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Koh Tao: Trial opens for 2 accused of killing British tourists


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Another one of my favorite regular posts here is "My Wife(brother sister, friend, or cousin) is Thai and she thinks the 2 accused didn't do these crimes.

What makes you think for even one second that these people are privy to certain information that we don't have? They are subject to the same Social Media Networks, just like most of you, but this time in Thai. Also where all these Spin Doctors creating doubt through false information to cast a Web to catch Fools in it.

Most Thais I know are much more concerned with Rice and Rubber Prices then they are with some Murder in Tim-Buck-To involving Farangs. ,

Are most of the Thais you know actually Thai Expats living in France and not Thailand? Do they spell 'dolphin' as "dauphin' the same as you, or do they still call this mammal a 'pla lomar'. You refer to Thailand as 'Tim-Buck-To' (it's actually Timbuktu), a name often used to refer to a far-off insignificant place. I see you posted that until a year ago you didn't even know Koh Tao existed, unlike the rest of us long term LOS residents. You even have the audacity to post that the murders/trial isn't about us, implying that we've no right to state our opinions. You conveniently forget about the Brits who pay taxes to the UK Inland revenue/Treasury as I do and thereby contributed to the UK Met police visit to Thailand and the British Embassy officials involved in bereaved family support.

As a member of TVF I acknowledge your right to post an opinion, but several of your posts contain enough information about your background for me to question your motives and the 'bullying' methods you use, in an attempt to silence posters who question your diatribes.

Edited by joebrown
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How can you even think about believing a Thai policemen? Thai Police Chief refuses to take Breath test and scolds the people for doing there job. The law in Thailand is if you have a position or money you will never be charged. What was the outcome of the Red Bull punk that killed a Thai policeman. The actress who killed a Thai policeman. Nothing every reported since the killings. I feal sorry for these two young men after seeing how Thai courts do the judging!

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A lawyer contracted by the Burmese embassy to defend two Burmese migrants accused of murdering a British couple on the Thai island of Koh Tao said the men confessed to the crimes on Monday, but told the legal team they had been tortured.

Officials from the Burmese embassy in Bangkok on Monday travelled to the neighbouring island of Koh Samui to meet the two Arakanese migrants who have been remanded in custody pending murder and rape charges. The embassy officials, led by second secretary Htun Aye, were accompanied by Thai and Burmese lawyers, as well as migrant rights activists. The embassy said Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun signed over power of attorney to the legal team contracted by the embassy.

Today, [Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun] signed power of attorney to the embassys legal team, said lawyer Aung Myo Thant on Monday. We will try to offer them any assistance we can from a legal perspective.

Speaking to DVB on Monday, Kyaw Thaung, a representative of the Myanmar Association in Thailand, who attended the interview with the defendants, said, We went to the prison [on Koh Samui] and were allowed to meet with the two freely. They confessed to committing the crime under the influence of alcohol. When asked for further details, they said they bashed the victims two or three times each with the blunt end of a hoe, but not with the sharp end. They said they did it because they were drunk but did not intend to kill the couple.

Could those of you who were brave enough to view the pictures of Hannah and particularly David confirm that the injuries to him could have been made by the blunt end of a hoe!! From everything I have seen and taken in his injuries were not consistent with a implement like that. I'm sure somebody will confirm or deny the possibility. Thanks

From the pictures they look like small splits of the skin which are opened quite wide and look to be not so very deep. Probably to the bone. On the head area it is obviously thin skin and flesh area. The pathologist claims they are what would be expected from a blow with a blunt end of the alleged murder weapon. There was large bruised area around each split.

I can see why people think they are more likely to have been caused with a different weapon but obviously these things can only be asscertained by specialists. I'm sure other specialists will have studied the pictures and expect the defence will use statements from at least one.

Let's be a little more bold. Every wound on David visible is made by a pointed thin weapon, similar to knife wounds only not quite as clean looking.

In my opinion, no way in hell those wounds made by the back of that hoe. The skin is punctured, not ruptured as it would be with the blunt side of that hoe. The blunt end would leave a wound more like a mallet.

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I always shake my head when I read something like "These Poor Boys!" "Take a look at them!" "They couldn't hurt a flea"!

Now let me point out a "Fact" to you all.

Myanmar, and where these so called "Innocent Boys" come from, has the Highest Murder Rate in all of Asia. All of Asia! The Myanmar Murder Rate is triple what it is in Thailand. Meaning by population for every 1 Murder in Thailand, there are 3 Murders in Myanmar. Thailand's Murder Rate is only slightly higher than the USA. But no small wonder they look at Myanmar Workers first when their is a murder committed nearby.

So could they commit murder? You bet your bottom dollar they could! And there own Government Statistics proves that and they can back that up.


These deaths are predominantly because of internal civil wars ... just as the high numbers in Thailand are due to the unrest in the south.

It is not a war just because you are wearing a uniform and then rape and murder innocent civilians. It is a War Crime!

What you're doing is making a very dubious claim of guilt by association, in fact as someone else pointed out there's no evidence that exposure to violence makes a person more likely to commit violence. If it were so WWII for instance would have been followed very soon by a pandemic of violence, or the majority of refugees from war-torn nations would turn out to be killers and rapists.

Sorry but your contention is completely unsupported by evidence.

