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Koh Tao: Trial opens for 2 accused of killing British tourists


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I certainly have not followed this case as some of you have but with that being said, and not knowing whether there is the slightest possibility that the B2 are guilty or not, this whole police investigation and trial is revealing that the Thai justice system, i.e., police, prosecution, and courts must be close to the most inept on the planet. It has been the most botched investigation given the resources and publicity ever. As someone said the prosecution sent it back to police a number of times but obviously through pressure continued to prosecute the case. The court has seen fit to gag the people at the trial by not allowing any recordings or even taking of notes by reporters. Is there even a transcript of the trial being kept? Seems like the judges notes and opinion is all that will be left at the end of the trial. With all the mention of the defense wanting retesting of the DNA evidence, I am not sure that it hasn't been tampered with. At this point how difficult would it be for the police to have collected DNA from the B2 and substituted it in the police lab. I put nothing past these people. One thing I can now see for sure is that there is NO justice in Thailand. It is a country run by the elite for the elite and everyone has their place and in the public sector, it seems anyone can be bought. Thailand is a place where prosecution of the wealthy is put off indefinitely or where, if enough money is paid to the victims, the case of criminality is dropped. It's a pathetic system of justice for the average person.

Superb summary!

Edited by docshock13
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As for Brit officials doing the right thing for David and Hannah and their families....... there are 2 basic reasons why Brits are going to continue to sit on their hands:

>>>> they don't want to piss off any Thai officials. They want to maintain whatever good standing they have with Thai officialdom, in the hope of getting some economic/trade rewards

>>>> They don't want to have any input in a trial which may result in an execution. In a sick irony, but by holding back vital data, the Brits are unwittingly contributing to the chances the B2 will get executed.

I'm sure the MP's in the constituents of the 2 families could be pressed into doing something when these 2 are acquitted.

Surely the evidence still exists to frame the actual culprits, certainly a good hold to have over someone.

I have a feeling, even if the initial prime suspects were reinstated as prime suspects (as they should be), that the Brits would still not be useful, because: If it went to trial the Brits would say what they're saying now, words to the effect: 'We won't submit any evidence or findings toward a trial which involves a possible death penalty.' ....and by that time (of a 2nd trial), any evidence the RTP might submit would be highly suspect, because all they're capable of doing thus far, is making a mess of evidence. Plus Mon was walking all over the crime scene, so if it's mentioned that his DNA was found to be a match, his lawyer could simply say.... he contaminated the crime scene while walking around with police on the morning after the crime.

Now come on chaps, we would give them a fair trial a few mins before the bombardment....laugh.png

Bombardment? I was thinking that Hubble could make a giant version of the magnifying glass that the RTP used to inspect the "murder hoe", and slowly cook the place.

Ko Tao will be getting a bombardment of sorts. Much of their beachside properties are slated to get razed. I don't think any have proper chanod (land title) . I could be wrong about that, but the entire island should be declared a national park, all structures taken down, and just leave some paths for visitors to experience nature and wildlife.

Actually, most large deluxe hotels in Bangkok are also on property without full chanod, but that's another topic.

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Yes, they should investigate every lead, but just because they didn't review the CCTV footage it doesn't mean they didn't.

They collected the footage, so evidently they checked out the pier but for some reason didn't consider it worthwhile to review the footage from the cameras, maybe they just established that no boats left from the pier during that time by interviewing people there; it's up to the defense to ask for the reasons behind that decision and see if they stand up to scrutiny.

AleG asserts: ".....but just because they didn't review the CCTV footage it doesn't mean they didn't."

Boomers; I would ask you to explain that assertion, but I'm not into self-affliction this morning. coffee1.gif

The police job is to investigate everything, protect the evidence and bring the accused to court. It is not there job to withhold information and ALL the CCTV film should be made available not just the bits that fit their story.

I just have to ask the question " if you had just murdered someone and were going to rape the girlfriend why would you use a

condom? "OK I would use a condom to contain DNA evidence, then throw it on the beach!!!!!!!"

Try an alternative thought :- Saw girl in bar decided to have sex with her so followed her to beach put condom on and started to rape her then boy comes along so I have to deal with him and he dies. My friends hold girl and when finished dealing with boy we kill her. In the meantime the condom falls off small cock.

