people may know from the evidence immediately found at the scene. This I don't believe can ever be proved either.

There have been so many passionate responses to these murders that confusion and mixed theories along with bad reporting from police and the media has assisted the real murderers by clouding the waters.

I don't believe there is enough evidence against the B2 but perhaps by the time the trial finishes I will be proved wrong. Like most on this forum I wouldn't believe that evidence if it came to be shown as there seems to be so many contradictions in the way evidence was gathered and kept or not kept. From the way the whole investigation has been handled from the first day has led me to believe they are scapegoats. This is the most discusting part I find hard to believe, as not only does this show that they are seen as lower than dogs to be thrown to a cell for the rest of their existance or executed. It means that unless the real killers have already been dealt with they are scott free and the chance of them ever coming to justice is zero.

A real investigation and putting the real killers behind bars would have been much better damage limitation as well as showing some respect for the families of David and Hannah. Please learn from this Thailand.

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To be honest though its the small entry wound by her chin and massive exit wound in her skull that gave it away.

you watch too many movies mate, and trust me I do actually have first hand experience of such things, saying nothing more than that and you have made your point also

I've seen all the pics and its not a sight you would forget in a hurry.

Further to that the 25 years I spent working in hospitals in London I have seen most things over the years.

No way was this murder carried out with a garden hoe.

Have you seen CSI LA's re-enactment using a dummy a few days ago? He used a garden hoe and it gave the same injuries as Hannah's. If the back of garden hoe was used with such force, you can see it giving Hannah's injuries plus his hoe is covered in blood similar to the one found at the crime scene.

Maybe she was shot too but she was definitely hit with the hoe in my opinion.

This is the video.


Edited by nadii
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To be honest though its the small entry wound by her chin and massive exit wound in her skull that gave it away.

you watch too many movies mate, and trust me I do actually have first hand experience of such things, saying nothing more than that and you have made your point also

I've seen all the pics and its not a sight you would forget in a hurry.

Further to that the 25 years I spent working in hospitals in London I have seen most things over the years.

No way was this murder carried out with a garden hoe.

I have also seen all the pictures - like I said you have given your opinion now give it a rest

We're all free to discuss whatever we like on here smedly...if you don't like what is written don't read it.

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The UK criminal forensic expert who spent time with the KT defense team last month is named Mike Moulden.


Just in case you was all asleep in the night Mr Crabby posted the pic of the defence expert and named him as Mike Moulden.

Well Mr Moulden has an impressive CV:

Michael Riggs-Moulden

Forensic, Crime Scene & Exploitation Consultant and Trainer.

Location Plymouth, United Kingdom Industry Law Enforcement


  1. UK Ministry of Defence


  1. EULEX Kosovo, European Union Rule of Law Mission,
  2. Defence Academy of the UK,
  3. UN


  1. Cranfield University
UK Ministry of Defence

Subject Matter Expert


January 2012

View full profile

Subject Matter Expert UK Ministry of Defence January 2012– Present (3 years 7 months)Afghanistan

Counter Terrorism Forensic Exploitation

Forensic Consultant EULEX Kosovo, European Union Rule of Law Mission April 2014 April 2014(1 month)Brussels Area, Belgium

Forensic and Crime Scene Evidence Consolidation

Crime Scene & Forensic Associate Lecturer Defence Academy of the UK April 2014 April 2014(1 month)Shrivenham, England

Lecturing and Consultancy in Forensic and Crime Scene specialisms both domestically and internationally.

Forensic Expert UN September 2006 December 2011(5 years 4 months)
Head of Forensic Services Special Anti Crime Unit 2006 2009(3 years)
Crime Scene Supervisor/Manager Dorset Police 2004 2006(2 years)
Forensic Mentor Crime Scene Project Afghanistan 2004 2004(less than a year)
Scenes of Crime Officer Surrey Police 2000 2003(3 years)

Bah! Big Deal! He is no match to Thai Experts! Not even a lousy PhD from some private Thai Uni. tongue.png

On a more serious note I want to thank the Thai Defence Lawyers Team. Takes courage here and now!

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