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How can one respond to someone who after nearly one year doesn't even know who is on trial here? The RPT are not on trial here, nor is Thailand, the people on trial here are 2 Migrant Workers accused of a double Murder, Rape, and Robbery. They are the ones who need defending, and not the RTP. I have no connection to any police force in the world or anyone on this Island, that I did not even know existed a year ago. My opinions are strictly opinions which I try to base mostly on fact and not social media gossip, and my agenda is to shed some light on some twisted facts.

Your very wrong with this statement. While sure the B2 are on trial so is the RTP and the Thai justice system. Everybody and I mean everybody has a story about extortion and cover ups and graft in these areas. So are you denying that extortion isn't carried out by RTP on a hourly basis and that these same authorities aren't responsible or turn a blind eye to most of the criminal activity in Thailand.

And as for for the poor workers in Kao Tao and other Islands do you really thing that the powers that be care about them one bit.

No to them it's just cheap labour from a compromised race who even after employment get deductions and have to pay for so many things that should be taken for granted. You didn't see the Sky reporter live interviewing a Burmese worker on KT. Saying everyone there has to pay to the mafia just to have the right to be there. No, the people running KT don't care one bit about Burmese workers.

Which makes me ask why would the same powers that be lean so heavily on translators and such like if it was Burmese involved.

That's illogical in every way.

This Extortion started in Myanmar, and not in Thailand, when the 2 accused paid good money to someone to be smuggled here and become Illegal Aliens in Thailand in the first place. You can scream and shout at the top of your lungs about Workers Rights,but the reality of it all is they don't have a right to be here in the first place, and thus are not entitled to have Workers Rights. The same as in your country.

When you start out with shady people in the first place, call them mafia if you like, you are stuck with them until the end. Trafficking in Women, Trafficking with Illegal Alien Workers, is almost the same same my friend. How many women and girls get smuggled over the border for the sex trade in different parts of the world? But the big money always starts in their own country.

But this is not on trial here. That goes to the World Court. This case is about a Double Murder and Rape of 2 innocent victims and trying to determine without reason doubt who did this.

Lets see what this retesting of this DNA brings.

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It is not a war just because you are wearing a uniform and then rape and murder innocent civilians. It is a War Crime!

These deaths are predominantly because of internal civil wars ... just as the high numbers in Thailand are due to the unrest in the south.

What you're doing is making a very dubious claim of guilt by association, in fact as someone else pointed out there's no evidence that exposure to violence makes a person more likely to commit violence. If it were so WWII for instance would have been followed very soon by a pandemic of violence, or the majority of refugees from war-torn nations would turn out to be killers and rapists.

Sorry but your contention is completely unsupported by evidence.

Very much like the prosecution's "case"?? whistling.gif

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Apologize if this has been posted before but this is the first time I've seen an extra day added to the trial and we also have confirmation that Dr Pornthip will attend for the defense.

SURAT THANI — The head of Thailand's Central Institute of Forensic Science will testify in defense of two Burmese men accused of killing two British backpackers in southern Thailand last year.

Judges ruled on Friday to add an additional day to the trial to allow for CIFS director Pornthip Rojanasunand to take the witness stand at Koh Samui Provincial Court on 11 September. http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1437793064&section=12

Just have to wait for certain posters now to come along and discredit her some more..yawn

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Can all speculations end here until the court start up again next month ?

We do not need another 100 pages , the repeat button is on daily. We all have our views and there's no need for some of the posters here (you know who you are) to repeat this over and over again. It wont help the case, some of you guys seem to spend your time more in front of your laptop and TV than outside. I am concerned about your health.

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I think "DoDo" should be able to provide a little more than he has to prove he was in Bangkok. He could easily get CCTV from wherever he was that night. Hundreds of thousands of CCTV in Bangkok yet he was in his dorm all day studying for the exams he ditched. I don't buy it.

I can't find the article yet but the Headman said his son wasn't fleeing he was going back for exams... Of course the story changed.

I think this is one where a sacrificial lamb may be all that works for Thailand, meaning giving up one of the elite who orchestrated this mess.

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Can all speculations end here until the court start up again next month ?

We do not need another 100 pages , the repeat button is on daily. We all have our views and there's no need for some of the posters here (you know who you are) to repeat this over and over again. It wont help the case, some of you guys seem to spend your time more in front of your laptop and TV than outside. I am concerned about your health. .................

Says Balo, with 5,000+ posts to my modest (but way more intelligent) 60-odd! wai2.gif

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How can one respond to someone who after nearly one year doesn't even know who is on trial here? The RPT are not on trial here, nor is Thailand, the people on trial here are 2 Migrant Workers accused of a double Murder, Rape, and Robbery. They are the ones who need defending, and not the RTP. I have no connection to any police force in the world or anyone on this Island, that I did not even know existed a year ago. My opinions are strictly opinions which I try to base mostly on fact and not social media gossip, and my agenda is to shed some light on some twisted facts.

Your very wrong with this statement. While sure the B2 are on trial so is the RTP and the Thai justice system. Everybody and I mean everybody has a story about extortion and cover ups and graft in these areas. So are you denying that extortion isn't carried out by RTP on a hourly basis and that these same authorities aren't responsible or turn a blind eye to most of the criminal activity in Thailand.

And as for for the poor workers in Kao Tao and other Islands do you really thing that the powers that be care about them one bit.