My friends the police edit the CCTV film and job done.

the condom IMO is a red herring but either way means nothing until it can be examined by someone trustworthy

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I do hope the Defence have the smoking gun they implied they had. So far it looks like the prosecution is getting the upper hand

What case are you talking about ... ? Prosecution have basicly by RTP incompetence made the Defense case - Judge should had dismissed the case long time ago ...

You are not another shill like AleG, JD, JTJ etc. are you ?

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If a foreigner is in Thailand he is subject to Thai justice. It is what it is. Whether a Burmese laborer, tourist, businessman or other. If one has money, that can make things go away or at least be minimized. If no money at hand to " inject" into strategic levels of the system, you are screwed, guilty or not. I have been involved in the criminal justice systems of three countries for 30 years- none are perfect, all are riddled with corruption and incompetence. ALL!! The British system is rotten from the beat Bobby upwards. In fact, there are no more Bobby's- just clots in cars.

So you opted for participation in corruption and incompetence for 30 years and now opt to brag about it?

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Yes, they should investigate every lead, but just because they didn't review the CCTV footage it doesn't mean they didn't.

They collected the footage, so evidently they checked out the pier but for some reason didn't consider it worthwhile to review the footage from the cameras, maybe they just established that no boats left from the pier during that time by interviewing people there; it's up to the defense to ask for the reasons behind that decision and see if they stand up to scrutiny.

AleG asserts: ".....but just because they didn't review the CCTV footage it doesn't mean they didn't."

Boomers; I would ask you to explain that assertion, but I'm not into self-affliction this morning. coffee1.gif

The police job is to investigate everything, protect the evidence and bring the accused to court. It is not there job to withhold information and ALL the CCTV film should be made available not just the bits that fit their story.

I just have to ask the question " if you had just murdered someone and were going to rape the girlfriend why would you use a

condom? "OK I would use a condom to contain DNA evidence, then throw it on the beach!!!!!!!"

Try an alternative thought :- Saw girl in bar decided to have sex with her so followed her to beach put condom on and started to rape her then boy comes along so I have to deal with him and he dies. My friends hold girl and when finished dealing with boy we kill her. In the meantime the condom falls off small cock.

My friends the police edit the CCTV film and job done.

the condom IMO is a red herring but either way means nothing until it can be examined by someone trustworthy

I think the same about the condom. Indeed,your sentence could have stopped after the word 'herring'.

Another canard, which is not important in this case: the cig butt.

At the pace the trial is going, there are many possibly pertinent items/people/clues which it appears will barely be mentioned, if at all. That's another reason why things which are not important (like the unused condom and the lost cig butt) should not even be mentioned. I'm very familiar with Thai folks, and how they can talk for tens of minutes to say what you or I might take 1 minute to say. I wonder if any of the judges ever pipe up and tell a speaker in the court to move along and/or get to the point.

Filibuster is not a buster named Phil.

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From an old report


but does this quote from a certain person's son help us understand why the police felt so many obvious things to investigate were 'not relevant'?

The son "could not comprehend" why his father had been interviewed and initially suspected by the police, despite his cooperation and even assistance in providing police with leads and tip-offs.

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As always a lot of speculations on TV and the last 20 pages doesnt seem to come up with much from the court hearings today.

But I would like to focus on this from our police witness :

"The senior police officer investigating the killing of Norfolk student Hannah Witheridge in Thailand said today that he had not investigated rumours that she had been involved in an argument with a Thai youth on the night of her death. "

An argument with a thai youth on the night . Anyone have more on this , I'm sure we have discussed it before. And is it only rumours ?

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As always a lot of speculations on TV and the last 20 pages doesnt seem to come up with much from the court hearings today.

But I would like to focus on this from our police witness :

"The senior police officer investigating the killing of Norfolk student Hannah Witheridge in Thailand said today that he had not investigated rumours that she had been involved in an argument with a Thai youth on the night of her death. "

An argument with a thai youth on the night . Anyone have more on this , I'm sure we have discussed it before. And is it only rumours ?