No to them it's just cheap labour from a compromised race who even after employment get deductions and have to pay for so many things that should be taken for granted. You didn't see the Sky reporter live interviewing a Burmese worker on KT. Saying everyone there has to pay to the mafia just to have the right to be there. No, the people running KT don't care one bit about Burmese workers.

Which makes me ask why would the same powers that be lean so heavily on translators and such like if it was Burmese involved.

That's illogical in every way.

This Extortion started in Myanmar, and not in Thailand, when the 2 accused paid good money to someone to be smuggled here and become Illegal Aliens in Thailand in the first place. You can scream and shout at the top of your lungs about Workers Rights,but the reality of it all is they don't have a right to be here in the first place, and thus are not entitled to have Workers Rights. The same as in your country.

When you start out with shady people in the first place, call them mafia if you like, you are stuck with them until the end. Trafficking in Women, Trafficking with Illegal Alien Workers, is almost the same same my friend. How many women and girls get smuggled over the border for the sex trade in different parts of the world? But the big money always starts in their own country.

But this is not on trial here. That goes to the World Court. This case is about a Double Murder and Rape of 2 innocent victims and trying to determine without reason doubt who did this.

Lets see what this retesting of this DNA brings.

Do your homework, the RTP tried that also until one of the B2 produced his passport in the court and is not here illegally, yes they had and have the right to be here in Thailand

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The DNA evidence is totally irrelevant now. I'm sure there is no chain of evidence procedure in place to maintain its integrity. It could have been corrupted, doctored to give the result they want, or replaced with the local dog's! A pity, because if used correctly maybe there could have been a fair verdict in this case, with the guilty parties brought to justice.

The DNA evidence is far from irrelevant. Yesterday in court it was stated that the DNA from the 2 Burmese matched the semen found inside Hanna.

If a new sample of DNA from the Burmese matches the semen DNA then this would be pretty damning evidence imo.

If the samples do not match then they are off Scot free I'd guess.


Pshaww! A specialist that examined the actual physical evidence testifying in court that the semen matches the DNA of the men on trial is not evidence!

Some guy saying he heard from some other guy on the Internet that his GF's friend told her that everyone knows you-know-who did it, now that is evidence.


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Apologize if this has been posted before but this is the first time I've seen an extra day added to the trial and we also have confirmation that Dr Pornthip will attend for the defense.

SURAT THANI The head of Thailand's Central Institute of Forensic Science will testify in defense of two Burmese men accused of killing two British backpackers in southern Thailand last year.

Judges ruled on Friday to add an additional day to the trial to allow for CIFS director Pornthip Rojanasunand to take the witness stand at Koh Samui Provincial Court on 11 September. http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1437793064&section=12

Just have to wait for certain posters now to come along and discredit her some more..yawn

I'm sorry but I don't trust that lady 100%.. She is an employee of the state and close with the military. It's a bit worrying they're adding a day specifically for her testimony. It's either good news and she is honest, or it'll be more of the same.

I do hope Pornthip will do the right thing.

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Koh Tao Murder: Top Forensic Scientist to Testify for Defense

By Khaosod Eng.


SURAT THANI — The head of Thailand's Central Institute of Forensic Science will testify in defense of two Burmese men accused of killing two British backpackers in southern Thailand last year.

Judges ruled on Friday to add an additional day to the trial to allow for CIFS director Pornthip Rojanasunand to take the witness stand at Koh Samui Provincial Court on 11 September.

Pornthip’s appearance was requested by the defendants’ lawyers because her agency, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice, is re-examining several pieces of forensic evidence from the case that have only been tested privately by police. Pornthip is well-known in Thailand for disagreeing with police in several high-profile cases.

Four items collected from the crime scene on Koh Tao's Sairee beach, including the garden hoe believed to be used in the murder, have already been sent to the CIFS for a second examination. On Thursday, the court learned that solutions containing DNA traces taken from the victims’ bodies may also be available for a re-test.

Defense lawyer Nakhon Chompuchat said his team is still discussing which additional evidence to send to the forensic institute.

"We want to consult with Dr. Pornthip first," Nakhon told Khaosod English on friday.

-- Khaosod English 2015-07-25

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I think "DoDo" should be able to provide a little more than he has to prove he was in Bangkok. He could easily get CCTV from wherever he was that night. Hundreds of thousands of CCTV in Bangkok yet he was in his dorm all day studying for the exams he ditched. I don't buy it.

I can't find the article yet but the Headman said his son wasn't fleeing he was going back for exams... Of course the story changed.

I think this is one where a sacrificial lamb may be all that works for Thailand, meaning giving up one of the elite who orchestrated this mess.

the long and the short of it is that Worat , DoDo , nomsod , Fresh Milk is going to need a new nick name , there's so much mud been thrown that some will stick , and i am sure that in the circles he would like to move in , and that his father would like him to move in , that he's toxic .

he's already told us his life is ruined , he's tried the Monk card , (just like Suthep ) but couldn't hack it .

looks to me like best he gets is to be a big fish in a very small pond . There's all this stuff about him on social media , and it's going to be real hard to shift that .

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How can one respond to someone who after nearly one year doesn't even know who is on trial here? The RPT are not on trial here, nor is Thailand, the people on trial here are 2 Migrant Workers accused of a double Murder, Rape, and Robbery. They are the ones who need defending, and not the RTP. I have no connection to any police force in the world or anyone on this Island, that I did not even know existed a year ago. My opinions are strictly opinions which I try to base mostly on fact and not social media gossip, and my agenda is to shed some light on some twisted facts.