Thats one of the important points of today yes I agree. But of course we are all left with speculation again and so it can only currently remain as a rumour but a rumour that should of course have been extensively investigated.

One of the other points I find very disturbing along with not checking cctv in the AC and also on the pier is the apparent fact that a boat did leave the beach or pier about an hour after the estimated time of the murders, what is the estimated time? 4 to 5.30am? If thats the case then the boat left between 5am to 6.30am. When this was mentioned in the court gasps were heard from the spectators and defense team, its astounding how incompetent the RTP have been.

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As always a lot of speculations on TV and the last 20 pages doesnt seem to come up with much from the court hearings today.

But I would like to focus on this from our police witness :

"The senior police officer investigating the killing of Norfolk student Hannah Witheridge in Thailand said today that he had not investigated rumours that she had been involved in an argument with a Thai youth on the night of her death. "

An argument with a thai youth on the night . Anyone have more on this , I'm sure we have discussed it before. And is it only rumours ?

Thats one of the important points of today yes I agree. But of course we are all left with speculation again and so it can only currently remain as a rumour but a rumour that should of course have been extensively investigated.

One of the other points I find very disturbing along with not checking cctv in the AC and also on the pier is the apparent fact that a boat did leave the beach or pier about an hour after the estimated time of the murders, what is the estimated time? 4 to 5.30am? If thats the case then the boat left between 5am to 6.30am. When this was mentioned in the court gasps were heard from the spectators and defense team, its astounding how incompetent the RTP have been.

its astounding how incompetent the RTP have been.

may be unwilling would be a more precise expression

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some of you are expecting great things from UK politicians ...... well without wanting to dissapoint , parliment just went in to summer recess , this week it's been pouring with rain , and the temp today about 16 C .

most MP will be off to the continent , and not be heard of until mid september .

Don't worry bud, that's perhaps just the time they'll be needed and judging by the strength of people's opinions here, anything less will not be accepted.


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As always a lot of speculations on TV and the last 20 pages doesnt seem to come up with much from the court hearings today.

But I would like to focus on this from our police witness :

"The senior police officer investigating the killing of Norfolk student Hannah Witheridge in Thailand said today that he had not investigated rumours that she had been involved in an argument with a Thai youth on the night of her death. "

An argument with a thai youth on the night . Anyone have more on this , I'm sure we have discussed it before. And is it only rumours ?

Thats one of the important points of today yes I agree. But of course we are all left with speculation again and so it can only currently remain as a rumour but a rumour that should of course have been extensively investigated.

One of the other points I find very disturbing along with not checking cctv in the AC and also on the pier is the apparent fact that a boat did leave the beach or pier about an hour after the estimated time of the murders, what is the estimated time? 4 to 5.30am? If thats the case then the boat left between 5am to 6.30am. When this was mentioned in the court gasps were heard from the spectators and defense team, its astounding how incompetent the RTP have been.

" its astounding how incompetent the RTP have been."

may be unwilling would be a more precise expression

Edited by sweatalot
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Thanks Bunglebag (post #4429) for showing that URL for that Nation article, which was published 10 days after the crime. It's good to review things. Some of the things the PM said are silly at best. He's really out to lunch about what's important. He thinks the solution revolves around posting military on the island to assist the police in probing the murder. The article's closing sentence includes the gem, uttered by our fearless and always truthful chief of police, "Somyot added that there were certainly no influential figures on Koh Tao," Right, and there are no palm trees or beaches there either, eh Somyot?

Incidentally, that article was published at right around the time when Somyot was putting himself in charge of the investigation, while the former chief inspector Panya (who was following evidence) was given a promotion and put in a desk job in Bangkok, and told not to say anything publicly about this case. I think Panya will be called as a defense witness. If so, it should be interesting to see what he says on the witness stand, even if he maintains his gag order.