Your very wrong with this statement. While sure the B2 are on trial so is the RTP and the Thai justice system. Everybody and I mean everybody has a story about extortion and cover ups and graft in these areas. So are you denying that extortion isn't carried out by RTP on a hourly basis and that these same authorities aren't responsible or turn a blind eye to most of the criminal activity in Thailand.

And as for for the poor workers in Kao Tao and other Islands do you really thing that the powers that be care about them one bit.

No to them it's just cheap labour from a compromised race who even after employment get deductions and have to pay for so many things that should be taken for granted. You didn't see the Sky reporter live interviewing a Burmese worker on KT. Saying everyone there has to pay to the mafia just to have the right to be there. No, the people running KT don't care one bit about Burmese workers.

Which makes me ask why would the same powers that be lean so heavily on translators and such like if it was Burmese involved.

That's illogical in every way.

This Extortion started in Myanmar, and not in Thailand, when the 2 accused paid good money to someone to be smuggled here and become Illegal Aliens in Thailand in the first place. You can scream and shout at the top of your lungs about Workers Rights,but the reality of it all is they don't have a right to be here in the first place, and thus are not entitled to have Workers Rights. The same as in your country.

When you start out with shady people in the first place, call them mafia if you like, you are stuck with them until the end. Trafficking in Women, Trafficking with Illegal Alien Workers, is almost the same same my friend. How many women and girls get smuggled over the border for the sex trade in different parts of the world? But the big money always starts in their own country.

But this is not on trial here. That goes to the World Court. This case is about a Double Murder and Rape of 2 innocent victims and trying to determine without reason doubt who did this.

Lets see what this retesting of this DNA brings.

this DNA tests will not be relevant,

as who can guarantee that this samples are the real ones ?? found on the victims,

when they took samples in UK,

there were weeks of time for The RTP under ORDER of the Village Head man to place

the " Correct " DNA's to the victims and eprovettes !!!

Just remember - RTP announced first DNA results even before the samples were in the laboratory in BKK;

Than we even heared, the machine was broken !!

Who beleaves anything and anyone on this tryal ??

I beleave 0,00 %%

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I think "DoDo" should be able to provide a little more than he has to prove he was in Bangkok. He could easily get CCTV from wherever he was that night. Hundreds of thousands of CCTV in Bangkok yet he was in his dorm all day studying for the exams he ditched. I don't buy it.

I can't find the article yet but the Headman said his son wasn't fleeing he was going back for exams... Of course the story changed.

I think this is one where a sacrificial lamb may be all that works for Thailand, meaning giving up one of the elite who orchestrated this mess.

the long and the short of it is that Worat , DoDo , nomsod , Fresh Milk is going to need a new nick name , there's so much mud been thrown that some will stick , and i am sure that in the circles he would like to move in , and that his father would like him to move in , that he's toxic .

he's already told us his life is ruined , he's tried the Monk card , (just like Suthep ) but couldn't hack it .

looks to me like best he gets is to be a big fish in a very small pond . There's all this stuff about him on social media , and it's going to be real hard to shift that .

As much as I hate mindless social media, without it the B2 would already be gone. For that reason I'll tolerate all of the Twitter and tinder you can throw at me.

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Apologize if this has been posted before but this is the first time I've seen an extra day added to the trial and we also have confirmation that Dr Pornthip will attend for the defense.

SURAT THANI — The head of Thailand's Central Institute of Forensic Science will testify in defense of two Burmese men accused of killing two British backpackers in southern Thailand last year.

Judges ruled on Friday to add an additional day to the trial to allow for CIFS director Pornthip Rojanasunand to take the witness stand at Koh Samui Provincial Court on 11 September. http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1437793064&section=12

Just have to wait for certain posters now to come along and discredit her some more..yawn

She discredited herself by her actions. This is a completely justified claim, as she continues to insist that empty plastic boxes, made in the garden shed of confidence tricksters who are now in an English jail for fraud, work as bomb , drug and human remains detectors, through methods "that science can't explain".

You can be very convinced that the case against the two Burmese seems flimsy and incompetent, and still be appalled at the calling of such a person as a defence witness.

There is no discrepancy between wanting the accused in this case to have the best defence possible, and distrusting the objectivity and expertise of one of the defence witnesses. I would not want her defending me, in a case where influence could be brought to bear on her by the people who gave her her job back.

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I recommend to do this if you want peace and quiet from utter ridiculous comments.

Great idea!........... Now for the rest of the Glee club!

Have you seen this......http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run

posted just 10 minutes ago......

The police have arrested a suspect in the murder of two British tourists in Koh Tao and are still hunting for a second suspect who has escaped into Bangkok.

Eighth Region Police Command commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen identified the first suspect as Mon.

He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

He was arrested after evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved, he said.

He also said another suspect is also a son of that village headman. But he has already to Bangkok.

He said both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders.

He said the southern police were coordinating with the metropolitan police to hunt him down, and expected to apprehend him today.

The southern police chief also assured the public that there was no arrest of scapegoats in this murder case as it now is a focal attention of the world.

He also dismissed any suggestion of local mafias or influential people that could twist the investigation with promise that local influence would pose no obstacle to the police investigation.

Instead the police will eliminate all these mafias, he said.

Meanwhile a police source said the police are also looking into the cooperation of those who helped to arrange the suspect to escape. They also will be arrested.