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They will never check it as it would have nomsod and company on it,they know who did it ,AC bar, they have cctv footage of him and thats well been taken care of,the senior judge has already said no one is going to get anywhere just appeals, the case is a waste of time, which is what the rtp want, they have evidence but will not submit it, as its against the mafia, lets face it kids in school get money taken off them by teachers, thats how thai`s are taught at a very early age, that being the start of their education, which is then seen as normal, and it all ends up like Thainess

Police 'Never Checked' CCTV After Britons Killed
There are gasps in court as judges hear of a series of apparent blunders in the hours after the two Britons were found dead.
By Sarah McBride in Koh Samui
KOH SAMUI: Police failed to check CCTV images of a boat leaving a beach close to where two British backpackers were found murdered, a Thai court has heard.
There were gasps in the courtroom as Police Colonel Cherdpong Chiewpreecha revealed a series of apparent blunders in the investigation into the deaths of David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, on the island of Koh Tao.
The court in Koh Samui heard that the senior investigating police chief and his officers did not believe the killer would have taken that boat, which left an hour or so after the estimated time of death of the pair.
"We have the footage, but we never checked it," Police Colonel Cherdpong said.
Sky News 2015-07-23

Ok colonel Cherdpong , if this is true , that they actually have the footage , then for god sake check it now. So we at least can find out who the passengers on the boat were.

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get a statement from sean, now he is safe, and the rumour might become reallity

As always a lot of speculations on TV and the last 20 pages doesnt seem to come up with much from the court hearings today.

But I would like to focus on this from our police witness :

"The senior police officer investigating the killing of Norfolk student Hannah Witheridge in Thailand said today that he had not investigated rumours that she had been involved in an argument with a Thai youth on the night of her death. "

An argument with a thai youth on the night . Anyone have more on this , I'm sure we have discussed it before. And is it only rumours ?

Thats one of the important points of today yes I agree. But of course we are all left with speculation again and so it can only currently remain as a rumour but a rumour that should of course have been extensively investigated.

One of the other points I find very disturbing along with not checking cctv in the AC and also on the pier is the apparent fact that a boat did leave the beach or pier about an hour after the estimated time of the murders, what is the estimated time? 4 to 5.30am? If thats the case then the boat left between 5am to 6.30am. When this was mentioned in the court gasps were heard from the spectators and defense team, its astounding how incompetent the RTP have been.

" its astounding how incompetent the RTP have been."

may be unwilling would be a more precise expression

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4 days now and still not heard or seen anything coming from the court and prosecution that remotely proves the B2 are guilty..

Sketchy at best corrupt by RTP and authorities looking even more likely. This whole episode is so sad. Still no undeniable conclusive issue presented by police that can't be challenged or discounted.

Not that there is any evidence or proof the state will provide that will be offered that will not be discounted by many here, it would be unusual for a Prosecutor to start the case with their strongest evidence. The early days are about building up the foundation of the case and various facts that will (should) be tied together later.

Also. you are not there to hear everything and the people mainly volunteering information to the press are on the defense side and the news outlets covering the court case are sharing very little about the actual proceedings. Not like we are going to here gavel to gavel coverage here being the proceeding are in Thai and Thailand where trials are not covered like the west or often video taped like the US. Kind of normal for something to be big news when it happens, when there is an arrest and then when there is a verdict and then less coverage, but still some, when it comes to the appeals and commutations.

I haven't even seen the court case being covered in the Thai Language news and if it is it isn't considered much of news. Again this is SOP here but it will make the news again once there is a disposition but it won't be to the extend of the original coverage up through the arrest.

You leave me flabbergasted !!

For 10 months you have based guilt on the Burmese DNA being found in Hannah, for you nothing else has mattered.

Now you claim the DNA isn't really that important ? Being as the prosecution are working up to the big game winner.

What do you think the game changer will be ? The blind cleaner blowing his cover by claiming he can really see after all, as he walks out of the court and gets hit by a bus.

Your being flabbergasted seems to be your own doing as nothing in my post nor the post I am responding even mentions DNA and certainly nothing even hints at it not being the key to how this case will be decided or it not being important. All the post is stating is prosecutions typically tell a story and before you bring in your strongest evidence, such as finger prints on a gun that was used to kill somebody, you first bring in the the fact the victim is dead (such as crime scene) and the gun and the cause of death and then match the gun to being the murder weapon, then you tie it all in a nice bow by bring in the finger prints. What would be atypical is to start off with the fingerprint evidence before you establish things like where the gun came from and even if it is the murder weapon. You can apply the same logic to how DNA and other evidence tying a victim to the crime is generally presented.

I certainly hope you are not looking at the case the same way you read the post you are responding because your conclusions are very strange in terms of believing things are being said that were not or even slightly hinted at ... in fact it is like a completely different conversation.

Are you joking ? The first days evidence was all about DNA you remember the stuff that was used up, lost, eaten by a snake.

That is the DNA I was talking about. Your main evidence was on the first day.

You stated the trial starts with minor things, Like your main DNA,

So try this time to actually read what you write as well as what I write.

Is the DNA the reason you think they will be found guilty ? the same DNA they mentioned on the first day of the trial. The day you think unimportant.

Maybe now you realize the DNA is a red heron you will be clinging to the sunglasses or the phone. Or maybe the fact Davids blood wasn't on the hoe proves David was killed by the hoe ?

BTY if someone is killed by a gun I don't think it would be to hard to work out the victim is dead.

Carry on bluffing.

How about the speedboat that left an hour after the murder, now they will look at the CCTV and find the Burmese were on it but fell asleep when it got to the other side and didn't manage to get off. So ending back on the island.

There are many more reason it could have been them.

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As always a lot of speculations on TV and the last 20 pages doesnt seem to come up with much from the court hearings today.

But I would like to focus on this from our police witness :

"The senior police officer investigating the killing of Norfolk student Hannah Witheridge in Thailand said today that he had not investigated rumours that she had been involved in an argument with a Thai youth on the night of her death. "

An argument with a thai youth on the night . Anyone have more on this , I'm sure we have discussed it before. And is it only rumours ?

This will be the senior police officer who has been running this case and made an utter shambles of it.

The senior policeman who for some bizarre reason took over the case when the previous officer was looking at the owner of the bars son where the alleged argument took place as the prime suspect.

Are we meant to believe a single word this incompetent fool says?

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Koh Tao police quizzed on why they didnt look into rumoured bar dispute

Sarah Yuen in Thailand

In testimony in court today, Lieutenant Colonel Kewalee Chanpan, from the forensic division of the Royal Thai Police, said that while the swabs used to obtain the DNA samples from the scene, and the victims and suspects bodies, would have been destroyed in the testing process, traces of the the DNA extracted from those swabs would still be available for retesting.

The police lieutenant colonel explained that trace DNA material is generally conserved for at least one to two years by the police forensics department.

While she could only speak for her own examination of the alleged murder weapon, some blood-spattered items of clothing, two cigarette butts and a condom found at the scene, she explained to the court that the same should be true for all the DNA samples gathered in the investigation. The officials responsible for the testing of DNA samples taken from the bodies of Ms Witheridge, 23, and 24 year-old David Miller, will appear in court tomorrow. The defence team had already been told by the Royal Thai Police that it could re-examine a few items, including the alleged murder weapon which is a garden hoe. But in court today, based on the new testimony, the defence team was given fresh hope that the more crucial evidence could also be re-examined.

The prosecution claims DNA from the two Burmese suspects, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both aged 22, was found on or in Ms Witheridges body. The defence has now been told to once again compile a full list of the evidence it wants to retest, which will be submitted to the police forensics department, asking for it to be handed over to the Ministry of Justice Forensics Institute in Bangkok.

The trial adjourns tomorrow for almost a month. Andy Hall, the media spokesperson for the pro bono defence team, said: I dont think the court fully understood the testing process before, so when the police said the original samples had been used up, it believed there was nothing left to test. But the testimony of todays witness has made it clear there would be conserved DNA residue, which could prove crucial to the suspects defence.

Not investigated

The senior police officer investigating the killing of Norfolk student Hannah Witheridge in Thailand said today that he had not investigated rumours that she had been involved in an argument with a Thai youth on the night of her death.

Read more: http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/crime/hannah_witheridge_murder_trial_defence_team_hope_to_re_test_crucial_forensic_evidence_1_4164482

"...While she could only speak for her own examination of the alleged murder weapon, some blood-spattered items of clothing, two cigarette butts and a condom found at the scene, she explained to the court that the same should be true for all the DNA samples gathered in the investigation."