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How can one respond to someone who after nearly one year doesn't even know who is on trial here? The RPT are not on trial here, nor is Thailand, the people on trial here are 2 Migrant Workers accused of a double Murder, Rape, and Robbery. They are the ones who need defending, and not the RTP. I have no connection to any police force in the world or anyone on this Island, that I did not even know existed a year ago. My opinions are strictly opinions which I try to base mostly on fact and not social media gossip, and my agenda is to shed some light on some twisted facts.

Your very wrong with this statement. While sure the B2 are on trial so is the RTP and the Thai justice system. Everybody and I mean everybody has a story about extortion and cover ups and graft in these areas. So are you denying that extortion isn't carried out by RTP on a hourly basis and that these same authorities aren't responsible or turn a blind eye to most of the criminal activity in Thailand.

And as for for the poor workers in Kao Tao and other Islands do you really thing that the powers that be care about them one bit.

No to them it's just cheap labour from a compromised race who even after employment get deductions and have to pay for so many things that should be taken for granted. You didn't see the Sky reporter live interviewing a Burmese worker on KT. Saying everyone there has to pay to the mafia just to have the right to be there. No, the people running KT don't care one bit about Burmese workers.

Which makes me ask why would the same powers that be lean so heavily on translators and such like if it was Burmese involved.

That's illogical in every way.

This Extortion started in Myanmar, and not in Thailand, when the 2 accused paid good money to someone to be smuggled here and become Illegal Aliens in Thailand in the first place. You can scream and shout at the top of your lungs about Workers Rights,but the reality of it all is they don't have a right to be here in the first place, and thus are not entitled to have Workers Rights. The same as in your country.

When you start out with shady people in the first place, call them mafia if you like, you are stuck with them until the end. Trafficking in Women, Trafficking with Illegal Alien Workers, is almost the same same my friend. How many women and girls get smuggled over the border for the sex trade in different parts of the world? But the big money always starts in their own country.

But this is not on trial here. That goes to the World Court. This case is about a Double Murder and Rape of 2 innocent victims and trying to determine without reason doubt who did this.

Lets see what this retesting of this DNA brings.

Actually YOU are Wrong.

One of the accused had papers to work as was not an illegal

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A lawyer contracted by the Burmese embassy to defend two Burmese migrants accused of murdering a British couple on the Thai island of Koh Tao said the men confessed to the crimes on Monday, but told the legal team they had been tortured.

Officials from the Burmese embassy in Bangkok on Monday travelled to the neighbouring island of Koh Samui to meet the two Arakanese migrants who have been remanded in custody pending murder and rape charges. The embassy officials, led by second secretary Htun Aye, were accompanied by Thai and Burmese lawyers, as well as migrant rights activists. The embassy said Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun signed over power of attorney to the legal team contracted by the embassy.

Today, [Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun] signed power of attorney to the embassys legal team, said lawyer Aung Myo Thant on Monday. We will try to offer them any assistance we can from a legal perspective.

Speaking to DVB on Monday, Kyaw Thaung, a representative of the Myanmar Association in Thailand, who attended the interview with the defendants, said, We went to the prison [on Koh Samui] and were allowed to meet with the two freely. They confessed to committing the crime under the influence of alcohol. When asked for further details, they said they bashed the victims two or three times each with the blunt end of a hoe, but not with the sharp end. They said they did it because they were drunk but did not intend to kill the couple.

Could those of you who were brave enough to view the pictures of Hannah and particularly David confirm that the injuries to him could have been made by the blunt end of a hoe!! From everything I have seen and taken in his injuries were not consistent with a implement like that. I'm sure somebody will confirm or deny the possibility. Thanks

From the pictures they look like small splits of the skin which are opened quite wide and look to be not so very deep. Probably to the bone. On the head area it is obviously thin skin and flesh area. The pathologist claims they are what would be expected from a blow with a blunt end of the alleged murder weapon. There was large bruised area around each split.

I can see why people think they are more likely to have been caused with a different weapon but obviously these things can only be asscertained by specialists. I'm sure other specialists will have studied the pictures and expect the defence will use statements from at least one.

Let's be a little more bold. Every wound on David visible is made by a pointed thin weapon, similar to knife wounds only not quite as clean looking.

In my opinion, no way in hell those wounds made by the back of that hoe. The skin is punctured, not ruptured as it would be with the blunt side of that hoe. The blunt end would leave a wound more like a mallet.

not really sure but here is a thought, looking at the pictures of the Hoe it does appear to be one of the heavy variety - so first of all if used in a fight with David (who is quite tall and appears to be fit) and given the fact that accused who are two small men just over 5ft going by the photos, how on earth could one of these tiny boys lift that heavy hoe let alone use it as a combat weapon against someone over 6ft tall, it doesn't seem possible, different if your victim is on the ground incapacitated, I have said it before and I will again, it is my opinion that this crime was committed by more than 2 people and the Hoe was an afterthought used only on Hannah when she was already incapacitated on the ground, the autopsy report claimed that David died through drowning, he may have been incapacitated elsewhere and dumped in the sea and held underwater, yes speculation and just my thoughts

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I always shake my head when I read something like "These Poor Boys!" "Take a look at them!" "They couldn't hurt a flea"!

Now let me point out a "Fact" to you all.