....should be true...

From my understanding in many countries this would be stop down in 2 seconds by the defense.

her testimony has added absolutely nothing to these proceedings, why are we now going to have to revisit this session today with the people who are claimed to have actually done the lab work ?

The one good thing about this situation is the fact that the next person to examine the DNA (if it exists) is the generally highly respected uncorruptable Pornthip Rojanasunand


Are you a newbie or have you forgotten her part in those bogus bomb detectors?

Oh everyone knows that clown who used the GT 200 on an unopened shipping container full of skeletons. Even after they were proven fraudulent she still believed they worked even though she personally never used the device. Thailand's Best.

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As always a lot of speculations on TV and the last 20 pages doesnt seem to come up with much from the court hearings today.

But I would like to focus on this from our police witness :

"The senior police officer investigating the killing of Norfolk student Hannah Witheridge in Thailand said today that he had not investigated rumours that she had been involved in an argument with a Thai youth on the night of her death. "

An argument with a thai youth on the night . Anyone have more on this , I'm sure we have discussed it before. And is it only rumours ?

I just waisted an hr or more of my life wading through the garbage on the last 20 pages looking for facts and rational discussion. If you think you are going to get anything like that her you are in for a disapointment. Most of these #@*+s just want spew the same crap over and over again, its like a broken record. They are unaware that they look like 3 year olds. This case means a lot to most ex pats who live here and I am sure to the freinds and families of the victims. It would be nice if they kept their silly opinons and speculations to themselves.

Edited by beammeup
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does anyone have a pic of the running man and No9 footballer they could post or pm me for comparison ?

in the second video the number 9 footballer can be seen with a characteristic swagger at 0.07 - 0.13 seconds in the video...i have seen a version of this CCTV where he is walking into the distance for a further few seconds when it was first released last year which gives a better view of his gait but i cannot find it online....maybe someone else has kept links to these videos from last year?


Edited by HughJass
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Incidentally, that article was published at right around the time when Somyot was putting himself in charge of the investigation, while the former chief inspector Panya (who was following evidence) was given a promotion and put in a desk job in Bangkok, and told not to say anything publicly about this case. I think Panya will be called as a defense witness. If so, it should be interesting to see what he says on the witness stand, even if he maintains his gag order.

You do realize, since it has been pointed out to you many times, the transfers were announced and published in the news well before the murders took place right? You keep alluding to this as if it was part of some conspiracy and as if the initial investigation was where most of the confusion, false accusations, crime scene handling and all the rest people point to in order to show inept police work occurred.

If I recall the murders took place on the 15th and the transfer was scheduled to happen and did happen on the first. During this two week period police accused many people and found blood on pants that wasn't blood, too many things to list about the crime scene investigation to point to, not checking video of who may have left the isalnd from the pier, announced they had string evidence against probably near a dozen different people including farangs and 6 different Burmese, a plethora of incorrect information released by police, a thai couldn't do it statement and on and on. Point being is that so much that people point to in the police investigation occurred under the first guy you keep wanting to put out there is some sort of person who was taken off the case because he was doing a good job. It was under him that hundreds of DNA samples were gathered, mainly from migrant workers.

Edit: By the way, it was also under Panya that Mon was cleared.

25 September 2014 .... http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1411635247

But police questioned Warot and established that he was not on the island when the murder took place, Pol.Lt.Gen. Panya Mamen said yesterday. Therefore, he is no longer being treated as a potential suspect, Pol.Lt.Gen. Panya said.

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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Pornthip? I rather have Ronald McDonald use a Big Mac like she used the GT-200 Bomb and Cadaver Sensor. At least the Big Mac is edible.

Defense has a dna forensic expert as a witness. Just thought I would let you know as I understand the internet sometimes is troublesome when you live under a rock.

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I do hope the Defence have the smoking gun they implied they had. So far it looks like the prosecution is getting the upper hand

Is this what they refer to as a troll post? ??. Either that or to much white whisky in the village mai me sumong munga!

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Incidentally, that article was published at right around the time when Somyot was putting himself in charge of the investigation, while the former chief inspector Panya (who was following evidence) was given a promotion and put in a desk job in Bangkok, and told not to say anything publicly about this case. I think Panya will be called as a defense witness. If so, it should be interesting to see what he says on the witness stand, even if he maintains his gag order.

You do realize, since it has been pointed out to you many times, the transfers were announced and published in the news well before the murders took place right? You keep alluding to this as if it was part of some conspiracy and as if the initial investigation was where most of the confusion, false accusations, crime scene handling and all the rest people point to in order to show inept police work occurred.

If I recall the murders took place on the 15th and the transfer was scheduled to happen and did happen on the first. During this two week period police accused many people and found blood on pants that wasn't blood, too many things to list about the crime scene investigation to point to, not checking video of who may have left the isalnd from the pier, announced they had string evidence against probably near a dozen different people including farangs and 6 different Burmese, a plethora of incorrect information released by police, a thai couldn't do it statement and on and on. Point being is that so much that people point to in the police investigation occurred under the first guy you keep wanting to put out there is some sort of person who was taken off the case because he was doing a good job. It was under him that hundreds of DNA samples were gathered, mainly from migrant workers.

out of interest do you have a link to that information being published in the news John ? I guess when you come up with it some of us will have to pipe down .

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Incidentally, that article was published at right around the time when Somyot was putting himself in charge of the investigation, while the former chief inspector Panya (who was following evidence) was given a promotion and put in a desk job in Bangkok, and told not to say anything publicly about this case. I think Panya will be called as a defense witness. If so, it should be interesting to see what he says on the witness stand, even if he maintains his gag order.

You do realize, since it has been pointed out to you many times, the transfers were announced and published in the news well before the murders took place right? You keep alluding to this as if it was part of some conspiracy and as if the initial investigation was where most of the confusion, false accusations, crime scene handling and all the rest people point to in order to show inept police work occurred.

If I recall the murders took place on the 15th and the transfer was scheduled to happen and did happen on the first. During this two week period police accused many people and found blood on pants that wasn't blood, too many things to list about the crime scene investigation to point to, not checking video of who may have left the isalnd from the pier, announced they had string evidence against probably near a dozen different people including farangs and 6 different Burmese, a plethora of incorrect information released by police, a thai couldn't do it statement and on and on. Point being is that so much that people point to in the police investigation occurred under the first guy you keep wanting to put out there is some sort of person who was taken off the case because he was doing a good job. It was under him that hundreds of DNA samples were gathered, mainly from migrant workers.

No I don't think he is saying the first bunch where much better than the 2nd lot.

More a case of at least they seemed to have an idea of who carried out the murders.

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Incidentally, that article was published at right around the time when Somyot was putting himself in charge of the investigation, while the former chief inspector Panya (who was following evidence) was given a promotion and put in a desk job in Bangkok, and told not to say anything publicly about this case. I think Panya will be called as a defense witness. If so, it should be interesting to see what he says on the witness stand, even if he maintains his gag order.

You do realize, since it has been pointed out to you many times, the transfers were announced and published in the news well before the murders took place right? You keep alluding to this as if it was part of some conspiracy and as if the initial investigation was where most of the confusion, false accusations, crime scene handling and all the rest people point to in order to show inept police work occurred.

If I recall the murders took place on the 15th and the transfer was scheduled to happen and did happen on the first. During this two week period police accused many people and found blood on pants that wasn't blood, too many things to list about the crime scene investigation to point to, not checking video of who may have left the isalnd from the pier, announced they had string evidence against probably near a dozen different people including farangs and 6 different Burmese, a plethora of incorrect information released by police, a thai couldn't do it statement and on and on. Point being is that so much that people point to in the police investigation occurred under the first guy you keep wanting to put out there is some sort of person who was taken off the case because he was doing a good job. It was under him that hundreds of DNA samples were gathered, mainly from migrant workers.

out of interest do you have a link to that information being published in the news John ? I guess when you come up with it some of us will have to pipe down .

It has been shared numerous times on these threads only for people to come back and act as though this was some quick transfer despite it being announced well in advance and despite the fact October is when they typically do transfers. What is the real joke though is people are acting like he was something special when he was the one who cleared Mon and stated he wasn't on the island.

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