Myanmar, and where these so called "Innocent Boys" come from, has the Highest Murder Rate in all of Asia. All of Asia! The Myanmar Murder Rate is triple what it is in Thailand. Meaning by population for every 1 Murder in Thailand, there are 3 Murders in Myanmar. Thailand's Murder Rate is only slightly higher than the USA. But no small wonder they look at Myanmar Workers first when their is a murder committed nearby.

So could they commit murder? You bet your bottom dollar they could! And there own Government Statistics proves that and they can back that up.


Intentional homicide, as defined by UNODC, is "unlawful death purposefully inflicted on a person by another person"

I have been visiting Burma often since 1997. I have lived there too. It's true that there is a subtantial amount of violence including murder BUT most of it takes place in remote areas with little to zero state control, with plenty of militias and bandit gangs involved in illegal activities (drugs, robbery, gambling, smuggling, human trafficking, etc), a typical phenomena in failed states. The common Burmese (ie. migrant worker, whatever their ethnicity) are surely not more violent than let's say Americans. The communial violence (of last 4 years), negatively affecting the sad statistics above, has nothing to do with the supposedly "endemic murderous mindset" of the Burmese. It's the sad but logic result of NON-governance by a racist and fascist government army systematically manipulating people ("ethnics") for its own sake/agenda. Context is everything in statistical analysis.

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No news prior to the discovery that the DNA why can be retested again.

Why such a Victory Parade over nothing?

Was it because the Top Investigator didn't think to ask the person who was rumored to have an altercation with Hannah? I wonder how he could since his area was on the Island and this Dodo Guy was reported to be in Bangkok. So the person wanted for questioning was now put in the hands of the Bangkok Police. Who cleared him.

Or was this parade about not checking the CCTV Camera at the pier. This pier belongs to the Ferry Boat Company for the loading and unloading of passengers. What do you hope to see from that CCTV Footage. A man getting on board the ferry with a sign on his back saying "I did it"? Or was it the CCTV Footage of some mysterious boat leaving 1 hour after the murders? Wonder how the Defense Team knew this? But if this is it then consider this also.

The time of death for both victims was first reported soon after the discoveries to be between 2 am and 4 am. Obviously 11 months later we know it couldn't be 2 am. But I have never seen one after this report that says different. Not to say it doesn't not exist. Some quoted here 4:30 am. I have no idea where he got that from but lets use that time even for the sake of argument.

This fast Boat was reported to have left 1 hour after the murders. I don't recall it said from the pier, as this is private property of the Ferry Boat Company, but for the sake of argument again, that's say this is so. That places this boat leaving at 5:30 am at the latest. The sun did not come up until after 6 am that day.So how many lights would a Ferry Boat Company put on their pier when they never board passengers at night time or off load them then.

But again if they did have lights how many actually worked? Like 2 out of 3 and like the CCTV Cameras, or less? But under perfect conditions what would you expect to see? Just another grainy picture showing the back of someones head who 25% would say it in Nomsod, 25% would say it was Mon, and 50% would say it looks like there kid brother and wonder where he was that night.

As the Man rightful stated, the CCTV Footage from the pier was not relevant as you are not going to see a bloody thing that time in the morning anyway. Even the partially blind gardener who found his hoe in the dark couldn't see that.

Or lastly was it the Hoe that a police man was questioned about why he didn't turn it in for DNA and he only told the Defense his end of the investigation. That he looked at it through a magnify glass and didn't see any finger prints or blood on it. But then the Specialist for the Forensics comes on the stand and says it was tested for finger prints, and none were found. That the only DNA discovered belonged to Hannah.

I mean if the Defense is going to ask questions why not ask the people involved. How would any police man on the Island know what is going on someplace else with DNA. It is not there job to know that.The same as if you go out and ask a traffic cop in Bangkok to name the 5 Police Men who were on the Island at the morning of these crimes. Chances are he wouldn't know that either, Because it is not his job to know, His job is to direct Traffic in Bangkok. The Investigators job on the Island was to Investigate.

GB, surely you don't take what you are typing seriously? You are saying the Chief investigator on this case should not know:

1: Who collected the DNA samples

2: Who called in the body discovery

3: Whether he expected the attackers clothes to be bloodstained

4: Who the owner of the hoe - the murder weapon - who it belonged to.

5: The officer who interviewed headman's son

6: Whether the headman's son was even interviewed properly

Furthermore, you think it's excusable that this same chief investigator:

1: Did not bother to investigate an altercation at the AC bar, allegedly involving the headmans son and possibly Hannah

2: Suspects the victims last know whereabouts was AC bar but did not investigate there either, and has not pursued or shown footage of CCTV with them leaving

3: Didn't bother to check CCTV footage of the pier as they "didn't think" a suspect would leave that way

4: Didn't bother to investigate reports of a small boat leaving the island in the early morning

5: Doesn't know where the DNA samples collected from the headmans son are, nor does he know who has them - essentilay lost then - and only Police testimony that they were not a match

But Goldbuggy, you think its ok for the lead investigator to be this ignorant. You said it's not his job to know these things, its his job to investigate. Well guess what, he neither knew, nor investigated.

Why, oh Why are you defending them? Can't you see the gross incompetence and lies?

Read this article, and try spinning it


Oh, right, I know - it is a misunderstanding yes? Or lost in translation yes? Or is this the level of Policing you find acceptable?

From that article -

The defence asked the colonel about a rumour that a third man pictured in CCTV on a motorbike with the two accused was a man called Muang Muang.

The man is rumoured to have had a row with the Headman’s son in a bar earlier that night, and Mr Miller was said to have intervened.

The didn't log the call from the person who made the call to the police???? Come on.

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A lawyer contracted by the Burmese embassy to defend two Burmese migrants accused of murdering a British couple on the Thai island of Koh Tao said the men confessed to the crimes on Monday, but told the legal team they had been tortured.

Officials from the Burmese embassy in Bangkok on Monday travelled to the neighbouring island of Koh Samui to meet the two Arakanese migrants who have been remanded in custody pending murder and rape charges. The embassy officials, led by second secretary Htun Aye, were accompanied by Thai and Burmese lawyers, as well as migrant rights activists. The embassy said Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun signed over power of attorney to the legal team contracted by the embassy.

Today, [Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun] signed power of attorney to the embassys legal team, said lawyer Aung Myo Thant on Monday. We will try to offer them any assistance we can from a legal perspective.

Speaking to DVB on Monday, Kyaw Thaung, a representative of the Myanmar Association in Thailand, who attended the interview with the defendants, said, We went to the prison [on Koh Samui] and were allowed to meet with the two freely. They confessed to committing the crime under the influence of alcohol. When asked for further details, they said they bashed the victims two or three times each with the blunt end of a hoe, but not with the sharp end. They said they did it because they were drunk but did not intend to kill the couple.

Could those of you who were brave enough to view the pictures of Hannah and particularly David confirm that the injuries to him could have been made by the blunt end of a hoe!! From everything I have seen and taken in his injuries were not consistent with a implement like that. I'm sure somebody will confirm or deny the possibility. Thanks

From the pictures they look like small splits of the skin which are opened quite wide and look to be not so very deep. Probably to the bone. On the head area it is obviously thin skin and flesh area. The pathologist claims they are what would be expected from a blow with a blunt end of the alleged murder weapon. There was large bruised area around each split.

I can see why people think they are more likely to have been caused with a different weapon but obviously these things can only be asscertained by specialists. I'm sure other specialists will have studied the pictures and expect the defence will use statements from at least one.

Let's be a little more bold. Every wound on David visible is made by a pointed thin weapon, similar to knife wounds only not quite as clean looking.

In my opinion, no way in hell those wounds made by the back of that hoe. The skin is punctured, not ruptured as it would be with the blunt side of that hoe. The blunt end would leave a wound more like a mallet.

A knife would either slash across the skin or cut wounds deep into the flesh, and cleanly. Though something like the tooth of a shark stuck onto the end of a ring would leave ragged puncture wounds.

Another thing. If you were to hit someone with a hoe you'd hold the hoe by the handle for better leverage. Holding it by the sharp end would be more clumsy and less wieldy. But why would you use a hoe when there was plenty of drift wood laying on the beach, which could be thrown into the sea and carried away.

David was partially stripped because he was removing his clothes, folding them up on a rock so that he could retrieve them later, when he was hit from behind from a blow to the back of the head which left him momentarily unconcious. The act of intimacy had not yet taken place. Then the crimes were committed.

The crime was witnessed The witnesses had to be dealt with. In Sean's case, run out of town. In the Burmese case, made out to be the perps.

Of course the case against the B2 was poorly investigated because the RTP knows their case is flimsy. How can you prove a lie when you know it is a lie? While the RTP are hoping for a conviction, I think they would be happy enough if the case against the B2 is dropped, because the real objective of the prosecution is to protect the Thais involved, and thus protecting the image of Thailand. The big cop can stand up in court and lose big face because he is "taking one for the team". He'll be well rewarded for creating lots of smoke and mirrors. Create lots of confusion and the truth gets lost in the fog. We can laugh at the perceived ineptness of the police, we can call them keystone cops, but it's all intentional on their part. All the police want to do, and all the other big guys, is to sweep this mess under the carpet and get back to making money.

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How can one respond to someone who after nearly one year doesn't even know who is on trial here? The RPT are not on trial here, nor is Thailand, the people on trial here are 2 Migrant Workers accused of a double Murder, Rape, and Robbery. They are the ones who need defending, and not the RTP. I have no connection to any police force in the world or anyone on this Island, that I did not even know existed a year ago. My opinions are strictly opinions which I try to base mostly on fact and not social media gossip, and my agenda is to shed some light on some twisted facts.

Your very wrong with this statement. While sure the B2 are on trial so is the RTP and the Thai justice system. Everybody and I mean everybody has a story about extortion and cover ups and graft in these areas. So are you denying that extortion isn't carried out by RTP on a hourly basis and that these same authorities aren't responsible or turn a blind eye to most of the criminal activity in Thailand.

And as for for the poor workers in Kao Tao and other Islands do you really thing that the powers that be care about them one bit.

No to them it's just cheap labour from a compromised race who even after employment get deductions and have to pay for so many things that should be taken for granted. You didn't see the Sky reporter live interviewing a Burmese worker on KT. Saying everyone there has to pay to the mafia just to have the right to be there. No, the people running KT don't care one bit about Burmese workers.

Which makes me ask why would the same powers that be lean so heavily on translators and such like if it was Burmese involved.

That's illogical in every way.

This Extortion started in Myanmar, and not in Thailand, when the 2 accused paid good money to someone to be smuggled here and become Illegal Aliens in Thailand in the first place. You can scream and shout at the top of your lungs about Workers Rights,but the reality of it all is they don't have a right to be here in the first place, and thus are not entitled to have Workers Rights. The same as in your country.

When you start out with shady people in the first place, call them mafia if you like, you are stuck with them until the end. Trafficking in Women, Trafficking with Illegal Alien Workers, is almost the same same my friend. How many women and girls get smuggled over the border for the sex trade in different parts of the world? But the big money always starts in their own country.

But this is not on trial here. That goes to the World Court. This case is about a Double Murder and Rape of 2 innocent victims and trying to determine without reason doubt who did this.

Lets see what this retesting of this DNA brings. [/quote

Interesting points you make about illegal aliens and hard to argue about what happens in situations like you describe. However they were knowingly employed in Kao Tao by the organisations present there so if they didn't take advantage of them they wouldn't be there as is openly acknowledged that the Mafia on the Island run everything. So that makes them accomplices to the Burmese being there no? And also you need to read my post again and understand what I actually said as I was replying to your comments about the RTP are not on trial but I'm sorry in my opinion they very much are. Along with the justice system. I could go on and list so many many examples of wrongdoing in police involvement in cover ups but I think you actually know about them don't you!. Just look at the news over the last couple of weeks.

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Let's not loose sight of the fact that this open and shut case , that now seems to be heading to being thrown out , or to a gross miscarrage of justice , this is the same case that was rejected by the court on at least two occasions .

Hell , what must it have looked like in it's first draft !

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out of interest do you have a link to that information being published in the news John ? I guess when you come up with it some of us will have to pipe down .

It has been shared numerous times on these threads only for people to come back and act as though this was some quick transfer despite it being announced well in advance and despite the fact October is when they typically do transfers. What is the real joke though is people are acting like he was something special when he was the one who cleared Mon and stated he wasn't on the island.

Mon WAS on the island. No only on it, all over it. I think you mean Nomsod was not on the island? We shall see.

Thanks, had the names confused. Bottom line under him they cleared both and the family as well as Sean.

They didn't clear Sean, they got him off the island A.S.A.P. Not really the same as being cleared is it ? well if it fits your conspiracy then it probably is.

And getting names mixed up in a double murder investigation, tut tut.

Then again as with a few other you are not really bothered about those who got killed, just trying to cover the killers.

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A lawyer contracted by the Burmese embassy to defend two Burmese migrants accused of murdering a British couple on the Thai island of Koh Tao said the men confessed to the crimes on Monday, but told the legal team they had been tortured.

Officials from the Burmese embassy in Bangkok on Monday travelled to the neighbouring island of Koh Samui to meet the two Arakanese migrants who have been remanded in custody pending murder and rape charges. The embassy officials, led by second secretary Htun Aye, were accompanied by Thai and Burmese lawyers, as well as migrant rights activists. The embassy said Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun signed over power of attorney to the legal team contracted by the embassy.

Today, [Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun] signed power of attorney to the embassys legal team, said lawyer Aung Myo Thant on Monday. We will try to offer them any assistance we can from a legal perspective.

Speaking to DVB on Monday, Kyaw Thaung, a representative of the Myanmar Association in Thailand, who attended the interview with the defendants, said, We went to the prison [on Koh Samui] and were allowed to meet with the two freely. They confessed to committing the crime under the influence of alcohol. When asked for further details, they said they bashed the victims two or three times each with the blunt end of a hoe, but not with the sharp end. They said they did it because they were drunk but did not intend to kill the couple.

Could those of you who were brave enough to view the pictures of Hannah and particularly David confirm that the injuries to him could have been made by the blunt end of a hoe!! From everything I have seen and taken in his injuries were not consistent with a implement like that. I'm sure somebody will confirm or deny the possibility. Thanks

From the pictures they look like small splits of the skin which are opened quite wide and look to be not so very deep. Probably to the bone. On the head area it is obviously thin skin and flesh area. The pathologist claims they are what would be expected from a blow with a blunt end of the alleged murder weapon. There was large bruised area around each split.

I can see why people think they are more likely to have been caused with a different weapon but obviously these things can only be asscertained by specialists. I'm sure other specialists will have studied the pictures and expect the defence will use statements from at least one.

Let's be a little more bold. Every wound on David visible is made by a pointed thin weapon, similar to knife wounds only not quite as clean looking.

In my opinion, no way in hell those wounds made by the back of that hoe. The skin is punctured, not ruptured as it would be with the blunt side of that hoe. The blunt end would leave a wound more like a mallet.

not really sure but here is a thought, looking at the pictures of the Hoe it does appear to be one of the heavy variety - so first of all if used in a fight with David (who is quite tall and appears to be fit) and given the fact that accused who are two small men just over 5ft going by the photos, how on earth could one of these tiny boys lift that heavy hoe let alone use it as a combat weapon against someone over 6ft tall, it doesn't seem possible, different if your victim is on the ground incapacitated, I have said it before and I will again, it is my opinion that this crime was committed by more than 2 people and the Hoe was an afterthought used only on Hannah when she was already incapacitated on the ground, the autopsy report claimed that David died through drowning, he may have been incapacitated elsewhere and dumped in the sea and held underwater, yes speculation and just my thoughts

I don't disagree with any of that. I also think it was more than 2 men, more likely 2-3.

The only points on that hoe even close to being able to puncture are the corners and they would leave more of a triangle shaped wound, IMO.

Good posts by the way.

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